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Chapter 513: God of War Xingtian

The lineup we faced this time in the underworld was much stronger than the seven demon kings we faced in the previous world. Not only were their numbers greater, but the quality of the Ten Palaces of Yama was also significantly higher.

Even the strongest Bull Demon King in the previous world can't compare to the weakest Tenth Palace Yama here, and those powerful individuals among them have incredible abilities.

These abilities can only be experienced in battle. The strongest one is the God of War Xingtian. Wearing a golden armor, he uses a blue-edged ax as his weapon. One of the most frequently used attacks is to use his own

The ax launches continuous beheadings at high speed, each attack is extremely powerful, and the continuous attack speed is very fast. Almost as soon as one attack is hit, the rest will be impossible to survive.

At the same time, he is also good at the ability to create a black hole and forcefully attract people to it. This ability is almost impossible to avoid. As long as you are attracted to it, you will be fixed there, followed by his violent attacks.

If it weren't for these ninth-level experts who had more or less life-saving skills that could allow them to move quickly, I'm afraid someone would have been hacked to death by him.

Even so, there are still people who will be attacked again and again. The wrinkles on the face of the strong wood attribute have already appeared very vicissitudes of life, and they have overdrawn their vitality many times to treat their teammates, which has almost exhausted them.

This time can be regarded as a great achievement for the wood attribute experts. Without their continuous treatment, these people would not have been able to reach this point, but they seem to have reached the end.

The opponents this time are very powerful, especially the Ten Halls of Yama among the five spiral hells. Among them, the one who brings them the biggest trouble is King Taishan.

King Tarzan's attack method is not special. He can use the tornado attack to summon a lightning tornado and attack forward. Everything hit in a straight line will suffer huge damage.

The other move allows you to move, sprint forward at high speed, and launch an attack. These two moves have no special abilities, and their only feature is probably their powerful attack power.

But this is not the most troublesome thing about him. The most troublesome thing is that he summons his substitute every about 15 seconds, and his substitute is the color of stone. Any attack that falls on his substitute will be affected to the same extent.

of retaliation.

And even if his double is killed, his main body will not die. The double will exist for about ten seconds, and then it will change back to the main body. Although this rhythm is very regular, it can be effectively dealt with after mastering it.


But at that time, he had only one opponent, and the battlefield was extremely chaotic. Many opponents existed on the battlefield, and accidental injuries were likely to occur.

These extraordinary beings from the Dark Five Elements Continent usually have stronger attack power and weaker defense power. If they are hit and injured by their own attacks, it will be difficult for them to withstand it. Once they use attacks beyond their endurance range, it is possible

Beat yourself to death.

If there was only this type of counter-injury skill, then everyone in the Dark Five Elements Continent could barely cope with it, but there was more than one such skill. King Qin Guang also had similar skills, but they were different from King Taishan. King Guan

It will not summon a substitute, but will create a mark on the target. The target with this mark will cause counter damage when attacking any target. Being marked by this mark is basically equivalent to losing the ability to attack.

You must wait until the mark disappears before you can launch an attack. Otherwise, your attacks will be equivalent to hitting yourself. Unless you are the kind of being with extremely strong defense and the ability to quickly restore your vitality, you can fight with such a mark.


However, there is no such strong person among the masters of the Dark Five Elements Continent. Those marked by this mark can only stop attacking and assist their own people.

The other Ten Palaces of Hell also have their own powerful abilities, especially those that will be resurrected, which is even more troublesome, such as King Bian Cheng among them, which is the one that brings him the most trouble among almost all the Ten Palaces of Hell.

King Bian Cheng has a powerful clone ability, and it is the most exaggerated clone. The clones have exactly the same strength as the main body, and there is no limit on the number. The only flaw is that if the main body dies, the clone will also die and cannot be transferred to the clone.

Reborn in the middle.

But this kind of clone with no upper limit on the strength of the original body is already extremely terrifying. The strength of King Biancheng's original body is relatively low among the Ten Palaces of Yama. He has a tornado skill that is somewhat similar to the previous Macaque King.

, but the power is much greater. In addition, you can also throw javelins. The power of a single javelin thrown in succession is not particularly powerful, but if used together with a clone, the densely packed javelins will make people's scalp numb.


And this is different from the real game. The real game only has four directions: front, back, up and down. No matter how many clones are in a plane, they can be gathered together to attack. But in reality, there are six directions: up, down, left, front and back.

The clones can move around, and the clones themselves can also clone themselves. Just like bacteria dividing, there are more and more, gradually covering the entire battlefield.

If these clones hadn't disappeared after a certain period of time, I'm afraid the entire battlefield would have been overwhelmed by them.

Even so, its huge clones still make the powerful people of the Dark Five Elements Continent miserable. Even if these clones are relatively weak among the Ten Palaces of Yama, they are definitely at the Title Douluo level. I know they are close.

Super Douluo, with such powerful strength, launched continuous attacks and had almost countless numbers, which really made the strong men of the Dark Five Elements Continent feel desperate.

If it weren't for the Five Elements, the formation and their ten attributes, which gave them extremely powerful bonuses, they would probably have been completely wiped out by now.

Even so, they were attacked by various strange beings, such as a blood-sucking bug that was released from King Chu Jiang. King Chu Jiang was a very special monster. After he was killed,

, as long as any insect is not completely killed, he can be resurrected from the insect's body with full health and full status.

In this case, to kill him, you must first kill his bugs, and his bugs have an extremely abnormal characteristic, that is, they are extremely resistant to various energy attacks and various magic attacks.

This resistance is about 99%, which means that they will only take 1% damage from all magic attacks, and they must be hit with physical attacks to kill them.

Under this condition of damage reduction, they are almost immune to magic attacks, and these bugs can also be resurrected if they parasitize on the powerful people of the Dark Five Elements Continent.

When parasitizing on them, these bugs will continue to suck blood and erode their vitality. The erosion speed is barely acceptable. After all, they are treated. This erosion speed is bearable.

However, their absorbed vitality will be restored to King Chu Jiang tenfold. In short, if they suck one hundred blood from them, one thousand blood will be restored to King Chu Jiang.

And there is no upper limit to the number of times a person can be parasitized. In other words, the bugs can have almost unlimited reproduction, or the bugs only need one attack to hit the target to complete the parasitism. If you want to avoid being parasitized by these bugs, the only way is to wait until they activate

Kill them before attacking.

The attacks suitable for killing these bugs are usually long-range attacks or range attacks. These are all magic attacks and are almost immune to them.

Therefore, after these bugs come to the extraordinary ones, they can only rely on punching and kicking to eliminate them one by one. If they are not careful, they may be parasitized. If only one is parasitized, it is barely acceptable. If there are two or three

If so, the treatment speed will be more or less unable to keep up. If the number is larger, I'm afraid they can only wait to die.

Under this situation, King Chu Jiang, whose health is constantly being increased, is almost impossible to kill. And even if they can withstand the increased health, killing King Chu Jiang and the bugs in their bodies will help the opponent to resurrect.

It is extremely difficult to kill such a scoundrel completely. In addition, there is the King of Five Senses. Although he cannot be resurrected, he can summon snake-headed staffs. These staffs can

There is also no upper limit on the number of automatic attacks and automatic targeting. And they are the same as those bugs. They are immune to all magic attacks, or they only withstand 1% of the damage. This is actually not the same as immunity.

What a difference.

Faced with such things, extraordinary beings must use physical attacks to deal with each other, and this is the most troublesome. Those bugs will run around and find targets that can be parasitized, which means that these bugs will take the initiative to approach

Yes, once you get close, you can use punches and kicks to eliminate them.

Although the extraordinary beings in the Dark Five Elements Continent mainly cultivate the power of their own attributes, their physical fitness is not weak. It is not too difficult to kill these bugs.

But these snakes are different. As soon as they are released, they will stay put. At first, this seemed to be a weakness. But now it seems that this makes them more difficult to clean. Now these snake-headed staffs

They have spread in all directions. They launch attacks one after another. Although their attacks are not strong, they can attack targets in all directions. At the same time, their attacks are very fast and tireless.

If we can continue to work like this, with the current number, the damage caused by these snakes to the extraordinary people is limited. But if the King of Five Senses summons more snakes, then the situation may change. Except for him

, these bosses are also difficult to deal with. Among them is the City King. His body is a spider. He has the ability to completely trap people in place.

It was an extremely powerful space seal that was blocked. People inside could not leave the place whether walking or teleporting, and could only wait for the opponent's attack.

This is a quite desperate experience. There was a time when a person in the Dark Five Elements Continent was trapped, and the rest had to stop and stay with him to help him resist external attacks until he got out of trouble.

And in the process, they almost died.

This is just a case of saying hello to these monsters in the field, but not doing anything serious.

In line with the principle of "picking the weak", the extraordinary beings of the Dark Five Elements Continent chose King Ping Ping, who does not seem to have any special abilities. King Ping Ping has a range attack that can make sharp blades grow on the ground. For ordinary people

For a strong person, it is troublesome to rush for food. But for a strong person with strong and flexible hands, the effect is much worse. Most attacks cannot hit.

The King of Pingren is also a versatile boss. In addition to his own obvious ultimate move, he can also use the skills of other bosses in Spiral Hell. However, each one can only use one of their skills.

In this case, although he could exercise a considerable degree of restraint, he could also rely on the diversity of his methods to defeat the extraordinary beings with ease. However, he was still seriously injured under the concentrated fire attack.

During the battle, the blood volume gradually approached the bottom line. When the extraordinary people saw this scene, they finally became excited. Being able to kill one of the bosses would also greatly reduce their pressure and prevent them from falling.

I'm always on the verge of death like this.

However, killing any boss is not an easy task. Just when King Pingping's blood volume was at the bottom, he saw a colorful light shooting out from his forehead. It hit the top of Dark Tianji's head. As a result, King Pingping

He returned to his best condition in an instant. Dark Tianji almost entered a state of fainting.

This move is to exchange the blood volume of both parties. It is not an exchange based on quantity, but a proportional exchange. Dark Tianji is in the best condition among everyone, so King Pingping chose him. The two parties exchanged their own blood volume.

As a result, King Pingping almost returned to his strongest state, while Dark Sky entered a state of near-death.

The only good thing is that there are healers in the team. Even if they enter this near-death state, they can still pull them back.

But what makes them despair is that this monster that has mastered almost all skills has been resurrected with full health. This means that if the extraordinary ones want to kill him, they must wait until the opponent's health is only about 1/4.

When the time comes, launch an attack with all your strength. Use a powerful attack to kill him instantly in a short period of time. In this case, he will not have enough time to release this move.

However, this is obviously not an easy task. In addition, King Ping is also a very troublesome existence. He can release a totem. As long as this totem exists, everyone will continue to lose their lives. This totem must be broken.

Only then can this absorption process be stopped.

[To be continued]

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