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Chapter 468 The capital is in danger

When Wang Zichao heard the news, although Li Ran had already predicted it before, he still seemed very shocked after it was confirmed by Zhao Gong.

Everyone was also shocked. They never expected that Shan Qi would act so boldly!

However, although it is unexpected, it is also reasonable.

Originally, Zhou Wangmeng and Wang Zichao had already started peace talks, and it seemed that the elimination of the troops was just around the corner. And this situation must be something Shan and Liu did not want to see.

Therefore, it is not completely unexpected that they would choose to brave the disapproval of the world and kill the emperor.

However, as a result, it will be impossible to negotiate peace with Shanqi or the Jin State. After the new king is established, a more thorough encirclement and suppression will inevitably be carried out on their side!

Li Ran thought this matter was not trivial, and Wang Zichao also understood Li Ran's worries. After being polite to Ji Huan for a while, he asked him to step aside and rest.

Wang Zichao met Li Ran alone.

"Sir, he said that Danqi and his friends will invade the border with their troops soon. So how should we deal with it?"

"Your Highness, the current situation is critical. It is difficult for us to deal with the three cities. I think they besieged Jingyi the day before yesterday. They first surrounded Qianyi and Dongyu, making it difficult for us to look at each other and find it difficult to respond. This is why we have no depth.

!If they can capture a few more cities, even if they are besieged by then, they will be able to consume more men! Then the pressure on the capital will naturally be much less."

"And they are currently eager to return to Luoyi to establish a new king. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can capture more cities!"

After Wang Zichao heard this, he nodded in agreement.

"What you said is true, but I don't know which city is better?"

Li Ran said immediately:

"Ziyi, which is at the crossroads with Dongyu, should be chosen! In addition, there are two places called Qiangren and Zhiren not far from Qianyi. Regarding these two places, Fan Li has come to report before, saying that he has already

If you find out, you can take it easily."

"Right now, we can order Fan Li to capture these two cities directly. As for Ziyi, we can send General Luo Luo to assist Yin Bo of Dongyu to attack!"

Wang Zichao immediately agreed, and Po Luo was overjoyed when he learned that it was finally his turn to attack the city. This period of time had suppressed him to death, not to mention that he was eager for revenge. Now he must be "released".

Do something for everyone to see.

When Danqi withdrew his troops, he also withdrew all the besieging troops from Dongyu and Qianyi without guarding against the loss of his army.

So Po Luo led five thousand troops and went to Dongyu to join Yinyu and take Ziyi directly.

As for Fan Li, Li Ran directly revised a slip of the letter so that he could act accordingly to the two cities of Naoto and Qianren.

Ziyi is a big city, while Qiangren and Zhiren are relatively small. The reason why Li Ran arranged it this way is also out of consideration of not to overwhelm the guests and usurp the host.

As for the remaining soldiers, Sun Wu made unified arrangements to strengthen the defenses of Dongyu and Qianyi to prevent internal unrest in the city and to facilitate rescue at any time.

When the prince read out the oath in front of everyone, the voice on the oath platform was loud and loud, which shook the ears. When Zhao Gong and everyone saw this courage, the soldiers under the stage were in full swing and ready to go. They couldn't help but feel relieved.

Like many old members of the Zhou family, he has always been cautious. Although he secretly supported the prince's dynasty before, he did not expressly support him. In fact, he was more or less waiting and watching.

But now, it is indeed a miracle to see that Wang Zichao can do something like this. How can this not make the "wait and see" people like Zhao Gong not be shaken?

Most of the confidence of the Prince's Dynasty came from Li Ran. When he was defeated and defeated, he was unable to regain his strength. In the final analysis, the reason why he was able to regain his strength was because of Li Ran's help.

Even the first army he had was raised by Li Ran for him in Zheng State.

As expected by Li Ranzhi, after Shan Qi and Liu Di withdrew to Luoyi, they directly announced the news that King Meng of Zhou had "died" of illness. He was given the posthumous title of "Mourning" and "in accordance with the ancestral system", he appointed his younger brother Prince.

Become the emperor.

King Zhou Yao had no heirs yet, and Wang Zikai was the youngest son of King Jing. He was under ten years old. Most of the adult princes in the Zhou family supported the Wangzi Dynasty in the early stages of the Wangzi Dynasty Rebellion. Therefore, Dan Banner killed the prince.

They were all killed and wounded. Only because of his young age did Prince Gai escape the disaster.

On the other hand, Fan Yang also learned the news in Jin. How could he not know that the prince was easier to control because he was young?

Obviously, if he wants to further interfere with Zhou's family in the future, the current prince will be more convenient for him to do so.

However, the Prince's Dynasty is really a serious threat outside. If it is not eliminated as soon as possible, it may be difficult to contain the Prince's Dynasty as it gains momentum.

Therefore, Fan Yang once again sent Ji Yi, Le Zheng, You Xinggui and others to lead troops to help. Fan Yang himself was contacting other princes, hoping to mediate among them and gain more support.

On this side, Luo Luo was like a tiger descending from the mountain. He launched a fierce attack and, as expected, he and Yin Yu captured Ziyi. On Fan Li's side, he also successfully defeated Qiang and Zhiren.

After hearing these battle reports, Wang Zichao had mixed feelings. He was happy that he had successfully captured the three cities, but he was worried that in the face of a large-scale invasion by the Jin State, his army was still weak. Although it had been expanded,

But it is difficult to gather combat effectiveness quickly.

Jin's Ji Tan, Xun Shu, Jia Xin and others were stationed in Yinyi, Houshi and Xiquan respectively at this time. Chen's army was stationed in Sheyi, and Danqi led his army to be stationed in Fanyi.

After some rest and recuperation, Shan Qi finally led his troops and marched towards the capital in a mighty manner, while Ji Yi and others from Jin State were ordered to come to attack Qian Yi.

Fan Li had known the news a long time ago and had made sufficient preparations in advance. Li Ran asked the prince to move the troops in Jingyi, leaving only part of the defenders in Dongyu and Ziyi to divide their troops to assist Fan Li.

Danqi relied on his large numbers and directly led his troops to surround Jingyi.

The Prince's Dynasty had no way to retreat, because Qianyi was also surrounded by the Jin army, and all other cities were also besieged, and there were no more troops in the capital.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Since ancient times, the siege force has needed to be several times the number of defenders to easily capture the city. This time Danqi led 40,000 troops, while the defenders of Jingyi only had 20,000 troops.

, this is destined to be another fierce battle.

Sun Wu worked hard every day, inspecting the enemy situation around the city and training new recruits at the same time, not daring to relax for a moment. Li Ran also stayed with Wang Zichao most of the time to appease his heart.

Now the state of Wang Zichao is extremely critical. If he shows the slightest hint of cowardice, then the morale of the army will definitely be weakened.

After some rest and recuperation, Shan Banner's 40,000-strong army divided into three directions and launched an attack on Jingyi together. Sun Wu led the troops to resist. Because he was well prepared, he did not panic.

It was another bloody and fierce battle. Fires were everywhere, beacon smoke was everywhere, and the shouts of killing from both sides were deafening. Wang Zichao and Li Ran stood in the high pavilion in the city and watched the battle, but they could not see anything.

Prince Chao was so anxious that he wanted to climb the city wall to supervise the army in person, but was stopped by the people around him.

"Your Highness, you have lost sight of your arrow and rushed to the city. It is difficult to save your life! If anything happens to Your Highness, the capital will definitely be lost!"

The prince glanced around.

"Yin Bu Ni, you have also led troops and brought the guards around me to support General Sun!"

Yin Buyi was startled for a moment and hesitated to speak. He glanced at Li Ran and seemed to remember what he said before about not stirring up dissension, so he had to respond:


Yin Buyi took the guards around Wang Zichao to the city wall and was controlled by Sun Wu.

However, the opponent's offensive was too strong, and the wall in the southwest had been destroyed, leaving a trace of a flaw.

Thanks to Chu Dang's bravery and timely attack, the enemy was prevented from rushing in.

When Shan Qi heard the news, he wanted to take advantage of this gap and continue to step up his attack.

Then there was another burst of war drums and thunder, which was so loud that it stopped the moving clouds!

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