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Chapter 500 Three Commissions

Although Haotian City is very big, the joint dispatch of Qingshan Martial Arts School and Qingshan Escort Bureau still caused a sensation in the entire Haotian City.

This time, there were a total of more than 500 people going to the Demon Abyss of the Underworld.

Among them, more than 100 and less than 200 people are the escorts of Qingshan Martial Arts School and Qingshan Escort Bureau, while the remaining more than 300 people are assigned by Qingshan Escort Bureau.

It was rare for King Sun Wu to escort him, so the most sensational thing in Haotian City during this period was that Sun Wu wanted to personally escort him to the Kingdom of Earth.

As soon as this news came out, not only the wealthy businessmen of Haotian City came to entrust escorts, but also people from other cities in the Celestial Dynasty came to Haotian City to compete for the opportunity of this entrustment.

In the end, Sun Wu accepted the commission from three families, one of which was the official mission of Haotian City to transport a batch of very precious grains to the underworld.

This kind of grain, called golden rice, is a type of rice improved on the basis of ordinary rice. It contains energy that is extremely beneficial to warriors. Long-term consumption can enhance the qi and blood in a warrior's body.

Moreover, golden rice is not only good for warriors to eat, but also monsters and monsters flock to golden rice because golden rice can make their bodies stronger.

Jinmi has a gentle temperament and is much safer than some overbearing medicinal properties. Therefore, the demon clan is also in great demand. Every time they attack the Celestial Dynasty, they will most likely come for Jinmi.

The environment in which golden rice grows is very special. Only China can produce it, and the quantity is not very large. Only one-third of it can be supplied to the other three countries every year.

Every year when transporting golden rice, they are attacked by monsters. Only 23 out of 10 golden rice can be transported safely, so golden rice is sold at a sky-high price.

This time Sun Wu personally acted as an escort, so Haotian City naturally wanted to seize the opportunity and immediately took out all the golden rice quota that was to be given to the Earth Kingdom this year and handed it over to the Qingshan Escort Agency for escort.

The price of Sun Wu's escort is naturally very high, but Haotian City Lord is willing to pay three thousand kilograms of gold rice as this reward. Even Sun Wu can't say anything. This thing is not available even in the Celestial Dynasty.

Something worthless.

As for the other two commissions, they also have great backgrounds.

One of the clients was the largest grain store in the Celestial Empire. They entrusted the Qingshan Escort Agency to bring their young master to the Kingdom of Earth to participate in the Demonic Abyss Trial.

Grain crops were the pillar industry of the Celestial Empire, which naturally gave rise to many grain merchants, and Liang's Trading Company was the largest among them, accounting for almost 40% of the entire Celestial Empire's grain merchants.

When doing business in this world where demons are rampant, force is obviously the most important thing.

Liang's Trading Company itself also has a very strong escort team, otherwise they would be overwhelmed just by escorting the grain exported every year.

The current head of Liang's Trading Company, Liang Zhen, is a peak military commander. His extraordinary force and shrewd mind are the reasons why Liang's Trading Company is the leader in the Celestial Dynasty.

But the next generation successor of the Liang family is not so talented as a martial artist. At nearly a hundred years old, they are only in the realm of martial arts masters. Seeing that the end is approaching, it is difficult to break through and become a military commander.

Therefore, Liang Zhen designated Liang Tianjun, a leading figure in the third generation, as the young master of the Liang family. When he broke through to the rank of military general, he would pass the title of head of the family to Liang Tianjun.

Liang Tianjun is only 27 or 28 years old this year and is already a late-stage martial artist.

With Liang's Trading Company as the backing, Liang Tianjun has no shortage of training resources, and his energy and blood are extremely strong, almost meeting the standards for promotion.

But Liang Tianjun only lacks mental strength, and even with the Liang family's wealth, it is difficult to obtain soul pills. After all, those things are priceless and will be snapped up as soon as they appear.

Therefore, if Liang Tianjun wants to improve his spiritual cultivation, he can only choose to go to the Kingdom of Earth. However, he will not risk entering the Demonic Abyss. Instead, he will wait in the Kingdom of Earth until the second demonic uprising occurs before entering the Demonic Abyss to practice.

Another point is that this world is extremely huge. Although the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Earth are bordering each other, even if we go all out, it will still take a month or two, and we have to pass through some hilly and forested areas in the middle.

Even Liang's Trading Company would still suffer heavy losses every time they took this trade route.

Compared with the Qingshan Escort Bureau, which has one King Wu and dozens of generals, the force value of Liang's Trading Company is really not enough. In order to ensure the safety of the young master, the Qingshan Escort Agency was entrusted to escort him.

Another commission accepted by the Qingshan Escort Agency was to escort someone to the Demonic Abyss of the Underworld, but this commission was from a woman.

In terms of power in the Celestial Dynasty, the Liang family can only be called rich at best. Even though they are as rich as the rest of the country, they are still inferior by three points in front of the powerful.

The greatest power in the Celestial Dynasty is naturally the royal family. Not only in the Celestial Dynasty, but also in the other three countries, the royal family firmly controls the state power, and no force can overthrow it.

You must know that the guardians of each city are official warriors belonging to the royal family. They are the force that protects the city, and they are the foundation of the royal family.

The armies of all cities are also commanded by warriors appointed by the royal family, and the city lord who executes the decree cannot command the army, which ensures the centralization of force by the royal family.

Moreover, it is said that the royal families of various countries have martial saints sitting in charge. They appear to be very gentle on weekdays, but once something unexpected happens, the royal family will display powerful force to intimidate all forces.

Because there are few mountains and forests around Haotian City and there are many plains around it, it is an extremely important food production area for the Celestial Empire. The Celestial Empire also attaches great importance to Haotian City. There is an army of three thousand warriors stationed in Haotian City.

Among these 3,000 warriors, there are more than 2,000 martial arts masters and nearly 100 generals. Their strength can be said to be extremely strong, even the Qingshan Escort Bureau can't stand it.

The military commander of Haotian City is a member of the royal family of the Celestial Dynasty, and he is also a powerful King of Martial Arts.

According to the rules of the Celestial Dynasty, once members of the royal family reach the realm of King Wu, they will be awarded the title of prince, and they are often powerful princes with strong military skills.

The fertility of human beings in this world is extremely strong. The King of Martial Arts in Haotian City is more than a hundred years old, and he is still flourishing and has given birth to several more children in Haotian City.

Among them is the youngest daughter, who has amazing talent in martial arts. She is only twenty years old this year and has already reached the late stage of martial arts training.

With such cultivation at such an age, even in the Four Kingdoms, it is like a peerless genius. The father of King Wu devoted all his efforts to cultivate him. For this reason, he even included her mother, who was not of high birth, into the list.

Among the royal family.

As for the resources used for cultivation, the commander-in-chief of the King of Wu spent money on his little daughter as if they were free of charge. Even the soul pills that were rarely seen in the outside world, the King of Wu personally hunted down the Yinshen and obtained some for his daughter.

But the problem arises with this soul elixir. The soul elixir refined by a warrior is far less pure than the soul elixir refined by a talisman master, and the martial arts king's method is even worse, and the soul elixir extracted has many impurities.

Soul pills act on mental strength. The princess took too many soul pills, but it had the opposite effect. Her spirit was impacted by the impurities in the soul pills, and her cultivation retreated instead of advancing.

Just a few days ago, the princess even showed signs of schizophrenia. She once thought she was a yin god and almost broke out of Haotian City at night, but was suppressed by King Wu himself and sealed off her cultivation.

There are only two ways to solve this problem. One is for a warrior at the martial saint level to use his or her own spiritual power to help sort out the sea of ​​consciousness and remove those impurities.

But the main practice in this world is not spiritual power, and the research and application of spiritual power are far inferior to those of the universe.

Even if a powerful Martial Saint takes action, there is a chance of failure, and the consequences of failure are extremely serious. Not only will the Martial Saint's mental power be damaged, but the person being cast will also become insane.

Although there is a Martial Saint in the royal family of the Celestial Dynasty, he lives deep in the palace. The strong Martial King only got to see the Martial Saint when he was promoted to Martial King.

Therefore, let alone a royal princess, even if the princess's mental strength was in trouble, the Martial Saint would probably not take action. After all, the Martial Saint was a descendant of the Celestial Dynasty and would not care about such trivial matters.

Therefore, the powerful Martial King of Haotian City could only choose the second method, which was to send his daughter to the Demonic Abyss and use the illusion created by the demonic energy in the Demonic Abyss to clear away the spiritual impurities in his daughter's sea of ​​consciousness.

Although the demonic energy of the Demonic Abyss can make people fall into an illusion unconsciously, this process is a kind of purification of spiritual power, and it is much safer than the action of the Martial Saint.

The powerful Martial King who was originally stationed in Haotian City wanted to take his daughter to the Demon Abyss in person.

However, due to his status and responsibilities, if he wants to go to the Earth Kingdom, he must go through some very cumbersome procedures, and there will also be King Wu warriors coming to Haotian City to take charge.

This process would probably be difficult to complete without three to five months of practice, and given the condition of the princess, she would not be able to sustain it for such a long time.

At this time, King Wu got the news that Sun Wu was going to the Demon Abyss. He hit the pillow while dozing off, so he directly approached the Qingshan Escort Agency.

The King of Wu was even more generous than Liang's firm, and directly promised a reward of 10,000 kilograms of gold rice. However, in addition to escorting his daughter, he also had other requirements.

That means Sun Wu needs to personally take action to protect his daughter in the Demonic Abyss. Otherwise, a single escort mission is not worth so much gold.

Hearing that there were so many golden rice, Sun Wu knew that he could not refuse, because if he refused and the master found out, he would definitely get a beating. Su Xiaofan had a soft spot for golden rice.

As a result, the number of people originally on this trip has also greatly increased.

In addition to the two hundred people from the martial arts school and the escort agency, there were also more than a hundred people transporting Jinmi. Together with Liang Tianjun and the princess's personal guards and waiters, the total number reached more than five hundred people.

Walking in this world, especially stationed in the wild, the more people there are, the more dangerous it is, because the energy and blood in the warrior's body will attract Yin gods and demons to attack like moths to a flame.

If he were to escort alone, Sun Wu would never dare to bring a team of more than 500 people. However, thinking that his master was with him on this trip, Sun Wu immediately accepted all three tasks.

This chapter has been completed!
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