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Chapter 265 Old Demon, I want your head! (6032 words)


The God King behind Chen Fan moved his twelve wings and disappeared out of thin air!

Lord of the Six-Eyed Abyss: "..."

The blind man, Henry Chu and others: “Where are the people?”

In the palace suspended in the air, the little stone man scratched his head: "Where are the people?"

Outside the barrier...

Chen Fan looked at the barrier below and was a little confused.

As soon as the God King's twelve wings moved, he left the barrier?

Does this penetrate space?

I never said before that the Twelve Wings are so weird and unpredictable!

Below, next to the barrier.

People from all forces raised their heads and looked at the tattered armor in the sky, holding a black knife, and the strange presence of twelve wings behind him.

Chen Fan's eyes turned cold and he waved the magic knife in his hand...


As if the void was cut open, a black light swept through the group of people in the Nightmare Garden.

A group of seventh-level people in the Nightmare Garden instantly turned into ashes before they could react!

The two sky-breaking magic knives fused together are so powerful that it is simply unimaginable!

No wonder, after cooperating with the Nine Sky-Breaking Swords, he just chopped off the two arms of the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord with one sword!


Just when Chen Fan was sighing in his heart about the power of the Sky-Breaking Demonic Sword, the people from all forces below were already scattered in all directions as if they were faced with a formidable enemy!

Chen Fan made a few gestures with his left hand to the group of people from the Heavenly Demon Sect, then looked in the direction of the strong man from Tang State, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the ancient demon god sealed in the ground has awakened. Minister Li Mu and the others cannot suppress them.

, please give me a helping hand!”

Everyone below was shocked!

"Is he one of our demons?"

"He is from our Tang country!"

The two forces were overjoyed.

People from several other forces also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

One of them stepped out and said loudly: "What should we do?"

Chen Fan said: "Come to me, and I will try to see if I can send you into the barrier!"

He is now outside the barrier and cannot control it.

But if the twelve wings of the God King have the power to penetrate space, it should be no problem to send the dozens of seventh-grade peaks below!

At the peak of the seventh-grade and fifth-level heaven, the strength of any one person is much stronger than Zong Hao and Shen Hongxiu!

In critical moments, the more strength you have, the more hope you have!


A group of strong men flew into the air and gathered in front of Chen Fan.

As Chen Fan thought, the twelve wings of the God King behind him suddenly grew in size, overwhelming the sky and the earth!

Then, two of the wings quickly wrapped up all the dozens of seventh-grade and fifth-level heaven peaks.

“It’s not that strenuous!”

Chen Fan was a little jealous of Shen Nao's God King Twelve Wings.

The Twelve Wings of the God King are not like the Sky-Breaking Demon Sword, which can only slash and kill.

The twelve wings of the God King can fight, defend and run. They seem to have many wonderful uses!

Chen Fan turned around slightly and looked at the barrier. The twelve wings of the God King behind him moved slightly.


There was a flash of light and shadow in front of his eyes, and Chen Fan led a large group of seventh-grade and fifth-level peak people into the barrier again!

Lord of the Six-Eyed Abyss: "..."

Chen Fan immediately sent a mental message to the blind man: "Blind Grandpa, block their sight, and I will send them up to be used as batteries!"

The blind man was stunned for a moment, but his movements were not slow and he made a few handprints...

Everyone who was wrapped by the God King's twelve wings saw their eyes go dark and could not see anything immediately.

Even mental power cannot leave the body!

"Don't worry, I'm just blocking your view."

The twelve wings of the God King behind Chen Fan moved again, soared into the sky, and flew into the palace in the sky like lightning.



One by one the figures fell down.

"What's going on?"

Li Mu's voice came from the big hand: "You brought them in? Then why didn't you bring us in?"

"It's Minister Li Mu's voice!" The blindfolded group of people were surprised and delighted.

Chen Fan said: "I didn't know that before..."

"First use everyone's strength to suppress the demon!"

"The blow I just made was too much, and I won't be able to use the second blow in a short time..."

"Let me see if I can bring you in!"

In that big hand, a wisp of flame came out and condensed into the shape of Ye Hongyan.

Ye Hongyan stretched out her hand: "Give me the Sky-Breaking Demon Sword."

"You go outside and bring us in."

Chen Fan nodded slightly, threw the Sky-Breaking Demon Sword to Ye Hongyan, swayed, used the God King's Twelve Wings to get out of the barrier again, and flew towards the exit of the fifth restricted area.

In the barrier, Shen Taotao smiled proudly: "Sure enough, my twelve wings of the God King are the strongest! No wonder he is called the God King... God King, hahahahaha!"

"It's a pity that Brother Fan is not yet proficient in using the Twelve Wings of the God King, otherwise he would definitely be able to use the Twelve Wings of the God King and the Sky-Breaking Demon Sword to kill that bullshit demon!"

The blind man turned his head and "looked" at Shen Natao.

Shen Naotao felt a little weak.

But the blind man patted him on the shoulder and said: "It's really very powerful, very very powerful. This time it all depends on your God King's Twelve Wings."

"You and Xiaofan are both heroes of the Tang Dynasty!"

Shen Taotao smiled and scratched his head: "The heroes of the Tang Dynasty...I don't think about it that much, but I am very happy to fight alongside Brother Fan and really contribute a little bit."

Outside the fifth penalty area.

Above the void, Li Mu and Ye Hongyan were waiting eagerly.

Han Jiangxue hid her figure and stood beside them.


A figure flashed in the entrance of the passage!

Chen Fan, wearing a tattered armor, stepped out!

People from various forces on Tanlang Mountain below were stunned when they saw this mysterious man wearing armor and a helmet appearing.

Li Mu blinked: "So fast..."

He still had a weak connection with the spiritual clones in the seal, so he knew that Chen Fan was going to come out to pick them up.

Unexpectedly, Chen Fan came out in a blink of an eye.


Chen Fan opened the whirlpool portal in the beast-controlling space and pushed Han Jiangxue and Ye Hongyan in.

The cripple flew over and was about to enter the beast control space, but was pushed away by Li Mu: "We are all gone, who is in charge here? Senior, help me take care of the magic city!"

The lame man was furious: "Sir, you put all the burdens on us! We are just a clone! And a clone of a clone!"

Li Mu's voice rang in the minds of all the powerful men in the Tang Kingdom: "Everyone guard the entrance to the fifth restricted area and obey the orders of the three seniors... Anyone who dares to make any move in the Nightmare Court will be killed without mercy!"

Chen Fan closed the beast control space, turned around, and entered the fifth restricted area.


"Be quick!"

Chen Fan activated the divine power of the void and concentrated it on the twelve wings of the God King, directly penetrating through the layers of space.

After just two flashes, the barrier appeared in his sight again!


The Twelve Wings of the God King led Chen Fan through the barrier and entered the palace in the void like lightning.

The beast control space opened, and Li Mu and the other three walked out.

And within that big hand, two rays of light also escaped, becoming one with Li Mu and Han Jiangxue respectively!

Han Jiangxue made a move, and the glove that had scratched the Lord of the Six-Eyed Abyss hard on the face flew over and was put on her right hand.

Li Mu turned around and wanted to walk towards the palace exit, but Han Jiangxue pulled him back: "Why are you going? Come here and use it as a battery!"

Li Mu: "..."

The most dignified person in the Tang Dynasty can't help with anything and can only act as a battery?

Li Mu glanced at the exit of the palace. At the exit, Ye Hongyan jumped down with the Sky-Breaking Demon Sword.

Han Jiangxue turned pale with anger: "The empress's cultivation is indeed not as strong as yours, but she has the Sky-Breaking Demonic Sword in her hand. Do you believe she can chop you into ashes with one strike?"

"If she goes down now, she can hurt the devil."

"If you go down now, you will be used as cannon fodder!"

"Tsk! The more you talk about it, the worse it gets!" Li Mu turned around and walked to a colorful sacred stone with Han Jiangxue.

The two of them raised their right hands at the same time, as if holding a ball, and hugged the colorful sacred stone.

The colorful divine stone is a masterpiece of light!

On the other side, the twelve wings of the God King behind Chen Fan moved and appeared above the Heaven Sacrifice Monument.

Standing on the memorial monument, Chen Fan looked down silently.

The scene below is a bit strange...

Ye Hongyan was holding the Sky-Breaking Devil Sword, and as if teleporting, she appeared on the left side of the Lord of the Six-Eyed Abyss, on his back, and in front of him.

But no matter how she moved, the head of the six-eyed abyss lord would face her, staring at her.

Even if she turns behind the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord, the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord will turn his head 180 degrees and look behind him while his body remains motionless.

Ye Hongyan is in the holy realm, and her real power is much stronger than Chen Fan's now.

She was carrying the Sky-Breaking Demonic Sword, which had obviously made the Lord of the Six-Eyed Abyss feel a huge threat!

Similarly, when Ye Hongyan saw the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord staring at her, she did not dare to stay in the void, so she could only keep changing directions and looking for opportunities!

Chen Fan's eyes fell on the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord.

After the second five-colored sacred stone came over and he activated the Sky-Breaking Demon Sword to cut off the two arms of the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord, the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord's aura had dropped sharply.

At this time, the Lord of the Six-Eyed Abyss only had one arm above the power grid.

On his head and chest, there is a light of five-colored sacred stone, penetrating through.

After being penetrated by the light of the five-color divine stone, the big holes in his head and chest continued to grow...

Chen Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now with the addition of all the power of Li Mu and other three powerful men in the Holy Realm, the power of the Five Colored Divine Stone is even greater.

The power of the Lord of the Six-Eyed Abyss is constantly declining, but the Sky Sacrifice Monument is taking the opportunity to devour its power, and then make the colorful sacred stone stronger...

With one ebb and flow, this devil can't hold on for long!

However, we cannot delay too long!

There is no Li Mu in charge of the Magic City now. If an accident happens, I am afraid that I will regret it!


It’s not just the Magic City!

Li Mu, Zhang Jiang, and Han Jiangxue were the three most powerful men in the Holy Realm of the Tang Dynasty.

They are located in the Demon City, the Imperial City, and the Demon City respectively, but they are not just guarding these three main cities, but they are centered on the three main cities and radiate to the main cities in a large area around them!

Can't wait too long...

It’s better to fight quickly!

It's just a pity that Ye Hongyan can't cut the sky with nine swords.


Chen Fan took a breath, and while activating the "Whisper of the Demon King", his mind was racing, thinking about countermeasures.

Previously, he had used the third sword of the Nine Heaven-Breaking Swords to break off both arms of the Lord of the Six-Eyed Abyss, almost exhausting his divine power.

Even if he draws the sword again now, it is impossible for him to strike a third time.

With his current strength, if he activates the first or second sword, he may not be able to hurt this terrifying ancient demon.

This was also the reason why he didn't take back the Sky-Breaking Demon Sword.

Chen Fan frowned, sat down cross-legged on the top of the Heaven Sacrifice Monument, then patted the Heaven Sacrifice Monument and said, "Give me the power you devoured."

Nothing happens.

Chen Fan was furious and slapped the heaven-sacrifice monument under his butt three times in a row!




"Give me your devouring power."

The memorial tablet trembled slightly.

The next moment, an overwhelming force poured into Chen Fan's body.

Chen Fan grinned, and immediately activated the Void Divine Body, began to absorb this power crazily, and then transformed it into the Void Divine Power.

The divine power of the void began to recover quickly, and then continued to increase!

Gu Qi

14 cards!

15 cards!

20 calories!

25 calories!

35 calories…

41 cards!

It wasn't until the void power reached 41 calories that Chen Fan felt uncomfortable!

Reached the limit...

The current strength of the Void Divine Body can only accommodate so much divine power!

Chen Fan had a thought in his mind and tried to call the void characters.


Two void characters can be called!

Before, he tried his best but could only call one!

Chen Fan glanced at the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord below and laughed.

The power on the Heaven Sacrifice Monument mainly comes from this ancient demon!

Use the power of ancient demons to deal with ancient demons...

It’s really refreshing!

"Give me the knife!"

Chen Fan stood up and shouted loudly.

Ye Hongyan, who was playing "hide and seek" with the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord, frowned.

He could feel Chen Fan's strength rising.

But Chen Fan's current power is still far from being comparable to that of the Holy Realm.

Ye Hongyan moved and moved directly in front of the Lord of the Six-Eyed Abyss, then flicked her right hand.

As if the Sky-Breaking Demon Sword had penetrated the space, it appeared in front of Chen Fan and was caught in Chen Fan's hand!


The Lord of the Six-Eyed Abyss looked directly at Chen Fan!

The twelve wings of the God King behind Chen Fan moved and moved out as if teleporting.

This time, the person playing hide and seek became Chen Fan!

After moving several times in a row, Chen Fan had already gathered his momentum and completed it!


The twelve wings of the God King suddenly burst into light, turned into a suit of armor, and were worn on Chen Fan!

Then, Chen Fan held the Sky-Breaking Demon Sword in his hand, his aura surged, and he slashed at the six-eyed abyss lord with one slash!


Ye Hongyan on the other side was furious when she saw this!

You know, the six-eyed abyss lord has been staring at Chen Fan!

Chen Fan's Sky-Breaking Demon Sword slashed out for the third time, and two of the eyes of the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord shot out two black rays of light at the same time!

This is not a level contest at all!

It's too late, it's too soon...


The peerless sword light cut through the black light with one strike, and then cut off most of the head of the six-eyed abyss lord!

But a small part of the black light still fell on Chen Fan...


The heaven-destroying aura exploded on the head of the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord and on Chen Fan at the same time!

Like a missile, Chen Fan was directly blasted into the distance!


Where Ye Hongyan was, a mountain-like Suzaku suddenly appeared, spitting out a mouthful of flames and wrapping around the remaining part of the six-eyed abyss lord's head!

Below, the blind man was shocked and said: "Ye Hongyan, leave quickly!"

The words just fell...

The remaining three eyes of the six-eyed abyss lord flashed with black light!


The black beam of light instantly pierced one of Suzaku's wings!

In the void, Ye Hongyan spurted blood from her mouth and staggered back!

At this time, the six-eyed abyss lord's eyes flashed again!

Seeing that another black light is about to be shot...

At the critical moment, a figure flashed in the air, and Chen Fan appeared beside Ye Hongyan out of thin air and picked her up!


The black beam of light penetrated through Chen Fan and Ye Hongyan.

"Chen Fan!"

In the palace, many people screamed in fear!

Li Mu said in a deep voice: "Don't be impatient, that's an afterimage!"

"The devil's move just now didn't hurt them!"

Shen Hongxiu and Bai Ruge burst into tears!

Below, Chen Fan appeared at the entrance of the palace with Ye Hongyan.

As soon as the figure flashed, he had already carried Ye Hongyan in and landed beside the stone platform.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that Ye Hongyan's left arm had been punctured, a hole appeared in her arm, and black energy was emanating from it!

The black energy was still corroding her arms.

The hole is still getting bigger!

Li Mu frowned: "What a terrifying power... what should I do?"

The little stone man immediately said: "Don't touch it!"

"Let him go!"

The "he" that Little Stone calls him is none other than Chen Fan!

Chen Fan took a deep breath, handed the Heaven-Breaking Demon Sword to his left hand, and grabbed Ye Hongyan's arm with his right hand.


Ye Hongyan grabbed Chen Fan's wrist with her other hand: "This power is evil and terrifying, you will die!"

"I have a five-color sacred stone to protect my body, nothing will happen to me!"

Chen Fan shook his head: "The five-colored sacred stone is currently suppressing the six-eyed abyss lord, and it cannot protect you."

"Don't worry, although my divine body is not yet immortal, this kind of power cannot kill me."

As he spoke, Chen Fan moved his arm and pressed his palm on the hollow of Ye Hongyan's arm.

The divine power of the void moves...

Chen Fan's palm suddenly pulled out!


It was as if a black dragon had been pulled out by him!

Ye Hongyan groaned, with cold sweat dripping down her face!


Chen Fan shouted loudly and absorbed all the power of the void demon in Ye Hongyan into his body!


Chen Fan's right arm instantly exploded into flying ash, and his whole body was thrown backward!

"Chen Fan!"

Ye Hongyan was so horrified that she ducked and hugged Chen Fan.

Shen Hongxiu pursed her lips tightly and remained silent.

Everyone sitting cross-legged in the main hall, with restrictions placed on their faces by the blind man, silently memorized the name Chen Fan.

Ye Hongyan lowered her head and looked at the pale Chen Fan.

I saw that Chen Fan's arm was also filled with black energy.

However, a new arm is slowly growing out!

Although Chen Fan's divine power is far inferior to that of the Six-Eyed Abyss Lord.

But the divine power of the void is obviously several levels stronger than the power of darkness!

As the two forces clashed, Chen Fan's arms continued to grow, while the dark force continued to die!

"I'll take the test!"

Li Mu's eyes widened: "I'm starting to get jealous! I'm so jealous now!"

"This is the divine body? This is the divine power!"

"But, it seems like it's only been a few days, right?"

Han Jiangxue glared at Li Mu: "Will you die if you don't speak?"

"Hey!" Li Mu said a little dissatisfied: "Can you stop teaching me like a master's wife all the time?"

"My wife has never taught me such a lesson!"

"You should reflect on it for me!"

"Master Wife is so gentle!"

"Look at what a shrew you look like..."

Han Jiangxue's face turned pale: "Li Mu, do you want to fight?"

The blind man's voice rang out in the main hall: "Shut up, all of you! How long has it been since then to start making noise?"

"Be your battery!"

"You are not as good as your apprentices!"

Li Mu and Han Jiangxue: "..."

Li Mu remembered something, took out a bottle from the Sumeru Ring, and floated it towards Chen Fan: "Take this bottle of elixir...take three pills first!"

Chen Fan caught the bottle, nodded, and then said in confusion: "There are only three pills in the bottle!"

"That's for sure!" Li Mu said: "There are nine in total in the entire Tang Kingdom, three on me, three on Jiang Xue, and three on Qingcheng."

Chen Fan took out an elixir and immediately felt the vast and unpredictable power of the elixir.

In the entire Tang Kingdom, there were only nine...

Too expensive!

At this time, the blind man's voice rang again: "Don't be reluctant to eat, swallow it all in one breath, it will help you regain your strength."

"Deaf people are best at things like elixirs."

"As long as you have the materials, a deaf person can make any elixir."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fan did not hesitate and swallowed all three pills in one gulp.


As soon as he swallowed the three pills, a flood-like sound came out of his body.

All the power of the medicine was transformed into the divine power of the void, flowing crazily in his body!

The black energy on his arm that had just grown was completely refined by his Void Divine Body within a short time and turned into his own power!

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Li Mu started to feel envious and jealous.

How terrifying is the power of ancient gods and demons?

Ye Hongyan's body is the sacred beast Suzaku, and she is already in the middle stage of the Saint Realm. She can't do anything even if she is hit by a move.

Chen Fan's strength was far inferior to that of Ye Hongyan, but in the end, he refined the power of the ancient gods and demons in just a few minutes!

Is this the legendary divine body?

The blind man seemed to hear Li Mu's thoughts, and sneered and said: "Stop dreaming, even a divine body cannot be so powerful."

"His divine body is no ordinary divine body!"

Li Mu was helpless: "Senior, at this time, shouldn't you give more encouragement to improve morale?"

"How can you hit someone like this?"

The blind man smiled and said no more.

Chen Fan, on the other hand, stood up energetically again.

He and Ye Hongyan stood face to face, neither of them speaking.

After a while...

Chen Fan turned around.

"Be careful..."

Behind him, Ye Hongyan whispered a warning.

Chen Fan did not turn around and could not see the tenderness behind him.

This scene seemed like I had seen it in a dream.

Chen Fan's figure moved and floated in the void.

Below, the remaining half of the head of the six-eyed abyss lord raised his head.

"Old devil, I want your head!"

Chen Fan held the Sky-Breaking Demon Sword and shouted loudly!

This chapter has been completed!
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