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885 Revealing the secret of the heavens, the intertwined tracks of the world

If a complete world is compared to a bottle, the bottle cap is a barrier to other worlds.

Then, as long as the bottle cap is not opened, no matter what happens in other worlds, it will not affect that world. But when the bottle cap begins to open a crack, at that time, the "lines" of the two worlds will intersect with each other, and then

produce changes.

No one can know what the change is, because that kind of change is unstable.

The changes in Zi Xiaolu, Ruisui and the others were caused by the intersection of the worlds. According to Lin Luo's speculation, the reason may be that he merged the bright world and the red world.

At that time, his strength reached the level of the first person below the heaven level, and then he reached the real arrow level under the premise of explosive seeding. It was this breakthrough advancement that became the introduction. It just so happened that some people in the virtual city were

He created prototypes based on people from other worlds, and he died quickly, causing the virtual city to escape his control. The combination of the escape from the city and the introduction of change made all the virtual people transform into their prototypes.

Of course, they have not replaced the original existence, but are closer to the "identity" of the parallel world.

Existence, as for why Gui Daiju’s virtual person disappeared, it is the relationship between the host.

So, the most important question is, why does Tianjie become the introduction to changing the world?

One thing that needs to be explained here is that Lin Luo does not have a complete understanding of the heaven level, but he already knows how to judge whether a person has reached the heaven level. As long as he can jump out of the world with his own strength, that is the heaven level!

What does it mean to jump out of the world? To be more precise, it should be to jump out of the world view.

Take the Xingyue world as an example. Its world view is that there are parallel worlds. One source, two inhibitory powers, five ** and twenty-seven ancestors. This is the most basic world view. As long as you are a resident of the Xingyue world, no matter in this world

They can't escape this worldview, even in its parallel worlds.

For example, the old gem man travels through various parallel worlds, because the parallel world is part of the world view, so he is not a heavenly person. Or a certain demon king fell into the water and suddenly came to another world. First of all, the existence of the other world is part of the world view.

Part of it, and secondly, he does not rely on his own strength, so he is far from being a heavenly person. Even if it is Doraemon, it has countless heaven-defying props and can travel through the past and future, it is still within the worldview of the world it is in.

However, if one day, Aozaki Aoko suddenly breaks out of the shackles of the world view with her own power and comes to the forbidden world, then... she is a heavenly person!

In the same way, if Saten Ruiko appeared in the moon world on her own strength, she would also be a Yakai.

But one thing is very important here. If you want to jump out of the world view, you can only rely on your own strength. Jumping out under the influence of any foreign object will not count. For example, Lin Luo and the host jump around, relying on the Heart of the Heart and the Heart of the World.

The possibility is not considered heavenly at all.

Only by relying on one's own strength like Gui Qu Lai Xi and Acting God.

For example, when Suzumiya Haruhi suddenly realized one day that she was the God of Creation and that any thought could change the world, she thought, "Ah, if this is the case, then I will go to the Dragon Ball world in the comics to play with the Saiyans."

How much fun would it be to compete with Doraemon on the way to see who is more powerful!" Then she really went, then she was in the heavenly realm.

As for the result of the competition, even if the Saiyans can destroy a multiverse with one punch and break through ten galaxies with one kick, if you can't escape from the world view... I'm sorry, Haruhi Suzumiya will only die when facing the heavenly level.

Similarly, even if Doraemon's props can change cause and effect, change time, and even make what-ifs become a reality, if it doesn't realize that all of this is within its original world view, then...

Sorry, it can only be used as a pet for Haruhi Suzumiya.

Is the Saiyan who can destroy a multiverse with one punch strong? Of course he is! Is Doraemon, who can change the time of cause and effect and make his delusions come true, strong? Of course he is strong! If he is so strong, why can't he defeat the heaven-level Haruhi Suzumiya?

Where is the strength of Tianjie?

To give the simplest explanation, the invincible Saiyans are just invincible in the Dragon Ball world, and everything about him is under the author's settings: the heaven-defying Doraemon, which can change anyone, but cannot change the author's settings.

They cannot escape from the world view set by the author, but! Haruhi Suzumiya, who has reached the Heavenly Level, has escaped from the author's setting and is not bound by the author, so there is no pressure when facing the Heavenly Level!

It's a question of whether to jump out or not. Even if Haruhi Suzumiya stands motionless, the Saiyans will destroy everything in the entire multiverse and there will be no place for living creatures to survive. The power of that worldview cannot harm "jump out"

Haruhi Suzumiya. When the universe is destroyed, the Saiyans will soon destroy themselves, but Haruhi Suzumiya waved her sleeves without taking away a single cloud. The moment she turned around, she had already gone to other worlds to catch Doraemon.

This nine is the first level of heaven... it is inappropriate to have the influence of a single world view!

What Lin Luo can perceive is this first realm, but through this realm he has been able to judge the subsequent realms. If not being affected is just the elementary level, then affecting the world view by oneself is the next realm, and then completely

To change that worldview is to move to the next level. As for whether there is anything beyond that, he doesn't know.

Advanced law-level weapons can obviously affect cause and effect. Why was Gui Laixi able to accidentally destroy a universe-destroying fleet? It was because she changed her world view. For example, she said, "There should be no laws in this multiverse."

"Weapon" then I'm sorry, all law weapons will become scrap metal. Or she changed the world view to "Using law weapons will lead to the punishment of destruction." Then, when someone uses law weapons, that person is already dead.


To put it more bluntly, an existence like Gui Guilaixi is similar to the author of a novel. She goes to a world and everything in that world can be written by her. Whether it is the world view or creatures,

It's just that she can be completely changed by just thinking about it.

Of course, it can be seen from Gui Laixi's words that "the entire fleet was wiped out by accident". She should have done very little to change a world. Although she can change a world view at will.

, but no matter how you change it, it will always be "one", just like changing a cat into a dog. What does it mean to people who have nothing to do with that cat?

In short, being able to escape from the worldview is the most important criterion for judging whether a person has reached the heavenly level. How to become a heavenly level depends on the degree of understanding of the entire world and the worldview... Theoretically speaking, there are parallel worlds beyond

The more worlds there are, the more likely the people in them to become heaven-level.

And walkers like them can use the Heart Code to travel around the world, which is undoubtedly the biggest support for becoming a heavenly person. Especially Lin Luo, who signed contracts with the hosts of various worlds to allow him to connect with those worlds, is even more of a link.

A shortcut to making people envious, jealous, and hateful.

As for why Misaka Mikoto was able to reach the heavenly level in such a short period of time, it was precisely because Shanghai, the magical city, had established connections with other worlds, giving her a unique support. At least Lin Luo could see, some vague and vague details.

The energy of the world is centered on this city and spreads to the entire world. It is exactly the energy flowing from other worlds.

However, although Lin Luo can see it, it is impossible to use this energy. After all, his current level is still too low. He is like a magic apprentice who has only learned magic for a month. Even if he is given a forbidden spell magic book

, it is impossible for him to learn the forbidden spell.

In addition, Lin Luo also saw another kind of energy, floating towards the sky. If his feeling was correct, that energy should be the power of faith. However, although the people in this city

They all believe in God, but there is no one who can guide them. The power of faith is very scattered, and only a few can reach the city in the sky. More than 70% of the power of faith is lost between heaven and earth.

"This is really a pity. If you absorb all the power of faith, not only will you benefit immensely, but even the city in the sky may become a god. Alas."

Lin Luo sighed heavily, somewhat aching. Although he could see energy and change its trajectory, this ethereal power of faith was not within his control. Just like God can absorb the faith of believers.

, but cannot force all sentient beings to believe in him, and can only let the agents continue to preach.

"It would be great if there was an archbishop who could give correct guidance.

"Lin Luo rubbed his chin and said to himself. When he talked about the Archbishop, he suddenly thought of a person. If it was a guy with long hair and a lot of knowledge, he would be very suitable for this job. He just wanted to think about that guy with a dark belly.

It's a bit troublesome to get it here.

Although gc has also been a bishop for a period of time, she is currently practicing in the illusory world, and she doesn't like to be an archbishop herself, so there is no need to consider it.

After much calculation, there was no suitable candidate for the Sky City. In the end, Lin Luo had no choice but to send down an "oracle" to temporarily let Mizuho Miyakoji and Shion Jujo take on the responsibility of the bishop. For this, they were surprised and very happy at the same time.

In addition to being able to have close contact with gods, the more faith the temples receive, the more gods they can get in the world, which is a win-win situation.

After all this was over, Lin Luo left the magic city of Shanghai. Now that he knew how to reach the heavenly realm, he no longer had to hesitate about the top priority. He first used fate as a target to improve himself, whether it was realm or strength.

There is really nothing better than having a heaven-level expert as a sparring partner!

This chapter has been completed!
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