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Chapter 490 Great River Natural Danger

The Northern Water Empire may be the last line of defense for the alliance. It is also probably the strongest line of defense. After all, the attributes that suppress the water attribute are all on their side, and the strong ones of the Southern Fire Empire will be suppressed in terms of attributes.


Just like the Dongmu Empire. Each of these empires has established a line of defense on the border to resist the invasion of other countries, and it is a very strong line of defense. It can only be broken with extremely powerful force. Faced with this line of defense,

In this case, if you are still the restrained party, it will be extremely difficult to defeat the zombies.

The main force of the Southern Fire Empire are strong men with fire attributes. They seem to be a little stretched when facing this defense line. The entire defense line is built around a huge canal, and the defense line itself is also responsible for the Northern Water Empire.

Responsible for important internal transportation, a large amount of goods circulate here, and are sometimes concentrated and transported to every important node on the defense line.

A large amount of supplies are stored upstream, so that when the downstream needs supplies, they can flow down the river and quickly support any place downstream.

Shipping capacity is much greater than land transportation, and if it goes down the river, the speed is faster, allowing larger and stronger people to complete the transfer of positions in a short time.

The entire canal was built to be extremely wide. When the defense line was first built, the Northern Water Empire spent a huge amount of money to ask the Middle-earth Empire to help them widen the river channel.

And now the river in front of us is already the widest river in the entire Guangming Five Elements Continent. The narrowest part is dozens of miles long, and the widest part is like an ocean. A series of warships are suspended on the water.

, this is the most important legion on this defense line.

Such a vast water surface can only be crossed by ship. As for building a bridge on such a water surface, it is simply impossible without interference from opponents. Even a pontoon bridge is almost impossible to build.

, if you only send the strong ones who can share in the past, there is a high probability that they will be ravaged because there are not enough strong ones.

It is not easy to give up the advantages that you have finally accumulated to others, and fighting the Northern Water Empire on the water is not an easy task. A strong water attribute man makes waves on the big rivers, almost galloping, no matter how huge the ship is,

When faced with this situation, they will also be overturned.

What's more, the major empires actually don't pay much attention to the shipbuilding industry. There is thunder overseas, which makes it impossible to go to sea. In this case, without the experience of ocean navigation, let alone the experience of building large ships, the Northern Water Empire can build these

Huge ships rely on this huge canal in the country.

When it comes to driving in the ocean, they probably don't have much experience.

At present, Liyan has led her army to the bank of the river and is stationed on the nearby high ground. Although stationed on the high ground, there is a possibility of being burned by fire like Ma Su. But the strong men of the Southern Fire Empire are not afraid of fire the most.

In comparison, it would be more troublesome if the Northern Water Empire controlled the huge volume of water in the river to wash over at this time. Stationing on high ground can avoid being washed away by the flood.

Facing the endless water surface, even Lie Yan felt a little troublesome. In such a huge water area, even if it showed all its strength, it was not sure that it could evaporate the water. Let alone this, the strong one who was still in the mortal realm


After going to the river and observing for a while, Lie Yan roughly understood how deep the river was. The river bank was actually not too deep. Walking a few hundred meters inside might only cover a person's waist, but the river was really deep.

It is too wide. If you continue to go down, the depth of the water will become deeper. The deepest point is nearly a hundred meters deep. For most soldiers of the Southern Fire Empire who cannot swim, this is a huge amount in itself.

psychological pressure.

In particular, the river here is extremely clear, and you can even see the bottom of the water. Sitting on a boat, crossing the water with a rope of hundreds of meters, and seeing the bottom of the water will bring huge psychological pressure to the soldiers.

The Beishui Empire has a unique advantage when fighting on such a battlefield.

Lieyan found that she might have to upgrade her technology again. With the existing shipbuilding technology, this line of defense was almost impossible to break, unless there was help from the strong men of the Middle-earth Empire. However, the strong men of the Middle-earth Empire

Now wear a pair of pants with Beishui Empire.

It is even helping them to continuously widen the river channel.

The principle that water comes and earth covers it has some truth in daily life. If the strong men of the Middle Kingdom take action, they can forcibly narrow the river channel and push it step by step. In the end, the river may only remain

It's about a hundred meters wide, so even if the current becomes extremely turbulent, it's not that difficult to cross.

It's a pity that today's earth-attribute powerhouses are helping the Northern Water Empire to make their rivers wider and wider. The flow of this river is completely sufficient to support such a wide river. While widening the river,

Fill the entire river channel.

As a result, the wider and wider river will become increasingly difficult to cross. Perhaps even using a fast boat such as a speedboat, it will take a whole day to cross such a long distance.

Faced with this situation, the Southern Fire Empire has no good solution. It can only continue to build ships and purchase more airships. The Northern Water Empire can make waves and run rampant on the water, but it is difficult to affect the waves they can stir up.

To reach the sky, or to raise enough waves to affect the sky, you need to consume a huge amount of extraordinary power. If there are a large number of airships above the water to bombard the Northern Water Empire, then the situation may be much better.

In fact, this is also true. The North Water Empire's ability to respond to these airships is very limited, but even if they purchased their own missiles, they still pose a certain threat to the Kirov airships in the sky, especially since these airships have no ground

When the troops are protecting, they will encounter far greater dangers than before.

I was almost shot down several times. As the war is retired, the number of airships shot down will become more and more. More importantly, the Five Elements Formation is gradually appearing in the Beishui Empire.

The range of this formation is quite long, and theoretically it can be used to attack airships in the sky. In this case, it is impossible to rely on the air force to grind it slowly.

The cost of the other party's production of a ship is much smaller than the cost of one's own purchase of an airship. Such an exchange on the battlefield is obviously not worth it.

The Southern Fire Empire has also been researching its own ship. They want a ship that can move quickly on the water. It does not need to have strong combat effectiveness. It just needs to be able to get to the other side as quickly as possible. On the water

This stage is their most vulnerable stage, and once they complete the landing, the situation will be reversed immediately. The various explosives that the Southern Fire Empire is good at will be easier to use on land, and pedal-type tanks will also be used.

It can play a greater role on land. Even if its attributes are restrained to a certain extent, it can handle this situation with ease.

At least there is no problem in withdrawing from the enemy's hands. The Southern Fire Empire has an advantage. If the two sides fight head-on, who will lose? It goes without saying.

However, it is not easy to build such a high-speed ship. At first, they thought of using manpower to provide power as before. They have gradually discovered that propellers are more useful and convenient than paddles. The people on the ship

By exerting force and relying on some people with extremely strong physical fitness, we can provide these ships with strong power.

However, after these ships actually launched into the water, they discovered that after the speed increased to a certain level, the resistance they encountered would begin to increase exponentially. If the speed was not very fast, the ship could move forward at a constant speed with extremely effective force.

.But if the speed exceeds a certain threshold, even if these extraordinary beings suppress their blushes and step on the pedals with all their strength, it will be difficult to increase the speed of the ship.

After all, resistance usually increases with the third power of speed. When the speed reaches a certain level, you will definitely not be able to step on it just by relying on your body's strength.

Therefore, Lie Yan had to turn his target to the internal combustion engine recommended to him by Lan Nuo. The yin and yang energy of a strong fire attribute would explode when they collided together, which made it theoretically possible to build an internal combustion engine.

A conventional internal combustion engine is an explosion that occurs after atomized fuel and air are mixed together. If the same principle is used to replace the fuel and air with the fire attribute power of yin and yang, it is theoretically possible, and extraordinary power is

The power aspect is much greater than the specific force.

If successful, these ships will have an additional powerful engine.

The only troublesome thing is that the fire attribute experts participating in this project must have extremely keen control over their own power and cannot provide too much at a time. Otherwise, the power of the explosion will tear the cylinder apart and the amount provided will not be enough.

It cannot be too little, otherwise, the power will not be enough to push the wheel.

In addition, there are also when to explode after mixing together, and how to fuse during the mixing process. These are all problems that need to be solved urgently in the face of the next war.

It has to be said that Lie Yan is still a little talented in this area. The internal combustion engine controlled by him quickly started running successfully because her extraordinary energy is quite powerful. This internal combustion engine operates at a very high speed and has

With a considerable amount of effort, it can be said that he is born with a strange power.

If he is pressed on the ship, as long as the distance from the flames is no more than a hundred meters, he can easily control the engine. If it spans a longer distance, a communication device will be needed to inform each other of the commands required, so

Only then can success be possible.

Although he can accomplish it easily, it is quite difficult for others. This requires the cooperation of two people. They need to mix two extremely unstable energies together and force them to stay together for a period of time.

It won't explode inside.

Then it explodes at the right time, pushes the cylinder, and finally discharges the gas at the right moment. Many troubles in this regard can be solved through mechanical structures, which greatly reduces the difficulty of control, but if you want to get started, it is still quite difficult.

The threshold is that even though Rano optimized the structure of the internal combustion engine many times, the final results were not very satisfactory.

Perhaps the only thing worth mentioning is that in this world of extraordinary power, after the internal combustion engine was invented, there seemed to be a trend towards miniaturization, and it began to be something that people could carry around. While carrying it around, these engines also began to be made.

They are becoming more and more close-fitting, with mechanical legs and robot-hand-like structures appearing. In terms of flexibility, although they are far less flexible than the original ones and their bodies are more flexible, in terms of stance, they are already crushing some fire-attribute strongmen.

After falling in love with this kind of prop, some wealthy and prestigious people began to try to design mechas for themselves.

They have already seen this thing in the space system, but unfortunately the price of the mecha is too expensive, and most people cannot afford it. In fact, the effect this thing can play on the actual battlefield is not

It's as big as imagined.

Although some people use the newly manufactured special devices to go out of business, facing the huge pressure brought by the Southern Fire Empire, there are still many strong people who choose to build ships honestly.

With the previous experience of manufacturing internal combustion engines, the mechanical structure of the speedboat did not have too complicated devices, and it was quickly discovered that the entire speedboat was made of wood. Not only that, the wood was still alive, and they captured it

Under the control of strong wood attributes, these woods can make most repairs to their own damage.

Even for a sailboat, a shell made of branches can be temporarily formed to ensure that the boat does not leak and has a chance to turn over again.

As for the holes created by underwater sneak attacks, the holes can be quickly repaired, and then the water in the boat can be pumped out with plants.

With these unique capabilities, the safety of these speedboats has obviously been greatly increased, and their biggest advantage is their speed. Driven by the internal combustion engine, the propellers rotate rapidly, pushing these small boats as if they are flying.

Moving forward on the water, some extraordinary beings may not run as fast on the ground. There are some machine guns on the heads of these ships. When encountering obstruction from the front, they can shoot to ensure that

The next driving route should be a straight line as much as possible, taking the least time to cross to the other side.

Because of their simple structure and easy manufacturing, a large number of these boats were manufactured in a short period of time. They were piled up and ready to go out of the Qing Dynasty at any time and cross the dangerous rivers in front of them.

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