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Chapter 342 Super Weapon

Although the defensive ability sounds a bit timid, the powerful defensive power of the 600,000-year-old soul beast still needs to be recognized. With this move, strong defense, and the ability to deal with the evil-eyed tyrant master will undoubtedly be more confident.

Lan Nuo's most important way to deal with the evil-eyed tyrant master is to counterattack. Fighting against the evil-eyed tyrant master head-on for attack power would be too painful. Even Di Tian may not be able to fight against it, especially since Lan Nuo's strongest strength now is his spirit.


He now has a huge amount of mental power equivalent to two half-day dreams, and has the ability to attack mentally. His soul power has been upgraded to level 80, allowing him to carry stronger mental attacks, but this does not allow him to perform more powerful mental attacks.

In terms of performance, it is better than the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. Even if he activates the Mermaid Trio and releases three times the attack, he cannot close the huge gap between the two sides.

After all, mental power is huge, and there is hardware to output it. The medium that Lan Nuo can use to release mental power is at most his three eyes. As for other organs, imagine a mental attack spraying out from his mouth or nostrils.

, I don’t know if the attack power is there, but the picture is indeed enough to pollute the mind.

Even if Lan Nuo is relatively abnormal, he only has three eyes at most. On the other hand, the evil eye tyrant master, the entire soul beast is basically one eye, and the body with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters is completely his output organ. Lan Nuo can't compare with this kind of thing.

Output, it's like using a water gun to spray against a fire hydrant.

Therefore, Lan Nuo made up his mind and relied on counter-injury to deal damage. The more damage he could bear, the more damage he could receive through counter-injury. Anyway, he had eight lives at his disposal, and his mental defense was strong.

It's strong enough. At this level, it's theoretically enough to kill the evil-eyed tyrant master.

However, Lan Nuo also needs to face another problem, that is, the opponent realizes that he is a hedgehog, and no matter how hard he attacks, a more powerful attack will come back, so he chooses not to attack.

If the opponent keeps running away, then he must have effective attack methods. There is definitely no need to consider mental attacks. Although the mental defense of the tyrant master is not described in detail in the original work, you can know it with your toes.

The guy's mental defense is not that weak.

Lan Nuo is mostly used to scrape people, so the most effective method is to use physical attacks. If possible, Lan Nuo would rather use the artifact to severely beat the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, but he uses counter-injury to attack.

One flaw of the enemy is that he will be killed suddenly by the enemy's attacks. He does have eight lives and can be resurrected multiple times. But the problem is that the things on his body cannot be resurrected along with his body.

Even clothes are not within the scope of resurrection. Only the gold of living things, an almost universal material, can be used as Lan Nuo's carrier to condense his new body.

The artifact is not his natural equipment. If it is killed, the equipment will explode. In that case, if the evil-eyed tyrant master has a way to control the artifact, it will be a disaster.

Therefore, you cannot carry artifacts with you, nor can you carry space equipment. It will be useless if you carry it, it will be directly exploded, and the contents inside will also be exploded after being exploded.

He can't even bring his own army. Under normal circumstances, the distance that a military formation can transmit power is limited. If he brings his own army, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord can basically attack the army behind him.


When the time comes, a few cannons will be able to wipe out this group of people. Although Lan Nuo needs the help of these people, if he uses counter-injury tactics, he will inevitably withstand multiple attacks on the army behind him.

Will bear this violent attack with him.

This might lead to the entire army being annihilated. Even if you can hold up a shield, you may not be able to block the attack from the evil-eyed tyrant master.

When facing others, they can also rely on the enemy's attack, which will be greatly attenuated when the distance is far away, and easily block the attack with a shield. However, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord itself is the best at long-range attacks among all spirit beasts.

The power of the attack was very limited, and it was too difficult for them to go to the front line and carry it out.

On the contrary, it will become Lan Nuo's weakness to some extent, so if you want to chase the evil-eyed tyrant master, the best way is to use an attack with a longer range than him. It just so happens that Lan Nuo is the only market in the mainland that has this kind of attack ability.

People, and such super long-range attacks can be used many times in a row.

In addition to this, he is also considering how to use the legion's power remotely. The soul guide he is making at this time is used for this.

The power of Legion is like a wave. In addition to increasing the intensity of the wave and allowing it to spread farther, it can also enhance the signal receiving ability of the receiving equipment.

The soul guidance device that Lan Nuo is making is this kind of thing. With the powerful state of Dr. Zombie King, this kind of function is extremely excessive, but he can still make the soul guidance device.

The next step is to prepare for the real war. If you don't agree to fight in the ocean, the battle navy will not be used to deal with the Evil Eye Tyrant.

Of course, this does not mean that the navy can give up development. Next, it still needs to deal with the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. The opponent is definitely not the Sea Princess. With such an easy talker, a fight will definitely happen.

To deal with enemies on land, we need troops on land. However, unlike the ocean, land is not a three-dimensional environment. The army cannot be arranged in a three-dimensional formation like the navy, and it cannot rely on huge forces like the navy.

The numbers simultaneously give the enemy intensive firepower.

Unless Lannoshe is willing to build a large number of Kirov cucumbers and fly them at different altitudes to carry out carpet bombing, otherwise, it will be difficult for an army that cannot form a formation at close range to gain an advantage in firepower density.

To make up for this shortcoming, we need to take advantage of the army's range advantage. If we cannot arrange it three-dimensionally, we must arrange more troops in a larger circle on a plane.

It is precisely because of this consideration that the main force of Lan Nuo's next battle is the V3 rocket corps with the longest range. In reality, this thing can hit dozens or even hundreds of kilometers, and its attack range can be said to be far beyond this world.

The cognition of the strong.

In other words, within a range of hundreds of kilometers, a large number of rocket corps can launch salvos at the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. Not only that. The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord will also face an even more terrifying enemy, which is the nuclear missiles falling from the sky.

Unlike in the game, Lan Nuo found that there was no limit to the number of super weapons he could build, but the distance between each super weapon must exceed ten kilometers, which is not a problem at all for the range of nuclear missiles.

In addition, there are weather controllers and iron curtain devices. The former can control the weather in an area, causing thunderstorms to occur in the area, and its lethality to a single enemy can even exceed that of a nuclear bomb. The disadvantage is that the weather controller uses

The power of nature, so even if two weather controllers work together, two lightning storms cannot occur in the same area at the same time.

The Iron Curtain device is temporarily invincible in the game. In reality, it is naturally impossible to be truly invincible, but it can obtain strong physical defense. The principle is to send a batch of nano-robots to cover the target before the nano-robots are destroyed.

, the target will have extremely strong defense and can withstand nuclear strikes.

It may not be that useful when dealing with the Evil-Eyed Tyrant Overlord. After all, the opponent is good at mental attacks, but chasing the Evil-Eyed Tyrant Overlord's hammer despite a nuclear explosion is possible!

Lanno built a large number of V3 rockets on Poseidon Island, and loaded them with armored personnel carriers in preparation for landing. The huge hovercraft was neatly moored on the seaside, with secret codes as far as the eye can see. This is a true human sea tactic.

Lan Nuo had notified the Holy Dragon Empire before that a large army would pass through their territory in the near future. However, the people of the Holy Dragon Empire may not have thought about how huge the so-called army would be.

The legion still landed at Dongdagang, the best seaport on the east coast. Other merchant ships or fishing boats in the bay, after noticing that the skyline was obscured by a group of black behemoths, all fled in fear.

Huge troop transport teams continued one after another, occupying almost the entire skyline. After discovering the approaching army, the city's defenders cautiously ran back to the city and ordered them to stay within the city walls at all times.

, are not allowed to leave, no matter what happens, and are not allowed to launch any attacks.

Following this series of incomprehensible orders, the troop transport landed, under the cover of remote-controlled tank rocket pilots.

The remote control tank is a very fragile and weak tank, but it has one advantage over ordinary tanks, that is, it can move on the water surface and moves more quickly than a destroyer, making it very suitable as a guard for fishermen's boats.

After the huge army landed, it had already widened the original official road three times by just advancing. The tracks and tires pressed the ground on both sides of the road solidly. They drove all the way to the west. The long team unexpectedly

There is no end in sight, just like a mighty river. Even a bird would take a day to fly from the source to the end of this river.

After all, marching on land is not as convenient as the sea. Even if the tracks can overcome most terrains, you still have to take a detour when encountering cliffs, mountains and rivers. Fortunately, there are flat areas near the Demonic Forest, and only the Khyber Mountains lie across the north of the forest.

The legion established its own strongholds one by one around the forest, preparing to inject fuel into the missiles. This is also an important reason why it takes a long time to prepare after the V3 rocket launches a shell.

In reality, the V3 rocket car has more than one missile hanging on the back, and it is not an intercontinental missile. It cannot be that big. Every time a missile occurs, it takes a long time to prepare. The most important thing is to inject the missile.


The fuel used by the missile is highly corrosive and toxic, and must be stored in specially treated containers and installed directly inside the missile, which may cause damage to the missile's engine.

The war is about to break out next, and the V3 rocket is adding fuel to some missiles, preparing to launch them immediately if they encounter danger.

The other part is filled with fuel one after another according to the direction after the battle begins, to ensure the missile's stability and follow-up strike capabilities.

The next step is the battle with the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. Lan Nuo steps into the forest alone this time. Even the Holy Dragon Legion is nearly a hundred kilometers behind. He can only rely on special soul guides to temporarily borrow them.

their strength.

Lan Nuo prepared a great gift for the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. After he arrived at the core area of ​​the forest, his spiritual power could be easily felt. It was the source of the powerful spiritual fluctuations in the center of the forest.

The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord is the king of this forest, so he doesn't need to hide, and he doesn't bother to hide. He directly exposed his aura, exposed his position, and was confident that there would be no life. He dared to challenge his majesty.


However, now he has obviously made a major mistake, exposed his position, and is practicing in seclusion. This is simply the best living target. The weather controller started to work, and the sky became overcast unknowingly, and the sky became dense with clouds.

At the same time, more than 110 nuclear bomb silos on the islands surrounding the Sun and Moon Continent sounded their alarms at the same time, and fission strikes were being generated!

More than 30,000 V3 rockets waiting on the outskirts of the forest also started their own salvos. The smoke rising from the launch of each rocket was like an arc-shaped smoke wall surrounding the forest.

A layer of white cloud barrier completely enveloped one side of the Demonic Forest.

At the same time, the nuclear missile had already taken off and separated from its propeller. It would soon re-enter the atmosphere. The tail of the warhead made slight adjustments, comparing the radar scan with the image recorded on the internal chip, and finally adjusted itself.

The landing point.

The terrifying scene of hundreds of nuclear bombs hitting the same target is probably the first time in history. The sleeping evil-eyed tyrant master finally felt that something was wrong. As a strong man, his instinct was reminding him of the approaching danger.

This made him wake up from his retreat. His huge body slowly floated up from the forest. At first glance, he saw the side of the forest. The white smoke covered the forest like a barrier. Subconsciously, he thought he was

The sense of crisis comes from the existence of smoke.

This caused him to hesitate for a moment, and he also missed the best opportunity to escape. When he sensed many objects approaching at high speed above his head, it was already too late.

It's just that he hasn't realized the seriousness of the problem yet. This super powerful blow several times the speed of sound may indeed hurt him, but after he realizes it and defends seriously, this level of attack is just a drizzle to him.

That’s all.

However, as these objects falling from the sky did not fall on his defense, but exploded on top of him, he realized the seriousness of the problem. However, by this time, it was too late and the dazzling fireball swallowed up everything around him.

[To be continued]

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