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Chapter 848: Physician

 It is impossible to personally go out and help Da Qin. His strength is too weak.

"However, if we can improve the national destiny of Great Qin a little bit, then it will also make Great Qin stronger."

"First of all, in terms of luck, farmers and doctors have opportunities, and they may be able to obtain merit."

"Especially doctors"

The first thing Su Fan thought of was the medical skills of later generations, of course the medical skills of Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the surgical skills of later generations of Western medicine.

Needless to say, Hua Tuo’s medical skills were at the top level among doctors throughout history.

Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases" is even more of a masterpiece for doctors.

"Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" is a special book that collects medical theories since the Qin and Han Dynasties and is widely used in medical practice. It is one of the most influential classical medical works in the history of medicine in my country and is also the first major work on clinical therapeutics in my country. .

There is no doubt about the mother’s position in history.

If placed in a world of mythology and written by hundreds of schools of thought during their prosperous times, this theory of febrile diseases and miscellaneous diseases would most likely be transformed into a spiritual treasure of merit and virtue.

This is no joke. Sun Tzu's Art of War was created by Sun Wu, a former military strategist, and that book has become a treasure of merit and virtue.

The same is true for Bian Que's medical manual.

If Su Fan took out this treatise on febrile diseases and miscellaneous diseases, as well as some of the medical scriptures of later generations, and compiled them into a medical scripture, it would be spread all over the world.

By then, I think there will definitely be a lot of luck and merit.

After all, this medical book is of great help to the human race in treating diseases and saving lives.

Su Fan knew this very well. He could feel it in the mortal world, but in this mythical world, it must be even greater.

But the only thing that made Su Fan afraid was that his spread would definitely reveal his identity, which might arouse the fear of gods and Buddhas all over the world.

There might even be someone who couldn't help but take action against him.

After all, this medical manual is much stronger than Bian Que's medical manual. It must be more extensive in terms of content and other aspects.

When the time comes, you will definitely gain more luck and merit, and at the same time, it goes without saying that it will also bless the luck of the human race.

The appearance of those disciples from hundreds of schools of thought has been a great blessing to the destiny of the human race. For this reason, the destiny of the human race has also increased dramatically.

Su Fan is too weak. If someone is willing to deal with him, it is not impossible.

It is true that overpaying such a meritorious person will definitely cause trouble and backlash, but the heaven really wants to suppress the human race.

When dealing with people like Su Fan who have merit and luck, no matter what happens, what's more, if they can snatch their merit and spiritual treasures, it will also be a way to weaken the human race.

The Fire Cloud Cave not only restricts the ancestors of the human race, it is also a kind of protection for the ancestors of the human race.

Many sages of the human race, most of them actually accumulated their cultivation through merit. Some real immortals and celestial beings, although the cultivation of these sages of the human race is like this, they accumulated it through merit after all.

Compared with those who have truly cultivated step by step, they are definitely inferior.

Once you are outside, you will inevitably be coveted by some people with ill intentions. Indeed, they, the ancestors of the human race, have merit and virtue.

But if we really want to take action against them, even if they suffer backlash, some forces are still strong enough to withstand it.

Wasn't Zhuanxu, one of the Five Emperors at that time, attacked by someone?

That was one of the five emperors of the human race. Even Dayu had been attacked before, but Dayu was an emperor who had emerged from a fight, and he was not much different from Xuanyuan.

That's why I was able to survive.

Even Dayu and the other five emperors dared to take action. It is easy to imagine the weaker sages of the human race.

At that time, Cangjie was not only struck by thunder and lightning from heaven and earth, but also many ghosts, gods, and even all races took action against him.

After all, Cangjie's creation of the human race's writing has had an impact on the human race, which is visible to the naked eye. At this point, the human race can preserve its inheritance because of its writing.

And the merits that Cangjie received from creating writing were also massive.

Needless to say, the role of words.

In the prehistoric times, all races had only divine writings. What were divine writings? They were words about the laws of the Great Dao, which could only be comprehended and not passed down.

If it cannot be passed down, then if you want to expand it, you cannot do it.

This is why the inheritance of the monster race or all races is passed down through blood, but for many races, the next generation cannot awaken the blood, which means that the powerful knowledge of many races cannot be passed on.

Later, Kunpeng of the Yao clan created Yao Wen and suddenly became the master of the Yao clan, with a status directly equal to that of the two emperors of the Yao clan at that time.

And the good fortune that Kunpeng had waited for also allowed his cultivation to soar upwards, and he suddenly became a top-level supernatural power user.

It is conceivable that the creation of words will bring subsequent benefits. If Cangjie of the human race does not die, the human race will have a top master in the future.

It's a pity that after Cangjie survived the thunder catastrophe descending from heaven and earth, he did not escape the secret hands of all races.

If Su Fan created a medical treasure book, he would naturally not be able to compare with Cang Jie. After all, among the sages of the human race, I am afraid that the Three Emperors may not be as good as that human literary sage in terms of their contribution to the human race.

But if Su Fan really spreads this medical book all over the world, even to the four major divine states, his contribution to the human race will probably exceed that of the medical doctor Bian Que, and he will become the new medical saint son.

Then he will account for 30%, or even half, of the doctor's luck.

The help for the human race is definitely visible to the naked eye.

Especially combined with some medical skills from later generations, it is definitely a treasure for the human race.

In this mythical age, the lives of ordinary mortals in the human race are still very fragile.

Even though your body may seem very strong, a slight wind chill can make countless people tremble.

"However, it may not be easy to pass this medical book on to future generations."

When Su Fan thought about it, the best way was to rely on the government. Without the help of the government, it would be very troublesome to rely on oneself alone.

After all, a person's energy is limited.

For example, Zhang Zhongjing, who was also a miracle doctor in the late Han Dynasty, actually spread medical skills much more easily than Hua Tuo.

Hua Tuo always relied on himself.

And Zhang Zhongjing was not only himself, he was once the governor of one side, although he later resigned from the position of governor.

Putting aside the reason, in the past few years as the prefect, he was not comparable to Hua Tuo in terms of personal connections.

He had connections from his time as a prefect, and if he wanted to develop his medical skills, even the subsequent government would not embarrass him too much.

And in fact, in ancient times, the status of doctors was not low.

Especially the top miraculous doctors, that goes without saying.

However, now that the Qin Dynasty is in civil strife, it is relatively troublesome for him to spread medical knowledge. This is also what Su Fan is thinking about.

This chapter has been completed!
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