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Chapter 463 Leave!

Immortals are also human beings, and they naturally have emotions and desires. However, some immortals have been practicing for too long and have forgotten human emotions.

He Xiu and Su Xiaoxiao had only practiced for a few hundred years. After the two had a common ideal, Su Xiaoxiao became pregnant soon. For immortals, this is really a very simple thing.

, it just depends on whether you are willing or not.

Su Xiaofan didn't know if her sister did it on purpose. She was pregnant with a boy and a girl. Two lives were being nurtured in Su Xiaofan's body at the same time.

Su Xiaofan didn't care about this either. He said that the end of science is theology. As long as the cultivation level is high enough, it will be easy to break the cognition of science.

When the two embryos in her sister's body were taking shape, Su Xiaofan injected a trace of the original energy into Su Xiaoxiao's body.

Naturally, this trace of original energy cannot be directly penetrated into the two initial lives. Instead, it wraps up the two lives, allowing them to slowly absorb the trace of original energy while growing naturally.

But Su Xiaofan forgot one thing, and that was that with his cultivation, even though he was careful enough to only inject the original energy that he thought could be absorbed by the little life, the development of the matter still exceeded Su Xiaofan's imagination.

Although the growth rate of the two babies is the same as that of normal babies, the speed of absorbing the original energy is very slow.

Normal people conceive in ten months, even if they are immortals, they can extend this time to about a year at best.

But the two children in Su Xiaoxiao's belly went against this rule. They were unwilling to come out of their mother's womb before absorbing all the original energy.

This long period of time made Su Xiaoxiao, a lively person, almost depressed. What made her even more uncomfortable was that after three years, she could actually use her spiritual consciousness to communicate with the child in her belly.

Not only Su Xiaoxiao, the child in her belly also got to know her father, grandparents and uncle. From across her belly, she could often hear two childish voices greeting people outside.

This reminded Su Xiaoxiao of that deified person on earth. It seemed that Nezha in the myth and legend stayed in his mother's womb for three years before coming out, and as soon as he came out, he could speak human words.

Su Xiaoxiao's two children are even more outrageous. They are already able to speak before they are born. If they were placed on an uncivilized earth, they would definitely be monsters.

The trace of Su Xiaofan's original energy allowed his two nephews to be absorbed in the mother's womb for ten years before they were completely absorbed and digested. Su Xiaoxiao was also pregnant for ten years before she began to give birth.

This made Su Xiaoxiao want to give Su Xiaofan a slap every time he saw her. Whose child was pregnant for ten years? During these ten years, Su Xiaoxiao almost went crazy.

Naturally, others had to worry about the childbirth. Su Xiaofan just held his two nephews in his arms after the child was born.

The two babies, a boy and a girl, were both nearly one meter in length after birth, and their faces and skin were very smooth, completely different from other babies.

But this is also a reasonable thing. Normally, these two children are already ten years old, but they are in the environment of the mother's womb, which limits their growth.

Moreover, after the two children were born, they still maintained the innate Qi they had in their mothers' wombs. In the blink of an eye, both children had entered the stage of Qi training.

No one is surprised by this. A child whose cultivation is comparable to that of Da Luo, who personally cultivated his original energy, would be strange if his qualifications were mediocre.

As his own nephew, Su Xiaofan was naturally not stingy and took out many natural and earthly treasures and gave them to He Xiu so that the two children would be able to use them when they grow up.

For practitioners, diligence is important, but talent, opportunity and qualifications are even more important.

It is foreseeable that, as the top second generation cultivators, in the next few hundred years, the cultivation of the two children is very likely to catch up and surpass their parents.

He Xiu has been in the Su family for more than ten years and has seen many things clearly. He knows that the entire family is run by his uncle.

With Su Xiaofan's support at all costs, the Su family's growth has undergone different changes almost every year. Immortal-level cultivators have emerged in endlessly, and the overall strength of the family has improved very quickly.

A cultivator with a cultivation level comparable to Daluo Jinxian fully supports a family, but the resources are not comparable to those of He Xiu's sect.

He Xiu finally figured it out. Instead of returning to the sect to practice, it would be better to stay in the Su family. After practicing here for thousands of years, he would even be sure to enter the realm of a true immortal or even an immortal king.

Of course, not even Su Xiaoxiao knows the true heritage of the Su family, let alone He Xiu, because the relationship is really too great.

If anyone knew that there were tens of thousands of top-quality ethereal stones hidden in the Su family, let alone the Golden Immortal Venerable, they would probably take action personally. In that case, the Su family would only end up falling apart and completely destroyed.

Only Su Weixuan, Su Yu and Hualong Jing Shizhen hold the core secrets of the Su family, but all the information they have about the family secrets has been sealed.

As for the family secret vault, even Su Yu, the patriarch, cannot enter. Only Hualong and Jing Shizhen have the right to open the secret door.

Su Weixuan spent the whole day traveling around the original galaxy, while Su Yu had been practicing in seclusion. Neither of them were in charge, so the top secrets of the Su family could only be in the hands of Hualong and Jing Shizhen.

Fortunately, both of them have an inseparable relationship with the Su family, and they are shrewd and sophisticated. Coupled with the protection of Su Xiaofan's sealed firewall, Su Xiaofan believes that at least until the first Golden Immortal Lord appears in the Su family, nothing will happen.


My sister's child was born, and the family was once again thriving. Su Xiaofan was finally ready to do his own thing.

However, before leaving the universe, Su Xiaofan must go to his own secret realm, where he still has a clone of himself that he has not recovered.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Su Xiaofan did not tell his parents about going to his own secret realm, but as his wife, Mo Zixuan naturally wanted to know.

Although he is only an Earth Immortal now, with Su Xiaofan by his side, Mo Zixuan's knowledge is not weaker than that of the average Golden Immortal, and he naturally knows what the exclusive secret realm is like.

"It's a safe idea. If it doesn't work, just go back and think of another way."

Mo Zixuan looked at Su Xiaofan with a bit of reluctance on her face. If possible, Mo Zixuan hoped that Su Xiaofan would stay by her side until the end of the universe.

"Don't worry, there shouldn't be any danger. I've been in there for so many years and I haven't seen anything happen."

Su Xiaofan comforted his wife, but he also felt a little unsure. His own secret realm was really weird.

Su Xiaofan tried many times to open the secret door to the clone in the secret realm, but there seemed to be something or a very strange energy in the secret realm, making it impossible for Su Xiaofan's secret door to be opened.

So in desperation, Su Xiaofan had no choice but to go and check it out in person, otherwise if something went wrong with the clone when he was promoted, it would make Su Xiaofan want to cry.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether your cultivation is advanced or not."

Mo Zixuan looked at her husband and said, "As long as our family is happy together, that's better than anything else..."

Mo Zixuan is not the kind of person who is very ambitious, or in other words, several women in the Su family are not very interested in cultivation, and they have been living casually for so many years.

"There are some things you don't understand..."

When Su Xiaofan heard this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head. When he was on earth, he thought that he would be invincible if he could reach the Nascent Soul stage.

After becoming a planet-level cultivator, Su Xiaofan realized that he was just a frog in the well. There were so many powerful people in the universe that far exceeded Su Xiaofan's knowledge.

Later, when he went out to wander around, he was almost slapped to death by the powerful demon clan. Su Xiaofan clearly realized his own insignificance. At that time, Su Xiaofan thought that powerful power was the end of the cultivator.

But this trip to the chaotic space subverted Su Xiaofan's understanding of the unknown world outside. A powerful cultivator who was already at the top of the combat power in the universe, went to the chaotic space, but was at the bottom.

If this was the case, Su Xiaofan didn't care about his level of cultivation. He could not go to the chaotic space and just stay in the universe with his wife and family.

It’s just that the universe and its realms do not exist forever, and will also perish in the chaotic space.

As far as Su Xiaofan knew, almost every few years, the universe would be annihilated. In the Hongyun Dojo, several of the powerful cultivators Su Xiaofan knew had escaped from the annihilated universe.

Su Xiaofan was not sure when something like that would happen in the universe he was in. If Su Xiaofan would die of old age naturally, Su Xiaofan would not need to worry about these things.

But Su Xiaofan knew very well that with his current level of cultivation, even if he wanted to die of old age, it would not be easy. If that day really comes, can Su Xiaofan be able to watch his family members perish along with this universe?

Even for the sake of his family, Su Xiaofan can only push himself to become stronger. Only when he is strong can he ensure the safety of his family when danger comes.

Su Xiaofan could not tell anyone about these things, even close relatives such as his parents and wife, Su Xiaofan did not dare to tell them, because it would probably affect their Taoism.

What Su Xiaofan can do is to make himself stronger. He was able to move his family to the original galaxy back then, and in the future he can bring his family to live in the chaotic space.

But the foundation of all this depends on whether Su Xiaofan can successfully break through and become a void walker that can survive in chaotic space.

"Husband, is there something I don't know?"

Mo Zixuan was also a wise and intelligent person. As soon as he saw Su Xiaofan's appearance, he knew that he must have something on his mind. He couldn't help but hold Su Xiaofan's arm and called out the word "husband".

Since the children are grown up and the grandchildren have been passed down for several generations, Mo Zixuan rarely calls Su Xiaofan as husband now. He calls her husband like this now because he wants to help Su Xiaofan share some things.

"The universe is not as safe as you see. We must be prepared for danger in times of peace..."

Su Xiaofan smiled and shook his head. Although he said this, the look on his face was very relaxed.

In fact, there was no need for Su Xiaofan to be nervous. Even if their universe was destroyed, it would be thousands of years from now. It would be hard to say whether his parents, wife and other family members would still be there by then.

"Well, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Mo Zixuan nodded, but he didn't know that Su Xiaofan had affected his emotions without realizing it, and he felt relaxed.

This chapter has been completed!
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