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Chapter 447: Spreading branches and leaves!

"Unfortunately, there are no coordinates for the Great Secret Realm of Star Treasures..."

During this time, Su Xiaofan had already filtered through the coordinates of more than 10,000 great secret realms, and some of them were the great secret realms he had been to.

For example, the Qingyang Secret Realm, the Yanyang Secret Realm, and the Desert Secret Realm are all big secret realms that are widely spread in the universe. Almost all of them are collected in Cang Lei Daluo's Secret Sect.

There are also some extreme secret realms. Su Xiaofan has only heard of their names, but they have no chance to go there, because the original Venerable Huo Tian did not have the coordinates of these great secret realms. @ essence / bookstore·no mistake~~

Extreme secret realms usually contain both danger and opportunity.

For example, if the Golden Immortal Venerable wants to seek great fortune and great opportunities, he must be prepared to die, because the Venerable's clone or incarnation is not strong enough to explore extreme secret realms.

Only when they reach the realm of Da Luo or powerful cultivators, can their clones have a certain ability to protect themselves in extreme secret realms. However, the danger of the clone falling is also great, and even powerful cultivators can suffer from injuries.


Therefore, high-level cultivators in the universe love and hate extreme secret realms. Although some people have obtained the coordinates, they may not have explored them carefully.

At this moment, Su Xiaofan's secret door contains coordinates for thousands of extreme secret realms, and Su Xiaofan doesn't know if Cang Lei has been to all of them.

In addition to extreme secret realms, Su Xiaofan also knows some resource secret realms, which are also very famous in all realms of the universe and are rich in materials and cultivation resources needed by high-level cultivators.

After careful calculation, Su Xiaofan actually knew not many coordinates of the Great Secret Realm, only two or three thousand, and he only learned these from others in the Qingyang Secret Realm.

Su Xiaofan has never even heard of the names of the remaining seven or eight thousand coordinates. If he wants to figure out the situation of these secret realms, Su Xiaofan still has a lot of work to do.

However, compared to copying the coordinates from other cultivators' secret doors, it is much easier to get information.

In the universe and all realms, there are some scholars among cultivators who like to compile various secrets about the universe and all realms or the great secret realms.

Even though these cultivators are not very good at fighting, they are very good at gathering information. With the endorsement of a large number of sects behind them, the secrets they compiled can be believed to be 70% reliable.

Su Xiaofan looked for more information in this area and could almost analyze the coordinates of the secret realm in his secret door. Then he could dig out the resources he needed in a targeted manner.

In fact, as far as Su Xiaofan himself is concerned, after refining the super secret door, he did not pay much attention to the resources in these great secret realms. After all, Su Xiaofan did not need these resources for cultivation.

But now that his father and the others have been found, and there is still a large family in the Myron galaxy, Su Xiaofan has to consider upgrading his family to a cultivator family.

If Su Xiaofan was alone, he would have gone to the Chaos Space to advance to the realm of cultivation, but that was not possible now.

Since he brought his family out of the Milky Way galaxy, Su Xiaofan has the responsibility to let his Su family thrive and grow stronger in the universe.

"Grandpa, what's wrong? Are my parents not in this galaxy?"

Seeing that Su Xiaofan remained silent after closing the secret door, Su Peng shouted in surprise, "It's over, they don't want to go to the original galaxy to look for us."

"Unlucky boy, what are you talking about!" Su Xiaofan slapped his grandson on the head.

If Su Xiaofan still had some mentality of being separated from another generation more than a hundred years ago, now if he doesn't hit Su Peng a few times a day, Su Xiaofan feels uncomfortable all over his body.

"Ancestor, you don't care about my grandpa."

Su Peng looked at Su Weixuan with a resentful look. He wasn't really in pain, he was just playing tricks.

"Shut your mouth, kid."

Su Xiaofan glared at Su Peng angrily, "I sensed it. They are indeed in the Myron Galaxy, but they are a bit far away from here. You still have to use the secret door to get there..."

What Su Xiaofan left behind was a bloodline clone. The connection between the two is far from being comparable to the incarnation of a ray of divine consciousness. As long as they are in the same galaxy, Su Xiaofan can scientifically sense the location of the clone.

"Then let's go..."

Su Weixuan was also a little moved at this moment. He originally... (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 447: Spreading branches and leaves!

He has the temperament of a wife slave who puts his children second in order to heal his wife. He is much more excited than Su Peng when he can see his wife soon.

"Okay, let's go in one by one." Su Xiaofan locked the location of the clone and opened the secret door directly.

Myron Galaxy, Carkel Planet.

In ancient times that cannot even be verified, the planet Kakel was originally called the realm of the emperor. Archaeological results prove that this place is a dojo for cultivators with extremely high levels of cultivation.

But countless years have passed, and the name of this planet has been changed to Kakel, which belongs to the royal family of the Meron Empire. Although the ruins of the caves of cultivators from countless years ago are still there, no cultivators survive here anymore.

In that unexplained accident, all the cultivators in the Myron Galaxy disappeared. The Royal Myron Empire took the opportunity to seize many such living planets.

The planet Kakel is not very big, only about one percent of the Earth. Due to its remote location and not very developed technology, it was used by the royal family of the Meron Empire to raise some biological food materials.

More than a hundred years ago, a branch of the royal family of the Meron Empire paid a certain price to buy the right to own the planet Kakel.

It was just an inconspicuous small planet that was not in the eyes of the royal family of the Meron Empire. After the royal branch bought some connections, the planet Kaker quietly changed hands.

Since then, the planet Kakel has become the private domain of that royal branch. It does not even need to pay taxes and fees to the imperial royal family, and the imperial royal family has no supervision rights over this planet.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Although the animal husbandry of the planet Kaker is retained, these are concentrated in places with a slightly worse natural environment on the planet.

In a livable scenic spot full of spiritual energy on the planet Kakel, a building with a very different style appeared more than a hundred years ago. This is the residence of the new lord of the planet Kakel.

"Husband, can't we have another child?"

In a villa in that building complex, Mo Zixuan's fingers roamed over Su Xiaofan's body.

Since arriving in the Myron Galaxy more than a hundred years ago, in the unique aura environment here, everyone's cultivation has been consolidated, and the long life characteristics of the cultivators have also been highlighted at this time.

At the beginning, He Lianxiong, Hualong and others were still busy building the planet Kakel, but for a level five civilization, as long as they have money, building a living planet is too simple.

In just a few years, the planet Kakel has been completely transformed according to the wishes of Hualong and others, so apart from practicing, everyone will inevitably feel bored.

He Lianxiong used the royal status of his old friend as a cover, and he also led a group of women's soldiers to play on the developed planets of the Myron Galaxy for a period of time. This time was measured in decades.

Of course, there are also some people who have always stayed on the planet Kakel to practice. For example, Lin Yifei Muge, Su Xiaofan's disciples, have always stayed on the planet to practice hard.

Of course, apart from the hard work, they naturally also have to do things that are in line with human development and life extension. Even Pastoral now has more than one wife, because the Meron Empire does not pursue a monogamy policy.

In the Myron Galaxy, as long as a man is capable and can afford to support his wife, any number of wives you can find will be considered a legal couple.

Such a policy is naturally very friendly to men, but as far as the Su family is concerned, the situation was suppressed by Xuan Rui and Mo Zixuan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law as soon as the situation emerged.

Lin Yifei was also beaten to death by his wife. He was squeezed every day and had no time to pay attention to other women. The consequence was that Lin Yifei's children could already form a football team.

Pastoral let himself go. From the Milky Way Galaxy to the Myron Galaxy, he married a total of five wives and gave birth to more than 20 children. Many of them have grown up and left the planet Kaker.

Even Su Yu also added two grandsons and two granddaughters to Su Xiaofan. When Su Peng goes back, he will find that his father's favor is long gone.

As for their daughter Su Mu and Su Xiaofan's eldest disciple Zheng Hao, they also gave birth to three grandsons and a granddaughter to Su Xiaofan.

Moreover, these children have all grown up, gotten married, and had children, so they have reached the fourth place in the ranking. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 447: Spreading branches and leaves!

Six generations later, the current Su family and Zheng family have really blossomed.

Only Su Peng is still a loner. He is now definitely the senior bachelor in the Su family.

Of course, in addition to Su Peng, the Su family also has an aunt who has also been single, causing headaches for everyone in the Su family.

Mo Zixuan had always wanted to have another child with Su Xiaofan, but Su Xiaofan's clone knew that he was just a bloodline clone, and there must be something wrong with his genes, so the matter could only be postponed.

"Do you really still want a child?"

Holding Mo Zixuan in his arms, Su Xiaofan's expression suddenly became extremely strange. @精品/书馆·无码~~

"Of course, you see, Su Yu and Mu Mu have given birth to several children. We are not old, so we can have a few more for fun."

This was the first time Mo Zixuan heard Su Xiaofan relent, and he immediately sat up straight, "A cultivator has such a long life, it would be a pity not to leave more blood."

To be honest, women really don't care much about cultivation. From Xuan Rui to Mo Zixuan to Su Xiaoxiao and Zhao Qingyao, they basically spend three days fishing and two days drying up the net.

More than a hundred years have passed, and the three of them have only advanced from the early stage of Yuanying to the late stage of Yuanying, and have not even reached the perfect state of Yuanying.

Of course, this is also related to the general environment. The Myron Galaxy was at most a medium cultivator galaxy at that time, and it might not be able to reach that level, so the quality of the spiritual energy was not very high.

"Zixuan, your cultivation level is too low. You need to practice hard." Su Xiaofan sighed, "Your current cultivation level and our genes are already extremely unequal. I don't know what the child you will give birth to will be like."

There’s no way to figure it out…”

As early as when Su Xiaofan sensed the clone, his spiritual thoughts had already entered the clone. This had nothing to do with cultivation, but a sensing ability between the clone and the original body.

Therefore, Su Xiaofan has learned everything that his family has experienced over the years from his clones. Especially Mo Zixuan, who has been with Su Xiaofan day and night, there is no secret at all.

"Xiaofan, why are you feeling a little weird today?"

Mo Zixuan felt a little strange. Su Xiaofan had never mentioned the relationship between cultivation and having children before. When he heard this, Mo Zixuan couldn't help but feel strange.

The Su Xiaofan in front of him seemed to have an indescribable sense of strangeness, especially the words he spoke were so different from the previous Su Xiaofan.

"Your husband is back, something is wrong."

Su Xiaofan burst out laughing when he heard this, stood up and walked out of the bedroom. His spiritual thoughts instantly covered the building complex where his family was.

"I'm back, come to my place!"

The eight words rang in everyone's ears. Whether they were relatives and friends who were familiar with each other in the past, or the younger generations who were born later, they all heard these words clearly.

Including Hualong Xuanrui and He Lianxiong, everyone spread out their bodies without any hesitation and flew towards Su Xiaofan's yard.

Those younger generations who were born later also know that the ancestor Xiaofan, who has always been smiling and inquiring about world affairs in the family, is the real core of the family, and his call must be fulfilled.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Xiaofan, is it you who are back?"

When the dark crowd gathered in the courtyard of Su Xiaofan's villa, Xuan Rui also saw her son coming out of the room.

Naturally, there was no change in appearance and clothing, but these relatives who had seen each other almost every day for more than a hundred years felt the difference in Su Xiaofan.

"Mom, I'm back!" Su Xiaofan looked at his mother who still looked the same and smiled happily.

Although there was also the joy of meeting again after a long absence, Su Xiaofan himself didn't know why, but his heart felt peaceful, but he was not as excited as his mother.

It may also be due to the integration of the spiritual thoughts of the clone. Seeing each other every day for more than a hundred years naturally dilutes the excitement of reunion and replaces it with the unchanging family love.

"Xiaofan, you... where is your dad?"

Xuan Rui's eyes turned a little red. This son was so inconsiderate that he hadn't gotten her husband back yet.

"Dad, where is Su Peng?"

This was what Su Yu and Yun Duo's father asked. Although it was more than a hundred years ago and they had practiced the trumpet a lot, there had to be an explanation for the loss of the tuba.

(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 447: Spreading branches and leaves!

"Master, where is Junior Brother Alfonso?" Lin Yifei and Mu Ge also asked.

"Brother, where is Uncle Jing?" Su Xiaoxiao was still kind and finally remembered the lonely old man Jing Shizhen.

Just when everyone had finished talking, a light door seven or eight meters high appeared in the courtyard.

The first person to walk out of the light door was Su Xiaofan, who was exactly the same as Mo Zixuan. Except for some differences in clothing and hairstyle, there was no difference in their appearance.

"Thanks a lot!"

Su Xiaofan walked out of the light door and smiled at his clone. After being away for so long, his clone's spiritual thoughts did not develop self-awareness, which made Su Xiaofan worry a lot.

As far as Su Xiaofan knows, if the spiritual consciousness separated by a cultivator does not communicate with the deity for a long time, it will often develop self-consciousness. At that time, the clone of the cultivator will try to devour the deity and replace it.

Although the success rate is close to zero, it is still a troublesome thing for me.

However, this kind of thing usually only happens after millions of years of disconnection. Su Xiaofan has only been away for more than a hundred years, so there is no need to worry about this kind of thing.

The original figure and the clone looked at each other and smiled, and the clone's figure gradually faded and merged into Su Xiaofan's original figure.

Those younger generations who were born later were all looking at it at this moment. No one could have imagined that Ancestor Su, who had a respected position in the family, was just a clone.

Everyone thought that Su Xiaofan's clone had been taken back by his true self, but in fact it was not the case. Su Xiaofan only allowed it to share what happened to his true self for so many years with regard to the spiritual thoughts that had been separated.

This clone was already too weak for the current Su Xiaofan, so after Su Xiaofan took back the essence and blood, he separated another stream of essence and blood and injected his spiritual thoughts into it.

The re-differentiated clone was thrown into the secret door space by Su Xiaofan.

The previous clone went to explore the original secret realm and has not come back yet. However, this clone can control the secret door, making it more convenient to use in the future.

After Su Xiaofan came out of the secret door, he stepped aside, and Su Weixuan appeared right behind him.

As soon as he came out, he saw hundreds of people gathered around him. Su Weixuan was stunned for a moment, but he immediately saw his wife Xuan Rui.

At this moment, Su Weixuan had no one else in his eyes, and flew directly in front of his wife, staring with both eyes, and all the longing for a hundred years was reflected in his eyes.


Su Xiaoxiao next to her shouted dissatisfiedly. She hadn't seen her for more than a hundred years and didn't know how to take a look at her daughter.

"Ah, Xiaoxiao, are you married?"

Su Weixuan's eyes turned to Su Xiaoxiao, but he suppressed Su Xiaoxiao's complaints with just one sentence. She was already an aunt, how could she be so easy to marry?

"Uncle Jing..."

Seeing the person who appeared from the secret door immediately, Su Xiaoxiao immediately threw his father aside and greeted him with Zhao Qingyao and Su Xiaoxiao. This time, *** and Zheng Dagang were also greeted.

They were all people who were very close to Jing Shizhen back then.

Uncle Jing's love for these girls back then was much stronger than that of Su Weixuan's father. That is to say, Uncle Lu'an suffered a catastrophe, otherwise his status would be higher than Su Weixuan's. @精/书馆

·Correct~~The one who came out later was Alfonso. Naturally, Lin Yifei, Pastoral Helianxiong and other fellow apprentices came forward to ask for help. Everyone also knew that the teleportation array was activated back then, and Alfonso could not be blamed.

Su Peng, who finally appeared, was slapped on the head by a big ear-scratcher as soon as he came out with an excited face. He raised his head and thought, "I can't afford to offend my biological father."

For those sects that have been passed down for countless years, more than a hundred years is nothing at all, just like a wave splashing in the sea.

But for the group of disciples of this family with Su Xiaofan as the core, more than a hundred years is really a long time.

Not counting He Lianxiong, the oldest ones here, Jing Shizhen and Hua Long, are only three or four hundred years old. Their time outside has already taken up one-third of their lives at this moment.

"Well, it is a happy event that the elders and disciples of the Su family have returned today. I specially ask you to come and meet them."

Seeing that his father and the others were suppressing their feelings, Su Xiaofan felt that there was such a chaos in front of him. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 447: Spreading branches and leaves!

It didn’t sound right, so he immediately said: "People from all walks of life will bring them back by themselves, and I will meet with the two ancestors tomorrow..."

After Su Xiaofan merged with his clone, he naturally knew a lot about the affairs of Planet Kakel.

Although some children and younger generations of the family have chosen technological civilization, they have all left the planet Kakel and entered the technological planet of the Myron Galaxy to live.

But the vast majority of people stayed. At least none of Su Xiaofan's direct bloodline chose technological civilization. It was just the disciples who left more, and most of them were descendants of Mu Ge.

All those who left were sealed by Su Xiaofan's avatar, sealing the cultivation system on the planet Kakir, so there was no need for them to accidentally leak the situation here after they left.

The remaining people, the direct descendants of Su Xiaofan alone, now number in the dozens.

In addition, Zheng Dagang's side also blossomed. Brother Gang grew stronger and stronger, the old tree sprouted new shoots, and Zheng Hao actually gave birth to five younger brothers and younger sisters.

Therefore, in addition to the Su family, the Zheng family is now also an indispensable presence, and their number is not much less than that of the Su family.

"Dad, you and mom should go back and have a chat first."

Su Xiaofan waved his hand and chased the people away, "Su Yu, go back and take care of Su Peng, let him disperse and defend before beating him up, otherwise you will get hurt..."

"Okay, let's all disperse, Helian, Yifei, Pastoral Come in with me!"

Su Xiaofan's eyes swept over everyone, "Uncle Hua, Brother Gang, you guys can come in too..."

"Su Xiaofan!"

After everyone dispersed, Su Xiaoxiao's voice rang out, "Don't you even care about your sister when you come back?"

The brother and sister had been bickering for more than a hundred years, and it was rare that they would not start fighting each other when they met. Su Xiaofan's complaints actually made Su Xiaofan happy.

"Every time I meet you, I don't see you making me care. You have been traveling all these years, and you don't want to find a husband for yourself!"

Su Xiaofan burst out laughing. His clone was himself. Su Xiaofan naturally knew everything that had happened over the years.

"How can you be my husband if your cultivation is so weak?"

Su Xiaoxiao pouted. She had a powerful brother as a reference. She was really distressed. She looked down on those who were weaker than her brother, but she had never met anyone who was stronger than him.

"Looking for someone with strong cultivation? That's easy to do. @ESSENTIAL/SHUKEG·Nothing wrong~~"

Su Xiaofan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, "I'll take you to the original galaxy later, to the Golden Immortal Venerable Yishui and the Great Luo Jinxian. If you like my brother, I'll introduce them to you..."

"Really?" Although Su Xiaoxiao didn't quite understand the realm of the Golden Immortal Venerable Daluo Jinxian, it sounded like it was very powerful. "Well, it's true!"

Su Xiaofan nodded seriously, "By the way, they are just a little older. They are usually young heroes who have been cultivating for hundreds of thousands or millions of years..."

"Su Xiaofan, I...I will fight with you!"

After hearing her brother's words, Su Xiaoxiao rushed out immediately. She was teased by Su Xiaofan again. It seemed that she had been like this since she was a child.

"Okay, there are young people too. When the time comes, you can find them by yourself."

Su Xiaofan laughed, feeling very happy, and turned around to let everyone into the living room.

This building complex on Kakr Planet is still a replica of what it was back then.

The villa complex on Earth seems to have been moved here from the Jinghu Community, except that there are many more villas than there.

The living room in the villa is very spacious, so it doesn't feel crowded when so many people come in.

The elders like Hua Shujing Shizhen naturally sat on the sofa. Su Xiaofan moved Brother Gang to the sofa, and then Mo Zixuan and Su Xiaoxiao.

The rest of the people sat on the chairs obediently. They were not qualified to sit on the sofa.

Although there was only one clone left on the planet Kakel, all the decisions made for more than a hundred years were made by Su Xiaofan's clone after Hua Long and others discussed it.

"Brother Gang, you have to practice hard."

Su Xiaofan glanced at Zheng Dagang, who had wrinkles on his face, and couldn't help but frowned, "How come it has been more than a hundred years before you reached the golden elixir stage?"

Rong.(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 447: Spreading branches and leaves!

After entering the spiritual mind of the clone, Su Xiaofan naturally knew the cultivation level of these people. Speaking of which, among their generation, Zheng Dagang's cultivation level was the lowest.

Even Zheng Dagang’s wife has broken through to the Nascent Soul Realm

The world has been extended to a thousand years, but if Zheng Dagang does not break through, he will probably only have more than a hundred years left at most.

"Brother, my qualifications are here."

Brother Gang said somewhat depressedly: "If I don't have enough qualifications, no matter how hard I try, it will be in vain. If I dared to break through the Nascent Soul Tribulation, I might have died long ago..."

Facing so many juniors, Brother Gang was also helpless, but the qualifications of a cultivator cannot be determined by himself. He was very reluctant to practice until the foundation building stage, and it became even more difficult after he broke through the golden elixir.

"Xiao Fan, it's nothing. Brother Gang, I have seen everything. This life is worth living. It doesn't matter whether you practice or not."

Zheng Dagang is very tolerant. Now he has many children and grandchildren, and even his great-grandchildren don’t know how many. Every year when they get together, they have to count their names and listen to a group of people calling them ancestors.

"You eat this first, and I'll think of something for you later..."

Su Xiaofan smiled bitterly, turned over his hand and took out a fruit that looked a bit like an apricot, "Brother Gang, if you eat this, you can live for thousands of years. I will find a way for you to solve the qualification issue. It will not be difficult to solve."

Su Xiaofan smiled bitterly, not because something bad happened to Zheng Dagang

Solve it, but because his level is too low, Su Xiaofan

There is simply no chance to access the resources needed by such a low-level cultivator.

The fruit Su Xiaofan took out was one of the several fairy fruits he took from the fruit bowl when he was in the Xingbao Pavilion in Qingyang Secret Realm.

This fairy fruit is the mildest, has the best taste, can prolong life, but contains the least energy.

"Extension of life to a thousand years?"

Brother Gang was startled by Su Xiaofan's words, "Xiaofan, this... this thing is too precious. You should keep it. Isn't it useless for me?"

"Brother Gang, let me tell you that this is the most rubbish fairy fruit I have. Do you believe it?"

Su Xiaofan laughed bitterly when he heard this. He never thought that one day he would actually worry about the resources of low-level cultivators.

"Master, what is the highest level of immortal fruit you have?"

He Lianxiong's eyes lit up as he listened. He was the one with the highest level of cultivation among the left-behind personnel, and had successfully broken through to the Mahayana stage more than 20 years ago.

But when he made the breakthrough, He Lianxiong also consumed all the immortal spirit stones left by Su Xiaofan. His cultivation had not improved in the past twenty years, so he simply took a group of people and often went out for interstellar travel.

"Helian, let alone the most advanced one, if you eat the average fairy fruit on me, you will explode and die."

Su Xiaofan glanced at He Lianxiong and couldn't help but laugh, "You guys, please be patient. Master will definitely have something good for you when you get back..."

"Master is wise!"

Hearing Su Xiaofan's words, He Lianxiong, Lin Yifei, Muge and others were overjoyed, and they all stood up and worshiped.

You must know that although the spiritual energy of the Myron Galaxy is much abundant, the further you go in cultivation, the higher the level of resources required.

The ancient caves in the Myron Galaxy have been exploited for a long time, so what He Lianxiong and others are most lacking now are cultivation resources.

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Chapter 447: Spreading branches and leaves!


Please remember the domain name of this book:.The Moral Record of the Mortician

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