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Chapter 626

Lan Nuo's newly acquired ability really makes him very satisfied. He can swallow the abilities of different animals and use them for his own use. There are too many effects that can be exerted in actual combat.

Just the abilities acquired by the soul beasts devoured in the past few days already have countless combinations. In actual combat, they can even create countless combinations with teammates and opponents.

When it is his turn to come to the battlefield, it will be difficult for both teammates and opponents to know what kind of abilities he will use next.

Kong Lingshu felt a little regretful: "Your martial soul is so easy to use, I'm afraid you won't put all your energy into the soul guide in the future.

This is a bit of a pity. Originally, you had a chance to become a powerful soul master. But a person's energy is limited after all. Even in history, there are very few people born who are both powerful warriors and scientists at the same time. This is

Two completely different paths. Especially now that the soul master has restored his original purity, the gap between the two paths is even further."

"It doesn't matter, you have yourselves anyway. Isn't this the development path you want? Completely decouple soul mentors from combat, train a group of people specifically as warriors, and they are responsible for testing and using hybrid guides to constantly communicate with soul mentors.

Feedback. In this way, weapons are upgraded round after round."

"That's true. Reforms have actually begun within the academy, and the results should be reflected soon. In the past, I was a soul engineer and had to design many soul guidance devices. Almost every hybrid guidance device I used was

You have to design and manufacture it yourself. This is actually a considerable waste of knowledge. It is also a waste of personal experience and brains.

In the future, we should have a team to only design one piece, or only design and manufacture one soul guide during a project period. After the design is completed, the drawings should be finalized for mass production. I think the next step will not only be soul guides.

In the joint battle, the engineering soul mentor and the research and development soul mentor may also be decoupled from each other.

The R&D soul mentor specializes in designing drawings, while the engineering soul mentor is responsible for realizing the drawings and producing some difficult drawings.

In the future, soul mentors may be split into two professional developers and manufacturers, and I have already made suggestions to the academy to recruit ordinary people into the academy and train them in the direction of developers.

Designing a hybrid guide does not necessarily require the ability to make soul guides. The design only requires theoretical knowledge, and the manufacturing team will evaluate the feasibility of the design. This can be obtained by considering the manufacturing difficulty and actual combat effects.

The overall performance of the design should also be an important indicator for evaluating the capabilities of developers in the future.

After all, the wisdom of a few people is limited. There may not be even one person among hundreds of people in this world who can become a soul master. The vast majority of people are ordinary people, and their wisdom is actually no worse than ours. Maybe their spirit

There will be a certain gap in strength, but I have done some research in this area. The hybrid guide can be used to stimulate an individual's mental power to a certain extent, allowing them to have the same super-high thinking speed as a soul master in a short period of time. In theory,

You can also breed some precious soul beasts and use the materials on them to strengthen the mental power of ordinary people.

The quality of the hybrid guides designed by their team is definitely much higher than in the past when each soul engineer had to build many pieces and design many soul guides.

I don’t understand why you want to help us. Many of these plans were proposed by you. Many of them are even things we have never thought of. And if you do this, the Sun and Moon Empire will inevitably suffer.

The country's national power has been greatly enhanced, which is completely inconsistent with your personal interests based on your Douluo origin."

"Why is it not in my personal interests? Who else told you that I was born in Douluo?"

"Are you from the Sun and Moon Empire? How is this possible? Although we are all human beings, the appearance of the people of the Sun and Moon Empire is slightly different from that of the Douluo people, especially the royal family. You should pay attention to it.

, the royal family here has relatively dark skin, and the difference from the Douluo people can be clearly seen. Even the non-royal members here are different in appearance from the Douluo people. The lines of the facial features

It's a little softer, not as sharp-edged as yours.

And your appearance is obviously not that of a person from the Sun and Moon Empire.

Of course, with the exchanges between the two continents, the possibility of mixed blood is still very high, but the biggest problem is actually your martial spirit. In fact, you should have discovered that there is no powerful person in the Sun and Moon Empire at all.

Martial Spirit, and your Martial Spirit has reached an incredible level. Even Douluo, few people can be as strong as you. To be honest, the Sun and Moon Empire has never been born with such a powerful spirit in thousands of years.

A talented person. This is why I think you are not from the Sun and Moon Empire."

"Whatever you think, in short, I have no sense of belonging to Douluo, nor to the Sun and Moon Empire. I did this just to make my future life more comfortable." Such a statement is also consistent with a time travel.

The basic mentality of a traveler. For a time traveler, there is no sense of belonging to any country in a different world. In fact, everything they do is just to let this world continue to develop and make it more like their previous life, or

It is to make life in this world more comfortable.

There is no doubt that soul guides are the general direction for the future development of science and technology in this world. There is no doubt about this. Of course, you said that it is theoretically feasible to develop traditional science and technology in this world, but the development speed will definitely be slower because of

Cost issues and other aspects have been eliminated by the indigenous technology of this world.

It is true that internal combustion engines can be manufactured, but in terms of manufacturing costs, they will be much more expensive than the hybrid conductor engines manufactured in this world. Since there are ready-made routes to take, there is no need to go around.

Such a big bend.

"Do you want to make your life more comfortable? What you said makes sense. If the reform of the soul master can be implemented, many hybrid guidance devices should be developed.

Including hybrid guides for rail transit, the Tempter is a soul guide used in many livelihood industries such as the construction industry, and should be able to be developed quickly.

In fact, I have also noticed that after the reform carried out by the soul master, the population and full-time labor force have become important indicators of a country's strength.

Originally, the most important indicator to measure the strength of a country was the number of its soul masters or soul masters, but after the reform, I am afraid that this is no longer the case. I am afraid that the only way to evaluate a country is how many people can contribute their wisdom to the development of society.

An indicator of a country's strength.

But I think, even if our emperor can see this, after the soul engineer reform, the first thing to be carried out should not be people's livelihood projects, but the linked soul guide.

This thing is probably our biggest advantage over Douluo.

Extreme Douluo is born over there every once in a while, and often there is even more than one Ultimate Douluo, but here we have not had a Super Douluo born in thousands of years.

Only by relying on linked soul guides can the legion have the same combat power as or even surpass the Ultimate Douluo. And our emperor definitely wants to take advantage of the military first, and he will probably be the first to develop linked soul guides.

After improving efficiency and enhancing mobility, we may launch an attack on Douluo again."

Lan Nuo shook his head: "I advise you not to start a war, not because I am a member of Shrek Academy and stand on Douluo's side. But because you can't win if you start a war. Even on the battlefield.

Even if you win, you won’t be able to win in the end.”

"What do you mean by that?" Kong Lingshu, as a member of the Sun and Moon Empire, still had his own pride. When he heard this, his face suddenly turned ugly.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that your national strength is not good. In fact, according to my observation, even now, the comprehensive national strength of the Sun and Moon Empire is actually higher than any other country in Douluo, and even better than the three Douluo countries.

The countries combined are not much weaker.

Even if we launch a war now, the probability of victory on the battlefield is quite high."

"Then why do you say we will lose in the end?" Kong Lingshu frowned.

"I wonder if you have ever investigated what happened in the war a hundred years ago? Why did you have the advantage at first and then failed? Is this part of history also a secret on your side?"

Kong Lingshu nodded: "I'm also very surprised about this. The empire is silent on the reason for our defeat. Even though I am a high-ranking member of the empire, I know very little about it. The other ninth-level soul masters may know more.

, but I am not particularly interested in this aspect. So I have not tried to understand in depth what other engines are there? I have only heard some rumors, maybe they are related to gods."

Lan Nuo nodded and said: "I have done relevant research. I have visited some villages and investigated the myths, legends and history spread there. I can basically confirm it from the clues. In the war a hundred years ago, there were gods.

He took action and interfered in the war to a considerable extent, which affected the final outcome of the war.

And your current strength is still far from that of the gods. Even if you can win on the battlefield, if the gods side with Douluo in the end, you will not be able to win the final victory. After paying a huge sacrifice in the end, you will soon...

The outcome may be the same as the war a hundred years ago.

So my suggestion is that you focus your development on people's livelihood as much as possible, make your people rich and wise, continue to accumulate your own strength, and wait until your strength is so strong that even the gods are not afraid, then consider launching an attack.


"Although I agree with your point of view, it is meaningless just to agree. The people of the Sun and Moon Empire have always been living under oppression, and they are inferior to the Douluo people. Even among the people, it has accumulated

There is a deep national hatred. I think before the reform of the academy, the soul masters had actually begun to gradually turn to the fighting profession. In fact, they were coerced by public opinion. Even our emperor could not change this situation.

After seeing the strength of Douluo, we thought that they must be advanced, so we should learn from them. If we don't learn from them, we will be criticized as pedantic and not striving for progress.

The same thing happens after we become stronger. After realizing the gap between us and realizing that we are actually the stronger side, it is impossible for them to resist their determination to go to war.

The interference of gods must not be publicized publicly. Otherwise, it will only bring us disaster in advance, and there will be no reasonable reason to prevent the war from happening.

But it doesn’t matter. Those things should be tens or hundreds of years later. By then, I’m afraid we will all be buried underground. It doesn’t matter what the future generations who are still alive choose.”

Although Kong Lingshu has certain national sentiments, in fact, his sense of belonging to the Sun and Moon Empire is relatively limited. Most powerful people are like this, unless he is the ruler of this country. He is a vested interest himself.

Only then will they pay special attention to the interests of the country.

Kong Lingshu happens to be not such a person. Although her strength is not weak and she can even rank high in the empire, she does not have a high background. She relied on her own intelligence to obtain the status in front of her.

.Because of this, he almost does not belong to any faction among the top leaders. He is equivalent to a high-level scientific researcher, but has no government status. Although he can be regarded as a vested interest, the country can give him

There are really not many benefits.

"It's almost time to go back. We have tried the combination between my skills and the soul beast before. After we go back, we need to try the combination with people."

"Although I don't think there are necessarily people who are willing to be swallowed by you, but maybe there are people with weird interests." Kong Lingshu couldn't help but shiver, as if he recalled some unsightly scene, after acquiring this skill

After that, of course the two of them tried what was the effect of devouring people? The person present who could be devoured was obviously Kong Lingshu, and she was the target of devouring. It can indeed display extremely powerful strength. When the devoured person has the strength

On the contrary, when it becomes more powerful, this skill will become an auxiliary skill, that is, the devoured person will take the lead. Plants are used to amplify the ability of the devoured person, but there is a limit to the amplification, at least to the Titled Douluo level.

The strength cannot be fully exerted, and what really makes people feel psychological shadow is the environment in Big Mouth's mouth.

[To be continued]

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