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Chapter 326 Why are people in Jiangnan so peaceful?

The expressions of Xie Xuan and Wang Gong changed at the same time. They looked at each other and looked at Xie An. Xie Xuan said in surprise: "Why did my nephew's policy lead to the demise of the Jin Dynasty? Please tell me, sir."

Xie An did not answer directly, but looked at Xie Daoyun who was standing aside and said, "Daoyun, why do you think it is?"

Xie Daoyun's lips curled up and he said to Xie Xuan: "Because the land of the Two Huaihe Rivers cannot be abandoned without a fight. Once the two Huaihe Rivers are lost and the Qin army can easily attack the Yangtze River, then our internal situation in the Jin Dynasty will be

, there will be changes. Once the people's hearts are dispersed, it cannot be stopped by relying on the natural dangers of the Yangtze River."

Wang Gong asked curiously: "Why abandon the two Huaihe rivers without fighting, and people's hearts will disperse? If the Qin army arrives at the river, everyone will be more sincere and united."

Xie Daoyun shook his head: "Secretary Wang, you and Youdu both got one thing wrong, that is, not all aristocratic families will perish because of the fall of the Jin Dynasty. When the Yongjia Rebellion and the fall of Shenzhou Lu, not all the families in the north

The young family did not move south, but chose to serve as officials in the Hu people's court, and they still lived well. If a benevolent king like Fu Jian was the emperor, some people would do this."

Xie Xuan took a breath of air: "Sister, are you saying that there are some aristocratic families in our Dajin society who are colluding with outsiders?"

Xie Daoyun nodded calmly: "Yes, any family will consider its own interests. Our Xie family has been in power for many years, and our family fortune is the fate of the country. If the Jin Dynasty dies, our Xie family will inevitably decline, so there is no way out. But other families will not

That’s for sure, especially the local wealthy families with overseas Chinese surnames.”

Wang Gong nodded thoughtfully: "Are you talking about Zhang, Wu, Zhu, Lu, Shen and other powerful people in Wu?"

Xie Daoyun said sternly: "Yes, these are the indigenous surnames. When the Jin Dynasty was founded and Prime Minister Wang crossed the river, he relied on various means to suppress these tribes with our tribes from the northern tribes and the power of the imperial court.

The indigenous families have occupied their land and divided their rights, just like our current Shining Mountain Residence, which used to be the Shen family's place. In essence, they are not of the same mind as us, and they even hate us to a certain extent.

What about these foreign families?"

Wang Gong sneered and said: "So what? They have no power and power. Those former manors and the population are also owned by us. How dare they rebel and cause trouble?"

Xie Xuan understood somewhat and sighed: "No, Aning, what my sister said makes sense. These families were suppressed by us northern big families. Although the land and population were greatly reduced, in response, our Jin Dynasty has always

We don’t recruit troops in the Sanwu area, and there isn’t much food and tax revenue, so when I form the Beifu troops this time, I can only consider using refugees from the Huaihe River and Huaihe River, and I can’t hope to recruit troops here at all.”

"But although many of the refugees from the Lianghuai River are in Jingkou, more of them have families in the Lianghuai area in the north of the Yangtze River. If we retreat without a fight, the wives and children of these people will probably fall into the hands of the Qin army.

If we want to recruit soldiers and food in Wudi at this time, as long as these indigenous families take the lead in making trouble, the consequences will be serious."

Xie Daoyun sighed: "One more thing is the issue of Tianshi Tao. For many years, Tianshi Tao has been preaching in Wudi. It is so popular here that their supreme leader Du Zigong is regarded as a god by the elders here.

The influence of people is far greater than that of the Holy Lord and big families like ours. Judging from the performance of the previous paragraph, those Celestial Masters and Taoists who join the army have ulterior ambitions. They preach everywhere in the army and win over the Beifu sergeants. If they

If we feel that the Jin Dynasty does not have the ability to resist the Qin army, we may leave a way out for ourselves, and it is not impossible to incite a civil uprising in the land of Sanwu."

Wang Gong curled up his lips: "However, if we retreat across the river and there is a big river as an obstacle, they will not be able to exchange news with the Qin army. Without foreign aid, just relying on the natives of Wu or people from the Tianshi Dao, think

It’s not that easy to cause trouble.”

Xie Daoyun smiled slightly and opened his red lips slightly: "You must know the situation in Jiangnan. A big river may not be able to stop it. If these indigenous families intend to communicate with each other, or if the Tianshi Dao intends to surrender to the enemy, they can rely on their familiarity with the local area to sneak in.

Sending people across the river to communicate and defending the river for thousands of miles cannot completely block it. Besides, if we really want to raise troops, even the Qin army in the north will not know about it."

Wang Gong sighed: "What good measures can we take to deal with it? Should we control them in advance?"

Xie An calmly shook his head: "No, the enemy is currently facing us. If we are distracted from dealing with our own people, we will only add to the chaos. These indigenous nobles will not surrender to the Qin army from the beginning. They will wait and see the situation. If they feel

If we, the Jin Dynasty, can win, we will naturally not take risks. This is why I say that we cannot abandon the Huaihe River without a fight."

Xie Xuan breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "My nephew understands that if we retreat without fighting, even if it is a feasible solution militarily, these people will think that we are afraid of the Qin army and will be defeated thousands of miles away. At that time, people will be panicked and some will

People can take the opportunity to spread rumors, saying that we were defeated in Jiangbei and our foothold is unstable, so we can only retreat to Jiangnan. And because we want to fight against the Qin army, we must increase taxes and levy grain in Wu, and even draft husbands, which will make it easier to irritate.

The people have changed. By then, powerful enemies will be in the north of the Yangtze River, and civil strife will begin in the south of the Yangtze River. It will be an uncontrollable situation!"

Xie An nodded: "Yes, so if we retreat to the south of the Yangtze River and abandon the Huaihe River without a fight, our Jin Dynasty will be destroyed. You also said before that if this happens, the families of the Beifu Army will also fall into the hands of the enemy. This elite army

It’s hard to rely on us either. So no matter what, we have to find a way to fight decisively in Jiangbei.”

Xie Xuan frowned deeply: "Even if this is true, the Qin army is powerful. We have just fought in Junchuan and haven't had time to rest and recuperate. In terms of military tactics, our army is exhausted, and the mobilization and preparation of food and grass are not in place. Forced to

The decisive battle in Jiangbei is likely to be more miserable than good."

Xie An said sternly: "Yes, the difficulty is very great. No one expected that Fu Jian would be so cruel this time and really pressed down with millions of troops. They have managed Wang Meng very well over the years.

The grain storage city is full, and there is no shortage of grain. As long as one out of ten is drawn like this time, we can immediately form a million-strong army. We underestimated Wang Meng before. Fortunately, this man died early, otherwise, the Jin Dynasty will be defeated this time.

It’s really dangerous.”

Wang Gong smiled and said: "But I heard that Wang Meng also admired Mr. Xianggong very much. He said that you are a great man in Jiangbiao and should not attack Jin easily. When he was alive, he also tried his best to prevent Fu Jian from sending troops. Now that he is gone, you must have broken the law."

From Qin Liangce."

Xie An looked solemn and nodded: "If you really want to defeat Qin, there are only eight words: show weakness to lure the enemy, and defeat it in one battle!"

This chapter has been completed!
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