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Chapter 74 The Great Construction of Huaguo Mountain

On the way back, Mr. Cat asked doubtfully: "You just launched so many plants, don't you need soul power? Even if food has no amplification effect and can only satisfy hunger, a food-based soul master cannot produce such a large amount of food.

Be capable!"

"Ah... I just got some benefits, I got a blue buff! My current soul power consumption speed can't keep up with the recovery speed, so I can use all kinds of big moves at will!

We were in the sky just now, and there was no limit to the fighting range. If we were in the ring or in the city, it would definitely be enough for a person to drink a pot!" Lan Nuo was in a very comfortable mood, and Infinite Lan could do whatever he wanted!

This time, no soul master of the same level could be his opponent. Originally, his total soul power was not that advantageous among soul masters of the same level. If it did not exceed his own total soul power,

Under the circumstances, he only has one extremely lethal move like the Dark Gold Terror Claw. If he encounters Tang San or the Haotian Sect's bad guys, he may be overturned before he can even plant sunflowers.

But now he has no worries about this at all, as long as he is not facing an army battle. He no longer needs to rely on Sunflower to provide soul power. It is a pity that this benefit cannot be shared by the clone.

Otherwise, with the seventy-two slashes and Tianmeng's large amount of soul power, one person could become an army of ten thousand people.

Returning to Huaguo Mountain, Hu Liena had already absorbed the soul rings, but she did not intend to return immediately. The Star Dou Forest was able to raise so many aged soul beasts, naturally because the environment here was extremely suitable for cultivation. Compared with the large population,

The heavily polluted human world is much stronger. People don't practice here just because the forest is too dangerous.

But now that Huaguoshan can be safe for a long time, the three members of the Golden Generation decided to practice hard training here for a while. Lan Nuo expressed his envy to them face to face: "I really envy you that you can still experience hard training.

My sense of accomplishment is different. I can only rely on absorbing the soul power of other soul beasts to improve my cultivation. I am completely unable to appreciate the pleasure of improving my strength bit by bit through my own efforts!"

When he left the cave, he could still vaguely hear the beautiful Chinese language from the cave, mixed with a few words of "Fuck Fakeer", which could be regarded as a cultural invasion brought by Lanno.

Although he basically didn't need to practice hard to quickly improve his soul power, during the time he stayed here, he was not idle. He used his seventy-two slashes to create 300 clones.

Managers and supervisors of Fruit Mountain.

Supervise the soul beasts to plant charm mushrooms on time and feed them to the ten thousand year soul beasts to maintain their loyalty. At the same time, he is also responsible for teaching the more intelligent monkeys.

In terms of experience and experience, these monkeys are not bad at all. After all, the least of them have lived for almost a hundred years, which is longer than most humans. What they lack is the impact of the information explosion.

This can be seen from the fact that they can basically understand human speech. The smartest chimpanzees have gradually learned simple reading and writing in the past few days.

Lan Nuo began to let the clones teach these top students basic mathematics, physics and chemistry knowledge. It may not be long before these apes have higher academic qualifications than most humans outside.

It's just that these things are too boring for the apes. Just after learning the equations, a smarter chimpanzee who had learned to write came to Lan Nuo holding a sign.

When Lan Nuo saw it, he was amused. The sign read: "Teacher, what you teach is useless." The font was crooked, and Lan Nuo could guess that he was not mocking himself, but just criticizing human etiquette and communication.

The method is not quite used to it yet.

So Lan Nuo gently touched his head and said kindly: "Silly boy, don't talk about yourselves like that."

The chimpanzee was stunned for a moment. He took his own sign and read it twice. Finally he understood what Lan Nuo meant and showed a humanized expression of pain in his balls.

Shuashua wrote on the sign: "We are not things!"

Lan Nuo: "..."

Although he knew this was a cultural difference, why did he want to laugh so much?

In the end, Black Star did not get an answer that satisfied him. Lan Nuo has not yet been able to make them understand the significance of the knowledge they have learned. At least they have to wait until they have passed through primitive society before they will understand the role of what they have learned.

The more troublesome thing now is actually to deal with the eating, drinking and diarrhea of ​​these more than 3,000 yuan monkeys.

Eating is easy. No matter what, these apes have the same ancestors as humans. They all grew up eating fruits from trees. The plants in the garden can basically satisfy them, even for monkeys with relatively rich territories.

It is basically difficult for us to live a life where we can eat watermelon every day.

It’s not difficult to drink. Frozen plants can easily condense the water vapor in the air and pile them together. Water will flow down soon. Of course, if you find it troublesome, you can just eat the watermelon.

Lazarus is a big trouble. It's a long way to go to get the apes to develop the habit of going to public toilets. Although they are quite smart, they still don't realize that 3,000 apes are gathered together. And 100

Just completely different.

If there are only 100 of them, decomposers in the natural environment can easily get rid of their excrement, but if there are 3,000 of them, Huaguoshan will become a septic tank in a few days. One of the more than 300 Lanno

Most of my energy is to watch these monkeys go to the toilet in the right place and let them develop a habit.

In addition, they must be urged to take baths, drink clean water, and eat cooked food as much as possible. If they were in the wild, not many of these monkeys would die if they were not careful, and they would be considered eliminated by natural selection.

But the hygienic pressure caused by so many people gathering together has exceeded the self-purification ability of nature. If you don't pay attention to hygiene, it is likely to breed plague. Even soul beasts will get sick. As long as you still have cell structure, as long as you have this

The world still needs decomposers, so there is room for bacteria and viruses to survive.

Of course, even in his busy schedule, he did not forget to deceive Tang Hao's plan. The person who executed this plan must not be his true body. His true body was gone. With Tang Hao's urine, he would not trade with him and just capture him.

He was tortured, not to mention a whip. If he really got anxious, he could even catch an unlucky evil soul master and bring him over to search for Lan Nuo's soul.

So this kind of thing can only be done by clones who are not afraid of death. However, although clones are not afraid of death, they are afraid of pain!

Lan Nuo said seriously to one of his clones: "What do you think is the biggest problem in entrusting you with this task?"

The avatar said righteously: "Leave it to me!"

"I know you're confident, I mean what's the big question?"

"The biggest problem is to leave it to me!" the clone continued to speak righteously.

Lan Nuo: "..."

"Fuck! As expected of me! What a mean mouth!"

[To be continued]

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