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Chapter 381

When Lan Nuo broadcast live to the entrance of the palace, he saw the huge statue at the entrance suddenly moving. The ice statue was fully armed, wearing heavy armor, and also holding a shield and a long sword in its hands.

Looking like an ancient knight, two ten-meter-high statues on the left and right changed from kneeling on one knee to standing. Their movements alone caused strong shocks.

The camera of Lan Nuo's live broadcast kept shaking, and the audience in the live broadcast room became nervous. They did not expect that there were still living things in the palace that had been missing for an unknown period of time.

"What is this? Damn it, he seems to have regarded me as a target." Lan Nuo naturally wanted to perform in conjunction with the statue he made.

"Listen to my explanation. I just broke in by mistake. Wait! Do we have to decide the outcome? You two are considered antiques. Really, I don't want to break you." Lan Nuo said something rude.

By the time, the two huge statues were already moving, and their movements became more and more flexible.

The statue did not listen to his explanation, but struck it with a sword. The power of the attack could only be described as insane. Although this one did not hit, it was struck on the ground. Everyone saw that the person struck by the sword was

The ground exploded violently.

As if there was an invisible sword energy, the explosion continued forward, blasting out a deep pit hundreds of meters long.

At this time, the camera happened to turn towards the distance of the explosion, so that the audience could clearly see that the giant guarding the palace could cause such terrible damage with a casual blow.

This sword alone is not inferior to the Ice Jade Scorpion just now, and this sword seems to be just a casual attack. Who knows if this giant has stronger attacks?

From the screen, it looks like he cut a ravine with a sword, but if you look at him from Lan Nuo's perspective, it's a completely different story. He had already thought up the battle routine before filming the live broadcast, and had prepared it in the basement.

Explosives have been planted.

This is very simple for him. Even if there is a calculation error and he does not arrive at the corresponding location as planned during the live broadcast, he can easily make up for it in the ice and snow. Using ice blast can also increase the attack of the puppet giant.

Special effects.

This time it is the same routine as in the movie, using nuclear bombs to highlight Superman's powerful defense. Lanno wants to highlight the power of these guard giants. He cannot say what kind of values ​​they have, how many tons of power they have with one punch.

Ordinary people have no intuitive feeling for this kind of power. The most intuitive thing for the audience to realize is the terrifying destructive power.

I saw the Frost Giant swinging his sword again, and the sword blade cut out a blue sword. At first, it seemed that the blue sword energy was no different from the ordinary sword energy, but when the sword energy hit the valley

, the huge explosion and the earthquake that shook the camera violently made people realize that this blow was not ordinary.

Lan Nuo's live broadcast has a total of two perspectives, one perspective is his own, and the other perspective is filmed by the sealed soul beast trained by him following behind him.

This shooting method was not even his own idea, but a cunning operation made by other live broadcasters. In a forest where danger may be real, it would be dangerous and unnecessary for a person to carry a camera and follow him to shoot.

Said, the mere existence of this person made the adventure unreal.

It has been widely known before that soul beasts can use the space system, so some people have thought of cultivating some soul beasts that can follow their masters. They can follow their masters to take pictures, and often because of their small size, they can evade most enemies.

Attack, and the audience can also see through the host's own eyes that the camera is a small animal such as a bee or a bat, thereby increasing the sense of reality. Even the arranged plot will look more like a real adventure.

Therefore, there are two perspectives that can be switched in the live broadcast room. One is the perspective of the anchor's eyes. This perspective is more immersive, but sometimes it is difficult to see what the anchor is doing from this perspective. And the face cannot be seen.

The other perspective is the one shot through the seal, and at this time both perspectives are turned towards the cliff of the valley.

I saw there that a cliff had been demolished by the explosion. The scene was like a natural disaster. A large hole was blown into the cliff hundreds of meters high, stretching to the end of the sight.

It's hard to imagine what terrible harm such an attack would cause to a human body.

This sword alone is enough to show that these ice giants are more powerful than 100,000-year-old soul beasts.

Everyone in the audience became nervous. Although the strength shown by Lan Nuo was strong, it was probably far from such a terrifying level!

As for the entire cliff being blown down, it was naturally a special effect. Before that, the inside of the cliff had been hollowed out, so it could easily be blown apart. Inside, there was a large amount of ice filled with ice blasting techniques, and the sword energy itself was buried inside.

It has no offensive power, but when the sword energy flew over, the explosives buried in the mountain exploded together, which caused the sword energy to have a destructive attack effect.

However, doing such special effects is very labor-intensive. Lan Nuo only did two special effects. Then he flew into the air and fought with the giant in the air.

After flying into the sky, the giant actually flew up too, and the two sides started fighting in mid-air. As long as the sword energy did not fall to the ground, there was no need for special effects. This is the meaning of fighting in the air.

If every sword had special effects, it would blow up the entire valley within a hundred miles, which would not be enough.

But with the previous foreshadowing, the audience saw the sword energy flying wildly between the two sides in the air battle. Everyone became nervous and their emotions were aroused.

They can't tell the difference between the sword energy and the previous ones. They only subconsciously think that if they are hit by such sword energy, they will be hit by the unprecedented attack. Ordinary people who are hit by such sword energy will probably die.


I saw the anchor pass by such attacks several times. The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Many people who watched the anchor's first-person view were so nervous that they forgot to breathe. Some of them were even more naughty.

A prompt was posted in the barrage: "Friendly reminder, you can breathe."

The next battle requires entering the castle, so it must reflect the uniqueness of this castle. At least it needs to give the host a reason to continue taking risks instead of escaping.

And the reason for this was quickly found out. Not all the sword energy in the broadcaster's perspective flew into the sky, some still flew to the ground, and after landing, bottomless pits would explode, again and again.

The heart-wrenching explosions made the audience extremely enjoyable to watch, but they also discovered problems.

When the sword energy falls in other places, there will be a big crater on the spot after the explosion. But when it falls on the castle, although it will explode, it can only destroy zero-shaped buildings, and in many cases even the outer walls of the buildings will not collapse.

The most intuitive one was when the sword energy hit the junction between the castle and the land next to it. It was seen that the castle was almost intact, but a 100-meter-large crater was blown out of the ground next to the castle, exposing the foundation of the castle.

Now the audience finally figured it out, and one by one reminded in the barrage: "Enter the castle! Enter the castle! This castle is extremely strong and can withstand the attack of sword energy. As long as you find a place where this giant cannot enter, you will be safe for the time being.


Lan Nuo naturally accepted the suggestions from the audience. As for why he wanted to move the battle venue to the castle, it was naturally to save money.

When fighting outside, not only do you have to add special effects to capture a big scene, but you also have to destroy a mountain at every turn. This kind of special effects is enough to calm the audience at the beginning. If the entire live broadcast continues like this, even Lan Nuo

It’s also unaffordable.

In contrast, the attack just now showed that the castle was extremely strong. The attack was enough to shatter hundreds of meters of cliffs and hit the castle, blowing up a few bricks at most.

It is naturally extremely cost-effective to fight in a castle. There are no gorgeous special effects when fighting there, which can be explained by the fact that the materials of the castle are extremely strong and difficult to destroy. For battles in small scenes, the workload of adding special effects is also much smaller.


This also often appears in many fantasy novels. After changing the map, the earth, sky and various laws will become stronger. In the previous map, one punch can blow up a mountain. To change to the next map, just say this

Even rocks and soil have become extremely solid, and the protagonist can easily blow up rocks with just one punch, which even reflects the power of the protagonist's newly acquired abilities.

Lan Nuo also followed the same routine. Now his attacks can't hurt the castle at all. Then if he gets some treasures in the castle, he can suddenly smash the walls of the castle with one punch, which will naturally make people think that he has changed.

Much stronger.

At the reminder of the audience, Lan Nuo immediately got rid of the entanglement with the giant, dived quickly, and flew towards the castle.

He got in with a swish, and the two frost giants naturally chased after him. However, they were huge and could not move so freely after rushing into the castle.

With Lan Nuo running on a narrow path, he finally left the two giants behind. He passed through a tunnel that the giants could not pass through, and finally gained safety.

The audience also breathed a sigh of relief, but they were also more curious about what was hidden in this castle? Such a powerful frost giant was just the gatekeeper at the gate of this castle. Then the original owner of this castle, the one who built the castle.

How powerful is a person? Doesn’t the treasure left by such a person in the castle possess unparalleled power?

"I was scared to death. I thought I was about to be punched by that guy. Does anyone remember the way I came here? I have to find a way to escape. It's too dangerous here. I'm afraid I can do it alone.


Of course, Lan Nuo won't be unable to figure it out, but he must take care of the effect of the show. If he is being chased crazily and still wants to find the treasure, even if he doesn't care about his own life, it will look too fake.

But why do the audience care about the life and death of the anchor? Except for a few who sincerely advise the anchor to leave, the rest are just trying to make the anchor angry.

"It took a lot of effort to get in. Wouldn't it be a big loss to come back empty-handed?"

"Perhaps the strongest ones in the castle are the two guards! Look, you haven't encountered any other dangers after running for so long!"

"If you run back now, those two giants will definitely be blocking you at the door. You will definitely not be able to get out without finding some treasures or other ways to leave."

Under the advice of these people, Lan Nuo reluctantly chose to continue exploring, but his goal was still to leave the castle and escape from here.

In this way, he walked around in the castle. As if he accidentally bumped into a hall, he just saw this hall. All the audience held their breath.

On the one hand, this is because such a huge cavity building looks really shocking. On the other hand, it is because there are many more terrifying guys in this building, which are giants that are exactly like the giant guard at the door.

And the number is not two, but two entire rows, with a visual estimate of thirty or forty.

At first, some people thought that these were just statues, and there could not be so many powerful puppets. But as they discovered the intruder at the door, all the puppets turned around, with star-red light shining in their pupils, and began to move towards the original one.

The two giant doormen began to move slowly, and the audience panicked instantly, and they could feel the strong sense of oppression through the screen.

Facing an enemy of this level, there is no possibility of a head-on confrontation. In addition to these frost giants, sharp-eyed people also noticed a tall stone tablet standing in the castle hall. What is recorded on the stone tablet in multiple languages?

Someone quickly took a screenshot of this scene. Most of the languages ​​​​were unknown to them, but there are always capable people among such a large audience. They know many languages, including some extremely ancient and almost lost languages.

Someone translated in the barrage, turned around and ran away, giving the anchor prompts as he panicked and chased many Frost Giants.

"The stone tablet records that the family that once lived here tried to refine the elixir and succeeded. These frost giants are all the guards guarding the elixir.

The stone tablet says that after taking the elixir, you can live forever, and gain an indestructible body and powerful magic power. If it were someone else. If it were someone else. I would definitely not believe it if the elixir I refined had such effects.

But if you are the owner of this castle, maybe it is really possible to refine such a powerful medicine! After all, even the frost giants guarding the elixir are so powerful. Maybe eating the elixir here can really lead to immortality.


This time it’s not Lan Nuo’s fault. Those who tried their best to interpret the text on the stone tablet all firmly believe in their own opinions and send barrages to the rhythm. They really want to see the anchor get immortality from this castle.

Once the medicine is taken, with such a tight defense, it is impossible for ordinary Extreme Douluo to attack head-on. It is conceivable that the medicine protected is precious. It is really possible to say that it can make people immortal.

[To be continued]

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