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1235 If someone must die here, then

The battle between Lin Luo and Luo Tianyi finally reached a fever pitch. The power of the Nine Heavens was released without any reservation. It was truly shocking and almost shook the entire endless world.

However, although the Nine Heavenly Powers can shake the Infinite World, they cannot destroy the Infinite World, because the Infinite World is truly endless, full of countless mysteries and countless Yuanqian worlds. It can be said that this is completely a concept.

If the concept of body and world does not die, the endless world will not be destroyed.

It is this terrifying concept of repair ability that no matter how huge the trauma is to the endless world, it will recover in a very short period of time. Not to mention the Nine Heavenly Powers, even the Heavenly Outside Heaven powerhouses can deal with the Endless World.

There are only a few people who pose a fatal threat to the world.

To put it bluntly, the endless world is an invincible bastard.

Therefore, even if it is used as a battlefield for Lin Luo and Luo Tianyi, two powerful men from the Nine Heavens, it is still full of vitality.

In this battle, Lin Luo has died countless times. No matter his body, spirit, soul, existence, or even his past and future, under the illumination of the Mirror of Reality, they have been erased time and time again, including himself.

He couldn't even count how many times he had done it. But with the power that came out of nothing, he stood firm like the endless world.

There are countless concepts in the world, such as the concepts of life and death, the concepts of existence and disappearance, and the concepts of past and future...there are countless concepts, but to truly come up with a concept that can be recognized as invincible and unsolvable,

Then there is only that - the concepts of being and nothingness!

Just one sentence can establish its uniqueness and indestructibility: the presence or absence of concepts.

Take the concepts of life and death as an example. Its existence is based on the concept. But if the concept itself does not exist, then the concepts of life and death will not exist. However, existence and non-existence

The concept of "nothing" will not be subject to such restrictions. Even if the concept is lost in the world, in a more macroscopic cognition, the phenomenon without concept is just "nothing". In other words, the concept of "nothing" still exists.

Similarly, since there is the existence of the concept of "no concept", then as an indispensable opposite of everything in the world, there will be the existence of the concept of "concept". And then looking at it the other way around, the concept of "no concept" does exist

It itself can be understood as having "no concept", so as its opposite, it should be that there is no "no concept".

This is an opposition and at the same time a cycle. No matter how you perceive it, the concepts of existence and non-existence will never disappear. Lin Luo, who masters the concept of making something out of nothing, his essence is to master the concept of existence and non-being.


Therefore, theoretically speaking, he will never die.

Therefore, even if he was killed countless times by the Mirror of Truth, he was still no different from his original state. On the contrary, Luo Tianyi, who had taken many kills, now no longer had the invincible edge that he had at the beginning. He was vaguely able to

It makes people feel that her condition is constantly declining.

This is actually not surprising. Although strong men above the quasi-heaven level can absorb a large amount of external power and use it for their own use, giving themselves almost inexhaustible power. They are always at their peak, but this endless power is

It must be linked to consumption... Facing a strong man of the same level and attacking with all his strength, even the strong men from the Nine Heavens cannot absorb as much as the consumption.

In addition, Luo Tianyi's own strength is only the seventh level of heaven, which is two levels different from Lin Luo, and her consumption is even greater. Faced with a bug that can be resurrected at full status no matter how many times it is killed, Luo Tian

The pressure that Yi endured was much greater than that of Lin Luo, even though she had a killer weapon like the Mirror of Truth.

To put it simply, for a good TikTok player, no matter how heavy-tasting the TikTok video is, it has no other effect except adding greater pleasure to the TikTok video.

If there is a protracted war, Lin Luo will definitely win in the end. Lin Luo knows this, and Luo Tianyi also understands this. Therefore, even if Lin Luo can make things out of nothing to last until the moment Luo Tianyi annihilates himself, Luo Tianyi cannot

I will be willing to do so.

It's time to use that.

Just when Lin Luo came back to life for the nth time, Luo Tianyi suddenly had a look in his eyes. The Mirror of Reality was thrown forward and placed above Lin Luo. Then the incandescent light shone down, covering Lin Luo in an instant.

Get up. At the same time, two identical mirrors suddenly appeared on the left and right sides of Lin Luo, shining brightly.

Is it finally about to start... However, I also have a countermeasure here.

The moment he was enveloped by the light of the Mirror of Truth, Lin Luo found that he had lost the ability to move. This was the positioning restraint of the Mirror of Truth, which was equivalent to a seal. Even a strong man of Tianwaitian's level could hardly break free.

...Although this restraint itself is not lethal, in a battle of the same level, the mobility is blocked, which is almost equivalent to death.

Of course, because the sealing ability of the positioning restraint is so powerful that it can even be targeted by Tianwaitian, the restrictions on the users are also quite large. Luo Tianyi used this restraint at this moment, obviously preparing for the final killing move.


At this moment, even Lin Luo, who had something out of nothing, felt that death was approaching.

It's not the kind of suspended animation before, but one that once dead can never be resurrected... a complete death!

Luo Tianyi, who has the ability to restrain him in terms of attributes, is capable of doing this.

However, although he felt the approach of death, Lin Luo did not panic at all. Just as Luo Tianyi knew him well, he did not understand the other party. If he was suppressed by the other party in terms of attributes in the previous life, but between the two

He is no longer the same person in this world, and he also has a way to deal with Luo Tianyi!

"Opposites eliminated!"

Luo Tianyi's figure flashed, and he came in front of Lin Luo in an instant. There was no fluctuation on his expressionless face. Only the ruthless edge was revealed in his green eyes. Then, the five fingers of his right hand formed a knife side by side, fiercely

stabbed towards Lin Luo's chest.

Yes, the concepts of existence and non-being can indeed be called the most invincible and unsolvable concepts, and even the sum of all concepts. However, in order to form this concept, a foundation is still needed, and that is... opposition!

After all, existence and nothingness are two opposing entities. If the nature of this opposition suddenly disappears, then existence and nothingness can no longer be distinguished and become complete chaos.

However, the nature of opposition is also a kind of concept. They influence each other, rely on each other, are closely connected, and are inseparable. When one of them disappears, the other will also disappear. On the contrary, as long as one of them exists, the other will disappear.

None of them will disappear... So, theoretically speaking, no matter how powerful a person is, they cannot erase the concepts of opposition and existence and non-existence.


Luo Tianyi has the attribute to suppress Lin Luo. Although she cannot make the concept of opposition disappear in this world, with her own attribute, she can erase Lin Luo's opposition. Once the opposition disappears, Lin Luo will

Luo itself will become a chaotic existence. Naturally, it will lose its original function by making something out of nothing.

"Second self."

However, just when Luo Tianyi inserted the knife into Lin Luo's chest, Lin Luo spoke calmly. In an instant, a person exactly like him suddenly appeared behind Luo Tianyi, holding the terrifying black flame in his hand.

The killing sword struck at Luo Tianyi's neck like lightning.

When being bound and sealed by the positioning of the Mirror of Truth, Lin Luo was not only unable to move, but also unable to carry out the attacks and defenses he relied on. Of course, the same was true for skills such as clones, but the figure at the moment was not his clone.

But the real other him, a completely real and independent personality!

Everyone has only one soul, and a complete soul is indivisible, so no matter how powerful he is, no one can create a person exactly like himself. Even if he can create an equally powerful body, he cannot make him.

This body has a soul as powerful as itself.

Even Lin Luo's previous life couldn't do this kind of thing.

However, now that he has lived two lives, he can do it.

Not a clone, nor a fake body, but a pure transformation of one into two, with the same powerful power, the same complete soul, and the same perfect personality, a self that is exactly the same as him!

This is his trump card against Luo Tianyi.

Just like Luo Tianyi is waiting for the opportunity to seal him with positioning restraint, Lin Luo is also waiting for her to cast this seal, because only then will she lose the protection of the Mirror of Reality, and then use all the power of his Nine Heavens

Attacking Luo Tianyi, who only has the seventh heaven, will definitely lead to death!

The appearance of the second Lin Luo shocked Luo Tianyi. She didn't seem to expect that Lin Luo still had such abilities, but it was already too late for her to stop. To retrieve the Mirror of Truth, she needed to

The time was definitely enough for Lin Luo to chop off her head... Her seventh-level body was unable to withstand such an attack.

So, she simply gave up her defense, bit her silver teeth, and thrust the knife towards Lin Luo at a faster speed.

This is a speed competition. If Luo Tianyi's hand knife can hit Lin Luo first, then she can regain the protection of the Mirror of Truth and kill Lin Luo. But if Lin Luo's killing sword

If Luo Tianyi's head is cut off first, Luo Tianyi's life will completely end here, and everything will end with it.

Although it is very slow to describe it in words, in fact, the speed of the two of them is lightning fast. It is impossible to tell who is slower and who is faster. Almost at the moment when the hand knife stabs out and the killing sword is slashed out, there is only a chirping sound.

, a dazzling stream of blood spurted out directly!

Although I really want to write a chapter with 5,000 words, I think it is best to end this chapter here. What do you think? (To be continued...)

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