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1109 Entrusted strength and hope to win!

The world created by Lin Luo can be called the world of death. It is completely isolated from Gensokyo, but in this world, his status is equivalent to that of the God of Creation, although he had to give up most of it in order to suppress the Dragon God.

"right" but there are still many things he can do.

One of them is... world-to-world connections.

This world of death is created based on the world where Gensokyo is located. The most convenient connection between the two is the "door", which is the channel that connects the two.

As we all know, each world has its own worldview. For example, the ordinary daily world is dominated by a scientific worldview, while the battle world of swords and magic is dominated by a magical worldview... In a certain respect, Gensokyo

It can also be listed separately to become a world.

As for the world view of Gensokyo, it is neither scientific nor magical, it is very common sense!

Don't underestimate the three words "unusual knowledge". In fact, it carries an incomparable weight. If common sense is regarded as the mainstream... No, to be precise, common sense is the mainstream in any world, even for those who are not familiar with it.

In the magical world of science, common sense always comes first, which forms an inherent world view.

So, what about Gensokyo, a world where non-common sense is the mainstream worldview?


That’s right, when this kind of abnormal knowledge reaches its limit, it can overturn everything!

The unusual knowledge in Gensokyo is, theoretically speaking, enough to break the worldview.

Of course, with the current strength of Gensokyo, it is completely impossible to overturn the world view of other worlds. At most, it can only have a certain impact. After all, the world of Gensokyo is still too small, but at this moment... Gensokyo

Lin Luo is connected to the world of death through the door. And Lin Luo can control the world of death. So, what is the result of this evolution?

"From now on, this world will no longer have common sense. Whatever you think and move as you please, everything is possible!" Lin Luo said loudly. The second trump card he prepared was this, which was completely dominated by personal consciousness.

A world where you can fantasize as much as you want, but everyone's fantasies may become reality!

"That's it. Although we can't join the battle, our power can become your power, so... take it, take the power of all of us!" In the light mirror, there were countless familiar faces.

Showing a smile full of confidence, he said decisively and resoundingly.

After they finished speaking, streams of energy visible to the naked eye spread out from the light mirror. They seemed to have their own lives and consciousness, wandering around everyone like clever little beasts, and then looking for each other.

's owner.

Additional abilities!

When everyone saw this countless energy flowing into their bodies, they immediately understood that at this moment, the strength of their partners had become their strength.

"Sakuya, I leave the power of the Scarlet Devil Mansion to you." Remilia suddenly appeared next to Sakuya, smiled and patted her shoulder, and several rays of energy were passed from her hands to Sakuye, and then,

Remilia turned around gracefully, flew into the light mirror on the opposite side, and returned to Gensokyo.

Remilia was defeated by the maid in black with the Spear of Destiny. Although she was not dead, her injuries made it impossible for her to continue fighting. Even with Lin Luo's healing skills, it was impossible to bring her back to life within this time.

At its peak state, after all, Heavenly level attacks have exceeded Lin Luo's repair range.

Seeing Remilia's leaving back, Sakuya was slightly startled, but after feeling the numerous powers in her body, she showed an understanding smile and said softly: "Yes, Miss, I did receive it.


"Miss Yuyuko, please accept my power." At the same time, Youmu also took back the two swords. Only the half-spirit was handed over to Yuyuko's hands. Although she was extremely reluctant to let go, in the end it was

Resolutely returned to Gensokyo.

In addition, people such as Hoshikuma Yugi, Hina Jutenzi, Sei Byakuren, Ibuki Soika and others also passed their powers to others because their injuries were too serious and could not continue fighting, and then returned to Gensokyo one after another.

Even Yachi Eirin and some shrine maidens do the same thing.

Although this is a world where you can do whatever you want, there are still limits after all. It doesn't mean that you can do whatever you think of, it just makes this imagination develop closer to reality. Otherwise, just a thought will make the maid in black defeated, then

It's not a fantasy world, it's a delusion.

Therefore, in order to concentrate the combat power more, it was necessary to give up part of it. In the end, apart from the host, only Cirno, the first-generation miko and Sanae Tofudani remained in place.

Ciruno is an idiot, and everyone else understands what's going on, but she still looks like she is the strongest in the world. Although Lin Luo is worried about her IQ, this guy is also unparalleled in his heart.

The unexpected surprise soldier did not bother him.

As for Sanae and the first generation, they are both in complete condition. In addition, one of them is a living god and the other is one of the true founders of Gensokyo. Although their unique power is not impossible to pass on to others, it is definitely not by them.

It's more powerful if you use it yourself, and they know this.

"Go hard!"

"You must not lose!"

"If you die, we will not let you go even if we chase you to hell!"


When the exit was completed and the power was received, countless cheers and cheers suddenly came from the light mirror. Listening to these voices, everyone who had been expected by Xu couldn't help but feel the urge to cry. They all felt like crying.

Know that at this moment, what is attached to them is not only the strength of their companions, but also the dreams, beliefs, and trust of all of them!

In this battle that determines everyone's life and death, while giving them strength, everyone's fate is also placed in their hands. This is how they are trusted and expected.

At this moment, they...are no longer alone!

So, definitely win!

They decided to cast their sights on the distant battlefield.

Mercury Lamp and Ming Meng. Because of the fusion of the Heart of the World and the Heart of the World, the two merged into one body. Perhaps they should be called Mercury Ming Meng now. Their unprecedented strength put great pressure on the maid in black.

She couldn't understand at all why the two people who were as weak as ants a moment ago became so powerful after joining together. What made her even more confused was...she couldn't exchange each other's abilities!

Her strength has reached the heaven level. Theoretically speaking, she can obtain any power below the heaven level through equivalent exchange. However, the other party's realm is clearly not at the heaven level, so why can't she exchange it?

Could it be that there is a mystery in this person that even my equal exchange cannot reach?

The maid in black thought to herself.

No, there can be no such thing!

The maid in black had a sharp look in her eyes, completely abandoning the unnecessary thoughts in her heart, and punched out, the fatal black flames of destruction rushed towards the opponent in front like a fire dragon... It doesn't matter even if the power cannot be exchanged, her realm is still there

Above the other party, based on this alone, she will never lose.

Everything else is completely unimportant!

The maid in black believed so, and in fact her idea was correct. The reason why she was at a disadvantage at the beginning was just because she didn't understand Mercury Mingmeng's ability and was too concerned about the enemy's ability. Instead, she ignored her own advantages.

This is not a qualified warrior at all.

"Space Binding!"

Mercury Mingmeng gave a sweet shout, shook her hands and cast a high-dimensional multi-space barrier, trapping the destructive black flames within it. At the same time, the n field was activated, and instantly came behind the maid in black, containing the power of multi-dimensional spaces.

His palms were like sharp knives, slicing into the enemy's neck.

This was a blind-angle attack, silent and soundless. An ordinary strong person would never be able to dodge this move, but the maid in black smiled coldly.

"Speaking of which, you have been arrogant for a long time. Do you really think that I am helpless against you?"

The maid in black didn't look back, but a figure completely condensed from the black flames of destruction suddenly emerged from behind her, with a sneer on her face, and easily withstood Mercury Mingmeng's attack, and then the figure became like mist.

Spread out and wrapped up the mercury dream.

Mercury Mingmeng's expression changed. Realizing that something was wrong, she quickly got into the realm of n. Although she had the power to resist the black flames of destruction, she would not be able to do an all-round attack.

The two of them completed an offensive and defensive transition at this moment. It seemed that no one took advantage, but in fact, Mercury Mingmeng had lost its advantage.

In the realm of n, Mercury Mingmeng's body floated, looking for opportunities to attack.

It seems that she is no longer trying to exchange for my ability, but intends to use her realm to suppress me. This is troublesome. Although I am not worried that her realm can suppress the mystery of the heart of the world, if there is a head-on collision, I

But there is no chance of winning here... How to break the rule of destruction? I didn't think it before, but now that we are really fighting, my father's ability is really incomprehensible.

Mercury Mingmeng's brain was running rapidly, thinking about how to fight against the rules of destruction. However, before she could think of a way, she suddenly heard a shattering sound. She was startled. She looked subconsciously and saw a completely blocked

A crack appeared in the realm of n, and then black flames surged in.


Mercury Mingmeng's expression suddenly changed dramatically.

The realm of n has been destroyed, how is this possible?

If the n-realm was created by the mercury lamp alone, it would indeed be vulnerable to the maid in black. But at this moment, this n-realm is a fusion of hope and space. The two hearts of the world are working at the same time. Its defense

Sex can resist the attacks of heaven-level powerful men. Theoretically speaking, it is absolutely impossible to be broken!

Area n is no longer safe.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the facts were before his eyes. Mercury Mingmeng knew something was wrong and immediately withdrew from the realm of n.

"Little girl, your time of glory has come to an end!"

As soon as Mercury Mingmeng leaned out, the cold voice of the maid in black rang in her ears, and at the same time a huge force pinched her neck, and all she could see in her eyes was blazing black flames of destruction.


The exits and entrances to the realm of n are uncertain. It depends entirely on the master's whim, and there is no problem of being intercepted. But at this moment, the maid in black has already prepared an ambush, waiting for Mercury to make his own way.

Throwing herself into a trap. If she hadn't seen through Mercury Ming Meng's thoughts, then it can only be said that...she already knows the realm of n like the back of her hand!

Facing such an unexpected attack, no matter how strong Mercury Mingmeng was, it was impossible to resist. In the blink of an eye, she was completely swallowed by the black flames of destruction.

In less than a moment, Mercury Mingmeng's body was completely burned, and then the maid in black withdrew her hand and looked at her, not feeling her breath anymore.

"It's over...huh?!"

The maid in black was just about to put an end to this battle, but before she could finish her words, her eyes suddenly changed, and she looked up sharply, only to see a space barrier coming in like a mountain.

Not dead?

The maid in black was greatly surprised. She had attacked with all her strength just now, and the burning feeling was real. It was not a phantom or anything else. The other party should have been completely dead at that moment, but why was he still alive? And he was still alive.

Counterattack so quickly?

The maid in black had a fierce light in her eyes, and with a sudden wave of her hand, the black flames of destruction were spread out like a curtain of light. In an instant, the space barrier was burned clean, and she quickly looked for the other party's figure.

This guy is so weird. Is there really a mystery in her that I can't reach?

"Phew, so dangerous." While the maid in black was looking for Mercury Mingmeng, Mercury Mingmeng was hiding in a distant parallel world, wiping away cold sweat.

Because the realm of n was restrained, body, consciousness and even existence were burned instantly. It was indeed a certain death situation originally, but her existence is different... She is fused into one body by two hosts, which is equivalent to having

Two different existences, and these two existences can freely switch between the real body and the shadow at any time, so at the very moment of life and death, the switch was made immediately, allowing the real body to retreat into the parallel world and be burned.

All that fell was a shadow.

Of course, this shadow is actually not much different from the real body.

However, as long as the real body and the shadow are not destroyed at the same time, she will never die.

"Although that is what I said, after the scene just now, she should have completely seen through my weakness. If I am attacked again next time, I will probably not be able to run away. Unfortunately... at the expense of my original future, I can only exchange for

Come back to life once, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome."

Mercury Mingmeng couldn't help but talk to herself, complaining a little bit, but then she smiled bitterly, "Really, because the progress is not going very smoothly, am I also a little greedy?"

"Yes, I'm a bit greedy." Mercury Mingmeng spoke again, but the tone was slightly different.

"I understand, exchanging an unnecessary future for a chance to bring us back to life is actually quite profitable, but... I'm still not willing to do it."

"I am willing to do it if I don't want to, but trying to defeat such a powerful enemy with the strength of the two of us is still a bit delusional, so there is no need to feel discouraged. I believe... the other side should have been prepared."

"...That's right, let's do it again!"

Mercury Mingmeng took a deep breath, then stepped out, directly across the parallel world, and appeared opposite the maid in black again.

"Hmph!" The maid in black looked at her and sneered, "Hiding in the parallel world is really an unscrupulous trick. You won't be so lucky next time. I will destroy the parallel world as well!"

As he spoke, the black flames of destruction violently struck out again.

"If you can do it, just give it a try!" Mercury Mingmeng, not to be outdone, stretched out her hand, and several planes of space overlapped in front of her, and then cut in an orderly manner.

The maid in black was stunned for a moment, what was she doing? Wasn't it just to get herself killed by being so messy?

But in an instant, when she saw countless mercury figures appearing around her, she suddenly understood... Time and space are interconnected. When cutting space, it also affects the timeline. Originally, time does not exist in this world.

However, at this moment, due to the space cutting of Mercury Mingmeng, multiple non-repeating timelines began to be generated. If each timeline really existed, then Mercury Mingmeng would have a line on her at different times.

Multiple attacks.

In other words, she had to face countless mercury dreams alone.

"Humph, that's really funny. Does this kind of trick really work? Watch me destroy them all!"

The tone of the maid in black was full of disdain, and she punched out, destroying the black flames and immediately rushed towards the timeline cut by Mercury Mingmeng... Generating multiple existences mainly relies on different timelines. But if time

If the line is destroyed, it's meaningless.

And the result was just as the maid in black expected. No matter it was space or time, it was a complete joke in front of her rules of destruction, and there was no possibility of confrontation at all.

However, Mercury Mingmeng didn't seem to know this truth. While avoiding the attacks of the maid in black, she continued to cut the space and disrupt the timeline.

From the perspective of those onlookers, the battlefield at this moment is like a mirror of thousands of flowers. Countless mercury dreams exist in the mirror, while the maid in black stands in front of the mirror of thousands of flowers, destroying it non-stop.

"It's so boring!" The maid in black thought at first that Mercury Mingmeng had other plans and was more or less prepared and didn't use all her strength. However, as time passed, she discovered that the other party seemed to be able to catch the end with one move.

It was just a way of delaying time. He suddenly lost interest and punched the space beside him.


In an instant, the black flames of destruction burst out like a spurt, burning all time and space.

"If your purpose is just to prolong your own survival time, then congratulations, you did live for one more minute." The maid in black mocked disdainfully, and she flashed and came to Mercury Mingmeng like lightning.

Mercury Mingmeng retreated quickly and smiled. "Indeed, my goal has been achieved."


The maid in black was about to attack, but Mercury Mingmeng's smile made her heart tighten. For some reason, she had a bad feeling.

Then, at this moment...

"Isn't one-on-one boring? Let's have some fun too."

A not-so-familiar, but definitely unfamiliar voice came into the ears of the maid in black. She turned around suddenly and saw a miko in red and white clothing rushing toward her like lightning.


Although the maid in black reacted in time, Reimu's speed at this moment was completely beyond her expectation. A fist full of Qianjun's power hit her arm solidly, sending her flying immediately.

"Although I was scared to death just now, it doesn't seem that scary if we actually fight." Reimu stood in the void, clenched his fists, and said lazily, not sure whether he was mocking himself or the other party.

The maid in black stopped mid-flight. She subconsciously looked down at her deformed arm, and couldn't help but frown... At that moment, her whole body was wrapped in black flames of destruction, and the whole audience was stunned.

People, the only people who can ignore the destruction and hit her directly are Lin Luo and Mercury Mingmeng. The others, let alone repelling her, will be burned to ashes immediately even if they touch her slightly. But what is going on now?


This obviously weak miko actually injured her?!

The maid in black's mind was filled with questions, but before she could figure it out, warning signs arose in her heart again. She had no time to think about it and subconsciously turned to the side.

The next moment, a black light flashed, hitting the spot where she was standing before.

"Sure enough, I'm not used to using swords or anything like that." Not far away, Yuyouzi said helplessly, holding a dark sharp blade in his hand.

The maid in black looked at her and frowned even more... My intuition told me that this guy could also pose a threat to me. The knife she just cut was a knife that condensed the power of death. In other words, that knife was completely

It is formed by the gathering of the meaning of death, but there are other things besides that. What is going on with these guys?

"Thinking too much is not a good thing."

A different voice sounded again, but before that, the maid in black was the first to sense the danger, and before she could dodge, she immediately stretched out her hand to block it. Suddenly, a white knife was caught between her two fingers.

Seeing this, she immediately understood who was attacking her, and wanted to burn the knife without even thinking about it. However, before she could exert any force, the knife she held released its power... in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, her entire arm turned into a withered bone, and then turned into dust!

This is?!

Looking at the empty left arm, the maid in black changed her face. The witch had just knocked her back before, but what happened now? A mere immature law of time could actually hurt her to this extent.

No mistake?!


The maid in black was greatly shocked, but Zi then didn't even have time to be shocked, because at this moment, a solid world crashed down on her.

The sky is magnificent and the earth is boundless. Only with sky and earth can a world be formed. If the world loses heaven and earth, it can only be nothingness. But on the contrary, as long as heaven and earth exist, a world can be formed anywhere.

At this moment, the heaven and earth that fell down exuded the power of the world.

"Damn it!" the maid in black was angry. Heaven and earth, this kind of thing was so inconspicuous in her eyes. However, now, this thing actually made her a threat. It was simply inexplicable.

The furious maid in black didn't take the power of the world into consideration at all. She blasted away the world with one glance, with the momentum to smash the world to pieces. However, before her attack could be carried out, the crisis struck again below.


With the corner of her eye, the maid in black saw a curtain of light with gold and green colors.

One side was the sky and the earth, the other was a golden-green light curtain. Two powerful forces attacked the maid in black at the same time. She was caught off guard and was hit hard, like a sandwich biscuit.

The unexpected power caused the maid in black to suffer a great loss, and her body was instantly shattered. However, this result was obviously not enough to kill her. The Rule of Destruction was activated, and the sky, earth and light curtain were burned to pieces in the blink of an eye.

"You bunch of ants!" Black flames burned blazingly, and an angry voice sounded from the black flames. Everyone immediately saw that it was a figure made entirely of black flames, and its appearance was the same as that of a maid in black.

Looking at the enemies around her, her expression at this moment was as ferocious as a monster.

She was really angry. Originally, when she transformed into the form of a maid in black, no one else could hurt her anymore except Lin Luo and Mercury Mingmeng who appeared next. In her eyes, not even humans.

, whether it is a witch or a monster, they are as insignificant as ants on the ground.


It was these ants that actually hurt her in the successive attacks just now, and even destroyed her body, which she couldn't bear anymore.

Therefore, she simply gave up her unimportant body and used the pure black flame of destruction as her own existence.

Then, the black flames of destruction spread out, and nothing could stop them, attacking everyone fiercely.

"None of you can escape, you all must die!"

The dignity of the strong cannot be desecrated. As a heaven-level strongman, his body will be broken by ants. She no longer wants to make any reservations. She wants these ants to die to understand what conspiracy, what will and belief, in absolute terms.

In front of the strength, it is meaningless!

However, when she attacked vigorously, what she saw was the extremely calm expressions of the ants in her heart, as if they had expected this to happen.



This situation made her feel an extremely serious sense of violation. She vaguely felt that something was wrong, but what was wrong? What went wrong?


The next moment, when the first-generation miko punched the black flame of destruction and scattered the black flame that was supposed to burn everything away, she finally understood when she looked at the other party's calm expression.

There was no fear on these people's faces, no fear in their hearts.

They should have been afraid, they should have been desperate, but they have completely changed!

Their hearts were protected, protected by something she didn't know, which gave power and hope to their otherwise despairing hearts.

She saw the belief in victory in these people's hearts!

ps: 7,000 words is still far from 10,000 words. The battle scenes are difficult to write and the speed is really slow. (To be continued)!~!

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