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Chapter 261: The Transformation of Social Form

 I don’t know where the spiritual energy of the Teleportation Hall comes from, but it is extremely abundant.

The traces of spiritual energy were like drizzle, but at this moment, they were suddenly pulled by a huge gravitational force, and they all poured into Su Xiaofan's body.

The spiritual energy in the teleportation hall became chaotic.

Originally, the spiritual energy generated in the palace could spill out eight points, but at this moment, it could only spill out two points at most, and the rest rushed towards Su Xiaofan.

As a Yang Shen cultivator, even if there is a chance, if you want to advance, you will have to practice hard for at least ten or eight years, and the amount of spiritual energy you absorb can be said to be astronomical.

At this moment, Su Xiaofan had compressed the more than ten years of cultivation for others into just half a year, and needed to break through two realms of Yangshen Realm.

Just like a long whale sucking water, a massive amount of spiritual energy filled every cell in Su Xiaofan's body.

But with the operation of the technique, these spiritual energies were refined and absorbed almost instantly, continuously deepening Su Xiaofan's cultivation.

After taking a look at the time required for this practice, Su Xiaofan completely immersed himself in it and entered a state where he forgot both things and himself.

"What's going on? The spiritual energy seems to be much thinner?"

Jing Shizhen, who was practicing, opened his eyes and frowned.

Although Jing Shizhen's ability to sense the strength of spiritual energy is far inferior to that of Yangshen realm cultivators, such obvious fluctuations can still be detected.

"Brother Jing, is it because of Xiaofan's cultivation?"

Aunt Mei also stopped practicing and looked at the center of the blessed land.

"Let's go and have a look." Jing Shizhen nodded.

At this moment, Su Xiaoxiao and three others were heading to the teleportation hall. The weakening of their spiritual energy had greatly reduced their cultivation efficiency, so they naturally wanted to check out the reason.

"Don't go there, Xiaofan is practicing in seclusion."

A group of people gathered in the yard of Su Weixuan and his wife, and the reason for the weakening of the spiritual energy was also answered.

"Is my brother a glutton? He can eat so much."

Su Xiaoxiao curled her lips. The teleportation hall not far away had become misty and looming due to the concentration of spiritual energy.

"It's rare for your brother to practice cultivation, so let him do it first."

Su Weixuan said: "I want to protect him here. You can continue to practice, or you can go out for a while."

Although the spiritual energy is much weaker than before, it is still much stronger than the one or two hundred people outside fighting for spiritual energy in a restricted area. It's just that Su Xiaoxiao and others are used to practicing in places with abundant spiritual energy, so they can feel it so obviously.

"Dad, let's go out and play for a few days."

Several girls discussed it and decided to go out and live for a while. Anyway, practicing now is not efficient.

"Axiang and I should also go out, we will go back to Xiangjiang for a visit."

Jing Shizhen thought for a while and decided to take advantage of this time to deal with some mundane and complicated matters. After all, he still had a huge industry to manage.

However, in recent years, Jing Shizhen has basically let go of the Jingxin Hall, and many Jingxin Halls in various places have been closed. Jing Shizhen has focused her main energy on cultivation.

"Okay, but Xiaoxiao, you are not allowed to take on tasks from relevant departments."

Su Weixuan told his daughter that the tragedy that occurred in the Death Zone had only been a few days, and the recent operations to clear the zone had come to a complete halt.

However, the clearing of restricted areas is the general trend. I believe that after a more rigorous clearing plan is formulated, the clearing operations will continue.

After Jing Shizhen and others left, the blessed land suddenly became peaceful.

Xuanrui stayed with her husband, and this was the most peaceful time the couple spent after Xuanrui recovered.

But outside the blessed land, there was a bloody storm.

The tragedy that occurred in the Death Forbidden Zone cannot stop cultivators from invading the restricted zone.

After more than ten days of rectification, the strength of each team preparing to enter the penalty area has been strengthened.

Even restricted areas with only ordinary extraordinary beings are often equipped with a Yangshen realm cultivator to guard the formation to prevent accidents from causing a large number of casualties among cultivators.

As a result, the speed of clearing restricted areas has been accelerated a lot. Almost every day on the Xiuzhe APP, there is news that new restricted areas have been captured by cultivators.

More than five months later, nearly 300 restricted areas were all in the hands of cultivators.

Most of the restricted areas in the country, except for the Lobu restricted area, the death restricted area and several restricted areas with very harsh environments, basically declare the victory of human cultivators.

Every time a restricted area is conquered, it means that a certain number of cultivators can enter and practice.

Today's restricted areas are like the cave heaven paradise in ancient times, where tens of thousands of cultivators are cultivating arduously.

That's right, in the outside world where spiritual energy is gradually recovering, thousands of Qi-training practitioners have emerged over the past year or so, and have been accepted by relevant departments and various sects and aristocratic families.

The purpose of clearing out restricted areas is to provide these new disciples with a place to practice. Many sect families have even relocated their residences to some restricted areas.

In the outside world today, cultivators are springing up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and the social form is slowly beginning to change.

In the past society, universities were nothing more than learning mathematics, physics, chemistry and art, and all subjects were within the framework of science.

But three months ago, a very famous domestic scientist proposed a shocking theory.

That is where the end of science is theology.

This theory has actually been proposed by people for hundreds of years. The most famous ones are Newton more than 300 years ago and Einstein more than 100 years ago.

These two can be said to be the greatest scientists in the past thousand years. They have proposed theories that are completely contrary to science and are worth thinking about in themselves.

However, due to the underdeveloped communication media at that time, this theory was suppressed by the mainstream scientific community and did not have much impact on ordinary people.

However, the theory proposed by the scientist this time triggered a national discussion.

Coupled with the deliberate guidance from relevant departments and some practitioners’ unintentional personal statements, this topic suddenly exploded.

Cultivators began to enter the public eye, and many things that exceeded human limits were reported.

For example, when a fire broke out in a ten-story building, a cultivator climbed up the rock with bare hands, rescued the child and jumped from the tenth floor.

There was also a car accident on the highway. The driver was trapped in the car and was about to burst into flames. Some cultivators ripped off the iron sheet of the car to rescue him.

Many reports have videos and the truth, and relevant departments began to launch training classes in high schools at the right time and opened training academies in various universities.

In the past, it was somewhat concealed and only some aerobics were introduced, but now it has been promoted at the national level, and it has suddenly ignited the enthusiasm of the whole people for cultivation.

The universal version of Qi training period exercises has also begun to be promoted in society. Anyone who is interested can download it from the Internet and practice it.

Although it is better to practice cultivation as early as possible, there are also ordinary people who have extraordinary talents but missed the practice and became practitioners within a period of time.

The population base of China is really too large. This number was only a few hundred or thousands at first, but after a few months, it surged to tens of thousands.

And this growth is still increasing. According to estimates from relevant departments, the ratio of ordinary people to cultivators can reach 100:1 in three years.

In other words, among a hundred ordinary people, there will be one cultivator, and then there will be tens of millions of cultivators in China.

If spiritual energy continues to seep out from the restricted area, making the spiritual energy in the outside world more abundant, then this number will further increase.

Xia uses martial arts to break the law, and having cultivation qualifications does not mean that his character is good. Reiki does not judge whether a person is good or bad.

If the management of these cultivators has become the most important task of the relevant departments, laws applicable to cultivators were quickly formulated.

If a cultivator breaks the law against ordinary people, the crime will be increased by one degree. The original sentence is ten years, but if it is a cultivator, he may be shot directly.

This also shocked a group of cultivators who suddenly gained strength and had overwhelming self-confidence.

Relevant departments have even developed a magical weapon specifically for cultivators to seal off their true energy, allowing them to stay in prison like ordinary people.

In the law enforcement departments of various cities, branches of relevant departments have been established. This department is specially used to register and manage cultivators. Once ordinary people become cultivators, they must register with this department.

Cultivators who have not registered will be arrested by relevant departments once discovered, and will be released into society only after undergoing ideological transformation under centralized management.

Moreover, unregistered cultivators cannot choose to join the sect or relevant departments, and they cannot obtain further cultivation techniques.

The Cultivator APP is also very attractive to these people. They cannot download and register without registering. This also makes many cultivators go to the relevant departments to treasure it immediately after practicing the sense of Qi.

Xiuzhe APP has developed a new function, which is teacher selection.

In the "Master Sect" option, there are information about each sect and family. The practitioner can choose, fill in his or her own information, and then submit it.

The choice is mutual. If the sect family has reviewed the information and feels that the person who submitted the information has good character and qualifications, they can be admitted into the sect.

In addition to the apprenticeship option of a sect family, cultivators also have a better option, which is to join a relevant department.

In relevant departments, they can not only obtain systematic cultivation techniques, but also become staff members of relevant departments.

Remuneration in relevant departments is very good. In addition to high salaries, there are also some privileges that ordinary people do not have. It is definitely the most sought-after profession in society today.

Of course, after joining relevant departments, these practitioners must also perform relevant obligations.

Not only do they need to complete training assessments every quarter, but they also have to become law enforcement officers of relevant departments in various cities after being trained.

According to statistics from relevant departments, 80% of the newly promoted cultivators have chosen to join relevant departments, which has greatly alleviated the dilemma of manpower shortage in relevant departments.

The remaining 20% ​​of cultivators, who are often younger and have outstanding cultivation talents, have been promised many benefits by various sects and aristocratic families, and have joined the sects and aristocratic families as a reserve force.

In addition, according to the laws of the relevant departments, leaking exercises other than the universal version is a felony. Once discovered, one's cultivation will be revoked and legal responsibility will be pursued.

This closes the loophole in which cultivators are not at the level of relevant departments due to private transmission of exercises.

Once these policies were introduced, some new practitioners with evil intentions could only obey the management obediently.

It can be said that in the past six months, the social situation outside has undergone earth-shaking changes, but there has been no turmoil.

Under the correct guidance of relevant departments, the vast majority of people have accepted the term personal evolution, which means that through practice, one can strengthen oneself.

There is no conflict between personal evolution and scientific development.

On the contrary, after some scientific and technical personnel became cultivators, their brains seemed to be broader than before, and some new scientific and technological achievements were constantly emerging.

However, the infiltration of spiritual energy is a silent process of moisturizing things. It will take at least five to ten years for more cultivators to emerge.

Reiki recovery is global, and many changes are taking place abroad.

In some ancient civilizations, many descendants of characters from myths and legends have appeared, such as the descendants of gods in ancient Greek mythology, which have emerged in various countries.

In addition, there are many self-evolved superpowers abroad. The initial appearance of these superpowers caused great turmoil in society.

Images like Spider-Man and Superman appear in the eyes of foreign people from time to time, and many people exclaim that the comics will become reality.

Later, foreign countries also learned from China's methods, established departments specifically to supervise these superpowers, and began to slowly guide the public to introduce superpowers.

The changes in social form have now changed from a technological society to a society where technology and personal evolution coexist, and it has gradually been accepted by the vast majority of people.

In real society, the worldview of many young people has also changed.

In the past, young people chased celebrities and idols, but now idols are no longer popular. In their eyes, cultivators who fly to the sky and escape from the earth are the objects of worship.

Under the deliberate publicity of relevant departments, the images of some high-level cultivators often appear on TV.

Some smart businesses even hire high-level cultivators with good image to endorse their products.

Those high-end commercials that fly into the sky and escape from the earth are all shot in real scenes. Wia has begun to gradually lose its market among film and television photographers.

The culture of cultivators has slowly affected all aspects of society.

With Su Xiaofan's support, the last incident was not ultimately traced to an individual, and Hualong was still in charge of the relevant departments.

In fact, Hualong has done a very good job. Now the social situation is slowly changing, Hualong is definitely responsible for it, and the power it holds is becoming more and more powerful.

With the continuous recovery of the earth's spiritual energy, more than ten Yangshen realm cultivators have emerged in the past few months.

However, most Yang Shen cultivators are practicing in seclusion in various restricted areas, and most of those active outside are cultivators below the foundation building stage.

Su Xiaofan, who had been silent for more than five months, has not only not been forgotten in this era of rapid changes, but has become a very famous name as a cute and cute little boy.

This is because the meteorite trading post that Su Xiaofan posted, as the number of cultivators continues to increase, there are more and more meteorite pictures behind that post.

Before Su Xiaofan went into seclusion, he gave his mobile phone to Master and asked Jing Shizhen to help him handle the meteorite transaction.

So even though Su Xiaofan went into retreat, this transaction was always going on, and many people earned points by selling meteorites.

Due to the thin spiritual energy of Mangshan Paradise, Jing Shizhen stayed outside all the time. In a few months, he helped Su Xiaofan collect seventy or eighty rare meteorites.

Of course, whether these meteorites can be absorbed will have to be known by Su Xiaofan himself after he comes out of seclusion.

However, exchanging a few cultivator coins for a meteorite did not put any pressure on Su Xiaofan who had two thousand cultivator coins.

Jing Shizhen worked hard to help him exchange it, and so far it has only cost him seventy or eighty cultivator coins.

Su Xiaofan naturally knew nothing about what was happening in the outside world.

Now, Su Xiaofan was completely immersed in cultivation and could not feel the passage of time at all.

Both his cultivation and his spiritual consciousness were increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Su Weixuan, who was protecting Su Xiaofan outside, could feel the changes taking place in his son almost every day.

The pressure brought by Su Xiaofan's spiritual consciousness only took two months from the middle stage of Yang Shen to the late stage.

When Su Xiaofan entered the fifth month of seclusion, Su Weixuan had already felt the pressure. In other words, Su Xiaofan's consciousness may have surpassed his now.

And within Su Xiaofan's body, huge changes also occurred.

Previously, in Su Xiaofan's dantian, there was just a golden elixir with a round outline formed by spiritual power. Now it has completely solidified.

The dripping golden elixir is as big as a glass ball, its whole body is golden, and all the strands of spiritual energy are sucked into it.

Even Su Xiaofan's spiritual consciousness was contained in the golden elixir, which made Su Xiaofan feel very strange.

He felt as if he had returned to the state of his mother's womb, and his thoughts were contained in chaos.

Moreover, Su Xiaofan felt that his thinking seemed to be slowly evolving, and the group of consciousness had begun to take on the outline of limbs.

Su Xiaofan, who was completely immersed in the golden elixir, had a feeling that perhaps after his spiritual consciousness truly evolved into a human form, the time would come to break the elixir and become a baby.

At this moment, Su Xiaofan did not notice that his physical body had also undergone great changes.

The physical body that has been wrapped in the spiritual energy for several months seems to be assimilated by the spiritual energy. It is completely transparent, even the internal organs.

This is Su Xiaofan's physical body, which is gradually evolving towards the next life leap.

When Su Xiaofan's physical bones and even cells are completely energized, the next life transition will be completed.

At that time, Su Xiaofan didn't know if he was still a human being.

By then, although Su Xiaofan's external form will be the same as that of a human being, his life has already evolved to another level.

However, the cultivation of skills this time was not enough for Su Xiaofan to evolve into that form.

As for the natal flying sword above Su Xiaofan's dantian, the refining has been completed long ago, but during the refining process, the flying sword is constantly extracting Su Xiaofan's unconscious mental power.

And these mental powers seem to be slowly undergoing some kind of change when the Feijian is being refined, as if they are being separated from Su Xiaofan's main consciousness and becoming the consciousness of the Feijian itself.

Soul-nourishing wood can nourish unconscious mental power, thereby causing the mental power to generate a kind of spirituality.

Su Xiaofan didn't know that his natal flying sword was evolving into a spiritual weapon. This evolution would bring him unexpected benefits.


It seems that Qidian has updated the lottery, and there will be 5,000 words in the evening

This chapter has been completed!
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