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Chapter 200 The original soul tool

The communication between Lanno and Howard was very harmonious. This scientist's understanding of the world is still very simple, and he believes that there are various elements in the world, just like on the earth, phlogiston theory has been extremely popular for a long time.

This is not ridiculous, and it is not worthy of ridicule, because those people are really trying very hard to explain the world. They even try to explain that metals also contain phlogiston, because when metals react with acids, flammable gases are released.

And it is believed that the process of metal rusting is a process of discarding phlogiston. In fact, it is only one step away from the chemistry of later generations. It is not that unexplainable phenomena are simply pushed onto phlogiston without thinking.

Lanno did not directly refute Howard, but guided his thinking and allowed him to discover the problems in his system bit by bit through the connections between experiments.

The main reason is that Lan Nuo felt a little psychologically affected when he saw the God of Headshots. He was afraid that if he threw out a theory that was beyond the times, the simple scientists in front of him would be unable to accept it and headshot him on the spot.

In a world where extraordinary power exists, it is much more difficult to summarize the laws of nature that are not interfered by extraordinary power. The ubiquitous soul power interferes with the results of every experiment, making it difficult to summarize the laws.

But after Lan Nuo's series of experiments, Howard also began to doubt his own theory of the world of elements. In return, Howard taught Lan Nuo step by step how to build a soul guide.

The production process of soul guides in this era is like engraving a large circuit board. Even if the workpiece is clamped with a vise, the engraving process also has high requirements on the stability of the wrist, because the smaller the runes are carved, the smaller the runes are.

The more functions a soul guide can accommodate, the more accurately the runes can be carved, and the more stable the soul guide will be.

"So, without years of practice, it's difficult to make it skillfully. Even my carving skills are very average. If there is a chance, I should recruit a few carving masters who are good at micro carving." Howard handed a metal pipe to him.

For Lan Nuo, it is densely engraved with runes the size of rice grains. Neat lines connect the runes together, showing a different kind of beauty.

"Well... there are actually other carving methods. I'll study them first!" Lan Nuo held the iron pipe and considered how to divide the runes carved on an iron pipe into different modules and integrate them into more regular modules.


Lan Nuo believes that the development direction of modularization of soul guides is correct. Modularization is easy to replace and also convenient to make.

The structure of a round tube is not easy to control, and the specifications are difficult to be consistent. It is not suitable as a base material for engraving. Lanno prepares square metal sheets as the basic unit, just like a circuit board.

Although the two-dimensional structure may limit the effectiveness of the soul guide, it is easy to produce, establish a coordinate system, and describe the production process.

Don't think about CNC machine tools in this era, but the most basic machine tools, which control the movement of the workpiece by shaking the handle, can still be made.

But there are still a lot of front-end technologies. First of all, you have to be able to carve out a screw and gear that are long enough and uniform enough. This is even more troublesome than carving an entire soul guide. It is completely hand-made, polished by hand, and pulled out bit by bit.


Fortunately, Lan Nuo was physically strong and strong enough that his hands didn't shake at all when holding the carving knife and file, so he managed to complete the production of the first machine tool.

During this time, Howard's studio had been moved out of the safe zone and moved outside the city. Every time Mina came out of the prison camp, she could see Lan Nuo, covered in oil and metal debris, tinkering with Howard.

It was completely unlike the powerful young soul master on the day he landed.

"Your talent is so good and you are so young, why do you need to take care of the lowly business yourself?" Mina couldn't help but admonish Lan Nuo: "Soul masters still have to focus on cultivation."

Although alchemists are respected in Sin City, that is because soul skills cannot be used here. The only difference between soul masters and ordinary people is that they are stronger and more responsive. But outside, alchemists are just doing chores for soul masters.

It exists when you call it and goes away when you wave it away.

Lan Nuo pondered for a moment and replied: "I don't practice because I'm afraid you will be too desperate. Tsk tsk! Have you heard of the ten-year-old Soul Sect? No, you haven't heard of it."

Mina: "..."

She seriously doubted that Lan Nuo was keen on doing lowly things because he was too lowly!

After a few days of busy work, apart from the strange looks from others, there were naturally other gains. Lan Nuo obtained a relatively accurate ruler, gears, screws, and an electric motor removed from an electric car...

When these are combined together, you get the most primitive machine tool. The drill bit of the machine tool is driven by an electric motor and the rotation is relatively stable. The manually polished drill bit is like a needle tip and can achieve the same effect as a carving knife.

The square workpiece is clamped on the machine tool. By turning the handle, the workpiece can be controlled to move up, down, left, and right. This eliminates the possibility of hand shaking during the engraving process. According to the scale of the ruler on the handle, each step can be controlled more accurately.

The location of a rune.

This not only makes carving easier, but also uses mathematical models to describe the relationship between different runes in a more digital way.

In just a few days, the two's understanding of soul guides improved by leaps and bounds, and their progress was comparable to the period of great discovery when the eight basic runes were discovered.

"Be gentle! Don't touch the rune chip! The blue-grained gold is very soft, and the rune will be gone if you squeeze it with force!" Howard looked anxiously and pale as he watched Lan Nuo hold a piece of chip only one millimeter thick with tweezers.

Thin slice, embedded in the metal card slot reserved in the soul guide.

After fastening the dust cover, Lan Nuo found time to kick Howard into the toolbox, like a tortoise who had been turned inside out and couldn't get up for a long time.

"You kept shaking your hands and crushed more than a dozen chips before I did it myself! You still have the nerve to blame me! Turn on the computer! It should be done this time!" Lan Nuo embedded the remaining rune chips into the shell one by one.

, although it cannot be said to be perfect, it is much better than pure hand polishing.

Fasten the shell, and a brand new soul-guiding cannon is completed. Compared to the soul-guiding cannon, Lan Nuo wants to make a soul-guiding generator or a soul-guiding engine, but the thing that most attracts the attention of people of this era is still

For soul-guided weapons, if you want to obtain resources, you must first let others recognize your own value.

Lan Nuo raised the soul guide cannon and fixed it on his arm with a belt. Compared with the previous wasteland, it looked like a metal pipe dug out of a garbage dump. The soul guide cannon in front of him looked like a metal pipe dug out of a garbage dump.

It has a bit of a steampunk feel.

The iron-gray shell is riveted together with bolts. Through the heat dissipation grille on the side, you can see the high-speed rotating gears and fans inside.

As Lan Nuo pulled the trigger, the fan made a buzzing sound of high-speed rotation, which was like the sound of energy storage. After a second of warm-up, a red ray shot out from the muzzle, and the ray as thick as an arm hit ten straight

The wooden target a few meters away, like a flamethrower constrained into rays, instantly ignited the target. Lan Nuo held up the soul cannon and fired horizontally. The surrounding weeds and target were also quickly ignited.

The place where the ray swept was completely scorched black, and even the metal armor on the target was burned red after being focused for a few seconds.

"The effect is good!" Lan Nuo fired for fifteen seconds. With a clang, the safety was unfolded, and a fiery red metal bar popped out from the right side of the soul cannon, followed by a large amount of white steam.

Lan Nuo took out a new heat dissipation strip, inserted it from the side, pulled the trigger again, and fired red rays again. This time, Lan Nuo began to test the range, firing forward close to the ground, and the weeds in the wasteland dried up.

Burning, as the rays reach farther and farther away, the fiery red spot becomes larger and larger. At about fifty meters away, the light beam has become as thick as a water tank, making it difficult for dry grass to ignite. This means that more than five

At ten meters, the lethality of this soul guide is very limited.

Although it only has a range of fifty meters, it is still of considerable practical significance for soul masters who generally have short hands.

Howard snatched the soul cannon from Lan Nuo's hand, stroked it with satisfaction and inspected the shell and internal structure that he had become familiar with during the production process, and sighed: "Look at those people outside this time, do they dare to talk about my magic?

Equipment is useless garbage!

Hum hum hum! This power, this consumption, this range, even if used by the soul sect, it can enrich the combat methods, and the auxiliary type soul master can show an attack power comparable to the attack type soul master."

Lan Nuo rolled his eyes. Although Howard could be regarded as a scientist of this era, his thinking was still limited by the inherent thinking of a soul master, and he evaluated the role of a new invention based on its combat effectiveness.

Compared to this weapon, Lan Nuo still wants self-charging soul guidance arrays, super-large storage soul guidance devices, soul guidance engines, soul guidance CNC machine tools, and other more functional items.

It's a pity that Lan Nuo's thinking is difficult for people in this world to understand.

"By the way, how long do you think it will take for an ordinary person to learn to make this thing with our machine tools?" Lan Nuo asked Howard, who was dancing around like a child with a magnifying glass, looking for something to bake everywhere.

"Ordinary people? How can ordinary people learn to make this thing? Those soul masters are all as stupid as pigs, and ordinary people can't learn it." Howard seemed to recall some bad memories.

"You can't unilaterally think that ordinary people can't learn it! You haven't tried to teach it. The reason why soul masters can't learn it is because they are too lazy to learn. We just need to consider breaking down each step and handing it over to ordinary people.

Is it possible to do it?

If it can be done, theoretically someone will be able to learn it. The IQ gap between people is not that big. Among tens of millions of ordinary people, there must be people with better brains than the two of us."

Howard bit his finger, but he had to admit that the world is so big, there are always people who are more talented than them, but he just happened to be lucky enough to get the opportunity to use his talents.

"You don't want to publicize the technology we have finally developed, do you?" Howard was a little unwilling.

"Otherwise? How about just the two of us squatting in the workshop, making steel, forging, carving, and carving out machine tools one by one? In that case, even if we work for a lifetime, we probably won't be able to make many useful things.

Let me tell you, you have to be more open-minded! What good does monopolizing technology do to you? If nothing else, you are almost thirty years old, in the realm of the Soul Sect, and you still have a white soul ring, and you rely on soul guides to improve your skills.

Do you think your own strength is reliable?

It would be better to establish a soul guidance industrial system and become the controller behind the scenes."

Howard: "..."

Lan Nuo's truth is so irritating. Of course he knows that if he can break through the Soul King in this life, he will be burned with incense, but he doesn't put cumin on the muzzle of the gun like this!

"You have to understand that we need mass production to make this thing. Only mass production can reduce the cost. Only by reducing the cost can we sell it for a lot of money. See for yourself, how much have we spent on the materials we have consumed these days?

Almost all the things you have accumulated over the past few years have been used up.

If you still want to continue research in this area, you must have money. Not only must you have money, but you must also have someone to accompany you to think about this thing. If you guard your own one-third of an acre, you will be so busy.

Even if it dies, the soul guidance device will not develop much. Only if more people use it and more people participate in the production and consumption of soul guidance devices can the progress of an industrial system be promoted."

Lan Nuo continued to do ideological work for Howard, trying to get him to agree to recruit a large number of apprentices, but it was not so easy to convince people of this era. Let alone Douluo people, even modern people, many people's brains

There are also a lot of feudal remnants here.

They believe that technology leakage means they have lost most of their interests and dominance. This statement is only partially correct. They regard it as a guideline. It is purely a result of small-scale peasant thinking. They believe that the modern industrial system is still the same as in the feudal era, relying on three things.

Five people can learn a set of key technologies and want to block the technology, maintain a monopoly in this field, and avoid competition.

In the extremely complex modern industrial system, this kind of thinking is naive. First of all, relying on one or two self-destruction devices to completely prevent users from disassembling and understanding the internal structure is simply impossible.

Secondly, the technological accumulation of industrial products relies not only on the tinkering of a group of technicians in the laboratory, but also on a large amount of user feedback. Allowing more people to participate in the production and use of such products will help developers collect

Information, equipment improvements, the bigger the market, the more detailed the feedback, the faster the technology progresses. As long as it maintains a high market share, the gap between the leader and its competitors will only become more and more obvious.

Therefore, if you really want to take a dominant position in a complex industrial field, you must not simply rely on the lowest-level method of setting up a self-destruct device to block technology. Instead, you must continuously collect data feedback and improve product performance.

, to ensure market share and to ensure that we have a group of skilled workers and technical workers.

It is enough to achieve this level. As for consuming a lot of resources in an attempt to maintain absolute confidentiality and cut off the emergence of competitors from the source, this kind of thinking can only be said to be feudal residue. If everyone holds this kind of thinking, then

There is no need for technology to advance.

[To be continued]

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