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Chapter 438 Qingyang Realm

Su Xiaofan really has no intention of tricking Master Jade Cauldron. The desert secret realm is now calm and peaceful. As long as sand earthworms are not hunted aggressively, the ancestor of sand earthworms will probably not show up.

Moreover, sand worms ravaged the desert secret land decades ago. Although it was not that it turned the world upside down, it still caused quite a stir, almost churning up the sand surface near the oasis.

Now I will go to the desert secret place to find placer gold. I don’t need to go far. I can search around the sand surface of the oasis. I might be able to find some high-quality placer gold.

Of course, Master Yuding did not dare to go, and Su Xiaofan naturally would not say anything. Opportunities that cannot be grasped are not opportunities. Anyway, Su Xiaofan has nothing to lose.

The time that Venerable Qingtian and Venerable Jintao went this time was a little long. More than a month had passed, and neither of them had touched the secret door mark on their bodies.

Su Xiaofan was not in a hurry. Living in his own villa and cave, Quan thought it was a big vacation for himself.

Su Xiaofan had been collecting materials in the turbulent space for the past few decades, and Su Xiaofan was so busy that he never had much rest.

Living in this place that is full of spiritual energy and feels like a fairyland, drinking and talking with Master Jade Cauldron from time to time, and hearing some secrets and legends about the original galaxy, Su Xiaofan feels that this is the real life of a fairy.

On the other hand, Su Xiaofan himself seems to have never been idle since he started practicing Taoism.

Initially shouldering the burden of taking the Earth out of the starry sky, Su Xiaofan made several trips to and from the Milky Way, and then worked hard to eradicate ferocious beasts from the Earth for decades.

I had just finished wiping out the ferocious beasts, and I originally thought I could bring my wife, children, and whole family to emigrate to the interstellar space. Unexpectedly, my master, father, and grandson disciples were not worried, and they were actually teleported away by the teleportation array.

As the mainstay of the family and the person with the highest cultivation level, Su Xiaofan had no choice but to find them, so he could only wander the galaxy with the hope of the whole family.

Moreover, he had a bad start and plunged into the battlefield between demons and human cultivators. If Su Xiaofan hadn't been lucky, he would have died a hundred years ago.

Su Xiaofan's luck gradually improved after he met Venerable Huo Tian.

If it weren't for Venerable Huo Tian's secret door, even if Su Xiaofan could absorb the energy of the Great Secret Realm of Refining, he wouldn't have the space to use it.

After nearly a hundred years of hard work, Su Xiaofan finally refined his own super secret door. Only then can he truly have the power to protect himself in this universe.

If the cultivators in the universe knew about Su Xiaofan's thoughts, I am afraid that including Venerable Huo Tian, ​​they would spit in his face.

Su Xiaofan has been cultivating to this day and is still less than 300 years old. Which Golden Immortal Venerable has not cultivated for more than ten thousand years and experienced countless setbacks and hardships to achieve the status of Venerable.

As for the secret door of refining, for the Golden Immortal Venerable, its difficulty is probably only lower than that of the Venerable Master.

Not to mention those cultivating the second generation and cultivating the third generation, other cultivators, even if they have the support of the sect, want to refine their own secret door, it will take tens of thousands of years at the fastest, hundreds of thousands or millions of years at the slower time.


It only took Su Xiaofan less than a hundred years to refine a super secret door that is unique in the world of cultivators. He actually felt that he was working very hard. If other cultivators knew about it, he would be pissed to death.

"Huh? Are you coming back?"

Just when Su Xiaofan was sleeping in the living room of the villa, wandering outside the fairy world, he suddenly felt the mark in the secret door vibrate.

With a flash of his body, Su Xiaofan appeared in front of the cave of Lord Jade Cauldron, quickly locked the position of Lord Qingtian and opened the secret door.

"But Qingtian and the others are back?"

Master Jade Cauldron felt the movement outside the cave, and as soon as he came out, he saw Su Xiaofan opening the secret door.

"Well, I'll be here soon."

Su Xiaofan nodded. He was still looking forward to this secret realm, because Qingtian and Venerable Jin Tao had been there for more than a month. If it was a garbage secret realm, they would have returned long ago.

While he was talking to Venerable Yuding, two Venerables, Qingtian and Jin Tao, walked out of the secret door one after the other.

"Thank you for your hard work, both of you."

Su Xiaofan put away the secret door and walked over. Judging from the expressions of the two of them, there seemed to be no danger in the great secret realm.

"I have met fellow Taoist mortals."

Venerable Jin Tao bowed and said: "The great secret realm we are going to this time is called the Kongqing Great Secret Realm. Thousands of years ago, it was considered a resource secret realm, but now..."

Venerable Jin Tao didn't waste any words and directly told them what they had experienced over the past month.

Once they entered the Great Secret Realm, they were not in a hurry to search for resources, but wanted to find cultivators in this Great Secret Realm so as to know the situation of this Secret Realm.

In the Great Secret Realm, even cultivators at the Daluo Jinxian level are usually unwilling to fight with others.

After all, the consumption here cannot be replenished by the vitality of heaven and earth. In addition, Qingtian and Jin Tao are together, and there is a secret door that Su Xiaofan can open at any time, so he is not afraid of encountering cultivators.

After searching for more than ten days, Qingtian and Venerable Jin Tao roughly knew that this place should be a great secret realm abandoned by a large sect.

Because wherever they flew, traces of the mining of mineral veins could be seen everywhere, and many of the mineral veins had been violently exploited for the second or third time.

When the two of them were looking for cultivators, they also went deep into some mineral veins and obtained some ores that were not of very high grade.

Although they failed to refine the secret door, as cultivators from the original galaxy, Qingtian and Jin Tao's knowledge was absolutely up to par. They could tell at a glance that the ore was the auxiliary material Kong Qingshi needed to refine the secret door.

This made the two of them feel very happy. They didn't expect to help Su Xiaofan explore the great secret realm, and there would be a chance to get the empty blue stone.

In this way, the two of them were mining empty bluestone while looking for traces of cultivators. Not long ago, they finally met a golden immortal from the higher realms of the universe.

From the Jinxian's mouth, Jin Tao and the two learned that this great secret realm was called the Kongqing Great Secret Realm. It was originally a great secret realm controlled by a super sect.

Later, because the empty bluestone in the secret realm was almost mined, and they continued to stay here, the huge expenses alone could not make ends meet, so this great secret realm was abandoned.

To the super sect, this Great Secret Realm of Kongqing is worthless, but to ordinary cultivators in the universe, this place is a treasure place for collecting secret door materials.

Therefore, in the countless years after being abandoned, the Great Secret Realm of Kongqing has been searched again and again. Some not-so-large sects even brought disciples of the Immortal Lord to search for the Kongqing Stone.

To this day, there are still golden immortal lords who have no connections and still come here to look for empty bluestones. However, the result of their wisdom is that the grades of empty bluestones they find are usually not very high.

However, the empty bluestone is not only found in the Great Secret Realm of Kongqing. This material is of little value. There are empty bluestone veins in many secret realms.

Therefore, the spread of this secret door is very high, and the coordinates of this secret door can be obtained at a very small cost. Those golden immortals who are collecting auxiliary materials often come here to try their luck.

Qingtian and Venerable Jin Tao were very lucky. They only stayed there for a month or two and got a few pieces of empty bluestone.

But if you want to use it to refine the secret door, you still need to extract the essence from those few empty bluestones. I don’t know if it will be enough for the three Golden Immortal Venerables.

Fortunately, with Su Xiaofan's promise, they will still have the opportunity to enter the Kongqing Great Secret Realm in the future."

"Fellow Taoist mortal, without further ado, let's change to a great secret realm!"

After explaining what he had seen and heard in the Kongqing Great Secret Realm this month, Lord Qingtian could not wait to enter the next Great Secret Realm.

The Great Secret Realm of Kongqing has given Qingtian and Venerable Jin Tao a taste of its benefits. It is also an auxiliary material for refining the secret door. If they had to collect it themselves, they still don’t know when they would find it.

"Qingtian, do you want to rest for a while?"

Seeing his energetic old friend, Venerable Jade Cauldron was a little speechless. At the same time, he felt a little itchy in his heart. He also wanted to visit the Great Secret Realm for a month.

"Yuding, don't worry, you will definitely get a share of the benefits."

Seeing the depressed look on Venerable Jade Cauldron's face, Venerable Qingtian couldn't help laughing. If he had been left behind in the rear, he would probably be even more depressed than Venerable Jade Cauldron.

"Okay, be careful yourself."

Yuding smiled bitterly and shook his head. Others were real brothers, and their cooperation in the Great Secret Realm had to be more tacit. He really couldn't open his mouth and let him go.

At the urging of Qingtian and Lord Jin Tao, Su Xiaofan opened another secret door coordinates and teleported the two of them there.

Su Xiaofan stayed at Tianhaimen in the Mirror Moon Realm with Master Jade Cauldron, waiting for the news from Tianhaimen and Lingmu Sect disciples.

Every once in a while, Venerable Jade Cauldron will receive information from his disciples on the Universe Network, but he has never found any news about Venerable Cang Yu.

Years and eight years have passed in a flash, and this is also the longest period of rest for Su Xiaofan since he left the Milky Way and entered the universe.

In the past eight years, Qingtian and Venerable Jin Tao have explored the remaining great secret realms.

The reason it took so long was because the two of them wasted five years in one of the great secret realms.

This is a large secret realm made of rocks. There is almost no vitality and the living environment is very harsh.

Usually where there are rocks, there are usually mineral veins, so as soon as they stepped into this great secret realm, Qingtian and Master Jin Tao were very happy.

The two of them did not forget Su Xiaofan's instructions. After entering, they first looked for traces of cultivators. However, the two of them flew inside for a whole year. Not even a trace of life was found, let alone cultivators.


Unable to find cultivators, they tried to dig in the rock layer. The value of this great secret realm could sometimes be determined through the mining resources here.

But what makes the two brothers depressed is that they spent four years digging out a bottomless canyon in this secret realm, but they couldn't find even the most common metal.


In the end, because the consumption was too great, the two were reluctant to use the Yuan Stone to restore their cultivation. In the end, they had no choice but to touch the secret door mark and teleport back.

This time they came back and rested for more than half a year. Lord Qingtian was still a little unwilling. If Su Xiaofan hadn't dissuaded him, he would still have planned to fight with that great secret realm and spend ten thousand and eight thousand years. He wouldn't believe that he was in it.

Nothing can be dug out.

In fact, after listening to Master Qingtian's narration, Su Xiaofan already had a rough idea. If he guessed correctly, the great secret realm should be the original secret realm of Master Tianji.

Nine times out of ten, the original secret realms opened by cultivators are garbage secret realms without resources.

This kind of lucky ratio makes Su Xiaofan feel like a life planet and an ordinary planet in a galaxy. Being able to open up the secret realm of resources is really a lucky break.

Of course, for top-level galaxies like the original galaxy, the difference between living planets and ordinary planets is not big.

Because using the methods of the original galaxy, it is only a piece of cake to create an artificial life planet.

When technological civilization creates artificial life planets, it will use technological means to replace the sun, stars and some satellite planets.

The cultivators' methods are more crude. They will use powerful cultivators to directly move stars to a galaxy, and then move some planets around the galaxy to transform them into life planets.

That's why the original galaxy can have hundreds of millions of living planets existing in the realm. In comparison, the tens of thousands of living planets in the Milky Way are simply not on the same level as the original galaxy.

Except for the original secret realm of Lord Tianji, the other major secret realms are all secret realms that produce auxiliary materials for refining the secret door.

Among them is the Great Secret Realm of Blue Water, which produces blue crystals. This is a very strange secret realm. The entire secret realm is made up of the ocean, and there is not an inch of land.

In the Great Secret Realm of Blue Water, there are not even islands. There have been powerful cultivators who have penetrated tens of thousands of miles into the ocean, but they have not been able to detect the bottom of the ocean.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! No one knows how such a secret realm composed entirely of water exists, but here it produces green crystal, which is also an important auxiliary for refining the secret door.

One of the materials.

Moreover, there are endless marine creatures in the Great Secret Realm of Blue Water. However, the creatures living on the surface of the ocean here are not very high-level. They are usually below the level of immortals and pose little threat to the Golden Immortal.

There are also some Golden Immortal Venerables who will specifically go to the Great Secret Realm of Blue Water to hunt marine creatures, obtain their food, and sell them to the universe, which is a stable income.

But except for powerful cultivators, no one dares to go deep into the depth of 10,000 meters in the secret ocean of clear water, because the deep sea monsters there are as ferocious as the star beasts, and even the Golden Immortal Venerable was swallowed alive by them.

However, due to the pressure of the ocean, those deep-sea behemoths generally do not appear on the surface of the ocean. As long as the Golden Immortal does not commit suicide, it is still a very safe thing to search for materials in the Great Secret Realm of Blue Water.

Qingtian and Venerable Jin Tao stayed in the Great Secret Realm of Blue Water for eight months and found three copies of the blue crystal for refining the secret door. When they came back, they were also satisfied and smiling from ear to ear.

Several other great secret realms are also secret realms that produce auxiliary materials for refining the secret door. It can be said that apart from the original secret realm of Master Tianji, the other great secret realms are of some value.

But in Su Xiaofan's opinion, the value of these great secret realms is not very high. None of them is a resource great secret realm that produces hard currency such as primeval stones or amethysts. They should all be traded by Lord Tianji from auctions.


Of course, Su Xiaofan wouldn't dislike it. He didn't spend a single Yuan Stone and got the coordinates of eight great secret realms in vain. Such a good thing was definitely not too much for Su Xiaofan.

After staying in Tianhaimen for eight years, Su Xiaofan lived a very comfortable life, but he had no clue about the things he wanted to inquire about.

The original galaxy is really too big, and it is really difficult to find out the high-level cultivators in the higher realms of the original galaxy with just some low-level disciples from the two sects.

In fact, starting from the second year, Su Xiaofan no longer had any hope. He just found an excuse for himself to rest in the Mirror Moon Realm for a while.

In the past few years, Su Xiaofan also allowed himself to relax completely.

Su Xiaofan has made up his mind that if he can't find his father and the others again, he will go to the Chaos Space to advance his cultivation level.

Only strength can allow Su Xiaofan to brave the Great Secret Realm without fear. As long as he has strength comparable to that of a powerful cultivator, Su Xiaofan will not be afraid at all even if he is surrounded and suppressed by the powerful cultivator himself in the Great Secret Realm.

What makes Su Xiaofan a little curious now is that his clone has never sent back any news and has no intention of returning.

It has been almost ten years since he entered his original secret realm and his clone disappeared. Su Xiaofan doesn't know whether he let himself go or encountered some problems, but he has never touched the secret door mark.

If it weren't for meeting Master Jade Cauldron every now and then, as well as the two Masters Golden Immortal who didn't know when they would open the secret door, Su Xiaofan would have wanted to go to his original secret realm.

"Three of you, we have been together for a thousand days and will eventually part ways. You and I will meet again someday..."

On this day, Su Xiaofan was already planning to leave the Mirror Moon Realm. After staying here for almost ten years, Su Xiaofan felt that he should leave.

Although the Mirror Moon Realm is not a high-level cultivation realm in the original galaxy, Su Xiaofan likes this place very much. The Mirror Moon Realm has mountains, seas and lakes, and occupies a spiritual mountain, which is enough for a family to practice here.

In fact, Su Xiaofan didn't know that although the Mirror-Moon Realm was not a high-level realm, it was almost the same. Otherwise, there would not be so many Golden Immortal Lords in this realm.

There are countless realms of cultivators in the original galaxy, and usually the majority of cultivators in most realms are only in the Nascent Soul Fusion Stage. Only when they break through to the Mahayana Stage and become immortals will they be led to a higher level realm to practice.

In a place like the Mirror Moon Realm, if a powerful cultivator appears by chance, perhaps a Daluo Jinxian is promoted to a powerful cultivator here, then with the blessing of the Great Dao Law, the Mirror Moon Realm can immediately be promoted to a high level cultivator.


Now Su Xiaofan has regarded the Mirror Moon Realm as an alternative place. If he can bring his family disciples back to the original galaxy in the future, they may be able to come to the Mirror Moon Realm to practice.

Basically, there will be no wars between cultivators here. The cultivation resources of low-level disciples in the original galaxy are very sufficient, and there are hundreds of millions of cultivators. The development of each sect does not require plundering the population.

As the highest galaxy holy land for human cultivators, it goes without saying that the safety of the original galaxy is natural. Whether it is technological civilization or the demon race, since the evolution of the universe, there has never been a precedent of invading the original galaxy, and the safety is guaranteed.

So after arriving in the original galaxy, Su Xiaofan made up his mind. They didn't need to take his father back with him after they found him. They could just wait for the coordinates of the galaxy to be found. Su Xiaofan could just open the secret door and go back to pick him up.

"Fellow Taoist mortal, I'm afraid it won't be long before we meet again."

After hearing Su Xiaofan's words, Lord Qingtian and others looked a little strange.

Because Su Xiaofan will send several people into the secret realm of the desert soon, and next time Su Xiaofan opens the secret door, they will definitely appear next to Su Xiaofan.

"makes sense!"

Su Xiaofan was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed. Suddenly his face straightened, and he said: "I may want to go to the Chaos Star Territory. It's best for you guys to find gold placer and return to the original galaxy as soon as possible."

Su Xiaofan wanted to go to the higher realm to try his luck again. If he still couldn't get any news about Venerable Cang Yu, he was going to go to the chaotic space to advance to the realm of cultivation first.

With Su Xiaofan's current cultivation level, he is not afraid of Da Luo or the clones of powerful cultivators in the Great Secret Realm, and he might be able to defeat them.

But in all realms of the universe, especially in this original galaxy, Su Xiaofan could faintly feel the slight suppression of him by the laws of the universe.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Before he advanced to the level of cultivation, Su Xiaofan still did not dare to provoke powerful cultivators, and was afraid that they would see clues to his skills, so he stayed here

In the Mirror Moon Realm for ten years, he asked cultivators from Tianhai Sect and Lingmu Sect to help him find out the news.

"Are fellow Taoist mortals going to the chaotic space?"

Upon hearing Su Xiaofan's words, Master Jade Cauldron and others were immediately shocked.

For the powerful cultivators of the original galaxy, the chaotic space is a paradise for them to explore and hunt for treasures. As long as they are careful enough, they can still avoid the danger of falling.

But for cultivators below the level of great power, even Daluo Jinxian, there are many dangers in the chaotic space.

Especially the Golden Immortal Venerables, unless they are the kind of Venerables who are about to face the Golden Immortal Tribulation, they all regard the Chaos Star Field as an extremely terrifying place, and will avoid that place when using the teleportation array on weekdays.

In the view of Venerable Jade Cauldron and others, the Golden Immortal went to the chaotic space simply to die.

Over the past hundreds of millions of years, only a few Golden Immortals have been able to escape unscathed from the chaotic space, and even fewer have found the opportunity to achieve the Dao Fruit and advance to the Great Luo.

"Yes, I want to go to the chaotic space to find opportunities."

Lord Jade Cauldron asked, and Su Xiaofan did not hide it. It is very likely that his departure will take decades or even longer. If Lord Jade Cauldron and others do not come out early, they may be in chaos when they appear again.

We met in space.

"Fellow Taoist mortal, you shouldn't have been practicing for more than a million years, right?"

Venerable Jin Tao looked at Su Xiaofan and said: "Fellow Taoist, there is a secret door. You can go to as many great secret realms as possible to find opportunities for breakthrough. Why risk going to the chaotic space?"

Regarding Su Xiaofan's choice, the several Golden Immortal Venerables in front of them were puzzled. Although it was difficult to achieve the Dao Fruit, Su Xiaofan was still far away from the Golden Immortal Tribulation, so there was no need to be so eager for quick success.

"Cultivation of the Tao is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

Su Xiaofan shook his head and said: "I have the secret door, so I can still be sure of saving my life when I go to the chaotic space!"

Su Xiaofan said it loudly, but he was smiling bitterly in his heart. The ancient cultivation techniques he practiced did not have the realm of great power at all, and he could not achieve the Taoist results even if he stayed in the universe.

Only by going to the chaotic space and using the repair value to practice galaxy-level skills can Su Xiaofan have the possibility to go further. He was forced to not go.

"Fellow Taoist mortal, it is impossible to open the secret door in this chaotic space."

Hearing Su Xiaofan's words, Venerable Jade Cauldron couldn't help but be stunned, "Is it possible that fellow Taoists don't know this? The chaotic space is its own world, and even the secret door of a powerful cultivator cannot be opened there..."

Although the secret door has not been refined yet, as cultivators from the original galaxy, Master Yuding and others are very familiar with the secret door. On the contrary, Su Xiaofan, who has refined the secret door, seems a bit ignorant.

"That's okay. As cultivators, we should move forward without fear."

Su Xiaofan's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He was talking big words, but his spiritual thoughts branched out and entered the secret door space.

"Other people's secret doors cannot be opened, but mine may not be able to be opened."

Looking at the light curtain without any coordinates in the secret door, Su Xiaofan's intuition told him that his secret door must be able to travel to and from the chaotic space.

"My Taoist friends in this world are firm in their Taoism, and I admire you in Jade Cauldron."

Venerable Jade Cauldron gave a bitter smile. He was not afraid of not knowing the goods, but he was afraid of comparing goods. Compared with Su Xiaofan, the three of them were far behind, especially Venerable Yuding himself. He had been a golden immortal for tens of thousands of years and had entered the

There are still very few great secret realms that I have visited.

The lack of money is only one of the reasons. The most important reason is the fear in my heart. After all, it is common for the Golden Immortal to fall in the Great Secret Realm.

After practicing Taoism for tens of thousands of years, and with a life span of nearly tens of millions of years ahead, it is inevitable that Venerable Yuding will think about the past and future, but he lacks the indomitable state of mind when he first started practicing Taoism.

"Okay, let's go to the desert secret realm first. I'm going to the Qingyang realm."

Su Xiaofan said: "If you guys haven't come out when I leave the Qingyang Realm, I will go to the desert secret realm..."

Su Xiaofan thought about it over and over again, but still felt a little unwilling to go to the high-level realm to inquire about the news about Venerable Cang Yu.

After staying in the Mirror Moon Realm for ten years, Su Xiaofan also gained some understanding of the realm of the original galaxy, and knew that the Qingyang Sect was the super sect located in the Qingyang Realm.

As one of the largest sects in the original galaxy, the Qingyang Sect occupies an area of ​​Qingyang Realm that is ten thousand times larger than the Mirror Moon Realm where Su Xiaofan is located.

On such a large planet, there is only one sect, the Qingyang Sect, and several powerful cultivators, including the Qingyang Patriarch, live in seclusion in the Qingyang Realm.

In addition to the Qingyang Realm itself, the sects on thousands of planetary realms near the Qingyang Realm are all vassal sects of the Qingyang Sect, which shows how strong it is.

In the entire original galaxy, there are only a dozen super sects that can compare with Qingyang Sect, and Xingbao Sect, which Su Xiaofan is familiar with, is one of them.

Although the original galaxy was huge and there were countless sects, most of the powerful and powerful cultivators came from super sects.

In fact, this is easy to understand. If a sect produces a powerful cultivator and is willing to support and develop the sect from which it is born, even if the sect is weak at the beginning, it can develop into a super sect after countless years.

The structure of the super sects in the original galaxy was exactly the division of power of those powerful cultivators.

Compared to the super sects of the original galaxy, sects like the Tianhaimen Lingmu Sect are just as different as ants and elephants. There is no comparison between the two.

If Su Xiaofan wants to find the Venerable Cang Yu who is suspected to be Daluo Jinxian, he still has to go to places like Qingyang Realm to inquire, because in all likelihood, Venerable Cang Yu is a cultivator from one of these super sects.

"Fellow Daoist Fanchen, if you go to the Qingyang Realm, it is best to have less contact with the practitioners of the Qingyang Sect."

Hearing that Su Xiaofan was going to Qingyang Realm, Venerable Jin Tao said: "Most cultivators from super sects are arrogant, and they will inevitably have disputes if they come into contact with each other too much..."

Venerable Jin Tao's words were not without purpose. When he was in the middle stage of the Immortal Lord, he once traveled to the Qingyang Realm, and at that time he had the idea of ​​joining the Qingyang Realm.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! But after going to the Qingyang Realm, Venerable Jin Tao was severely hit. There were countless talented disciples of the Qingyang Sect, and the cultivators who first entered the Immortal Lord

He was able to beat him to the point where he was completely unable to fight back.

After being humiliated, Venerable Jin Tao was driven away and returned to the Mirror Moon Realm angrily. Since then, he has never been to a higher realm again. After going through hardships, he finally became the Venerable Golden Immortal.

Although Su Xiaofan's secret skills and cultivation are extraordinary, in the eyes of Venerable Jin Tao, they are still not as good as those talented disciples of Qingyang Sect. He is afraid that Su Xiaofan will not follow his own old path and be taken from the Qingyang Realm again.

Drive him out.

"I know, but I also have one or two friends in Qingyang Realm, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

Su Xiaofan laughed, he naturally knew what Venerable Jin Tao said, and Su Xiaofan had often seen the conduct of the great cultivators of the Qingyang Sect.

When we were in the Qingyang Secret Realm, the cultivators from those super sects were all wealthy and wealthy people. Not to mention the cultivators from all realms in the universe, they looked askance at the Golden Immortal Venerable in their own galaxy.


Su Xiaofan really didn't understand. He had already cultivated to the level of the Golden Immortal. The genius cultivators of super sects all had their eyes set on the top. I don't know if this state of mind was cultivated like a dog.

"I forgot that fellow Taoist monks in this world also have extraordinary origins."

After hearing Su Xiaofan's words, the faces of Master Jade Cauldron and others showed expressions of sudden realization. In their original understanding, Su Xiaofan was a genius disciple of the super sect.

It's just that in these more than ten years of interaction, Su Xiaofan has always behaved modestly and politely, without showing a trace of the arrogant temperament of those super sects, which made him forget Su Xiaofan's "originality".

"Fut's origins are extraordinary."

Su Xiaofan cursed in his heart. He was born in the Xiaoyao Sect on Earth, and his master was a Nascent Soul cultivator. He wondered if Venerable Yuding and others would be shocked if they knew this fact.

"Okay, I will send the three of you to the desert secret realm first, and then borrow the teleportation array of Tianhai Gate to go to Qingyang Realm!"

Su Xiaofan also wanted to be a second-generation cultivator and a third-generation cultivator, but his master and father were not very good at it, so he could only work hard to become a first-generation cultivator. Su Xiaofan didn't want to continue this sad topic, so he opened the secret door.

This time, three cultivators went to the Great Secret Realm of the Desert together. After several people disappeared into the secret door, Su Xiaofan put away the secret door and came to the teleportation formation of Tianhai Gate.

Although Tianhaimen has never had a cultivator from the Daluo Jinxian realm, Tianhaimen has existed for too long, so there is also an ancient teleportation array in the gate.

The proto-galaxy is very large, even more than ten thousand times larger than ordinary galaxies.

In such a large galaxy, except for the secret door, sometimes the teleportation array cannot teleport people to the realm they want to go to at one time due to distance.

But the teleportation array of Tianhaimen can be used. Although it is not a cross-border teleportation array, the ancient teleportation array of Tianhaimen can send cultivators to any corner of the original galaxy.

The reason why Tianhaimen and Lingmu Sect applied to manage Ziyun Star back then was precisely because of this teleportation array.

With the teleportation array that leads directly to Ziyun Star, the disciples of the Tianhai Sect on Ziyun Star have a backer. If they encounter strong enemies, they can reach them instantly through the teleportation array. In the early years, this teleportation array did make a lot of contributions.

After seeing off Master Jade Cauldron and others, an Immortal Lord cultivator took Su Xiaofan to the location of the teleportation array.

The ancient teleportation array is also an important weapon of the Tianhai Sect. It is actually hidden in the mountain. However, entering the mountain requires another teleportation array.

After entering the mountain, Su Xiaofan discovered that this space was quite strange. It seemed that multiple sealing powers and isolation formations had been added. Apparently, he was afraid that other sects would learn of the existence of the teleportation formation.

"Senior Fanchen, can you activate the teleportation array?"

After arriving at the Tianhai Gate and standing in the teleportation array, the Immortal Lord cultivator who was highly valued by Venerable Jade Cauldron opened his mouth to ask for instructions.

As Venerable Jade Cauldron's unofficial successor as the next sect leader, the Immortal Lord has been serving Venerable Jade Cauldron for more than ten years and is naturally very familiar with Su Xiaofan.

"Open it and send me directly to Qingyang Realm, preferably Qingyang City."

Su Xiaofan can't go to Qingyang City in the Great Secret Realm, but he can go to Qingyang City in the universe. Maybe the true form of Lord Cang Yu is there.

As for the fact that Venerable Qingtian did not see Venerable Cangyu's cultivation on Ziyun Star, Su Xiaofan felt that the Venerable Cangyu that Qingtian saw was probably just a clone of him.

Just like the clone of a powerful cultivator, which can release a trace of powerful power, the clone of Daluo Jinxian is naturally not very weak.

Moreover, Da Luo Jinxian's clone has not established Tao Fruit, and there is no Tao Aggregate around his body, so he is naturally not afraid of being seen by others.

When the Immortal Lord opened the teleportation array and teleported Su Xiaofan out, although Su Xiaofan's appearance remained the same, his aura seemed to have completely changed into another person.

Su Xiaofan's body can refine all things, so it is easy to imitate a cultivator of the universe and all realms.

Naturally, the realm has not changed, and what is still displayed is the cultivation level of the Golden Immortal.

A Golden Immortal cultivator is considered a high-level cultivator in the original galaxy. The reason why Su Xiaofan did not lower his cultivation level was because he was afraid that his identity would be verified when he arrived in the Qingyang Realm. His identity on the Universe Network was that of a Golden Immortal cultivator.

As for using the teleportation array instead of his own secret door to teleport, Su Xiaofan naturally learned the lesson from last time.

When Su Xiaofan first entered the original galaxy, the sound of the secret door opening directly attracted a Da Luo Jinxian.

If Su Xiaofan hadn't acted cautiously and directly erased his traces and teleported hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, he might have been entangled by the Great Luo Jinxian.

And Su Xiaofan knew that there were 100% powerful cultivators in Qingyang Realm, so he would naturally not get into trouble and risk his own life just to save trouble.

Su Xiaofan didn't know how the teleportation array in the original galaxy was constructed, but it was a hundred times stronger than that in the Jinyang Galaxy. As long as the distance could be teleported, it could basically be reached instantly.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Here the teleportation array is activated, Su Xiaofan only feels the space around him changing, and the next moment he is already in the teleportation array in Qingyang Realm.

"Come down and register why you came to Qingyang Realm!"

As soon as Su Xiaofan stood still, a burst of shouting came from his ears. Following the sound, Su Xiaofan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. It was actually an Immortal Lord cultivator shouting at him.

Previously in the Great Secret Realm, even though those Golden Immortal Venerables were arrogant, they did not dare to be too arrogant in a place like the Great Secret Realm.

But now that he came to the Qingyang Realm, Su Xiaofan felt the arrogance of these super sect disciples. An Immortal Lord cultivator actually dared to talk to the Golden Immortal like this.

You must know that although it is not as difficult to advance from the Immortal Lord to the Golden Immortal as to be promoted to the Great Luo and establish the Tao Fruit, this hurdle also blocks countless cultivators.

The Immortal Lord in front of me didn't even know if he had the chance to become a Golden Immortal, but he dared to be so rude to the Golden Immortal. Needless to say, he relied on his sect to act like this.

"Fanchenzi, in the Golden Immortal Realm, visiting friends..."

Su Xiaofan dodged out of the teleportation array without much anger on his face. He was here to find someone, not to cause trouble. There was no need to be like an immortal king.

"Well, you can leave now. Private fights are not allowed in Qingyang Realm!"

The Immortal Lord cultivator had already seen Su Xiaofan's cultivation, checked the identity of the Universe Network, and didn't make it too difficult for him, but his expression was still a little disapproving.

There is no Golden Immortal Lord with status and background who has not opened his own secret door to come to the Qingyang Realm. The one in front of him needs to use the teleportation array, which means that he does not even have a secret door, so naturally he cannot obtain the Immortal Lord cultivator.



Su Xiaofan nodded and disappeared in a flash. If he knew that he was looked down upon because he didn't use the secret door, then Su Xiaofan would definitely... still not use the secret door to teleport here.

"This Qingyang Realm is worthy of being counted among the realms in the original galaxy!"

The spiritual energy in the higher realm is abundant. Needless to say, Su Xiaofan can feel the spiritual energy continuously penetrating into his body even during the teleportation process.

However, what made Su Xiaofan frown a little was that the laws of the universe here seemed to be becoming more and more unfriendly to Su Xiaofan. Compared to the Mirror Moon Realm, the feeling of being suppressed was even worse.

This kind of suppression would not affect Su Xiaofan's strength. After getting used to it for a while, Su Xiaofan didn't take it to heart anymore.

The first two stages of the ancient cultivation techniques he practiced were all about pulling the wool out of the universe, and practicing the galaxy-level techniques required objects like the heart of the galaxy.

So to this universe, Su Xiaofan is like a thief, quietly stealing energy from all realms of the universe.

What is most scary about the Great Law of the universe is that once the ancient cultivators are promoted to the galaxy level, they will turn from thieves into robbers. At that time, even the Great Law of the universe will be unable to do anything to Su Xiaofan.

However, compared to the ancient cultivators, Su Xiaofan is very low-key in his behavior. Except when he is promoted, he rarely practices and absorbs energy in the universe, so he has not been targeted by the laws of the Tao until now.

This chapter has been completed!
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