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1172 The Eye of Death, Can It Really Kill Everything?

Although Tian Tian is just an angelic projection of Venus Uo, its strength is far inferior to that of Zhu Yue and Mercury Little Spider, the two Uo who manifested themselves... Well, if we put aside her murderous music that is more terrifying than biological and chemical weapons,

, and the instinctive shock of higher life forms, which is not much different from those ordinary human girls who have no power to restrain themselves, but her subtle healing ability is unexpectedly pleasing.

In just a moment, under the caress of her hands that exuded a holy light like an angel, everyone's body and spirit, which had been severely injured by the murderous song, quickly recovered.

But after finishing all this, Xiao Tianran seemed to have just drank some water... Oh, by the way, she was hungry again...

Judging from this result, Lin Luo has reason to believe that her healing ability needs food to recharge... No wonder she is a big foodie. Like Luo Tianyi, she cannot sing without eating.

Now, Aozaki Aoko and others no longer have doubts about the identity of Xiao Tianran's "angel". After all, the unscientific existence of rescuing an intact person who was almost killed by him is already very inconsistent.

, let alone angels, even if some people say that she is Almighty God, it is not surprising.

And after talking for a while...or in other words, after some inhumane criticism of the Fourth Demon King, Lin Luo also stood up and left. With the status of "Holy Grail War Investigator", he can stand up very well.

Straight, I finally don’t have to be treated like trash anymore.

However, just when Lin Luo walked to the door, the sound of two rituals came from behind.

Lin Luo looked back and found Liang Yi, dressed in kimono, walking towards him.

"What's the matter?"

Liang Li nodded slightly, with a look of hesitation in his eyes, "I want to talk to you about something."

"Oh, let's take a walk then." Lin Luo didn't ask why he didn't say anything just now. He nodded and agreed, then let Xiao Tianran go back alone and walked on the secluded path with the two rituals.

Lin Luo didn't say anything on the way, he just walked without saying a word.

Liang Li also seemed to be hesitating. She opened her mouth several times but was never able to say what she wanted to say. She seemed to be hesitant to speak. It wasn't until she had walked nearly a third of the way that she said: "

Have we met somewhere before?"

"Is this what you want to ask?" Lin Luo asked.

"Well, when I first saw you, I felt like I had seen you somewhere." As he spoke, Liang Yi looked at Lin Luo with a thoughtful look on his face.

Lin Luo smiled casually, "Maybe. But I probably haven't communicated with you."

He didn't speak clearly, but he didn't lie. In fact, even without the battle with the first generation of evil kings, he would not be unfamiliar with the two rituals. But even with that experience, he and the two rituals had only met each other.

They met for a while and didn't even say a word. There was no communication.

After listening to the ceremony, the two men couldn't help but have disappointed expressions on their faces.

Just four years ago, even she herself didn't know what happened. But looking back now, she seemed to have been involved in a terrifying battle. In that battle, she was

She was stabbed and was on the verge of life and death. Until the moment she recovered and woke up again, two years had passed and she had been lying in the hospital for two years.

Because of that incident, not only did she lose two years, but even the second personality in her body disappeared. But I don’t know if it was a blessing or a curse. She had been on the edge of life and death, but she also gained enough

The Eye of Death that kills anything alive.

Or maybe it was a disaster, because she was not happy about getting this ability, only the disobedience that was different from ordinary people, and the disgust for non-human beings.

The moment she just woke up, her mental state was very unstable. She was also depressed because of the disappearance of the second personality. She knew very well that she should have died originally, but in the end it was the second personality who died on her behalf.

It was during that time that she met Aozaki Yuko, who appeared as a psychiatrist. With his help, her spirit gradually stabilized, and she also learned how to live with the eyes of death, so she simply joined

Aozaki Orange's place...can't be said to be repayment, but it is a place where she can live like a normal person, at least without worrying about the trouble caused by the evil eye.

After nearly two years, she has now completely adapted to this kind of life. Although she is still sad about the disappearance of the second personality in her body, she has accepted this fact... But!

She still couldn't let go of that scene four years ago.

She didn't know what was going on at that time, or where it was, because everything happened too suddenly. In just a split second, she who was staying at home to rest suddenly came to a completely unfamiliar place, and then...

Before she could react, the sharp weapon had penetrated her body.

At that time, her consciousness and body were on the verge of collapse. Even now, she cannot recall the specific situation. She only vaguely remembered... At that moment, she was held in the arms of a man until she lost her

Until consciousness.

From what Aozaki Chengzi said later, we learned that her physical condition was very bad at that time. Not only was her abdomen punctured, but even her internal organs were almost completely destroyed. If she were an ordinary person, she would have died even if she had ten lives, but she

Miraculously survived...although it caused two years of deep sleep.

But Liang Si clearly knew that the reason why he survived was not a miracle, but because of that strange man.

Even in the vague state of consciousness at that time, she still vaguely remembered that it was the man who threw something at her to maintain her life on the verge of death, and... the man at that time never let go of the hug.

Her hand was the only sense of security she felt in despair. It was precisely because of that feeling that her consciousness would not collapse.

She has never told anyone about this matter, not even to Aozaki Orange, but she does not intend to live in confusion. In the past two years, she has never given up looking for the truth about that incident.

truth, but at the same time he never gave up looking for the man at that time.

She knew that the reason why she joined Aozaki Orange's office to further get in touch with the mystery and darkness of this world was also the reason why she wanted to explore the answer four years ago in her heart.

However, after two years of walking in that mysterious world, she could not find any clues.

Until I met Lin Luo a few days ago.

Although she could not remember the appearance of the man at that time, but after seeing Lin Luo, the vague memory suddenly became clear. Although it had not overlapped with the man before, there was always a sense of déjà vu in her heart.


Her intuition told her that Lin Luo was probably related to that person from the beginning.

However, Lin Luo's answer at this moment completely shattered her speculation... Even if she didn't remember it, if Lin Luo was really the same person back then, she would definitely not forget such a major event.

And since Lin Luo has no memory, he can't be the same person as before.

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't help feeling a little frustrated. They had no intention of continuing with Lin Luo. They were about to say goodbye when they suddenly heard: "Do you want to have a fight?"

"Huh?" The two men were stunned for a moment, seeing Lin Luo looking at them.

"A fight?" Liang Li was a bit doubtful that she heard it wrong. Although she did not underestimate Lin Luo, she could survive the Holy Grail that was blackened by the evil of this world ten years ago, and she is still brave now ten years later.

He stepped into the Holy Grail War. He even had a terrifying angel by his side. Such a person would definitely not be an ordinary person.

But in terms of strength, Lin Luo is now only at the level of an average fighter. She can't even fight off a bunch of gangsters, so if she has to fight her... is it too much?

Seeing Liang Yi's confused expression, Lin Luo smiled and said nothing.

"Are you serious?" Liang Li asked uncertainly.

Lin Luo nodded and said with a smile: "Of course it is true, or do you think that I dare to step into this Holy Grail War just because of my courage or because I have angel bodyguards?"

After finishing, Lin Luo stretched out his hand and flicked it, and in an instant, the surrounding environment turned into a vast expanse of white. Snowflakes fell from the sky and sprinkled on the two of them.

"This is..." The color of the two rituals suddenly changed, and their eyes were full of shock, "Inherent enchantment?!"

With such an abrupt change in the surrounding environment, there is only one ability in the two rituals' cognition, and that is the inherent barrier. However, Lin Luo does not have any magic power, how did he use the inherent barrier?

Lin Luo's eyes looked around, and finally stopped on the faces of the two men. He smiled casually and said: "Is there an inherent barrier... Although it's not impossible to say so."

"Huh?" Lin Luo's words moved the two rituals again. Isn't it an inherent barrier?

No, fantasy manifestation is a subtype of inherent enchantment, an ability that is infinitely close to magic. If Lin Luo is not performing inherent enchantment now, it can only be fantasy manifestation...real magic!

But doesn’t this mean that he is more powerful than he just imagined?!

The two rituals were completely unable to hide the shock in my heart. After all, a person with no magic power actually casually used the highest level ability of fantasy manifestation. The impact was too great.

"You should be a little bit interested now, right?" Lin Luo looked at the two ceremonies and asked with a smile.

Interest? This is not just a level of interest!

The two of them thought to themselves, holding the dagger they carried in their hands at the same time, and then said calmly: "Do you really want to fight? My ability is only to direct the Death Eye, but the things I kill can't... at least the living things can't.


Liang Li originally wanted to say that nothing could be restored, but she immediately thought of the battle with Youmu half a month ago, and the indestructible Lou Guan sword, which made her embarrassed to say it again.

"It doesn't matter, it's meaningless if you can't hit it with the Death Eye." Lin Luo said casually.

"Okay." Since they had already said such words, the two rituals felt that there was no need to hide their clumsiness anymore, and it was also a good exercise to compete with opponents who had materialized dreams, so they nodded immediately.

When she finished speaking, her Death-Death Demonic Eyes had been opened. Under her demonic eyes, any barrier was just a floating cloud. As long as the sword was struck, the barrier would disappear. Although so far, she has not cut through the inherent

The barrier and fantasy materialize, but!

To put it bluntly, the realization of fantasy is to directly connect one's will with the world and change the world into an environment as imagined...that is, to realize the things described in the heart and create something out of nothing. However, it

After all, what can be interfered with is only nature, but it cannot affect her, let alone her direct death demon eye.

Just like non-living things such as tables, chairs, and rocks have a dead line, the realization of fantasy also has a dead line. Even theoretically. As long as she is strong enough, she can even see the dead line of the world.

The two rituals were so convinced, but when she looked with her eyes of death, she found that there was no dead line in the world she was in. The only ones with a dead line were... herself and Lin Luo on the opposite side!

Isn't it possible to directly attack the embodiment of fantasy?

The two of them were stunned for a moment, but they did not lose their composure. They were just a little confused about what to do next... because her ability was a one-hit kill type, and even a slight touch would kill the opponent.

To the point of death, this ability makes her only a killer, so things like sparring will be very troublesome.

"Hesitating before fighting is not a qualified warrior."

At this moment, Lin Luo was the first to attack, with a straight punch without any tricks. It was not very powerful and not fast. However, when the two rituals noticed, the fist was already close in front of them, and then it was huge.

The wind from his fist blew her away in an instant.

"If you think that you can threaten me by looking directly at the Demon Eye, you are too naive. I still say the same thing. An attack that cannot hit is useless no matter how gorgeous it is."

The two of them were in mid-air, and the terrifying fist wind made her unable to open her eyes. However, before she could recover from this bad state, Lin Luo's voice sounded in her ears again, and at the same time, there was that

A warning sign of danger.

Is this for real?!

Although he didn't know what kind of attack Lin Luo had done, at this moment, Liang Li felt as if he was walking on the edge of death. This dangerous awareness was simply more terrifying than when he faced Flandre.

I have no choice but to go up!

Suddenly, the two men stopped holding hands, and their eyes opened suddenly. Before they could see Lin Luo's figure, they already saw the death line shaking in front of them, and instinctively swung the dagger to cut it.


Lin Luo easily dodged Liang Si's slashing attack. He clasped his right hand on her arm, and then gently swung it forward. Immediately, with a bang, Liang Si's body was smashed into the snow.

"So, do you still think you need to be merciful now?" Lin Luo said while standing in mid-air, looking down at the two ceremonies.

Standing up from the snow, Liang Li looked up, speechless.

Show mercy? Maybe it's the other way around.

Although they only exchanged one move, she knew very well that the one who really showed mercy was Lin Luo. If Lin Luo was willing, he could easily take her life at that moment.

You've lost your sight, you've all lost your sight!

Liang Li looked at Lin Luo, recalling how Qingzi and Chengzi had called him a waste not long ago, and could only smile bitterly... If such a person can be called a waste, then there is no one in this world who is not a waste, he -

—Simply more powerful than the heroic spirits!

At this moment, the two rituals have completely recognized the strength gap between the two sides. They no longer have the naive thoughts before and fight with all their strength.

However, no matter how hard she used her full strength, she was still as weak as a baby when facing Lin Luo. She couldn't keep up with her speed, physique, and strength. She was bound to kill him with the Demon Eye of Death...forget it.

Lin Luo didn't seem to be merciful. The continuous attacks made the two men unable to stand for just a moment. Although there were no serious injuries, there were many fractures.

This situation reminded Liang Ritual of a cat playing with a mouse... When a cat catches a mouse, it never eats the mouse immediately. Instead, it teases the mouse first and then eats it until it gets tired of playing.

Of course, the two rituals did not feel that Lin Luo was teasing her. Instead, it was more like a guidance battle. Lin Luo exposed many flaws that she was not even aware of during the battle.

Through the two ceremonies, I can clearly understand that my horizons are gradually broadening.

Yes, in fact this is a guidance battle, because the strength of the two rituals is too weak.

Although from the public point of view, the two rituals are extremely powerful, what is the actual situation? Now that extraordinary outsiders like the Twenty-seven Ancestors and Uo have appeared one after another, with the ordinary people's physiques and abilities of the two rituals,

As long as the twenty-seven ancestors do not make mistakes in the physical skills of ordinary people, what advantage can she take?

Therefore, Lin Luo believes that it is necessary for the two rituals to realize what the real power is!

That unique power that exists in her body but has not been discovered by her!

"I think after the battle just now, you should have understood that attacks that miss are useless, then..." Standing opposite the two rituals, Lin Luo smiled mysteriously, "The next topic I want to teach

At this time, will the hit attack be effective?"

A hit attack?

Liang Li was stunned for a moment. Before she could react from these words, Lin Luo rushed towards her like a lightning bolt.

She already had a full understanding of Lin Luo's speed and strength, so she stabbed out the dagger without hesitation. However... She thought she would miss again, but she was completely stunned in the next second.

Because Lin Luo did not escape, but hit the dagger straight.

The sharp edge of the dagger really pierced his palm, cutting his lifeline.

"As long as it is alive, there is nothing that cannot be killed by the Death Eye. Can this argument be overturned now?" Lin Luo stretched out his other hand and took the dagger out of the hands of the two rituals who seemed to have been petrified.

A calm and calm expression.

Both of them stared with wide eyes and couldn't say a word.

It was clear that he hit the fatal line but was not injured, this kind of thing...this kind of thing...

At this moment, the world view of the two rituals was completely overturned.

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