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Chapter 404: Offering good advice sincerely

Hu Wenshou smiled and said: "General, don't worry. When Yuen Long came to apply mud last night, he gave me an excuse to stop him. However, I predict that Liu Yu will never give up and will come again. When the time comes, you will definitely

It’s time to withstand it!”

A fierce light flashed in Xu Yuanxi's eyes, and he waved his hand fiercely: "Old Hu, watch out. If he comes again, I will tell him whether this Shouchun City is named Xu or Liu!"

A burst of footsteps came in a hurry, from far to near. The two stopped talking and looked outside the hall. Xu Yuanxi said in a deep voice: "Why are you so panicked?"

Liu Yu's voice sounded calmly and powerfully from outside the gate of the Governor's Mansion: "I have seen General Xu in my humble position."

Xu Yuanxi's expression changed, he coughed twice, and sat back on the handsome case, while Hu Wenshou stood aside with a sneer on his face. More than a dozen guards came to the hall one after another, standing on both sides of the handsome case with knives in hand.

The people in the hall took their seats one after another, and Liu Yu walked straight up to the hall with long strides.

Xu Yuanxi looked behind Liu Yu and saw no one. This made him secretly relieved. He nodded and said in a deep voice: "Zhu Liu, the battle in Beicheng is over? Why do I still hear flying stones?"

The sound of bombardment?”

Liu Yu shook his head: "The Qin army's attack has retreated. At this moment, it is just a scattered attack with flying rocks in retaliation. It will not interfere with anything. I am here to report something more important to General Xu."

Hu Wenshou said coldly: "Master Liu Zhuang, you are the chief general of Beicheng's defense. It can even be said that the safety of the whole city depends on you. Now the enemy's attack has not been completely ended, but you have not been informed by General Xu."

Order, come here privately, isn’t it a bit AWOL?”

Liu Yuhu's eyes flashed, he stabbed Hu Wenshou, and said in a deep voice: "Hu Changshi, I have already said that the fighting in Beicheng has stopped now. A few flying stone attacks will not cause the city to fall. Besides,

Murong Nan is taking over my command there now and can handle it completely. I am here now because there are more important things that need to be reported to General Xu."

Hu Wenshou was so choked by Liu Yu's momentum that he couldn't speak. He also looked at Xu Yuanxi. Xu Yuanxi waved his hand: "Okay, okay, the military situation is urgent. I won't talk about this anymore. But Mr. Liu, please remember

, the position I gave you is the defense commander of Beicheng. If there is no order from me, you should always stay at your position. If you have anything, you can report it through the messenger. This is just this time, it will not be the same next time!"

Liu Yu nodded and gave a military salute: "Thank you, General Xu, for understanding. Although Liu has a low position, he also knows the military laws of the Jin Dynasty. If it is not an emergency, he will never come in person like now. General, to make a long story short,

I would like to ask if this governor's mansion was renovated from a former granary?"

Xu Yuanxi raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Yu: "Building Leader Liu, does this have anything to do with defending the city?"

Liu Yu said seriously: "The relationship is very important. I am here just for this matter. Please inform the general."

Xu Yuanxi's expression was not very good, but he still nodded: "Yes, the original Governor's Mansion was burned down by fire last year, so this Governor's Mansion was renovated from the original spare grain depot in the city."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I haven't seen the roof of the grain depot, the outer wall, the fire ditch, etc., have they all been demolished?"

Xu Yuanxi said: "Yes, the Governor's Mansion does not need these things. Of course they will be demolished. It is impossible for me, General Huan, or even Governor Huan, who is here to handle official business, to live in a big granary."

Liu Yu took a step forward and said in a slightly higher voice: "Then, are the military rations in the city now piled up in the governor's mansion?"

Hu Wenshou said coldly: "Zhang Liu, please pay attention to your identity. This military supply is related to the success or failure of the defense of the city. General Xu is solely responsible for it. You only need to guard the top of your northern city."

Liu Yu shook his head: "The responsibility of defending the city is related to the life and death of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the city. Everyone has a responsibility. It is precisely because I thought of this and had doubts in my heart that I came to ask the general for advice."

Xu Yuanxi shook his head: "Liu Yu, according to what you said, is it possible for a soldier or civilian under your command to come to you casually to discuss the defense issues at the head of the North City? You should know how to perform your duties, and be yourself

Everyone should stay at their posts when it comes to their duties. This is the key to defending the city. You are not responsible for the military rations, and I don’t want to explain anything to you. You can go back."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "General, it was because of my humble position that I urged you to stay and defend Shouchun. Naturally, you are responsible for the success or failure of the defense. It can be seen from today's battle that the enemy's

All kinds of strong attack methods, but that's it. The next thing to guard against is some special means. Whenever there are any defensive loopholes in the city that I think of, I have to discuss them with the general. This is the obligation of humble duty. If it is a sergeant under the humble duty

, when a civilian husband thinks of something that Beizhi ignores, Beizhi will also humbly ask him for advice."

Xu Yuanxi's expression was very ugly, but he still curled up his lips: "Okay, Lord Liu, if you want to say anything, just say it."

Liu Yu said seriously: "Now all the grain in the city is stored in the official warehouse of the governor's office, right?"

Xu Yuanxi nodded: "Yes, you also know that this was originally a granary, and there are many ready-made granaries. Since the Qin Army's southern expedition, those idle granaries have been used as a place to store grain in the city. In the granary outside the city,

All the food supplies have been moved here and are under the care of my personal guards."

Liu Yu nodded: "Excuse me, are these temporary granaries equipped with fire prevention measures? In the past, the wooden buildings outside the granaries had to be plastered with well mud, and fire retardant coatings were added to the roofs.

There are a large number of water tanks so that water can be drained at any time. But since I entered the governor's mansion, I have not seen these protective measures."

Hu Wenshou said coldly: "Zhu Liu, what do you want to say? Do you want to say that we have all neglected our duties and don't think as much about military rations as you do?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "A wise man may make a mistake even if he is careful, just like when he was responsible for defending the city, he did not take fire prevention measures, whether it was the tower at the top of the city or the residences in the city. If the enemy attacked with fire today,

, then maybe the city has fallen now."

Hu Wenshou laughed: "Liu Yu, do you think you are the only one who can think of fire prevention attacks? General Xu has thought of it for a long time, but he just didn't have time to implement it. You don't need to deploy the entire city's troops, and civilians don't need to organize people to transport people from outside the city.

For food, we only need to defend the city, but General Xu has too many things to worry about. If you think of something ahead, what is there to brag about?"

This chapter has been completed!
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