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Chapter 107 Entering the Mountains

 "My tiger cat is so aggressive that no ordinary leopard can bite it!"

Su Xiaofan's words last night suddenly echoed in Shi Kai's mind, which immediately shocked Shi Kai inexplicably, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes unconsciously.

In the ranking of cats, the tiger, the king of beasts, is undoubtedly the first, while the lion is slightly lower, ranking second. Of course, both of them can be ranked first.

The boss of the second gear is undoubtedly the leopard, followed by the lynx, which looks inconspicuous but is actually very ferocious. Both of these animals can easily deal with a single wolf.

Next on the list are tiger cats and leopard cats, which are small carnivorous cats. Compared with the beasts above, they are obviously not on the same level.

But even tigers and lions cannot kill six wild wolves in a very short period of time. At best, they can only drive away the wolves, and there is no way they can achieve the feat of the creature last night.

Combining Su Xiaofan's words yesterday and seeing the dried and condensed blood on the tiger cat's paws, Shi Kai seemed to have guessed the truth of the matter.

This tiger cat is probably far more aggressive than Su Xiaofan said. It can kill a pack of wolves in a short time. This tiger cat's attack power is definitely at the top of the food chain in the Ajin Mountains.

"Brother Shi, what's wrong?"

Seeing Shi Kai's eyes unnaturally moving away from Duobao's body, Su Xiaofan knew exactly what he was thinking.

However, Su Xiaofan didn't explain it. Duobao's attack power was really astonishing. Su Xiaofan didn't know how to explain it. It couldn't be said that it was an extraordinary creature.

"Ahem, it's okay, Brother Su, we will go deep into the Ajin Mountains later, what about you?"

Shi Kai coughed twice unnaturally. Now that he was glanced at by the tiger cat, he felt chilled all over. He no longer wanted to stay here.

And if you want to catch falcon chicks, you really have to go deep into the Ajin Mountains. Usually falcons nest on the cliffs, but you can't even hope to find the falcon's nest at the foot of the mountain.

"I will stay near the military station for a while and see if I can find some meteorites."

Su Xiaofan thought for a moment, took out his mobile phone, and said: "Brother Shi, please be careful on the road. If you come across this type of meteorite, help me put it away. I will buy it at a high price later. If I encounter rare ones, the price

It may be higher than what you pay for selling falcons!”

Although his speed in searching for meteorites was abnormal, Su Xiaofan knew very well that luck was very important in finding this thing.

He has been paying attention to the news about meteorites during this period, and he once saw a report from abroad.

It was a buddy from Britain who accidentally discovered a blue glass-like stone the size of a fist when he was renovating his backyard.

This guy didn't think of it as a treasure at the time, so he threw it away at home. His son, who was in junior high school, saw it and took it to school to show off, saying it was a sapphire. Who knew that the school's geography teacher saw it?

I suspect this is a meteorite.

Later, after identification, it was indeed a lunar meteorite. It was bought by a private collector for US$12 million that year, which caused a sensation.

Su Xiaofan was naturally coveted for this moon meteorite. The glass meteorite weighing forty or fifty grams added fifty points of repair value to him. A meteorite the size of a fist must weigh more than a kilogram. After conversion, it is very likely to bring Su Xiaofan

Harvest thousands of repair points.

This news made Su Xiaofan excited, and he immediately asked Tong Dongjie to find out the buyer's information. However, the price also put him off, and he was afraid that he would not be able to get the meteorite for a while.

Before arriving, Su Xiaofan searched for most pictures of rare meteorites and saved them on his mobile phone. Now he could show them to Shi Kai.

"The price of meteorites is higher than that of falcons?" Shi Kai's eyes widened when he heard Su Xiaofan's words.

"It's a rare meteorite. The quantity is very rare." Su Xiaofan emphasized that ordinary meteorites are not that valuable and have no effect on Su Xiaofan.

"Let me take all these photos of you."

Shi Kai took out his mobile phone. When he arrived at this place, there was no signal. The pictures could not be sent. He could only take pictures and save them in his mobile phone.

"By the way, Brother Su, do you want these wolf skins?"

After taking the photo, Shi Kai pointed to a few dead wolves on the ground and said, "The skin on these things is only valuable, and the wolf teeth can be kept as hanging ornaments."

"Give me some wolf teeth and forget about the wolf skin." Su Xiaofan smiled and shook his head and said, "Brother Shi, aren't these wolves protected animals?"

"What kind of protected animals are they?"

Shi Kai curled his lips and said: "When the mountains are closed by heavy snow, these wolves often attack herdsmen. Those departments are eager for someone to kill them."

"Yes, it is not illegal to kill wolves." Batur said next to him. He had the most say on this matter. In the past, the sheep raised by his family were often bitten to death by wolves and dragged away.

Seeing that Su Xiaofan did not want these wolves, Shi Kai was not polite and got busy with a few of his men. They were very skilled in skinning, and in just over half an hour, all six wolves were skinned.

In Shi Kai's words, two wolf skins can make a wolf skin mattress, and the wolf skin mattress has special effects on rheumatism and cold resistance, so it is no problem to sell it for 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

He found a hole for the bloody wolf corpses and buried them in it. Shi Kai sprinkled some dry lime outside to cover up the smell of blood, and then handed the eight wolf teeth to Su Xiaofan.

There are only four fangs in a wolf's mouth that can be used to make wolf tooth ornaments. The eight that Shi Kai chose are the largest and most beautiful among the wolves.

"Okay, Brother Su, let's leave first."

After finishing these things, Shi Kai said hello to Su Xiaofan, got into the car with his three comrades, and drove all the way to the Ajin Mountains.

In fact, this military station is already the starting point of the Ajin Mountains. If you drive fifty or sixty kilometers further, you will enter the mountain. At that time, the car can only be parked outside and you can climb the mountain with your feet.

"Su, it was bitten to death?"

After Shi Kai and others left, Batur pointed at the tiger cat and asked. If Shi Kai could see it, Batur could naturally see it too.

"It's not about biting him to death, Duobao's claws are very long." Su Xiaofan waved, and Duobao jumped into his arms.

Picking up Duobao's forelimbs, Su Xiaofan said angrily: "Other cats like to be clean, so you lick their paws and it will be bloody."

Following Su Xiaofan's words, Duobao's claws, which were covered with fleshy pads, suddenly stretched out several sharp claws. Under the sunlight, they actually showed a somewhat metallic color.

"Here, these claws are too long. Is this still a cat?"

Looking at Duobao's retracted claws, Batur was dumbfounded. Those claws were just daggers. Now Batur knew how these wolves died.

"It's a cat, a tiger cat, but not an ordinary tiger cat. Batur, don't tell anyone about it."

Su Xiaofan didn't have any precautions against Batur. Along the way, he knew that Batur was a man of few words and would never tell the story about the tiger cat to show off.

"I know." Batur nodded heavily and looked at Duobao with curiosity in his eyes.

"Bring the car over. We've been staying here for the past few days."

The area where the barracks is located is very open, with the Arjin Mountain Cat in front, the Gobi Desert behind, and plains on the left and right. Su Xiaofan believes that there should be a lot of meteorite fragments here.

Moreover, the temperature here is below zero all year round, the altitude is about 3,000 meters, and the air is thin. Those meteorite hunters will definitely not come here to pick up meteorites.

After Batur drove the car over, Su Xiaofan took out the python meat jerky and shared some with Batur and the tiger cat.

Su Xiaofan and Tiger Cat both ate about two kilograms, but Batur ate a little more than half a kilogram and couldn't eat anymore. These giant python dried meats contain the energy of extraordinary creatures, and ordinary people will feel bloated after eating them.

After breakfast, Su Xiaofan was about to go looking for meteorites. Batur grabbed him and said, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"You guard our supplies."

Su Xiaofan shook his head. He used the repair system to search for meteorites. He filtered out the meteorites from the waterfall-like information, and Batur followed him to no avail.

"Okay, if something happens, shoot!" Batur handed a shotgun to Su Xiaofan.

"It's okay, Duobao is here, nothing will happen." Su Xiaofan didn't pick up the shotgun. He had never played with it, and carrying it on his back would be in the way. It would be even more troublesome if it went off.

Glancing at the tiger cat lying on Su Xiaofan's shoulder, Batur nodded. Being able to eliminate a pack of wolves at once was a creature at the top of the food chain even in the Dark Gold Mountains.

Focusing on the abandoned military station, Su Xiaofan took the tiger cat and began to search.

In this desolate place, there were not many small animals, and there were no venomous snakes at low temperatures. Su Xiaofan was able to focus all his attention in his mind.

As long as Su Xiaofan is willing, basically everything he sees can be displayed in the repair system.

However, those land gravels have little restoration value and contain a huge amount of information. What Su Xiaofan has to do is to find meteorites in this information.

The number of meteorites on the earth actually far exceeds people's predictions. It is unknown how many meteorites have hit the earth for countless years. Many of the mountains and landforms now are formed due to meteorite impacts.

In this place where no meteorite hunter has ever set foot, the number of meteorites exceeded Su Xiaofan's imagination. In just one morning, he found more than ten meteorites, and he only walked less than one kilometer away.

It's a pity that these more than ten pieces are ordinary stone meteorites and iron meteorites, which cannot provide him with repair value.

Returning to the military station at noon, Batur cooked a pot of hot soup and ate some python jerky. Su Xiaofan and the tiger cat started searching again.

Su Xiaofan expanded the search area to five kilometers and gained more. Su Xiaofan picked up two meteorites that showed they could be absorbed.

The two meteorites are not big. The larger one is shaped like black jade, only about the size of a thumb, while the smaller one is only about the size of a fingernail, with a color like golden sand shining on it.

For an object of this size, if Su Xiaofan hadn't had a repair system, he would have only been able to find it by lying on the ground and searching inch by inch.

[Magnetmeteorite: Absorbable. Is it absorbed? 】

[Black Diamond Meteorite: Can it be absorbed? Is it absorbed? 】

These two kinds of meteorites were the first time Su Xiaofan had seen, which also shows that not only the solar storm factor meteorites and the moon and Mars meteorites can provide repair value, but other rare meteorites can also increase the repair value.


The effect of rare meteorites on Su Xiaofan was to increase the repair value. Naturally, he would not leave them unused. After finding two absorbable meteorites, Su Xiaofan immediately chose to repair them.

[Repair value: 15 points!]

[Repair value: 25 points!]

As the two meteorites in the palm of his hand turned into ashes, the repair value points in Su Xiaofan's mind also changed.

The magnetite meteorite increased Su Xiaofan's repair value by two points, while the black diamond meteorite increased it by ten points. Su Xiaofan's repair value points increased to twenty-five points.

"It's still too little!"

Cultivating the Great Zhoutian Kung Fu once requires one hundred repair points. Su Xiaofan is still far from it now, and his goal this time is to increase the repair value to more than one hundred points.

Although the meteorites found did not add many points, they also gave Su Xiaofan hope.

Perhaps because most of the land here is frozen soil, the meteorites shattered violently after impacting the ground. There are many common iron meteorites and stony meteorites scattered on the surface.

On the first day, Su Xiaofan only found two rare meteorites, but found a backpack of ordinary meteorites weighing hundreds of kilograms.

Since he came out under the guise of a meteorite hunter, Su Xiaofan collected some ordinary meteorites of relatively good quality and prepared to take them out later.

Although Shi Kai and others left, Su Xiaofan and Batur still lit a bonfire at night.

The Gobi Desert is not as barren as imagined, there are many dry camel thorns, tamarisk and other plants, and they are very resistant to burning.

Among the supplies Tong Dongjie prepared for Su Xiaofan, there was also a lot of solid fuel. Just put two pieces in and it would be enough to burn overnight.

While Su Xiaofan was searching for meteorites, Batur was not idle either. He collected a lot of licorice and rhubarb dates and stewed a pot of hot soup.

In the evening, in addition to the python meat for the tiger cat, Su Xiaofan and Batur ate the quick-heat food they brought. They didn't know how long they would stay here, so Su Xiaofan had to try his best to ensure the tiger cat's food.

There was a tiger cat keeping vigil at night, but Batur did not come forward and got into the tent and sleeping bag in the dark, while Su Xiaofan meditated all night.

Although it feels like the cultivation level has increased, compared with the little Zhoutian who has been cultivated, the progress of this growth is too slow. Su Xiaofan is also increasingly looking forward to more repair values, so that his Great Zhoutian Kung Fu can also be accumulated.

Raised to the limit.

The next day, Su Xiaofan expanded his search scope and searched all the ground within a radius of ten kilometers.

The result cannot be said to be good or bad. Su Xiaofan's repair value has increased by fifteen points, and now it is forty points.

The ordinary meteorites in the carriage weigh hundreds of kilograms more.

Tong Dongjie was right, no man's land was indeed a virgin land for meteorites. Ordinary meteorites were extremely common, and Su Xiaofan could find one almost every 100 meters.

But the reason why rare meteorites are rare is that they are extremely rare. Today, Su Xiaofan only found three pieces in total.

After staying at the military station for more than ten days, Su Xiaofan searched all areas within a fifty-kilometer radius around the military station. As far as he could go, he even ran into the Ajin Mountains on his own feet.

The military depot was now filled with all kinds of meteorites. The big ones weighed hundreds of kilograms, the small ones were only the size of a fist, and some even smaller meteorite fragments. Su Xiaofan simply didn't bother to pick them up.

The meteorites in the military depot now weigh at least three or four tons in total. Su Xiaofan needs to pick out some of the more valuable ones and take them away, while the others can only be thrown here.

Not to mention, although some meteorites cannot increase the repair value, they are expensive in themselves. From the perspective of meteorite collection, they can be considered rare.

Su Xiaofan calculated that the meteorites he found could be sold for three to four million.

Of course, there is no such domestic meteorite trading environment, so if you want to cash in, you still have to get foreign transactions.

[Repair value: 96 points!]

As for the rare meteorites that can increase the repair value, Su Xiaofan has also found a lot. The repair value in his mind now reaches ninety-six points.

There were only four points missing from the 100-point repair value. During these ten days, Su Xiaofan discovered that there was no rule at all in searching for rare meteorites, and it all depended on luck.

Sometimes Su Xiaofan could find rare meteorites that could absorb an increase of thirty points in one day, but sometimes he would get nothing at all in two or three days.

But overall, Su Xiaofan was satisfied, and the number of rare meteorites exceeded his expectations.

Now Su Xiaofan only searched a fifty-kilometer radius and increased the repair value by more than 80 points. If the Ajin Mountains were searched, how much would the repair value in his mind increase?

As time went by, the climate became colder and colder, sometimes reaching more than ten degrees below zero at night. Fortunately, with Batur's logistical support, Su Xiaofan could still eat hot meals every day.

"Batur, I want to enter the Arjin Mountains!"

Sitting next to the bonfire, Su Xiaofan said: "I will go deep into the Ajin Mountains in the next few days. You can wait for me here, or you can go back to Qianghuang County first."

During these days of searching, Su Xiaofan was deeply aware of the dangers of the no-man's land. Not to mention the lack of oxygen on the plateau, the oxygen content here was only about 50% of that outside.

The most frustrating thing is the climate. In these ten days, Su Xiaofan experienced sudden hailstorms and sudden drops in temperature.

One moment there is the sun overhead, and the next moment hailstones as big as peas are falling from the sky, and a sudden temperature difference of twenty degrees in just one or two hours is very common.

In the past few days, Su Xiaofan also encountered two bears wandering in the Gobi Desert. Once there was a pack of wolves, and there was no shortage of food. Su Xiaofan didn't bother to kill them. Each time, he used the magic of traveling thousands of miles to avoid them.


In the more than ten days in the wild, Su Xiaofan's ability to travel thousands of miles has made great progress. He feels that if he takes a further step in practice, he may be able to shrink to an inch, but he can save 30 points of repair points to cultivate.

However, Su Xiaofan still needs five hours to run the Great Zhou Tian Kung Fu once, which is still far behind the six minutes of the Small Zhou Tian Kung Fu. Su Xiaofan feels that if he wants to practice the Great Zhou Tian Kung Fu to the extreme, it will probably take at least twenty or thirty years.

Years of hard work.

In other words, Su Xiaofan had to open up the Great Zhoutian meridians to be able to work here. He felt that if Little Zhoutian came in, he would never survive in the wild for three days.

Even so, with Su Xiaofan's physique, he would feel very tired after walking for a whole day. He did not think Batur had the ability to go deep into the Arjin Mountains with him.

"I'll go in with you!" Batur shook his head and said, "I am the guide, I can't let you go by yourself!"

"It's safe for me to go in by myself." Su Xiaofan shook his head and said, "If I take you with me, I will be in danger. Batur, what I told my friend is the truth!"

Su Xiaofan knew that Batur had a very straightforward temper and he would not be angry if you told the truth. On the contrary, if you deceived him, you would definitely not even be a friend.

"Then, I'll wait for you here!" After hearing Su Xiaofan's words, Batur said angrily, but he was not unconvinced.

Batur had gone out with Su Xiaofan for a day before. He originally thought that his skills and experience of surviving in no man's land could help Su Xiaofan.

But what Batur didn't expect was that, let alone helping, he couldn't even keep up with Su Xiaofan's speed. Not even five minutes after leaving the military station, he couldn't even see Su Xiaofan's shadow.

Batur is a relatively pragmatic person and has no intention of competing with Su Xiaofan, so he has been staying at the military depot these days to ensure Su Xiaofan's logistics.

"You drive me to the mountain pass tomorrow, and then you drive back. I will only bring food, water, fuel and sleeping bags and tents!"

Su Xiaofan thought for a moment and classified the things he wanted to take away.

You must bring python jerky with you. After spending so many days, there are still more than 100 kilograms left. Adding water, fuel and tent items, the total load is more than 200 kilograms. It has no impact on Su Xiaofan.


Early the next morning, Batur sent Su Xiaofan to the mountain pass. Carrying a backpack that was almost as tall as himself, Su Xiaofan started to go up the mountain.

The Ajin Mountains are not the kind of abrupt and high peaks, but undulating mountains. The altitude gradually increases upwards, so the field of vision presented to Su Xiaofan is still very broad.

Different from the foot of the mountain, when walking up the mountain, the daytime temperature drops directly to below zero, the ground is covered with hard frozen soil, some perennial snow can be seen everywhere, and the oxygen content is much lower.

"Those buddies are amazing for being able to stay here for so many days."

Thinking that Shi Kai and those people had not shown up, Su Xiaofan felt a little impressed. This kind of environment made him feel a little uncomfortable, let alone ordinary people.

On the other hand, the little tiger cat didn't feel any discomfort in this environment. It was running behind Su Xiaofan, but Su Xiaofan didn't notice. This little guy even caught a rabbit from somewhere.

"You can eat it yourself."

Seeing the tiger cat offering a treasure, Su Xiaofan couldn't help but laugh. He had just eaten breakfast before coming here, and he was too lazy to roast the rabbit, so he simply let the tiger cat eat it by himself.

Unlike the Gobi Desert where there are still some weeds and gravel, Su Xiaofan discovered after entering the mountain that the ground was almost all hard brown frozen soil. Occasionally, outcropping rocks could be seen, but the gravel was basically invisible, and the plants were also invisible.

Very rare.

Su Xiaofan was not disappointed, because in just over an hour after entering the mountain, Su Xiaofan found more than ten meteorites, including a rare meteorite that could be absorbed.

[Repair value: 99 points!]

Seeing that the repair value had increased by three points, Su Xiaofan was very satisfied. He was now on a gentle slope. The meteorites were all found at the bottom of the slope, and they obviously rolled down the slope.

In addition to the rare meteorite that increased by three points, two of the meteorites are also quite valuable and can be sold for fifty or sixty thousand yuan. Su Xiaofan has gained a lot just after entering the mountains.

"There should be meteorites at the bottom of every hillside!" This discovery made Su Xiaofan excited for a while.

Unlike the Gobi Desert outside, meteorites cannot be stored in sloping areas, and a gust of wind may blow them down. It is much easier to search for meteorites here than outside.

It’s more than 6,000 words, and 12,000 is considered the limit for a fat man. Thank you for the reward, thank you all for your support. Well, friends who are qualified will subscribe to the first chapter. Thank you very much!

This chapter has been completed!
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