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Chapter 652: The Lord of Taboo Erupts

The dry well is dark and oppressive!

Su Xiaofan's body tensed up and his movements stopped completely at this moment.

His thoughts were tense at this moment.

At the bottom of the dry well, there is the Carter Dynasty and the Carter Holy See, who have spent countless resources and hundreds of thousands of years to seal the taboo lord!

"Senior, I came here this time because I was entrusted by someone to take away the Seal of the Human Emperor."

"This Human Emperor Seal should also be one of the formation eyes that seals you. If I take away the Human Emperor Seal, you may be able to come out. The Forbidden Lord of the Gods and Demons Cemetery is outside now, and he also wants you to come out.


Su Xiaofan took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm enough.

Now that we have reached this moment, Su Xiaofan no longer hides his purpose.

Su Xiaofan knows very well that in front of a giant of this level, telling the true purpose honestly is far more effective than beating around the bush or deceiving.

After all, in front of a truly strong person, there will be no hiding anything at all, and everything the strong person says will be exposed one by one.

So in this case, for a giant of this level, being frank is the best choice.

Furthermore, taking away the Human Emperor's Seal is, in a sense, a win-win situation.

Su Xiaofan took away Fa Youyan who suppressed him and obtained the Emperor's Seal of Everyone. At the same time, the giant is likely to be reborn. For the Lord of Promotion who has been continuously suppressed, presumably the Lord of Promotion will do something like this.

A choice that benefits him.



Under the dry well, as Su Xiaofan's words fell, in the silence, there was suddenly the sound of a huge iron chain, which sounded horrifyingly. The entire air in the dry well shook with the sound of the iron chain.

As the iron chains moved, the pressure in the entire void became stronger and stronger.

Su Xiaofan also suddenly felt that the pressure on him became even more terrifying.

Su Xiaofan even felt that under this level of terrifying pressure, his body would be crushed into powder at any time.

Su Xiaofan quickly transferred all the energy in his body to ensure that he could withstand some of the terrifying pressure and ensure his own safety.


However, at this moment, in the dry well, the human emperor's seal, which was regarded as a nest by the giant spider and was suspended in mid-air, seemed to sense something.

The Human Emperor's Seal vibrated silently, and golden runes spread out in all directions with the Human Emperor's Seal as the center.

The entire void instantly turned into a golden world.

However, the golden mark emitted by the Human Emperor's Seal disappeared in just a second.

What is left is still endless darkness.

In the darkness, the runes were like growing vines, completely covering the surrounding void in just an instant.

With the human emperor's seal as the center, the upper and lower dry wells seemed to be separated into two worlds.

Su Xiaofan was above the Human Emperor's Seal. When the Human Emperor's Seal vibrated, Su Xiaofan felt that the pressure around him dropped by almost half in an instant.

The Seal of the Human Emperor, the Lord of Taboos under the dry well of isolation and suppression?

The Forbidden Lord of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons said before that a great emperor of the Carter Empire divided the restricted area here into two levels countless years ago.

Then, he used the first level of ordinary taboo ghosts and taboo power to suppress the second level of taboo lord through a supreme and heaven-defying formation pattern.

This Human Emperor Seal is, to a certain extent, an important node in the supreme heaven-defying formation pattern.

At the same time, this human emperor's seal itself also has some suppressive effects on the Lord of Taboo.

Now it seems that the deduction of the taboo lord in the cemetery of gods and demons should be true.

Now, the taboo lord at the bottom of the dry well should not have fully awakened, and the heaven-defying formations that suppress it should not be operating against the heavens yet.

What the Human Emperor's Seal is currently suppressing and isolating is just a trace of the Taboo Lord's breath.

"Can I really take away the Seal of the Human Emperor?"

"Perhaps, most likely, I still underestimated the difficulty of taking away the Seal of the Human Emperor."

Su Xiaofan thought quickly in his mind and realized that he had many trump cards, and any one of them might be destructive if he showed it in front of his peers in the outside world.

But this is not the outside world, this is the place where the Lord of the Taboo is imprisoned.

With his current strength, if the Lord of Taboo wants to kill him, then even if he uses all his trump cards to explode in an instant, Su Xiaofan doesn't think he can survive for one more second.

Su Xiaofan's trump cards are indeed a piece of cake in front of the Lord of Taboo.

"The Spider seems to be unaffected by the Human Emperor's Seal at all. Neither the Human Emperor's Seal nor the pressure from the Lord of the Forbidden Lord at the bottom threaten it?"

"Does the Forbidden Lord of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons think too simply? With that body bag, can I really just take away the human emperor's seal?"

Su Xiaofan looked at the scene in front of him, and one thought after another quickly flashed through his mind.

I had just shouted something down, but the taboo lord under the dry well didn't give any reaction at all.

This taboo master did not tell Su Xiaofan any clues about whether he could take away the Human Emperor's Seal.

What should you do next?

Continue to move closer to that human emperor seal?

The Carter Empire and the Carter Holy See, in their hundreds of thousands of years of layout, are they really not here, leaving any backup?

Could it be that the tens of thousands of years of meticulous planning of the Carter Empire and the Carter Holy See were directly exposed by Su Xiaofan?

Su Xiaofan, can you directly obtain the Seal of the Human Emperor just like this?

"Give it a try and get closer."

Su Xiaofan's mind flashed back to the great emperor in the coffin of the Shenxu Forbidden Zone and the words spoken by the Forbidden Lord of the Gods and Demons Cemetery. Su Xiaofan took a deep breath and suddenly cautiously moved downwards again, landing a little further.

However, Su Xiaofan only slid down tentatively. In this place, Su Xiaofan still had to be extra careful.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! A little carelessness may cause great harm to Su Xiaofan.

The Carter Empire and the Carter Holy See are making arrangements, but the great emperor in the coffin and the taboo lord of the cemetery of gods and demons are also breaking up!

Now, to a certain extent, I have become a chess piece again.

Both sides are playing games!

It’s not that easy to really get out of the chessboard!

Instead of being so hesitant now, I might as well move closer downwards. In this case, I might be more likely to see some of the trump cards of both parties!

Su Xiaofan thought about this again. If he stayed in this place and remained in a stalemate, he would not get any other clues.

So just continue to explore further to get more useful information.

"The emperor in the coffin, have you deduced that the thing in the hand of the statue of the god is not the human emperor's seal?"

"If he has deduced this possibility, then has he deduced the timing of the appearance of the Forbidden Lord of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, and the possibility of stepping here himself?


Since the Forbidden Lord of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons knows that there is a supremely sealed forbidden area below the Carter Empire's imperial capital, then there is no reason for the emperor in the coffin not to know about this situation.

When he was in the coffin, did he deduce that he might reach this point?

As the person he sent to take the Human Emperor's Seal, he probably wouldn't let himself die so easily, and the taboo master of the Gods and Demons Cemetery probably wouldn't want to let him die either.

Here, I may be in the layout of the two of them, but in the Shenxu restricted area, I am outside the chess game.

The great emperor in the coffin wanted to use himself, a person outside the chess game, to break the chess game in the restricted area of ​​Shenxu.

If that's the case, he shouldn't let himself die so early?

Then, can I set my own goals and layout in the situation of all parties?

for example!

Can I use the energy of these supreme and heaven-defying giants to help me survive that heaven-defying and world-shattering second when I merge with the super star beast after returning to the pool of the past life?

Or should I say, I moved the Super Star Beast and the Gate of Rebirth to this world and then merged them?

Now, I have the ability to fuse that black hair. Once I fuse that black hair, I will master the trump card left by the original weapon spirit.

However, just that trump card may not be enough.

Now, I may not be able to take advantage of these top giants."

As Su Xiaofan walked forward, many things quickly flashed through his mind again.

Inside the office, outside the office, sometimes it’s just a thought!

Shenxu Cemetery is a game, and this is also a game. However, many giants are planning to decide which game will win in the end. No one dares to be sure until the end.

Among the layouts of various giants, as long as you are bold and cautious enough, you may not be unable to achieve your goals!

It is impossible to see through the human heart.

No one will know what you want to do until you say it.

In addition, in front of these giants, I am as weak as an ant, and my own layout is often the easiest to be ignored by everyone. In this case, the probability of success will be higher.

Su Xiaofan was extremely sober at this time and just made a quick analysis of the situation he had now entered.

Su Xiaofan's figure also reached the sky above the spider and the human emperor's seal during this quick analysis.

Under the dry well, when the Forbidden Lord's aura erupted, the spider did not move. Now that he is approaching, the spider still does not move.

"Is it really a forbidden ghost?"

"The Forbidden Lord of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons said before he came down that he didn't even know what abilities this weird spider had and what its law of death was.

So, could this forbidden spider be the supreme giant of the Carter Holy See, deliberately attracted to this place in a special way?

Could it be that this forbidden spider is just a cover?"

As Su Xiaofan spoke, he took out a bag from his waist that had the same scent as the shroud.

Now, I am only one meter away from the huge spider and the Human Emperor Seal.

If he is willing now, he can reach out and put the legendary Seal of the Human Emperor directly into the body bag in the first place.

at the same time!

Su Xiaofan could even put the spider into the body bag.

"Senior, I am going to collect this human emperor's seal."

"Once I collect the Human Emperor's Seal, you will be free to a certain extent. Do you have any suggestions? Can I safely collect the Human Emperor's Seal?"

"Of course, I don't collect this Human Emperor Seal simply to save you. I want to take the Human Emperor Seal to the restricted area of ​​Shenxu to help a great emperor seal the Bronze Illusion Palace.

That great emperor said that only this human emperor's seal could completely suppress the Bronze Immortal Palace.

Of course, I have my own selfish motives for releasing you.

That is, once you are released, the Carter Empire's imperial capital will inevitably be in chaos. In that case, almost all attention will be attracted to you, and I will have a better chance of leaving the imperial capital with the Seal of the Human Emperor.

Above the dry well, the taboo lord in the cemetery of gods and demons also wants to take advantage of the opportunity to hunt down a newly awakened supreme giant emperor."

"However, before I do all this, I still want to ask for your opinion."

Su Xiaofan once again forced himself to stay calm, and then, Su Xiaofan spoke downwards again.

Su Xiaofan is very candid.

At this time, Su Xiaofan felt that if he told all the truth, he should be the one to reduce the burden.


At this time, the one who will have to make a choice will not only be himself, but also the taboo giant under the dry well!

This is also an opportunity for him.

Su Xiaofan felt that as a supreme giant, it also did not want to be suppressed forever!


This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Roar!"


Su Xiaofan spoke, but there was no sound at all from below the dry well. Even when Su Xiaofan finished speaking, a terrifying and shuddering roar suddenly came from below the dry well.

The Lord of Taboo below seems to not understand what he is saying at all?

"No! It doesn't have its own mind?"

Su Xiaofan suddenly woke up at this time and spoke subconsciously.

Su Xiaofan was also shocked by the results he calculated at this time.

"Many ordinary taboo ghosts do not have their own true sanity. This is normal, but how can ordinary high-level taboo ghosts, especially the Lord of Taboo, not have their own sanity?

I once saw it from a distance half a million years ago. It should have been sane at that time. It...

Did it deliberately seal it or destroy its own sanity?

Break the situation with Wushen?"

"Having no sanity means that it is impossible to deduce, and being unable to deduce means that it is impossible to truly predict all of his actions. This also means that there are countless possibilities below this dry well?

Is it thinking about breaking the situation?"

Above the dry well, when Su Xiaofan spoke frankly and the shocking coercion below erupted again, the taboo master of the cemetery of gods and demons finally spoke again at this moment.

However, when he spoke, his tone was obviously filled with shock and surprise!

"Without sanity? Fight the deduction with no sanity? Break the game?"

When Su Xiaofan heard the Forbidden Lord of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons speak, his body visibly stiffened. At this moment, Su Xiaofan did not fully understand what he said.

However, Su Xiaofan quickly figured out something.

The taboo ghost below is most likely different from the taboo lord of the cemetery of gods and demons above. The taboo lord of the cemetery of gods and demons above has his own independent thinking.

There is no essential difference between him and humans.

What does it mean that the Forbidden Lord below has no sanity of his own?

Is it just like an ordinary beast and does not understand true advanced thinking at all?

Being without sanity means that no one can predict what he might do next?

This means that it is impossible to deduce it at all?

Is the Lord of Taboo below using this method to fight against the deduction? To fight against the calculations of the supreme giants?

"Su Xiaofan, ignore that spider and collect it together!"

"The Carter Holy See and the Carter Empire may not really control this place. The spider is most likely attracted by the Lord of Taboo below. He was most likely breaking the situation many years ago!"

The taboo lord in the cemetery of gods and demons shouted loudly.


When Su Xiaofan heard the sound, he only hesitated for a tenth of a second. Then, Su Xiaofan directly moved the body bag in his hand towards the spider and the Human Emperor Seal, and dropped it.

Su Xiaofan's action at this time was almost equivalent to a desperate attempt.

Su Xiaofan couldn't judge what the situation was like in this dry well, and in this inability to judge, it was the best choice for him to follow the judgment of the taboo master in the cemetery of gods and demons.

In addition, even if the Lord of the Forbidden Gods and Demons Cemetery does not speak, he will take action himself.


The longer you stay here, the more dangerous it becomes.

Su Xiaofan has already asked the Lord of the Taboo here. Since the Lord of the Taboo never replies, he has no obligation to wait any longer.

After all, this is too dangerous. If Su Xiaofan stays in this place for one more second, the risk of death will increase for one second.

Now it is very likely that everything is in a certain balance, and no matter what, I have to break this balance as soon as possible.

You must take the initiative and create chaos.

Otherwise, everything in this place will bring uncontrollable chaos to Su Pin.

Even if it would be extremely dangerous to create chaos at this time, for Su Xiaofan, this level of danger must be taken at this moment!


The body bag flashed past, and neither the Human Emperor's Seal nor the spider seemed to make any unnecessary reaction when the body bag was put on.

Even the Lord of Taboo below became quiet at this time.

Su Xiaofan originally thought that when he was seizing the Seal of the Human Emperor, there was a high possibility that something terrible would happen, or that there would be some unforeseen plot that would directly attack him, but none of this happened.

Even when Su Xiaofan used the body bag to obtain the Human Emperor's Seal and the Spider, at that moment, the entire void was terrifyingly quiet.


When Su Xiaofan received the Human Emperor's Seal, the entire underground dry well was eerily quiet.

Only when Su Xiaofan was about to put the Human Emperor Seal and the spider completely into the body bag, Su Xiaofan suddenly felt a sharp pain on his hand.

The spider seemed to have bitten me the moment it was finally taken in?

Su Xiaofan's expression changed drastically!

That spider can appear in this dry well and build a nest on the human emperor's seal. It is definitely not an ordinary thing. If it bites me at this time, will I die?

Is this spider highly venomous?

Does this spider have the ability to kill itself instantly?

Countless thoughts flashed through Su Xiaofan's mind. At the same time, the body bag had completely fallen. The human emperor's seal and the spider were all included in the body bag at this moment.

In the bag!

All of this has almost reached an extreme.

"Let's go!"

"The Lord of Taboo below is coming out!"

"That spider can't kill you, it's not poisonous, and it's not controlled by anyone. Don't worry about it now!"

Above the dry well, the forbidden lord of the cemetery of gods and demons seemed to be able to see what he was doing now through the endless darkness.

So he quickly told Su Pin and Su Xiaofan everything that happened here.

At this moment, he drank violently!


Almost at the same time as he drank, the taboo lord in the deepest part of the dry well seemed to suddenly feel something. It suddenly roared towards the top of the dry well.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It roared, the dry well shook, and the space shook.

Amidst this roar, Su Xiaofan felt that the supreme and shocking Taboo Lord below seemed to be awakening from some kind of heaven-defying state.

The entire void was trembled by this terrifying power, and the entire earth began to shake violently.

It was as if the awakened Lord of the Taboo would appear directly in the void the next moment.

At this moment, Su Xiaofan couldn't care about so much. Su Xiaofan took a deep breath, jumped up and rushed directly upward!

"I want you to help me when I'm in the most danger!"

When Su Xiaofan rushed towards the top of the dry well, he also roared loudly.

Because, at this moment, Su Xiaofan suddenly remembered what the middle-aged man, the taboo master of the Gods and Demons Cemetery, had said to him before going down into the dry well.

He said that when you are in a dry well, you can try to put a condition in the taboo below.

If the Lord of Taboo below agrees, then he will make a pure profit.

If it doesn't agree, it has nothing to lose.

Now, at this moment, Su Xiaofan suddenly flashed these words in his mind and shouted directly. A giant of this level would generally not speak casually.

Say it to yourself, no matter what the result is, it is still an attempt.

At the same time, countless doubts flashed through Su Xiaofan's mind.

Is it that simple to take away the Human Emperor's Seal yourself?

In such an important and critical position, do the people from the Carter Empire and the Carter Holy See really have no real back-up plan to kill them?

Isn’t it too simple to take out the Human Emperor Seal by yourself?

Su Xiaofan has faced more than one giant in the past few days, and his life and death actions have been more than once. But at this time, Su Xiaofan felt that this time, the seemingly most dangerous and terrifying action was actually the simplest!

This made Su Xiaofan still a little suspicious.

Where is this, something went wrong?

"Ho! Roar! Roar..."

Below the dry well, the shocking roar was becoming more and more terrifying at this time. Along with the roar, terrifying cracks appeared in the surrounding void.

Under the dry well, the Lord of Taboo seemed to be completely waking up from his endless sleep.

The endless ground around him was shaking with terror at this moment!

Outside the dry well, the bronze man who was standing motionless seemed to feel something at this moment. The bronze man suddenly moved!

It walked directly in the direction of the dry well!

And beside the dry well, the peach blossoms on the tree that the middle-aged man had studied just now also bloomed one after another at this moment. On the peach trees, there were colorful fallen flowers, and the faint shadows of butterflies and honey could also be seen!

As for the hundred-handed ghost coffin farther away, the lid of the coffin also moved at this time.

At the same time, the Imperial Capital was on the ground.

The entire endlessly huge Carter Imperial City was shaken with terror at this moment.

Deep in the Carter Imperial Capital, the ancient runes that have been carved for who knows how many thousands of years are flashing crazily. Even deep within the ancient city wall that stretches for thousands of miles, there are shocking runes awakening.

The sky was instantly dark!

All the light in the sky seemed to be completely blocked by dark clouds emerging from the void.

From the ground of the huge Carter Imperial City, there was an endless fog. At this time, as if someone had received some instructions, the endless fog began to surge in.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

In the deepest part of the Holy See, there is an ancient bell that has stood in the Holy See for 700,000 years, quietly ringing by itself.

There are endless runes on its body, which are also flashing crazily at this time.


This endlessly huge ancient bell, carrying the endless pressure of the emperor, seemed to have awakened from its slumber. Its powerful pressure even enveloped most of the imperial capital in an instant!

"The Divine Bell, the Divine Bell has awakened!"

"The divine clock wakes up, the taboo appears, the divine bell wakes up, the taboo appears, something happened, below the imperial capital, in the restricted area that has been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years, something big is going to happen... roar..."

In front of the divine clock, there was an old man sitting cross-legged on a futon. Looking at the scene in front of him, he screamed in terror.

At this moment, his eyes seemed to reveal endless shock and fear.

He roared and rushed forward madly.

As a giant of the fourth level of the Divine Realm, just seeing the chiming of the bell, his extremely powerful and hard Taoist heart was immediately broken at this moment.

It can be seen that this taboo object brings great fear to them.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

And at this moment, in the deepest part of the Holy See, there was a shocking and terrifying aura. At this moment, it completely began to revive crazily!

A shockingly tall phantom appeared in the deepest part of the Holy See.

That astonishingly tall phantom had a golden color all over its body. The moment he appeared, the endless darkness around him was directly terrifying and shattered.

In the Holy See, many figures who were originally in endless chaos and shock, when they saw that phantom, their hearts suddenly calmed down.

Afterwards, many people almost subconsciously knelt down towards that figure devoutly!


"The Pope is about to wake up. Is the contemporary Pope really waking up from his slumber? What happened? Is there any forbidden ghost that is coming out? Hasn't the hole from before been filled?"

Among the Holy See, many people who had attended the pilgrimage before did not leave the Holy See at this time.

Some of them almost instinctively participated in repairing some of the damage caused by the fighting in the Holy See.

At this time, among the crowd, the fat man wearing Mingguang armor was carrying a broken beam and walking towards the outside of the statue of the god.

The purpose of the Holy See is that believers build everything.

The fat man is wearing Mingguang armor. Although he is a bit arrogant in his daily behavior, in the Holy See, due to the education he has been familiar with since childhood, his piety towards the Imperial Holy See is still very pure.

He was carrying the wood at this time, feeling the sudden changes around him, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

He even didn't know how he should react for a moment.

He has never encountered such a situation.

"Is the forbidden ghost really going to be born?"

"I heard our family ancestor once said that we now live in a restricted area, which was also called the Carter restricted area.

Once the seal of this forbidden area changes, all of us may face the danger of death at any time.


The place we live in is one of the safest places. Almost every emperor-level existence in the Carter Empire, as well as countless giants in the past, will reinforce and seal it.

Even the seals here have more than one layer.

Carter's restricted area, once defied the odds, would never see the light of day again.

Everything is unexpected. In this forbidden area, nine dragon veins converge. This forbidden area can provide the Carter Dynasty with amazing luck.

Once the Carter dynasty declines, or an irreversible and irredeemable king appears, then the Carter dynasty will most likely go from prosperity to decline.

At that time, the restricted area below was truly the scariest moment.

But now, our Carter Empire is still at its true peak. The contemporary emperors and popes are all the proud sons of the era.

In this case, how could the seal be loose?

What accident happened?

Didn't even the ancestors of our Akagi family predict this kind of accident?"

In the hall of the gods, there was another strong young man who had not yet left. He looked at the scene in front of him, and the shock in his eyes also surged wildly.

He knew that once this seal was broken, it would be difficult for him to imagine what kind of terrifying situation the Carter Empire would face.

For a moment, he seemed to be unable to believe his eyes.

He was sluggish. He had heard his family's ancestors occasionally mention this doomsday scene, but he never thought that he would actually encounter it!

He also had no idea that such a strong seal would show signs of loosening among their younger generation.

After more than 100,000 years of stability, many younger generations have even forgotten what danger is!

However, this time the seal of the Forbidden Lord was actually loosened. This was something that the younger generation of the Carter Empire never expected.

"What happened again?"

"The birth of the Lord of Taboos? What kind of Lord of Taboos? Is it the legendary Lord of Taboos who was suppressed under the ground? No, how is this possible? How could the Lord of Taboos who was suppressed under the ground appear at this time?


In the main hall, there was a middle-aged man with a tattoo on his face. He had a strong aura. When he turned his head to look outside, his eyes showed incomprehensible confusion.

For a moment, he seemed like he couldn't believe his eyes at all.

At this moment, too many things happened that this young man with tattoos on his face could not believe.

"Let's go! Go back to the family first!"

Some were shocked, some were stunned, and some had already made their own decisions right away in the main hall!

Several figures rushed out of the hall of gods in the first place!

At this time, they actually did not continue to guard the Holy See headquarters. They actually rushed in the direction of their family crazily.


Their trust in their family exceeds their trust in the Holy See.

Among these people, there was a woman wearing a red dress!

Carter Empire, above the central altar of the palace.

There was a figure with a surge of domineering power sitting calmly on the altar, looking down at the entire Carter Empire!

The darkness surges and the fog surges.

These darkness and fog seemed to be blocking all eyes, even his eyes, but there was not much change in his eyes.

"The loophole that couldn't be plugged back then eventually led to some problems."

That figure in yellow clothes with a shocking domineering figure is clearly the Carter Empire, the emperor of this generation.

He stood on the highest altar in the palace, speaking every word, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

He spoke softly, and the entire Carter Dynasty seemed to be roaring with terror.

"Your Majesty, this may not be a good thing."

"The person who knows that secret and can make it so perfect and terrifying should be the supreme giant in the Forbidden Gods and Demons Cemetery.

I thought that it was very possible that he should have arrived in the imperial capital.

He should have someone to join forces with, and we may have a chance to kill the supreme taboo lord in this chaos!

The Forbidden Lord underground is so special that even you can't kill it completely or devour it, but the giant that came today is obviously not so terrifying."

Behind the royal chair on the altar, a young man dressed as an astrologer suddenly spoke.

As he spoke, he directly crushed an extremely special jade pendant in his hand. Randomly, a phantom appeared where the jade pendant shattered.

"Your Majesty, the result that my master has now concluded is that this turmoil originated from the Gods and Demons Cemetery, the God Ruins restricted area and an unknown factor.

The secrets of heaven are covered, and many things cannot be speculated on."

The young astrologer behind the throne seemed to have received a lot of information immediately after seeing the phantom.

The first time he turned around, he looked at the figure in front of him.

"Is he here after all?"

The figure wearing a yellow robe, with a domineering aura that made all people surrender, was looking down at the huge imperial capital where the fog was getting thicker and the darkness was getting thicker and thicker. His eyes had never been more expressive until now.

A little ripple.

However, when he spoke, there was no great panic in his voice.

"Pass my order and execute it according to the emperor's plan, Twenty-three."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Now that he is here, don't leave."

The imperial figure calmly spoke again, and this time when he spoke, the air in the entire imperial capital roared silently!

as if!

The void of this endless imperial capital is surrendering to him!

When he speaks, it’s as if he speaks the law!

And just as he spoke, from the northwest of the Carter Empire, in an ancient temple that had been dormant for who knows how many years, a blue light suddenly rose into the sky.

That ancient temple, which was originally covered with dead branches and dead grass, suddenly appeared with green light, and green vines began to spread silently!

It was as if, in an instant, the entire ancient temple burst into endless vitality!

"Xuanqing Ancient Temple!"

"Is this the ancient temple that the ninth generation emperor brought back from the Eastern Continent across the endless sea of ​​loss?"

"It is rumored that after this ancient temple was brought back, the emperor from that time chose to sleep in that ancient temple. After so many years, is that emperor going to wake up?"

"With the sudden changes in the world, there is a strange and forbidden thing that defies the heavens. Is it really going to wake up?"

"William family, everyone listens to the order, everyone immediately restrains all auras, everyone immediately starts the escape plan according to the third taboo of the family! Everyone, immediately enter the state of war..."

Everyone in the ancient temple quickly became nervous about the entire application.

In the ancestral home of the Carter Empire, the closest family to the ancient temple!

In that ancient temple, the moment the shocking green light appeared, there was a sleeping ancestor of the William family, who immediately woke up from his deep sleep.

He spoke suddenly, his tone filled with endless severity.

When everyone saw that even the sleeping ancestor suddenly woke up, everyone in the ancient temple also realized the seriousness of this matter.

When other members of the William family heard this order, they immediately started the most serious and urgent action as quickly as possible!

The royal family of the Carter Empire has its own complicated, top-secret, and terrifying backup plan.

These plans are all designed to cope with various changes, especially some extremely terrifying changes that may occur!

Moreover, these plans have been repeatedly deduced by the supreme giants.

Any empire, after developing for tens of thousands of years, will have this accumulated foundation.


Any family that has accumulated more than tens of thousands of years will also have its own heritage, and they have also made many backup plans to deal with unknown dangers!


There are also some families who have also deduced some plans that once danger occurs, they will take advantage of the fire to satisfy their own goals!

At this time, the emperor was shaken and the sky was dark.

Many of the truly top forces in the Carter Empire were obviously aware of what was happening!

And at the same time, on the observatory.

"Lord Jijiu, is this, is there a change in the restricted area? The seal on the second level has been broken? Is it possible that the Lord of Taboo is about to be born?"

On the observatory, the prince of the Carter Empire looked in the direction of the Holy See and the Royal Palace. The shock in his eyes suddenly erupted into madness.

At this moment, he seemed to realize something.

As the crown prince of the Carter Empire, he is obviously very aware of some of the deepest secrets of the Carter Empire.

"Emperor Plan, Twenty-three."

"Your father is not anxious yet, why are you anxious? Don't underestimate it, your Carter royal family has hundreds of thousands of years of heritage and accumulation!"

On the observatory, the old man holding a wine gourd in his hand looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyes showed a trace of solemnity at some point.

"Can it be suppressed?"

"Is Master really not in the imperial capital? Why did I hear Master say before that there are always endless variables in the real Lord of Taboo, and can our Carter royal family really suppress it completely?"

The prince of the Carter Empire took a deep breath and seemed to be trying hard to stay calm.

He looked at the groups of soldiers in full armor who, after a brief period of confusion, had begun to suppress and comfort them on the street. The shock in his eyes also dissipated a little.

On this day, there were two huge chaos. As the prince, this was his first time to experience it.


Since he can become the prince of the Carter Empire, he obviously has his own real strengths in terms of character and ability.

He regained his composure, and the imperial aura in him also burst out silently. The aura in him was actually somewhat similar to that of Emperor Carter.

"Your Highness, this turmoil will definitely be suppressed!"

"Master Jijiu just said that our Carter Empire and the Holy See have hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, and there are countless top giants in the past who have been reinforcing and repairing various formations.

Even, whether it is the Holy See or our empire, almost every time a great emperor appears, he will re-create a great emperor pattern!

In this case, even if the taboo ghost and the taboo lord want to leave, they will never really get out of the seal!

Our imperial capital of the Carter Empire will be fine!"

Behind Prince Carter, there was an imposing young man who suddenly knelt on one knee on the ground. He spoke word by word, and his tone also revealed endless confidence!

At this time, all the top families and major forces in the Carter Imperial City began to make their own preparations and plans almost at the same time.

Even the Carter Imperial Capital and the ghost market hidden in the darkness were silently seeing many figures with extremely powerful auras appearing!

Everyone here started to become nervous in an instant.


And at this moment, almost at the moment when the Forbidden Lord looked up to the sky and roared, on the first floor of the Carter Imperial City, there were thousands of strong men with special talismans on their bodies, and they had already determined their direction at the first time.

Good position, rushed over.

They rushed past, and beside them, there were special marks that lit up silently.

Each of them also holds something extremely special in their hands. Those things are like the base of an endlessly powerful and mysterious formation!

They passed through the restricted area on the first level, and among so many of them, not one of them died strangely.

They seemed to be very familiar with the Carter Empire and many areas on the first underground level!

"Array, repair, suppress!"

Thousands of figures with special talismans engraved on their bodies rushed towards their positions crazily. Then, among these thousands of people, an old man with an almost completely restrained aura suddenly spoke calmly.

As he spoke, the entire first level of the restricted area trembled with terror.

"Oh, the response is really fast."

"It's just that, after hundreds of thousands of years of comfort, you may have forgotten what a true restricted area is."

Carter Imperial City, second underground level, at the edge of the dry well.

The middle-aged man in the Cemetery of Gods and Demons actually stopped looking into the dry well at this moment. He raised his head and glanced upward, and a hint of ridicule suddenly appeared on his lips.

"I was bitten by a spider. What is that spider? Is there any toxin on the spider? How should I deal with it?"

Su Xiaofan also rushed out immediately.

Su Xiaofan's eyes immediately turned to the middle-aged man.

Under the dry well, that world-shattering aura has exploded to an extreme level. It seems that the bottom of the well is not a forbidden lord, but a top emperor who is awakening.

Countless thoughts flashed through Su Xiaofan's mind, and the thoughts in his heart also moved to an unprecedented level.


The moment Su Xiaofan rushed to the edge of the dry well alive and forced himself to calm down from his madness, Su Xiaofan looked at the middle-aged man.

"I said, I can't see through that spider, and I've never encountered that spider before."

"I can't see through the hand it bit. You should leave here now. Your mission has been completed. What happens next is not something you can participate in."

When Su Xiaofan quickly asked about the forbidden master of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, he shook his head calmly.

"What? You really can't see through it?"

"If this spider bites me, will there be any forbidden death law on me? How should I deal with this thing? Didn't you say that this thing is not poisonous? Why are you saying now that it can't be seen through?

If you ask me to leave now, where will I go? Didn't you say you want to send me out of the city?"

Su Xiaofan now realized instantly that he had been deceived.

Su Xiaofan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and his mind couldn't help but roar again.

After all, this middle-aged man is the forbidden master of the cemetery of gods and demons. Why does Su Xiaofan feel a little unreliable at this moment?

This forbidden lord of the cemetery of gods and demons, does he have other plans?

"You are no longer suitable to have any karma with me now."

"You can leave, but if you stay here, you will die! Some things have already undergone irreversible changes when you took away the Seal of the Human Emperor.

If you continue to stay here, there will definitely be more and more dangers.

Everyone, including the great emperor who sealed and designed this place, may not have truly seen through this restricted area. This place is no weaker than the Cemetery of Gods and Demons!

In fact, this place was originally supposed to be on the same level as the Cemetery of Gods and Demons!

It's just that the great emperor who sealed this place happened to be at the time when this restricted area was at its weakest! Now, the true face of this restricted area may be revealed!"

"The matter between you and the person in the Shenxu restricted area is now only yours to resolve!"

"From now on, things here have nothing to do with the person in the coffin in the restricted area!"

The middle-aged man did not go directly to see Su Xiaofan.

He looked at the dry well in front of him, and then he slapped Su Xiaofan directly on the chest!


As the slap fell, Su Xiaofan only felt his body tremble slightly, and then, Su Xiaofan's body disappeared directly from the place!

The void behind Su Xiaofan and around him was violently shaking and torn apart at this moment!

His casual slap of the palm seemed to have knocked Su Xiaofan into a void of space in front of him!

"Ah! Roar!"

When Su Xiaofan saw this, he couldn't help but shouted. Su Xiaofan still wanted to speak!

But before Su Xiaofan's voice could be heard, Su Xiaofan's body completely disappeared into the void underground.


At that moment, Su Xiaofan even felt that his body was completely sealed. Even if Su Xiaofan tried to use any forbidden techniques or trump cards, it would be completely useless!

Su Xiaofan's body was completely unable to move!

His body was just knocked down and disappeared into the void!

"It went a little smoother than I thought."

"It seems that you have made a lot of preparations over the years, hiding it from everyone. Have you even completely shielded this dry well from the outside world?"

"However, after so many years, you are still a little paranoid! I saved you this time, so how about you do me a favor?

After you finish this task, no matter what happens to the Carter Empire, I will not stop you in any way, nor will I take action once.

At the same time, I can also give you some special ancient books that forbidden ghosts need in their final stages of growth!"

The forbidden master of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, that is, the middle-aged man, looked at the dry well in front of him and spoke again!


Carter's empire is in darkness.

At this time, in a narrow alley, a figure suddenly appeared from the void.

He landed, coughed, and his body shook violently.

"What does he want to do?"

"When I entered Dry Well, did I really become his pawn? He just wanted to use me to take away the Seal of the Human Emperor? In other words, only I can complete this task? Is there something in me that can directly open that

A seal?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After Su Xiaofan landed, he was shocked and angry.

At the same time, all the calm thoughts in Su Xiaofan's mind also exploded crazily at this moment.

The middle-aged man did seem to be helping him, but his real purpose was not to really help him. He had his own purpose!

"What does he want to do? He said before that he wanted to join forces with the taboo lord below to steal an emperor who has not yet fully awakened. Is what he said true or false?

If what he said is true, then which one is he going to rob? In this world, can even the Great Emperor be crazy enough to rob it?

If it is false, then what is his real purpose from the time he first knew himself to now?"

Su Xiaofan coughed twice more deep in the alley.

Su Xiaofan's body was shaking a little.

The Forbidden Lord of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons slapped himself on the back of his heart. He directly slapped himself from the second level of the penalty area to the ground?

His casual palm shattered the void with precision?

"Why didn't he just slap himself out of the city with that slap?"

"Isn't it possible that even he can't do it, quietly tearing a gap at the edge of the city to let a monk walk out?

The Carter Empire's formations entering and exiting the city are actually so powerful?"

One thought after another flashed rapidly through Su Xiaofan's mind again.

At this moment of life and death, even Su Xiaofan had to make crazy assumptions about the surrounding environment and his own situation!

"There are many places where there are doubts, but there is one issue that is really clear."

"That is, he must do something big next. His palm directly sent him out, but he also meant to protect himself!

He didn't want to let himself continue to be contaminated by the karma of their generation!

But, what would he want to do?"

"Next, the Carter Empire will definitely be in chaos. How should I leave?" One thought after another flashed through Su Xiaofan's mind.

Su Xiaofan also quickly changed the shape of his face using a technique that was once used on Earth.

Now, many people are looking for themselves.

Even though the Carter Empire is now in chaos, there are still many people looking for him.

After all, in the eyes of many people, he was the one who defied heaven and stole the Human Emperor Seal!

If someone from the Carter Empire saw Su Xiaofan's existence, it would be almost impossible for Su Xiaofan to leave the Carter Empire alive.

"Go to the South City Gate!"

While Su Xiaofan was thinking, he also changed his appearance as quickly as possible. At the same time, Su Xiaofan also immediately recognized his current location.

Su Xiaofan changed his appearance, so that Su Xiaofan could avoid unnecessary battles.

Because the change in Su Xiaofan's appearance can only be seen by people of comparable strength or less powerful people.

Some people with incredible strength can still detect Su Xiaofan's existence even if Su Xiaofan disguises himself.

Su Xiaofan could only change his appearance to resist attacks from some people in the Carter Empire.

Su Xiaofan turned around and walked towards the end of the alley.

The Forbidden Lord of the Gods and Demons Cemetery may have a certain friendship with the emperor in the coffin of the God Ruins Forbidden Zone, but their friendship may not be that deep.

At least!

The Lord of Taboos in the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, he had his own selfish motives when helping him.

Su Xiaofan took a deep breath and quickly walked to the end of the alley.

The streets were no longer so chaotic at this time.

Because when he first rebelled against heaven and snatched the Human Emperor's Seal, the managers of the Carter Empire immediately launched an emergency management plan.

Many civilians have been driven back home immediately.

The streets were even much deserted than before.

However, it is not difficult to see that the pedestrians on this street also look panicked, and there are continuous patrols on the streets of Carter Empire.

At this time, another terrifying change occurred. Although many civilians looked outside in surprise from their windows, they obviously did not rush out immediately.

"What do we do?"

"All eight city gates of the Carter Empire have been closed. Something big is obviously going to happen in the Carter Empire's capital. Do we have to keep guarding it in the Carter Empire's capital?"

"We are people from the Dark Empire. Will the people from the Carter Empire take advantage of this turmoil to eliminate us? In this case, even if we die, the people from the Carter Empire can pass all the responsibilities to


On the streets, many civilians were driven back home immediately.

However, some people from the other two empires, as well as other smaller countries and forces, are still on the streets, walking around quickly.

When they came to the Carter Empire, they had no fixed place to stay.

In addition, they are not from the Carter Empire at all. After something happened here, they left here as soon as possible!

Su Xiaofan listened to their words and understood immediately. People from other empires obviously did not trust the Carter Empire very much!

Especially, the people from the Dark Empire and the Satyr Empire!

"Look for a chance to leave!"

"I just got a piece of news from the ghost market, that is, the forbidden area under the Carter Empire is rioting, and the taboo ghost and taboo lord that the Carter Empire has sealed for countless years may be born.

If this is the case, once the Carter Empire cannot be completely sealed, then this place will become a death zone!"

On the street, among the seven or eight people who were walking quickly forward, some people continued to speak at this time.

Su Xiaofan narrowed his eyes. As the seven or eight of them continued to move forward, Su Xiaofan silently walked onto the street and followed the seven or eight people towards the front.


"There was a riot in the restricted area underground in the Carter Empire? How is this possible? Hasn't the restricted area underground in the Carter Empire always been in an absolutely stable state?

There shouldn't be any problems, right?

After all, the Carter Empire has hundreds of thousands of years of accumulated heritage. Shouldn't they be unable to solve this kind of thing?

Is this someone premeditated and doing something?

First, there was that loser named Su Xiaofan, who defied heaven and snatched away the Seal of the Human Emperor, then there was the first change in the city, and now there is a real change in the city.

Don’t you feel that there is something wrong with this series of events?

Su Xiaofan is just a waste. I bought a copy of his information on the black market. He is a person who has borrowed the power of the widow.

Just relying on his own ability, it is absolutely impossible for him to cause such a terrifying movement in the city by himself.

I guess he must have become a gun and a pawn in the hands of others.

He leaked his identity in the open, probably just to attract the attention of everyone in the city. The person who really disrupted the situation in the city and caused the horrific changes must be in the dark.

It is even very possible that the supreme giants of our Dark Empire and Shaman Empire are really working together in secret to do it!"

The seven or eight people from the Dark Empire were making crazy and rapid guesses as they walked forward.

Su Xiaofan couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly when he heard what they were guessing.

In chaos, rumors are indeed the easiest to spread!

During this brief chaos, it was obvious that someone had secretly started spreading rumors.

The imperial capital of the Carter Empire is too huge.

It is understandable that some people are spreading rumors crazily throughout the Imperial Capital. After all, there are definitely not a few people who have been secretly targeting the Carter Empire's Imperial Capital.

The Carter Empire, the Dark Empire, and the Shaman Empire have always been in a state of confrontation among the three kingdoms.

It is definitely a common phenomenon for these three behemoths to dispatch undercover agents and spies to each other.

"I've also heard that the imperial capital of the Carter Empire may be in complete chaos."

"Furthermore, once the forbidden ghost appears, the entire Carter Empire will become a death zone. Now, the only safest option is to leave the Carter Empire immediately.


In order to find the Seal of the Human Emperor, the Carter Empire deliberately sealed all the eight gates leading out of the city. They definitely had bad intentions.

If they want to find the Human Emperor's Seal, do they need to do this?

Do they really have any conspiracy against us? For example, the restricted area is about to reappear, and the people of the Carter Empire are using us foreigners to explore ways to survive?"

Among those seven or eight people, some also quickly made contact with the deeper conspiracy immediately.

Behind this group of people, Su Xiaofan did not speak.

In the darkness, Su Xiaofan completely concealed his aura and walked slowly. The seven or eight people in front of him did not really notice Su Xiaofan's presence for a while.

Su Xiaofan didn't want to expose his aura in front of these people.

Right now, I actually only have one thought, and that is to get out of here safely.

Nothing else is so important.

The direction these people are going is towards the south gate. Follow them and go to the south gate first and then think of a solution!

Su Xiaofan knows the real truth better than them.

Su Xiaofan knew better that more terrifying changes would definitely occur in the Carter Imperial Capital next.

In this case, once complete chaos occurs, then the chance of leaving the Carter Imperial Capital safely from the south gate will be much greater!

"You all, don't move!"

"Check identity!"


Just when Su Xiaofan was thinking crazily and calmly following the group of seven or eight people, a loud shout suddenly appeared in front of him!

Immediately afterwards, there were soldiers with extremely powerful auras in front of them, walking quickly in the direction of the seven or eight of them.

When Su Xiaofan saw this, his footsteps paused silently in the darkness.

Su Xiaofan wanted to exit silently while the soldiers at the front were checking!

With such a distance between them, they probably haven't discovered themselves yet!

"That man, what are you doing sneakily? Show your identity badge to enter the city!"

"In the city, people like you are the most suspicious!"

But Su Xiaofan had just taken two steps back, and suddenly there was another woman's voice shouting behind Su Xiaofan!

Su Xiaofan turned his head.

Su Xiaofan saw, at a corner behind him, a girl with an extremely reserved aura, wearing a special female military uniform, a heroic figure, and an extremely seductive appearance, staring at him.

When Su Xiaofan saw this, he did not move, but gradually stopped in his tracks.

"Hey! Is there anyone else? When did he follow us?"

Among the seven or eight people in front, some of them couldn't help but look behind them after hearing the voice of the woman behind them.

They also saw Su Xiaofan's figure appearing not far behind them in the darkness.

"Colonel Kelly!"

The original group of soldiers, who were preparing to check the seven or eight people, saw awe in their eyes when they saw the girl.

They immediately saluted the girl.

"No need to tell them so much nonsense, check them all!"

"Anyone who does not cooperate with the inspection can be killed directly. It is an emergency and an emergency. The Lord of the City has already given the order!"

The girl also returned the gift.

However, her tone was extremely cold and decisive!

She didn't even say a word of politeness to the group of soldiers. She turned around and strode towards Su Xiaofan's direction!


When the soldiers saw this, they immediately returned the salute!

The aura on their bodies also exploded a little more powerfully at this time, and the group of seven or eight people they faced from the Dark Empire were obviously stronger!

"Dongcheng District, a peerless genius in the military, Kelly?"

"Why did she appear in this place? Don't move around. Get checked first!" Among the seven or eight people in the Dark Empire, when they saw the girl wearing military uniform and armor, some of them could not help but change their expressions slightly.

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