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Chapter 632 Starlight Guidance and Satellite Guidance

Chapter 632 Starlight Guidance and Satellite Guidance

Author: Yin Xiaozhen

Chapter 632 Starlight Guidance and Satellite Guidance

The concept of starlight guidance is still somewhat difficult for Sun and Moon people to accept. However, the observation results of subsequent rocket launches into space show that navigation through the analysis of starlight is even better than navigation by scanning the terrain on the ground.

At least it can ensure the stable flight of the missile during the flight phase into space.

This also means that during the space flight stage, there is no need to spend a lot of energy to analyze the interference of ground clouds on the terrain through algorithms. This is a considerable improvement for the chip technology that is still quite lacking today.


As a result, Lan Nuo became one of the leading personnel of related projects. Soon the radar plan he proposed before was put on the agenda and received attention.

The radar guidance solution has not been chosen before. On the one hand, the people of the Sun and Moon Empire have never had a clue about the geometric problems on the spherical surface. On the other hand, it is also because radar guidance requires the construction of a large number of radar stations on the ground.

There is only one target for the flying object. If the signal is transmitted, the distance on one line can only be obtained. At least two locations are needed to release the signal. The specific location can also be determined.

"It will definitely be very difficult to establish a large number of signal stations on the ground. After all, this world does not belong to you. It is also impossible for the Douluo people to cooperate with you in building your own strategic weapons. This is equivalent to handing over your life to others.

In hand. So my suggestion is to build your own radar network in space. I should have taught you how to calculate the influence of gravity between two objects before, right? The gravity in space is smaller than on the ground.

. And at a specific distance, objects orbiting the planet can remain relatively stationary with the surface of the planet. We call this a synchronous orbit.

If you can try to launch satellites into synchronous orbit, then in theory only three satellites are needed to complete the most basic positioning of the ground. If there are more satellites, the positioning effect will theoretically be better.

And you don’t need to worry about soul masters coming to destroy your satellites, after all, they can’t even fly out of low-Earth orbit, let alone synchronous orbit.”

This idea immediately opened up the minds of many soul teachers. Only now did they discover that there was such a cool operation, and they suddenly felt that there was a lot to do in space.

"This is just one aspect. The cost of launching satellites in space is still a bit high. We are planning to build a large number of ground radar stations. Not only on our current planet, but also on two other newly discovered continents.

, through satellite observation there, the level of civilization should not be very high. The size of the city is much smaller than ours, and the population should not be very large. The difficulty of conquering them should be more on the soul beasts. And this is for

It shouldn’t be a big problem for us. By building signal base stations in those areas, we can achieve relatively precise control. And the cost is lower than lowering it in space. In this way, the only area we can’t cover is

It's just Douluo Three Kingdoms.

We can even build fixed signal platforms at sea. Although we have to face the threat of sea soul beasts, there are also some deserted areas in the ocean. Through observation from space, we can find that the color of some oceans is dark blue, where

It should be a deserted area in the ocean."

Lanno didn't know much about this aspect, so he asked: "Why are those areas said to be deserted areas in the ocean? Is it because they were rebuilt into dark blue?"

"Well, dark blue means that the seawater there is very deep, and generally, the seawater we see is filled with a lot of life. This will make the seawater less transparent and show different colors.

In this deep blue area, the transparency of the seawater is extremely high. This often means that there are very few living things in the water, and these waters without living things are equivalent to deserts in the ocean.

The vast majority of creatures there cannot survive because they do not have any food source. According to our current ocean exploration team's reconnaissance in these areas, the number of sea spirit beasts is very small, it can even be said to be almost non-existent.

All platforms are built in these areas. All we have to face is the bad weather in the ocean. As long as the influence of the weather is overcome, there is almost no need to worry about someone destroying our suspended platform.

In this way, we have a basic model for global signal transmission, which can roughly guide our missiles.

At present, these are just ideas on the ground, and now more energy needs to be invested in construction in space.

The difficulty of building satellites can be said to be quite great. Even we are not sure that we can successfully build a satellite network. So we still need to rely on you to provide more knowledge.

Computers are a practical invention for us, and your knowledge on logic gates and integrated circuits is what we urgently need."

Lanno was not polite to these people and immediately joined the development process of the spacecraft. During the launch process of the satellite, one of the most important issues is to perform accurate calculations to put the satellite into a determined orbit.

Originally, this step also required the assistance of radar, but with the existence of soul guides, satellites can have quite sufficient fuel in space, which allows them to move relatively conveniently in space, and the error tolerance rate is higher than normal.

Satellite launches were much larger, and there were fewer places requiring radar assistance. However, as the spacecraft was designed quickly, everyone discovered another problem.

"We can indeed launch satellites into the sky. After they are launched, how will the satellites maintain their operation? Even if we create a sealed milk bottle, the soul power inside will still be slowly lost in space. It is impossible to continue to rely on them to maintain it.

Spacecraft Operations.”

Lan Nuo: "..."

He originally wanted to talk about solar power generation, but after carefully recalling the memories left by his portable grandfather in his mind, he decisively pushed aside solar power generation. There were too many technical details involved.

He definitely doesn't have this ability in another world now. If he could make the corresponding power generation equipment, even if he could, it would probably be of a rather cumbersome type. For example, he would make a huge reflector and then concentrate the sunlight like a solar dryer.

This will make it easier to use.

But in that case, the equipment would be too bulky. Even if the rockets in this world don't need to consider the quality of the fuel, it still requires a lot of energy to fly to that height.

Lan Nuo, who was thinking about how to use solar energy, was patted on the head by the instructor beside him: "We have an idea about the solar energy you just mentioned."

"Ah?" He never thought that he just mentioned the concept of solar energy. The soul engineer of the Sun and Moon Empire had an idea so quickly. Although at the end of the second part of the novel, the Sun and Moon Empire was indeed developed

The technology to produce soul power through solar energy has been developed. But it is still a long time away from there, and at that time, this was a cutting-edge technology, not like a sealed milk bottle, which was a branch technology that was not particularly important.

"The idea is very simple. After you mentioned solar energy, I thought of you."

"What does this have to do with me?" Lan Nuo hadn't reacted yet. Why did he think of him when he mentioned solar energy?

"Have you forgotten what your martial soul is? Your sunflower."

Lan Nuo was stunned for a moment. He was in the dark under the lamp and had never considered that he could use his martial soul to solve the problem of abilities. In this regard, there was no need to even consider the issue of energy compatibility.

Previously, they still needed to consider how to build a power system inside the spacecraft in space to make it compatible with the current soul guidance technology.

But now there are no such problems at all, because the sunflower itself generates soul power. As long as this part of the soul power can be exported as the source of soul power required for satellite operation, then all problems will be solved, and soul guidance can be directly used in space.

device without trying to convert it into an electrical utility.

This will undoubtedly greatly simplify the structure of the spacecraft, reduce its mass, and make launch much easier.

"There is no problem on my side. The real question is do you really trust me that much? This is a decision related to the future of your entire country, so you put such a vital technology on me?

If I have any evil intentions towards you, all I have to do is cancel the Sunflower and all the satellites in the sky will be paralyzed. Can you afford that kind of loss?

Even if you don't consider this, if I die due to some accident, the sunflowers in your sky may not be able to continue to exist. When the communication system is paralyzed, can you really afford that level of disaster?"

"Of course it is unaffordable, so this is just a preliminary transition plan. Don't forget that building the final base station on the ground also requires accurate measurement of the location of the surface base station. With our current map drawing level, if we want to rely on

Ground surveying to determine the exact location of those signal base stations is like a fantasy.

Therefore, we must first have a satellite system before we can consider establishing another system outside of this system to build a ground radar network.

With the establishment of a ground radar network, the difficulty of continuing to launch satellites will be greatly reduced. Then we will naturally have room for trial and error, trying to replace our dependence on sunflowers.

After all, your lifespan cannot be infinite. Even if we have absolute trust in you, you guarantee that nothing will happen to you. After you die, how long the sunflower can still exist is also a question, so you can rest assured that we cannot

The future of the entire country and even the entire civilization rests on one person." Kong Lingshu responded, and the answer was quite reassuring, but even if this is just a transitional plan, it is equivalent to handing over extremely important rights to Lan Nuo.

Here, this is almost the right to control the life and death of a country. He can even rely on his own sunflower to control the space station in space to a certain extent. If he tries to cause some damage, he may even cause the orbiting satellite to fall. Then

The consequences are absolutely catastrophic.

After the Sun and Moon Empire successfully launched a satellite, it was actually already considering space-based weapons.

In terms of power, it may not have much advantage over the various high-power skills of the soul master, but the real advantage lies in using the soul guide to attack in space. You can attack the enemy unilaterally, but the enemy cannot attack you.


The Sun and Moon Empire already has a ninth-level soul master in charge of this project. And they have already prepared to give this Titled Douluo a title. When the project is successful, his title will be officially changed to Star Douluo.

And then the power he controls will really come from the stars. Weapons falling from the sky. Even Extreme Douluo can only choose to defend or dodge. It is impossible to fight back. Maybe their powerful attacks can

Breaking through the first cosmic speed and flying into space. But even if they can fly into space, the distance is so far away. It is definitely beyond the range that their mental power can defeat. They even cannot sense what is attacking at all.

We can defeat them, not to mention locking and counterattacking. Even if we follow the trajectory of the original fall of the flying object, the satellite is no longer in its original position. After all, the satellite is revolving around the planet, and the planet is also in orbit.

It is rotating. If the flying object is shot back according to the trajectory of the falling object, it will not be able to hit the satellite at all.

Therefore, even if their attacks can theoretically fly into space, there is no threat at all.

After deciding to use sunflowers as the energy source for satellites in the sky, new launches were immediately prepared. For the Sun and Moon Empire, since there is no need to consider the quality of the fuel itself, the cost of the rocket is actually quite low.

At least it is much lower than the cost of rockets on Earth. The difficulty of launching a satellite is much easier than imagined, so as soon as the results of the discussion are released in the laboratory, the launch is ready here.

The exploration period of space can be said to be quite short. After what happened to me, it can be determined through the temporary radar station established on the ground. The satellite has yawed to a certain extent in space. Whether it has reached the predetermined orbit, but this is not

What a big problem, the satellite carries a lot of fuel and attitude control engines. Using these engines, the satellite's motion trajectory is adjusted little by little. A certain degree of calculation is performed during each adjustment process, although errors will occur more or less. But after

After this series of calculations and adjustments, after many orbit adjustments, the satellite finally re-entered the synchronous orbit, and after continuously confirming multiple signals with the ground base station. After confirming that the satellite position was fixed, everyone in the launch center couldn't help but cheer.

, this is a historic event for the entire Douluo human race, but the Douluo Three Kingdoms know nothing about it.

[To be continued]

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