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1141 Even Gaia never beat me like this!

"Who are you?" Looking at the golden girl in front of her, Ilia asked subconsciously.

Of course she knew that the other party was a heroic spirit, and judging from the other party's aura, it was either Saber or Archer... Without a sword, Archer was more likely, but what she didn't understand was why facing this person, she had a feeling of life and death.

The feeling of being manipulated in the palm of your hand, as if you will be killed at any time!

"Bastard, you have no right to know my identity." The shining golden girl's face was full of disdain. She didn't see any movement. A strange flame-like aura suddenly rose on her left and right sides, like a dimensional space, and then,

The next moment, swords and instruments appeared from there with dazzling light.

The unsheathed swords, the sharp guns, and all the knives are decorated in a dazzling way, and they also emit magical power that cannot be hidden. It can be seen at a glance that these are definitely not ordinary weapons, but...noble phantoms!

"What! This is a Noble Phantasm?!"

Even Illya was stunned when she saw this scene... The Noble Phantasm, the most powerful weapon possessed by a heroic spirit, is also the weapon that can determine the nature of a heroic spirit. Generally speaking, even a powerful heroic spirit can possess three to four treasures.

Even the weakest Heroic Spirit only has one Noble Phantasm, but the girl in front of her... her Noble Phantasm is so exaggerated that it cannot be calculated in quantity!

Such a heroic spirit is completely beyond the norm.

King of Heroes! Gilgamesh!

Illya immediately determined the true identity of the heroic spirit in front of her.

Yes, this girl is the strongest heroic spirit who fought until the last moment in the Fourth Holy Grail War...the Hero King Gilgamesh.

During the Fourth Holy Grail War, the King of Heroes used the King's Treasure many times, but few people could recognize her true identity at first, not even the heroic spirits. It was not until later that the King of Conquerors learned from her.

It was judged from his words and deeds. But at this moment, Illya saw through it at a glance. This does not mean that Illya's knowledge is higher than that of the heroic spirits, but that she knows about the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Although she couldn't explain everything clearly, she knew a lot about the heroic spirits among them.

Possessing countless Noble Phantasms. There is only one such heroic spirit!

Facing the disdainful gaze of the King of Heroes, Illya stared back unwillingly like an angry child, and then quickly jumped off the giant's shoulders, "berserker, kill her!"

Although this was her first time in contact with the King of Heroes and she had never actually fought with him, she knew very well that the opponent was beyond normal strength, so she ordered Berserker to attack without hesitation.

"Roar!!" After receiving the master's order, Berserker let out a monster-like roar, and slammed the stone sword in his hand towards the girl in front of him.

"Hmph, bastard!" The King of Heroes still had a arrogant attitude, completely ignoring Berserker's ferocious attack. He just raised his right hand slightly, and the infinite treasure phantoms beside her were shot out like arrows... Whoosh?

Swish, swish, swish!

With a clang, Berserker's stone sword was blocked in an instant. Even his body was shaken back, and then all the remaining Noble Phantasms stabbed his body... Not only did his huge body not have any impact at this moment,

It doesn't give him any advantage. Instead, it becomes a target.

"berserker!" Illya looked at the scene in disbelief. Although she had known that the King of Heroes was very strong, she never expected that a monster like Hercules could be killed so easily.

"berserker! Stand up!" Ilia clenched her fists and shouted loudly.

"Roar!!!" As if in response to the girl's call, Berserker, who was already dead, roared again, and his tyrannical momentum swept away, knocking away all the precious phantoms inserted into his body.

Although he was killed once, berserker, who possesses a resurrection treasure like the Twelve Trials, will not die so easily unless someone can kill him twelve times instantly. Or kill him twelve times in a row, and

After each death, he becomes more powerful as he is resurrected.

"Hmph!" The King of Heroes smiled coldly. She was not surprised by Berserker's resurrection. She still just stretched out her hand and waved forward. Then the endless Noble Phantasm shot out again.

clang clang clang clang!

Berserker wielded the stone sword, blocking the bombardment of countless noble phantoms. Although he was instantly killed for the first time, in addition to physical strengthening and resurrection, his twelve trials also had the ability to invalidate attacks, which means that he had "received

An attack once won't work the second time." Even if a powerful Noble Phantasm like ea knocks him down, when he revives again, ea will be ineffective.

So this time, the King of Heroes can no longer kill it as easily as before.


The king's treasures are endless, and every treasure phantom is different. Even if the previous treasure phantom fails, more treasures can still play a role. No matter how brave Berserker is, there are countless treasures.

Under attack, he was finally killed again.

Then berserker is resurrected...becomes stronger...killed...resurrected...stronger...killed...and the cycle continues.

Facing the powerful King of Heroes, even Hercules, who turned into a monster, was completely suppressed.

Of course, this cannot be said to be that Hercules is too weak. Among all the heroic spirits in the moon world, he is enough to rank in the top five. Even if he lost his mind due to madness, he also lost him because he did not obtain Archer, the class for which he is most suitable.

The most trusted Noble Phantasm is "Shoot a Hundred Heads", but as a berserker, his own physical strength has reached the highest level among all heroic spirits, and he can sweep across even among the heroic spirits.

The monster that even heroic spirits cannot touch is none other than the berserker Hercules!

No matter which heroic spirit, as long as he takes a slight blow from him now, there is no other choice but death. Even the King of Heroes is the same, but... no matter how powerful the power is, it must hit!

Hercules, who only had the ability to fight in close combat, was unable to exert his due fighting power against the King of Heroes at medium and long distances. All he could do was to approach the King of Heroes step by step... His body was penetrated, his head was blown off, and his hands and feet

Being cut off, he can only move forward and forward again!

However, the short distance of more than ten meters was like a chasm between the king's treasures.

Death...resurrection...death...resurrection... This cycle is already the eighth time. As long as it happens four more times, he will disappear from this world.

"Berserker..." Looking at the miserable scene in front of her, Illya felt fear for the first time. She clenched her fists tightly, stared at the giant figure in front of her, and called his name.

However, Berserker couldn't hear it at all. In such a fierce battle, his target was only the golden girl opposite. As long as he got close to him, as long as he reached his attack range, he could kill her in one fell swoop...

His mission is to protect his master without fear of death!

Step after step, gradually approaching.

Ten meters...nine meters...eight meters...seven meters...six meters...completely ignoring the rain-like Noble Phantasm. Even though his body was filled with various Noble Phantasms, he didn't show any signs of it.

He flinched, and then his bloody body finally approached the enemy in front.

Just one strike, just one strike will do!

"Lock of Heaven!"

However, the moment Berserker raised the stone sword in his hand high, the King of Heroes suddenly shouted loudly, and then, a huge iron chain appeared in the air, binding his body tightly in an instant

stand up.

Berserker struggled violently, but to no avail.

"Once trapped by this chain, not even gods can escape."

The King of Heroes crossed his arms and said proudly. Compared to EA, she has more trust in this Noble Phantasm, and it is also her favorite Noble Phantasm. Its function is to discipline the gods. The higher the divinity of the person being captured, the higher the divinity of the person being captured.

The hardness of the chain becomes higher, and it is a legendary weapon used against gods.

And Hercules, who has A-level divinity, is a natural enemy to him!


The next moment, following the King of Heroes' order, more Noble Phantasms were shot at Berserker. The unable to move Berserker became a target for swords, with his limbs, body and even his head filled with various swords.


Then, the body filled with Noble Phantasms surged out like an explosion with countless magic powers... Four times, with just one blow, Berserker's last four lives were killed like this.

"Berserker!" Behind the giant, Illya exclaimed loudly, her tone full of grief.

On the verge of death, the sanity that Berserker had lost due to his madness seemed to have finally returned. Hearing the familiar voice, he slowly turned his head, with a gentle smile on his monster-like face... No matter what the outcome, he never

He retreated, fought bravely, and successfully carried out his mission. At least, before he disappeared, the object he wanted to protect was not harmed at all.

This is enough.

Yes, although he is not strong enough, he has tried his best to protect his master, and no one can complain about it.

Then, when the Heaven's Lock was removed, berserker's huge body collapsed.

"Berserker!" Illya quickly ran up and stretched out her hands, as if she wanted to catch the giant's body, but before she could touch it, Berserker's body had turned into a point of light and dissipated in the air.

With a snap, Illya's knees softened and she fell to the ground. She stared blankly at the disappearing light spots in front of her eyes, with tears in her eyes, but she couldn't say a word.

Because of the violation of the rules, Berserker was summoned a year in advance not by the Holy Grail, but by the command spell of Illya's own magic power. Without the help of the Holy Grail, she had to endure tremendous pain every time Berserker moved.


The berserker who was summoned at the beginning was still conscious and liked chatting with Illya. However, because of the pain of berserker's existence and her contempt for the ugliness of the giant, her heart was filled with disgust and she was not even willing to say anything.


It wasn't until she became familiar with the master's abilities and experienced the hell training of the Einzbern family with Berserker that she gradually fell in love with Berserker... It was not a love between lovers, but a feeling like a family member.

This ugly giant is someone she can trust and rely on.

Although at that time, Berserker was completely robbed of his sanity by madness, and could not even communicate normally, but at least we could still be together, so although Illya was disappointed, it was not unacceptable, but now... her only friend

, her only relative, the only person she could rely on, completely disappeared before her eyes, just like ten years ago.

"Liar... liar... everyone is a liar! Everyone is the same... I have clearly promised that we will be together forever, and we have clearly said that we will see each other right away even if we are separated... Those who lie are all lies.

Human..." Illya knelt on the ground, muttering to herself like a puppet that had lost its soul.

"Stand up, doll." At this moment, the King of Heroes walked up to the girl.

Illya raised her head and looked at the superior heroic spirit in front of her... The moment Berserker disappeared, she had lost everything, and even felt that her own life was insignificant, but the other party's indifferent gaze made her instinctively feel...


The fear that I will die at any time.

"No! No! Don't..." Illya exclaimed instinctively, her voice full of helplessness, which made people pity her.

However, the King of Heroes was dismissive of this. Whether she was a human before or now as the most ancient king of heroes, she had not killed too many people. She would not be moved by such a fragile voice at all.

"You've stopped here." The King of Heroes said calmly, and then stretched out his hand...


However, at this moment, a ray of light suddenly shot from above, accurately approaching the King of Heroes. The sharp sound of breaking through the air made her instinctively raise her head, and then retreated like lightning.

There was a tight beep, and a small arrow was inserted where the King of Heroes stood in front of him.

"Who is disturbing me?!" The King of Heroes frowned and shouted loudly.

Then, a calm voice spoke, "Because both sides have regulations, the battle between heroic spirits cannot be interfered with. Anyway, even if the heroic spirit dies, it will only return to the Hall of Valor, so I just kept watching. But, this

This Holy Grail War is different. There is such a rule...No one heroic spirit can kill the Master, otherwise he will be punished. So, while I don't want to fight now, you can get away as far as you want.

Come on, little girl."

At the same time, a figure appeared on the second floor of the castle. It was a girl with long silver-white hair, wearing a nurse's hat, and a red and purple Taoist uniform engraved with gossip and star patterns. The girl's hand

Holding a wooden bow, he looked calmly and indifferently at the King of Heroes below.

"You bastard!" The King of Heroes was furious. As the oldest king, when had she ever been so despised? She immediately wanted to use the king's treasure to kill the person in front of her.

However, before she could take action, the girl who was still on the second floor came to her in an instant, and then slapped the King of Heroes with a crisp slap.

"You are a bastard who opens his mouth and keeps his mouth shut. You are such an ignorant brat. Didn't your elders tell you what politeness is?"

"You..." The King of Heroes touched his face, and his body was filled with anger.


The girl slapped her again, causing the King of Heroes to have stars in his eyes. "I told you, you have time to get out now. If you keep talking nonsense, I won't let you go easily."

The King of Heroes had no idea what was going on now, let alone who the woman in front of her was. After two slaps, she had forgotten everything and just wanted to cut this woman into pieces...

In all ages, from humans to heroic spirits, even Gaia has never beaten her like this!

"Lock of Heaven!"

Without hesitation, the King of Heroes once again used her most trusted treasure, and immediately tied up the Taoist girl tightly, but the latter didn't even look at it. She was shaken slightly, and in an instant,

The Lock of Heaven, which made Hercules powerless, shattered to pieces on the ground.

"What...?!" The Hero King's expression changed drastically.

"Hmph, the Heavenly Lock may be very useful for divine guys, but to me it's just scrap metal. I don't know how many such things there are in Yuedu." The girl in Taoist uniform said calmly.

"Who are you?" Although the King of Heroes is a bit bad, he is not an idiot after all. Although the Sky Lock is used to arm gods, it will not have much power against non-divine people, but it will never be like this.

Fragile, he immediately judged that the strength of the girl in front of him was unfathomable, and immediately stepped back and asked in a deep voice.

"The adjuster, Bayi Yonglin." said the Taoist girl.

The strength of the girls who came from Gensokyo varies. Some are restricted to a level similar to the local heroic spirits, while some still maintain extremely strong strength, such as Yashi Eirin, one of them.

She already possesses a domineering genius. In recent years, her strength has improved rapidly. Even compared with most hosts, she is only stronger. She is fully qualified to be on an equal footing with the two major inhibitory powers, even if she is suppressed because of her status as a heroic spirit.

Strength, but not something Jin Shining can fight against.

It is precisely because she is too powerful as a heroic spirit that she was not placed among the summonable heroic spirits, but as an adjuster... To put it simply, she followed Lin Luo, the game organizer, as an online gm

His identity is active in the Holy Grail War, and he specializes in handling things that Lin Luo cannot take care of.

Such as right now.

"As an adjuster, although I can't directly intervene in your battle, if you violate the rules, I have the absolute right to punish you. So... little girl, are you going to leave here or challenge me?

Why don’t you call me the adjuster?”

Bayi Yonglin looked at the King of Heroes with a smile. Considering that she has survived for hundreds of millions of years, even Gaia may not be as old as her. It is perfectly normal to call Jin Shining Shining a little girl. (To be continued.)

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