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660 Datang Nobles

The sergeants sent here have their own tasks.

After Captain Pei finished speaking, he ran to the corner again, and a sergeant beside him whispered to him what Jin Manqing was saying.

This sergeant was the former Sui Jiangbing, and those sent out were all carefully selected.

Captain Pei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

His Highness the King of Qin's idea is to make you yearn for the Tang Dynasty, but not to let you all run to Chang'an.

If you stay here, as long as you are willing to be a subject of the Tang Dynasty, you will have a good life and become rich. Fortunately, you have been paying attention, otherwise Jin Manqing would have detoured you.

The banquet was very lively, and the fishermen in the small village were looking forward to it.

But in the early morning of the next day, something happened that once again stimulated the fishermen in the small village.

Jin Manqing was awakened by a burst of screams. She quickly put on her clothes and came out of her tent, only to see a man who was being strangled by the neck and wearing the uniform of a Goguryeo noble, trying hard to break away from Colonel Pei.

Those hands are like iron pincers.

With one hand, a man who was as fat as a pig and weighed more than 200 pounds was lifted up by his neck.

The Tang sergeant once again shocked the Goguryeo people.

But the real shock had just begun.

"Hit him, he is a bad guy!" A little girl suddenly screamed: "He stole my family's food!"

"I, we are nobles!" Another one wearing gorgeous clothes screamed.

They were gorgeous, but compared to the fishermen, Jin Manqing's appearance made their clothes look shabby.

Bang! A loud slap hit the face of the Goguryeo man who claimed to be a nobleman. The person who slapped the slap was just a sergeant wearing an ordinary soldier's uniform. After the slap, he said to Colonel Pei: "He claims to be a nobleman!"

"Ha, hahaha!" Captain Pei laughed: "If he dares to call himself a nobleman again without the honor of the Tang Dynasty, I will cut out his tongue!"

The sergeant who hit the man seemed to do it on purpose. He shook his head gently and said, "You are not a noble."

"No, my family already has three generations of nobles!" The man was still defending.

Colonel Pei threw the fat man in his hand to the ground, and with just a glance, two sergeants rushed forward and thrust their daggers directly into the mouth of the self-proclaimed nobleman, and a tongue was already thrown on the ground.

These people were Goguryeo nobles, at least nobles conferred by the King of Goguryeo.

They brought many people with them, and when they saw someone being injured, many of the guards took out their weapons.

Captain Pei waved his hand gently, and in a blink of an eye everyone fell to the ground. Captain Pei then said: "The Emperor Qin of the Tang Dynasty has issued an order that anyone who dares to use weapons in front of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty will be disrespectful to me."

Tang declares war. Kill!"

"Wait, wait a minute!" Jin Manqing ran over to stop: "No blood, there are many children here!"

"Golden Plumber, please forgive me for being rude. According to the law of the Tang Dynasty, they are already sinners. However, killing them like this seems to make them unconvinced. Why not summon all the young and old from all the surrounding villages for a public trial? If they are good people, I will

The officials should report to the Ministry of War to forgive them for the crime of rushing into the army, and on the contrary..."

"You can't kill people in front of children!"

"That's okay!" Colonel Pei was here to kill people. Jin Manqing didn't stop him from killing people, it didn't matter how he killed him.

public trial!

The common people of Goguryeo publicly tried the original Goguryeo nobles.

Captain Pei started the public trial one step ahead of schedule before receiving a formal order. He was not afraid because he was a member of the Guards of the Prince of Qin's Palace, and this was authorized by Wei Zheng.

At this time, Wang Jishan, who had returned to Chang'an, was arguing with Zai and Wei Heizi. They were arguing in front of Emperor Li Er of the Tang Dynasty.

"Sirs, don't be humiliated!" Wang Jishan's voice raised an octave.

Wei Zheng had a lazy look on his face: "I absolutely agree that scholars should not be humiliated. But who said that Goguryeo's scholars can only be considered scholars after going through this public trial, otherwise."

"We are a country of etiquette in the Tang Dynasty!" Wang Jishan put forward another argument.

But after Wang Jishan finished speaking, he found that no one around him supported him. Changsun Huxu pretended to take a nap, while Fang and Du were in a daze. Yao Silian and Liu Zhenghui read the seal of only a few hundred words for who knows how many times.

I’ve read it a hundred times and I’m still reading it.

No one supports it?

Li Er slowly picked up the tea bowl and took a sip: "This spring tea is better than last year."

Spring tea! Wang Jishan suddenly had a feeling, was he the only one who was opposed? This was a very disrespectful thing. Looking at the people in the study, not even a single person supported him. Why?

"Ahem!" Changsun Wuji cleared his throat: "Your Majesty, that blood sacrifice is a big compliment. As for the things I mentioned just now, I think Your Majesty has had a hard journey and should go home and rest. Why don't we discuss this matter in the evening or tomorrow?


"Wait until tomorrow, I'm afraid..."

Wang Jishan wanted to say that he was afraid that some people over there would take action. In at least one day, 10% of the Goguryeo nobles would have their homes confiscated, sold into slavery, or even beheaded.

Liu Zhenghui sighed softly: "This is the study of the Holy Lord. I have one more word to say. Those stones left behind are just stones on the road. To me, the Tang Dynasty, they are blocking the execution of government orders. To the Prince of Qin's Palace, they are not

A stable person. As for me, Lao Liu, my nephew is still waiting to go mining."

Got it, Wang Jishan got it all.

Why did Changsun Wuji let him go home? This was definitely not to delay time, but to let him go back and listen to his family's opinions.

Wang Jishan fully understands this matter. To the public, this is blocking the way for Tang Dynasty to control that land. To the private sector, these people occupy too much land and have considerable power. Rather than wait for stability before taking action one by one.

, it is better to use the power of the people to get rid of it, which will not only win the hearts of the people, but also make way for the wealthy families to make money.

Li Er slowly put down the tea cup and said softly: "The blood sacrifice is a good idea. Blood feud must be washed away with blood. There are just more people who can be used for the blood sacrifice. I think God has the virtue of good life, and nine people are enough, so there is no need."

No more. I have decreed to Wu Lang that the mining area can be moved. And more..." Li Er paused for a moment, and then said: "The locust plague, until the damage is less than 500,000 acres, don't distract Wu Lang anymore."

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, King Qin, has been working very hard these days!"

All the ministers immediately agreed.

Actually Li Er is in a bad mood today.

It wasn't because of anyone who made him angry, but because the Ministry of Revenue had been calculating for several days, but could not calculate the benefits of the Liaodong War to the Tang Dynasty. After urging him twice, he even asked for three more days. The military expenditures for the war were

How much is it, how much is the tax in various places, how much annuities are sold in each mining area, is this difficult to calculate?

The pressure on the Ministry of Finance came from Wu Zhao.

Because Wu Zhao has a super complex numerical model, if the difference in their calculations is too big, if the Holy Emperor knows about Wu Zhao's mathematical model, he will definitely be dissatisfied with the Ministry of Revenue.

When the upper echelons of the Tang Dynasty decided to clear out the old nobles of Goguryeo and support some emerging nobles, the sixth nobleman in Goguryeo was tied up and covered with blood and thrown into a cage. Captain Pei proposed again

One was tied to a shelf and said: "This guy has been accused by three hundred people of committing numerous crimes. I am tired, so come and fight him!"

A dozen whips were placed on the long table.

The poor people of Goguryeo looked at each other, and then several young people rushed forward, picked up whips, and started beating them randomly.

Colonel Pei shook his head: "Will it hurt if I hit you like this?"

"It doesn't matter, just give it a few more hits if it doesn't hurt!" His adjutant held a bag of fried beans and looked on happily.

Captain Pei took a whiff and said, "Five-spice beans boiled with green salt and then fried. You got them from your boy." Captain Pei snatched the beans, grabbed a handful and put them in his hand.

When his men tried to grab the bag, the two of them fought, Captain Pei's cloak was lifted up, and a bright silver sign flashed in the light.

In this moment, Jin Manqing saw clearly.

Noticing the expression on her daughter's face, Jin's mother asked, "Are you tired?"

"No, although this Captain Pei is only an eighth-grade captain, his status is not ordinary. He has a silver waistband from Prince Qin's Palace on his waist. No wonder he dares to kill people here. He must have secret orders from Prince Qin's Palace, but my daughter is really envious of it.

But it’s the waist badge.”

Golden Mother doesn't understand.

Jin Manqing further explained: "There is a saying in Chang'an that steel is talent, copper is excellence, silver is heart, and gold is core. It is not an official but also an official, and people are not valued by their body! This refers to the difference between status cards. I heard that silver medals are only

There are less than 300. The number of gold medals is only about 20. The number of bronze medals and steel medals is very large. My daughter knows steel medals, which is considered a talent. The bronze medal is a hero. Anyone who can get a silver medal is a person who can stand alone.

, my daughter has been waiting for a bronze medal in her dreams, but the captain who sent her back turned out to be a silver medal. I don’t know who arranged this."

Jin Manqing was just explaining the difference between these identity cards.

The Golden Mother had other ideas.

My daughter is almost twenty years old, and she is not married yet. But if you think about it, it is indeed difficult to get married. Who among the nobles of the Tang Dynasty would marry a woman who was born as a slave. And those with lower status would not marry either. This

There was no one in Goguryeo who was worthy of his daughter. Looking at Captain Pei now, Mother Jin was a little tempted.

I originally thought that person's official rank was not as good as that of my daughter.

Now she knows that Captain Pei's identity is something that even her daughter envies. He is a big shot.

Ancient people are no better than modern people.

Especially mothers who are eager to marry their daughters.

The Goguryeo people themselves did not have such complicated etiquette as the Tang Dynasty, and poor families such as Sanshu and Liupin would understand.

At that moment, Jin's mother found an excuse and left Jin Manqing's side.

However, he did not dare to go directly to Colonel Pei. Instead, he found the one who could speak Goguryeo and was originally from the military academy of the former Sui Jiang soldiers. He asked directly: "Does that family have a wife?"

"Ah..." The former Sui Jiangbing Military Academy knew this and was immediately stopped by the question.

However, a few soldiers were curious, and after asking, they all laughed. This question was spread from one person to another, and it spread immediately. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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