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Chapter 314 Black Market Purge

"It seems that there should be cultivators from other galaxies who have come to the Milky Way."

Looking at the ring on the madrigal singer, Su Xiaofan had some suspicions in his mind.

According to Immortal Lord Guanghan, there is no cultivator civilization in the Milky Way, only a third-level technological civilization.

But the storage equipment that Muge obtained requires the mental power of cultivators to refine it, and it is clearly a product of cultivators' civilization.

However, this is not impossible. After all, the Milky Way is a galaxy where interstellar trade has been opened. It is normal for cultivators to come here along with the trading caravans.

But why that cultivator was hunted down by the Purple Blood Civilization, and how he escaped to the garbage star, Su Xiaofan couldn't guess.

After all, Su Xiaofan is now in the same situation. With his consciousness damaged, he can't even get out of this garbage star, so he is trapped here.

"Master, is the problem serious?"

Seeing Su Xiaofan's silence, Mu Ge suddenly felt pressure in her heart.

You know, Boss Adam has been domineering in their gold mining area for more than ten years, and no one can do anything to him.

Even though Boss Lin has been suppressing Adam, Adam, who has connections in the main city, is still living a happy life and will challenge Boss Lin's status from time to time.

"What's the serious problem?"

Su Xiaofan looked at Mu Ge strangely. The cultivator civilization was killed in the Milky Way. What does it have to do with him, let alone how serious it is.

"Boss Adam, he knows I'm fine and he won't let me go."

Although Maduge's strength has grown rapidly, his mentality has not improved accordingly.

Now, Pastoral still thinks that he is that weak gold digger. Facing the behemoth like Boss Adam, he will be naturally afraid.

"Adam? Who is he?"

Su Xiaofan curled his lips when he heard this. It was just a regional evil force. With Mu Ge's current cultivation level, it would be very easy to kill that Adam.

"Onions? Master, what are onions?" Mu Ge blinked and looked at Su Xiaofan with some confusion.

"Ahem, trash, just think of Adam as trash."

Su Xiaofan coughed and accidentally brought up the term "Earth". There was no onion on this garbage planet.

"Trash?" Mu Ge somewhat understood what Su Xiaofan meant.

"Well, isn't he looking for you? Go and kill him."

Su Xiaofan said casually: "After finishing Adam, let's go to the main city and see if we can find what I need."

"Shall I...shall I deal with Boss Adam myself?"

Mu Ge swallowed and repeated the master's words.

As the number two figure in this gold mining area, Boss Adam is always followed by more than ten people.

Most of these more than ten people are purple-blooded people who have committed crimes in various major cities and then re-registered their identities with Boss Adam.

If he was asked to deal with two or three purple-blooded people, Mu Ge would be relatively confident, but if he was asked to go up against Boss Adam alone, Mu Ge would have no confidence at all.

"Of course, they are just ordinary people. You can beat a hundred of them now."

Su Xiaofan looked at Mu Ge with amusement. His disciple had no strength now, but his state of mind was not up to par at all.

Even if cultivators in the middle stage of Qi training are at the bottom of cultivator civilization, they are not something that ordinary people with technological civilization can deal with.

Let’s not talk about the strength of a cultivator’s personal force compared to technological weapons, but in a small-scale fight like this, Madge can kill them instantly.

Of course, Madrigal cannot resist laser guns yet. When doing so, it still needs to dodge gun attacks.

"I...can I fight a hundred by myself?"

Mu Ge was indeed convinced by Su Xiaofan in front of him, but he still hesitated about this sentence.

"Let me refine a weapon for you."

Seeing Mu Ge's unconfident look, Su Xiaofan shook his head.

As a disciple, I have already entered the sect, and as a master, I have to give him a gift.

With a thought, a thin layer of the top of the horn of the dragon and rhinoceros in Su Xiaofan's personal space was cut off abruptly.

Although it is only one layer, when taken outside, it is about fifty centimeters thick and about two meters long.

The unicorn material floated in the air in front of Su Xiaofan, and was wrapped in a layer of blue flames. After a moment, it turned into a ball of liquid.

This dragon rhinoceros horn was originally a top-grade weapon refining material, and Su Xiaofan did not add any other materials.

The flame was still burning for a quarter of an hour. The ball of liquid, which was originally the size of a football, was finally stripped of impurities and became only the size of a fist.

Su Xiaofan directly used the shape of his original flying sword to construct the liquid into a flying sword about one foot long.

When the flames dissipated, the unremarkable dagger, which was brownish-gray in color, appeared in front of Pastoral.

"Master, this...is this a flying sword?"

Mu Ge looked at the flying sword in front of him, and it was difficult to connect it with the flying sword in sword control. The appearance of this dagger was really too ordinary.

"Well, you need to keep the sword close to your body, and then use the method of cultivating the flying sword in the art of sword control, and cultivate it every day."

Su Xiaofan nodded and said: "When you advance to the late stage of Qi training, you will be able to put the flying sword into your Dantian. At that time, you will be considered successful in sword control."

The garbage star has not been sealed by cultivators, and the energy aura diffused on the planet is not comparable to that of a real cultivator-civilized planet.

But it is still many times stronger than the sealed earth.

A cultivator who practices Kung Fu on a junk planet will probably be much stronger than a cultivator on Earth in the late stage of Qi training at the late stage of Qi training.

"Yes, Master, I will take it with me every day."

After hearing Su Xiaofan's words, Mu Ge no longer had doubts and took the dagger in front of him into his hand.

"This sword is so fast!"

Madge originally wanted to test the sharpness of the sword blade, so he lightly touched it with his hand, and a cut was immediately made on his finger.

"I thought you wanted to shed your blood and confess your master."

Su Xiaofan made a joke with Mu Ge. The flying sword he refined did not have the function of recognizing its owner by dripping blood.

Instead, you need to use your true energy to nourish the sword body, and use your spiritual power to nourish the sword's intention. When Mu Ge reaches the later stage of Qi training, he can naturally absorb it into his body.

Mu Ge realized that the master was joking with him, and didn't take it seriously. He gestured excitedly with the dagger in his hand.

The Junk Planet also has knives and cold weapons, and Mu Ge has a few here. After finding them, Mu Ge pitted them against the dagger in his hand.

Needless to say, those seemingly sharp alloy knives were vulnerable to a dagger. It was only then that Maduge truly understood the power of the dagger.

"Master, I'll go right now."

Having just eaten the dragon and rhinoceros meat, Mu Ge felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he also planned to make a quick decision and get rid of Adam as soon as possible.

"Well, do you want me to follow?" Su Xiaofan looked at Mu Ge.

"No, I'll try it myself."

Pastoral laughed, and with that sunny look, he didn't look like he was going to find someone to fight with at the next moment.

"Well, your cultivation speed is too fast and you lack the training of actual combat. Go ahead and be careful."

Su Xiaofan nodded and said nothing more.

Mu Ge found a belt, tied the dagger around his waist, then put on his personal brain and sent a message to Uncle Niu.

Although Pastoral is young, he is very methodical in doing things.

Pastoral didn't know where Boss Adam was now. If Boss Adam was in the black market, he could only wait outside the black market and wait for Boss Adam to come out before taking action.

"Boss Adam had a deal with someone today, but not on the black market?"

Looking at the message returned by Uncle Niu, Mu Ge had some thoughts in mind, "Master, then I'll go!"

"Go!" Su Xiaofan waved his hand and watched Mu Ge leave the room.

However, after Mu Ge left, Su Xiaofan also followed him out. This was the first disciple he had accepted from an alien planet, and Su Xiaofan was still very concerned about it.

In terms of force, no matter how many people there are on Adam's side, they cannot be an opponent of Mu Ge, but Su Xiaofan is afraid that the other party has some powerful technological weapons, and Mu Ge may not be able to withstand it.

Divine thoughts wrapped the body, and the space around Su Xiaofan's figure was distorted, but the entire body disappeared.

Even though Su Xiaofan was only more than ten meters away from Mu Ge who was flying into the air in a hover car, Mu Ge failed to notice that the master was under his car.

"This teleportation speed is so damn fast, it's not as good as Xiaoyaoyou's technique."

Following the suspended car, Su Xiaofan's speed was no slower than the car above, but what he was using at the moment was the cultivator's Happy Wandering Technique.

He changed his technique and became a planet-level life, but this does not mean that Su Xiaofan cannot use the methods of a cultivator. The only difference between the two is the different energy forms.

This time the hover car took a long time to drive. After more than forty minutes, Maduge landed the car.

"Is that the main city?" Su Xiaofan found that a towering city wall appeared in his sight.

The city wall is forty to fifty meters high, and the shimmering metallic luster on the outside shows that it must be forged from alloy.

This discovery made Su Xiaofan couldn't help but take a breath. With so many city walls forged from alloys, these main cities really didn't waste their money.

But Su Xiaofan didn't know that if mutant beasts attacked the city, the city walls wouldn't be able to defend them if they weren't made of alloy.

In addition, on the garbage planet, brick and tile construction has long been abandoned. Even in the lowest first-level civilized world, brick and tile construction has long been a thing of the past.

Therefore, the garbage planet does not have the technology to make bricks and tiles at all. In addition, the skinny camels are larger than horses, so the garbage planet has more scrap metal.

In addition, Su Xiaofan also discovered that above the city wall, there was a layer of energy fluctuations that ordinary people could not detect with the naked eye, forming an energy shield that covered the entire main city.

At this time, the acid rain floating in the sky, after falling on the energy shield, automatically seemed to slide down all around.

Outside the main city, there is continuous acid rain, but inside the main city, there is no rain at all, just like two worlds.

Su Xiaofan's spiritual consciousness is now damaged and cannot observe the entire main city.

But in terms of field of view, the main city covers an area of ​​at least dozens of square kilometers, and the area covered by this energy shield is not small.

"I wonder how much repair value the energy block that supports the shield can provide?"

Su Xiaofan's heart moved. He had been on the garbage planet for two or three months now. If this was a real technological planet, Su Xiaofan would find a way to learn or acquire some civilized technology.

But this happens to be an abandoned resource planet.

In Su Xiaofan's opinion, the technology above was only a few decades more advanced than the earth at best, and completely failed to meet Su Xiaofan's psychological expectations.

Therefore, Su Xiaofan must find a way as soon as possible. No matter what method he uses, he still has to go to a truly civilized planet or human society.

"When things here are settled, we will go to the main city for a walk."

Su Xiaofan made up his mind and went back to see if the energy blocks in the main city shield could allow him to collect one million repair points as soon as possible.

If that doesn't work, Su Xiaofan plans to go to the wild area to eliminate mutant beasts.

Although a single mutant beast can provide very little repair value, when encountering thousands of mutant ants, the repair value obtained is still very objective.

Moreover, in Su Xiaofan's personal space, there is still the beast core of the dragon rhinoceros that has not been taken out. It is not known how much the repair value can be increased.

"This kid is quite cautious."

Su Xiaofan took a look and saw that Mu Ge was cautiously approaching a building complex.

On the junk planet, apart from the main city, there are actually not many buildings on the ground.

Because acid rain is extremely corrosive, even the best buildings will become riddled with holes and dilapidated under the corrosion of acid rain for thousands of years.

Only some people with strong financial resources will build buildings on the ground because they can get small protective covers to protect their buildings.

This is the case with the building that Pastoral approached. There is an invisible shield above this building that is only six to seven thousand square meters and looks like a small manor.

This protective shield, originally derived from battleship technology, can not only protect against acid rain from the sky, but more importantly, it can protect against enemy energy attacks.

A small protective shield like this is difficult to break through with a laser gun or laser cannon. Perhaps only large-scale heavy firepower can destroy it.

Pastoral was very patient. He did not get too close to the manor, but lurked in the parking lot not far from the manor.

Due to the energy shield being turned on, the hover car could not park directly in the manor, so a parking lot was built outside the manor.

This parking lot has an automatically opening ceiling. When the hover car is about to land, the ceiling at the top will shrink to both sides, and then close again after the hover car lands.

However, due to the corrosion of acid rain, the roof needs to be replaced frequently, but this consumption is obviously nothing to the manor owner.

There is a purple-blooded man guarding the parking lot, but with Pastoral's current skills, he won't be discovered even if he stands behind him.

Not to mention Su Xiaofan, who was currently considering whether to take away the energy stone from the parking lot later. Mosquitoes, no matter how small they are, are still meat.

I don’t know what means Madge used, but now he actually got into a hover car in the parking lot.

That hover car was different from Madrigal's open-top hover car. It was a very majestic-looking hover car. Its length alone was three times that of Madrigal's hover car.

Moreover, the hover car has a roof. The roof is arc-shaped and covers the entire hover car. It looks like a small aircraft.

The ceiling of the hover car is made of a dark, non-transparent material, so you can't see what's going on inside at all from the outside, so Pastoral is very safe hiding inside now.

"This brat left the teacher outside in the rain."

Su Xiaofan smiled and shook his head, feeling quite satisfied with Pastoral Ge.

If Boss Adam is in the manor, the hover car must be the one in which Boss Adam is riding.

With Mu Ge's current level of cultivation, hiding in the suspension car, and calculating with intention and unconsciousness, if he can't kill Adam, then Su Xiaofan will really have to consider whether Mu Ge has any value in continuing to cultivate him.

Adam didn't let the two of them wait for long. After all, he was only the number two figure in a black market outside the main city, and he probably wasn't worthy of the manor owner's special attention.

About half an hour later, Adam walked out of the manor surrounded by a group of purple-blooded people.

At the gate of the manor, there was a purple-blooded man who did not look like the owner, seeing Adam off. However, after Adam walked out a few meters, the man turned around and closed the door.

Needless to say, Su Xiaofan had good eyesight. He could clearly see Adam's face even from hundreds of meters away.

Adam is a purple-blooded man, about two meters tall, with tight muscles all over his body and a very burly figure.

At this time, the vertical eye on Adam's forehead had been fully opened. When walking, the vertical eye was observing the surrounding situation.

Surrounded by many guards, Adam still behaved like this, which is obviously a very cautious person.

The two men beside Adam were each carrying a box made of alloy, and their eyes were scanning around. It was obvious that the items in their hands were very valuable.

The ground of the garbage star is relatively empty except for garbage mountains of different sizes.

At least within a few thousand meters of the manor, there was no place to hide one's figure, so the group's vigilance was relaxed a lot.

Especially after arriving at the parking lot, Su Xiaofan could clearly feel that the tensed nerves of these ten people had relaxed at least half.

Adam was not the kind of boss who couldn't put his hands on his shoulders or lift his shoulders. He came to the most luxurious hover car and raised the roof of the hover car.

Just as the roof was being raised, Adam realized something was wrong and quickly backed away.

But even if Adam has practiced the Purple Blood Kung Fu, how can the Purple Blood Kung Fu, which only has a body-building effect, compare with the pastoral song in the middle stage of Qi training?

Pastoral's body followed him like a shadow, and a black light flashed from his hand, passing through the neck of the boss Adam.

Adam's staggering body was still retreating, but his head soared into the sky and flew two to three meters high. The headless neck was spraying blood outwards.

Adam would never have thought that after decades of working in the gold mining area, he would fall into the hands of a young man.

Until his head flew up, Adam's vertical eye was staring at Su Xiaofan, as if he wanted to see clearly the person who killed him.

Not only Adam, but no one thought that he would be attacked outside the big man's manor.

It wasn't until Adam's head flew up that the guards around him took out their weapons as if they were waking up from a dream.

Some took out laser guns, and some took out cold weapons such as laser knives and laser swords, but compared to Pastoral, their speed was as slow as a snail.

Although Mu Ge was young, he was extremely ruthless. At this time, he happened to rush into the middle of those people, waving the dagger in his hand, and stabbing everyone's vital points with the sword.

The true energy was attached to the dagger, and a sword light that was more than one meter long emerged from the blade, which was more than a foot long.

Whether it was a laser gun or a laser sword, after encountering the sword light, the gun and the person were immediately broken into two pieces.

For a time, the parking lot became a killing field, with limbs and arms flying everywhere, and the screams of death could be heard endlessly.

In just a few breaths, all the people led by Boss Adam were killed by Mu Ge alone.

Pastoral, who was originally wearing gray clothes, now seemed to have been soaked in blood. His whole body was blood red, and his whole body exuded a bloody aura.

The person who was originally guarding the parking lot was so frightened that he huddled up in the alloy room in the parking lot. He didn't even have the courage to raise his head and take another look.

Madrigal was obviously a little excited at this time. After all, Adam was considered the enemy who killed his parents, because Zoe was once Adam's subordinate.

Until now, there was no movement in the manor. It can be seen that the speed of Maduge's killing was such that no one in the manor could react.

After calming down, Mu Ge turned around and ran towards the place where the hover car was parked in the distance.

Mu Ge knew very well that the reason why this time went so smoothly was that although he was powerful in force, he also caught the opponent off guard.

But once the people in the manor react and take out long-range sniper weapons, with their current cultivation level, they may not be able to escape.

"Do you want all the loot?" Su Xiaofan, who was hiding in the dark, shook his head and took the two alloy boxes into his hands.


The Maduge, who had just started the car and took off into the air, suddenly felt that the hover car sank, and his face turned pale with fright.

Being able to be so close to him without being discovered, Mu Ge knew that the people behind him wanted his life, so it was really not that difficult.

"Next time you leave, take your things with you!"

Su Xiaofan's voice rang behind Mu Ge. The matter here has been resolved, and Su Xiaofan didn't want to run back again.

"Master? Why are you here?"

Hearing Su Xiaofan's voice, Mu Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've been bored in that room for more than two months. I came out to relax." Su Xiaofan replied with a smile.

"Master, thank you!" Mu Ge was silent for a moment before driving the hover car into the air.

Mu Ge knew exactly why the master came, and a warmth suddenly felt in his heart.

As for how the master came, Mu Ge didn't even think about it. In his mind, Su Xiaofan was already a god who could fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

The great revenge was avenged, and Boss Adam, who had been running rampant in the black market for decades, was killed.

On the way back, Maduge's mood was like a hover car beneath her, always a little erratic.

Until he returned home and changed his clothes and washed them, Maduge still couldn't believe that he had done what happened before.

"Master!" Mu Ge didn't know what he wanted to express at this moment, so he called Su Xiaofan who was sitting on the sofa.

"Well, my mood has changed a bit. I need to be more confident in the future."

Su Xiaofan glanced at Mu Ge, nodded slightly, and then turned his attention to the alloy box next to him.

The two alloy boxes contain energy blocks, a total of two hundred and ten blocks.

Two hundred of them are low-level energy blocks, similar to those used in the Pastoral Room.

But the other ten blocks are shown as mid-level energy blocks in the repair system.

"Absorb!" Su Xiaofan picked up an intermediate energy block and gave the instruction to absorb it.

[Energy value: 631635 points!]

"Huh? Not bad. It has increased the repair value by a thousand points."

Seeing the information sent back by the system, Su Xiaofan nodded with satisfaction.

Before this, he had a total of 631,135 repair points, and now this number has jumped to 631,635.

Su Xiaofan was a little surprised by the repair value points increased by the mid-level energy stone.

You know, the low-level energy stone only gives 20 points of repair value, and when it reaches the middle level, it directly becomes 500 points, which is actually 25 times higher than the low-level energy stone.

If this planet has enough intermediate energy stones, perhaps Su Xiaofan's mission of one million points of repair value can still be achieved.

"I'll leave you two dollars, I'll use the rest."

Su Xiaofan threw two low-level energy stones to Muge and absorbed the rest one by one.

[Repair value: 639595 points!]

"Not bad, the repair value increased by more than 8,000 points at once!"

Looking at his latest repair value points, Su Xiaofan let out a sigh of relief and finally saw the hope of collecting one million repair points.

"Master, are you practicing?"

Looking at a pile of energy stone powder on the ground, Mu Ge asked cautiously.

"No, it's healing."

Su Xiaofan opened his mouth and said, to be more precise, it should be the preparation before healing.

"Don't look at it, you can't absorb this stuff."

Su Xiaofan interrupted Mu Ge's gaze, "Mu Ge, that intermediate energy... no, energy stones, are they abundant on garbage stars?"

"Intermediate energy stones? Are the bigger ones just now intermediate energy stones?"

When Mu Ge heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then shook his head after a while and said: "Master, this is the first time I have seen an intermediate energy stone..."

Mu Ge has been active in the garbage mountain since he was ten years old. He used to follow Uncle Niu in the black market all day long, so he has seen a lot.

But the mid-level energy stone, Mu Ge has never seen it before.

Because the intermediate energy stone is the energy that can support the electricity and defense facilities of the entire black market, it is already a strategic material on the junk planet.

Such strategic resources are usually controlled by those with real power in the main city and are rarely traded to outsiders.

Even if those in power in the black market want to get it, they have to pay a sufficient price to buy it from the main city.

"Isn't there a lot of quantity?"

Su Xiaofan was a little disappointed when he heard this, because as long as he had five to six thousand mid-level energy stones, he might be able to collect one million repair points.

"Then why did Adam trade this intermediate energy stone?"

Su Xiaofan wanted to take a look inside the manor. If there were high-level energy stones in it, he didn't know if it would be able to meet his needs.

"I have no idea."

Pastoral shook his head, and suddenly his eyes flashed, "Adam, Adam may want to create a new black market, yes, that must be the case!"

Almost everyone in the black market in this gold mining area knows about the conflict between Adam and Boss Lin.

It's just that Adam has the backing of people from the main city, and Boss Lin is so powerful that neither of them can do anything to defeat the other.

Therefore, Adam has always wanted to break away from Boss Lin's black market, re-establish a black market force on his own, and then cannibalize Boss Lin's black market.

Now that Adam has obtained ten intermediate energy stones at a time, it must be related to the new black market he plans to establish.

Maybe Adam's new black market has already begun to operate. After all, Pastoral has been in retreat for the past few months and is not very familiar with the situation outside.

Just as Madge was speaking, his personal brain suddenly prompted that there was a message to be accessed.

"Uncle Niu? What's wrong?"

Mu Ge opened his brain, and the half-length image of Uncle Niu suddenly appeared in front of Mu Ge.

"Xiao Mu, what happened to Boss Adam, was it you who did it?"

Uncle Niu still had a look of disbelief on his face at this moment. He had just received the news that Adam had been killed.

Adam has been running rampant in the black market for so long. If he had been killed so easily, he would have died long ago. Uncle Niu knows better than anyone how difficult it is to kill Adam.

But Uncle Niu couldn't help but think of Mu Ge, because Mu Ge just asked him about Adam today.

It was also a coincidence that when Uncle Niu was in the store today, he overheard two purple-blooded men who came to his store to buy things. When talking, they mentioned that Adam was going to see Balam.

Not long after the two purple-blooded men left, Pastoral's inquiry was sent over, and Uncle Niu conveniently gave him the news.

And just now, Uncle Niu learned that Boss Adam was killed outside Balam's manor. Uncle Niu immediately thought of Pastoral Song.

"Uncle Niu, I did it."

Mu Ge was silent for a while, and then told the truth. Uncle Niu was like a father to him, and Mu Ge didn't want to deceive him.

"It's really you, kid, you...how did you do it?"

Uncle Niu looked at Mu Ge in disbelief. He found that he could not see through the child he had raised since childhood.

Mu Ge glanced at Su Xiaofan next to him, Su Xiaofan nodded, and then Mu Ge said: "Master taught me some skills, and I have been practicing in the past few months..."

"Master, practice?"

Uncle Niu seemed to understand something, "Is it the kind of cultivation that purple-blooded people do?"

"Better than them!" Mu Ge said the truth, there is no comparison between the two.

The Purple Blood Man's body training technique is, at best, intended to make the physical body stronger, and it is just an external skill.

However, the cultivator's exercises are from the inside to the outside, and they are exercises that can make the practitioner's life level jump.

When a cultivator reaches the Nascent Soul stage, he can physically enter the universe. When he cultivates to the extreme, his power is boundless. How can it be compared to the vulgar skills of the Purple Blood Man.

"Xiao Mu, can you let me speak to your master?" Uncle Niu was silent for a while and made a request to Mu Ge.

Mu Ge looked at Su Xiaofan, his eyes full of prayer.

Su Xiaofan nodded, and then Mu Ge turned Zhinao's screen to Su Xiaofan.

"Mr. Su, I want to thank you."

Seeing Su Xiaofan, Uncle Niu's attitude was very respectful, and he stood up from where he was sitting.

"Thank you. What do you need to thank me for?"

Su Xiaofan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, not understanding what Uncle Niu meant.

"My wife is pregnant!"

Uncle Niu's face was filled with a smile of joy. He and his wife had been together for more than ten years and had never had a child. This also became Uncle Niu's heartache.

But last time Su Xiaofan casually slapped her, and her hidden disease was cured. Just half a month ago, Uncle Niu found out that his wife was pregnant with a calf.

"Oh? Congratulations on that!"

Su Xiaofan smiled and nodded. Before, some of his meridians were blocked, but after he opened them up, there was no problem anymore.

"Ask Xiao Mu to bring you over later, and I'll treat you to dinner!"

Uncle Niu said solemnly: "There was a riot of mutated beasts some time ago. I made a lot of mutated beast meat. I asked Mr. Su to come and try it..."

Gold diggers not only dig for gold in garbage mountains, but also pick up corpses after the riots when mutant beasts riot.

The meat of mutant beasts is very delicious and contains energy that can make people strong. It has always been the favorite of the residents of the garbage planet, and the price is also very expensive.

Uncle Niu was reluctant to sell the meat he picked up, and kept it frozen. He felt that he had nothing to repay Su Xiaofan, so he could only take out the mutated beast's meat.

"Okay, I told Mu Ge that I will be there later." Su Xiaofan nodded.

He could tell that Uncle Niu seemed to have left something unsaid, but Su Xiaofan didn't ask any questions. He would know what it was when he saw it later.

"Master, I won't cause you any trouble, will I?"

After turning off the holographic image, Mu Ge looked at Su Xiaofan. He also saw that Uncle Niu had something else to do, and felt a little uneasy.

"It's okay, we are all human beings, please help if you can."

Su Xiaofan shook his head. He had roughly guessed what Uncle Niu meant.

The two rested in the house for a while, then went out to the black market.

Along the way, Mu Ge and Su Xiaofan saw many more hovercars in the sky, all of them coming and going in a hurry.

In the parking lot of the black market, the main city patrol team was actually found, and they intercepted all the hover cars flying in the sky.

Everyone needs to verify the identity of Zhinao before they can stop the car and head to the black market.

There was no problem with the identities of Su Xiaofan and Mu Ge. After passing the interrogation, the two came to the entrance of the black market.

Today, the entrance to the black market has not been closed, but has always been open. Many humans and purple-blooded people are coming in and out.

"Uncle Tar, what happened?"

Arriving underground in the black market, Pastoral looked at Tal who was doing nothing.

"Something big happened, why are you coming to the black market now?"

When Tal saw Pastoral Ge, his expression changed. He lowered his voice and said, "Something happened to Boss Adam. The black market is about to be purged. If you're fine, don't come here these days."

The purge that Tal is talking about does not mean that the black market will be purged by the main city. After all, no matter how powerful the main city is, it cannot control the affairs of the black market.

However, the main city will also take the opportunity to refresh its sense of presence, and there are also people who want to protect Adam's former subordinates so that Boss Lin will not go too far.

Therefore, this cleansing should refer to the cleansing of the forces before Adam.

After all, with such a good opportunity, Boss Lin will never allow another Adam to grow from that force.

"Uncle Tar, are you okay?" Pastoral looked at Tar with some worry.

"I'm fine. I used to be neutral and didn't stand for anyone!"

Tal laughed when he heard this. He is a mixture of humans and purple-blooded people. This type of people is considered the mainstream on the garbage planet, and neither side will be excluded.

The unlucky ones in the black market this time will only be the purple-blooded people who are determined to follow Adam, and even the vast majority of the purple-blooded people will be fine.

"That's good, Uncle Tar, I'm going to Uncle Niu's."

Mu Ge felt relieved, said hello to Tal, and then left the passageway with Su Xiaofan.

"Uncle Tar used to take good care of me." Mu Ge explained to Su Xiaofan in a low voice.

"Yeah." Su Xiaofan nodded without saying anything.

Su Xiaofan was very satisfied with Mu Ge's performance. If Mu Ge was really a ruthless person who didn't care about old feelings, Su Xiaofan wouldn't teach him his skills.

"Mr. Su, you are here."

The two of them arrived at the door of Uncle Niu's shop. Uncle Niu waited there and saw Su Xiaofan arriving, so he quickly came out to greet him.

"You're welcome." Su Xiaofan and Mu Ge walked into the store.

"Where's Aunt Niu?" Mu Ge asked when he saw that Uncle Niu was the only one in the store.

"Your Aunt Niu is pregnant. I didn't let her come out. The smell underground is not very good."

Speaking of his wife, Uncle Niu's face was filled with a happy smile.

Although the lifespan of humans on junk planets is usually around a hundred years.

But most people will have children in their twenties, and people like Uncle Niu are already having children in middle age.

"We'll go home later, but I have something I want to talk to Mr. Su."

Uncle Niu was not the kind of person to be nagging, so he went straight to the point and said: "Mr. Su, you...can you pass on the skills you taught Xiao Mu to us?"

As if he was afraid that Su Xiaofan would misunderstand, Uncle Niu then said: "Mr. Su, we don't want it for nothing, you can exchange it for anything we can find, anything!"

"You? Do you mean you and Boss Lin?" Su Xiaofan looked at Uncle Niu.

"Yes, Mr. Su, practicing Kung Fu is very important to human beings!"

Uncle Niu nodded heavily, "The reason why the purple-blooded people can dominate the garbage planet is because they have cultivation techniques!"

The purple-blooded people's bodies are inherently stronger than humans, and with the addition of body-building techniques, humans are no match for them.

Among the seventeen existing main cities on the garbage planet, there are sixteen black markets outside the main cities, all of which are occupied by purple-blooded people.

Only this black market is dominated by humans, but Adam has been constantly challenging Boss Lin over the years, trying to overthrow it.

"It's actually not like this."

Su Xiaofan smiled bitterly and shook his head. The reason why the purple-blooded people dominate the garbage planet has nothing to do with practicing skills.

The most important thing is that the garbage star is in the Purple Blood Star Territory. In the Purple Blood Star Territory, the Purple Blood People are originally the boss and are the second-level cosmic civilization that no race can challenge.

So the humans on the forgotten garbage planet can be said to be very happy.

Su Xiaofan believed that in other life planets of the Purple Blood Civilization, the status of human beings would be even lower, and they might even be slaves of the Purple Blood People.

Su Xiaofan sees this very clearly and does not feel angry. After all, this kind of thing is mutual.

If we were on the human planet, the fate of the purple-blooded people would probably be similar to that of the purple-blooded civilization, and no one would suffer more.

Moreover, the Galactic Civilization, the largest third-level civilization in the Milky Way, is also a human civilization, so the status of the Purple Blood People in the Milky Way is actually lower than that of humans.

"Mr. Su, don't you agree?"

Uncle Niu's face looked a little disappointed. Fortunately, he hadn't told Boss Lin yet, otherwise the matter would not have ended well.

"It's not that I disagree, I'm saying that there is something wrong with your cognition."

Su Xiaofan waved his hand, thought for a moment and said, "Take me to see that Boss Lin. There are some things that I can't trade with you."

"Then...that means, Mr. Su, do you agree?"

Uncle Niu will be pleasantly surprised. Just now he thought Su Xiaofan had rejected him.

"Let's talk about it after we meet. By the way, can you contact Boss Lin?"

Su Xiaofan glanced at Uncle Niu. He was just a small black market shopkeeper and a gold digger. It was unclear whether he could talk to Boss Lin.

"Master, Uncle Niu and Boss Lin grew up wearing crotchless pants together."

Mu Ge heard Su Xiaofan's voice and quickly explained that he was not tortured after his parents died. This was also because of Boss Lin's blessing.

"Mr. Su, please sit down for a while. I'll go see Boss Lin first. Mu Ge, you come with me!"

Uncle Niu was a little excited. He gave Mu Ge a hand and said, "There are some things I can't explain clearly. You can talk to Boss Lin."

"Master?" Mu Ge looked at Su Xiaofan.

"Go ahead."

Su Xiaofan waved his hand, not paying much attention, and he was not afraid of what Boss Lin would do.

Uncle Niu happily took Mu Ge away. It was obvious that after something happened to Adam, Boss Lin was sitting in the black market.

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes!"

After the two left, Su Xiaofan couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. He had already arrived on an alien planet, but he still encountered these things.

However, using the word "human" is a bit inappropriate. Su Xiaofan felt that even if there were no humans on the garbage planet, the purple-blooded people themselves would still fight among themselves.

It should be said that wherever there are intelligent creatures, there will be fights. This sentence can be applied to all civilized and intelligent creatures.

Mu Ge and Uncle Niu had not left for a short time. It took more than forty minutes before the two figures appeared in Su Xiaofan's sight.

But behind the two of them, there was a human being.

This human being looks to be about 27 or 27 years old, with a height of about 1.8 meters, and looks very strong.

"Huh? If you can practice the body-building technique to this extent, this person can be considered a genius."

Seeing the person coming, Su Xiaofan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Su Xiaofan could see that this person's external skills had already been cultivated to all the internal organs, and his explosive energy was only stronger than the current pastoral song.

Originally, Su Xiaofan didn't think much of the Purple Blood Man's body-building techniques.

But this person is integrating huge energy into his body from the outside to the inside, and he is following a path of cultivation that is a bit like planet-level exercises.

This chapter has been completed!
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