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Chapter 50

 Set off, go west.

Li Ran didn't have many belongings, and he couldn't even tell what kind of belongings he had. Except for a few letters brought from Luoyi, the few belongings he had saved in Qufu this year had all been converted into fine materials.

The other things are just some items that Shusun Bao and Luhou rewarded him on weekdays.

As for these external things, Li Ran has always looked down upon them. At most, he could just keep them in mind, so in addition to the letters, there were only a few changes of clothes in his package, plus Sun Wu's escort, on his carriage.

If so.

So, another chase began.

The chase began the moment Li Ran left Qufu City. The black-clad warriors who came to chase him came in groups of at least a hundred people, crouching in a forest, waiting for Li Ran.

This is not the first time Li Ran has been chased. In his memory, his life seems to have always been accompanied by chases.

However, fortunately, he was more thoroughly prepared this time, and the place was not too far from Qufu, so the group of men in black were cleaned up by the secret guards arranged by Shusun Bao as soon as they appeared.

Blood was sprinkled all over the ground, and the smell of dead branches and rotten leaves mixed with blood made people feel suffocated for a moment.

"I don't know why sir rejected Dr. Shusun's kindness? If they were there to escort us out, we would be relatively safe even out of the Lu country."

In the realm of the Lu State, the Ji family may not dare to let go of their hands and pursue Li Ran. After all, some things will not be glorious enough once they are brought to the table.

Once they left the territory of the Lu State and were not under the jurisdiction of the Lu State, the Ji family could freely pursue Li Ran. Li Ran refused the escort arranged by Shusun Bao, and it seemed that he was seeking his own death.
Unexpectedly, Li Ran said:

"The chaos in the Lu Kingdom started in Sanhuan and should end in Sanhuan. If I accept the good intentions of Dr. Shusun, it will only intensify the struggle between the Shusun family and the Ji family. At that time, Ji Sunyi will protect me because of Dr. Shusun.

, the two parties are bound to fight to the death. Once the three-huan struggle reaches this point, even if the Marquis of Lu takes power, it will be of no avail."

"The resurgence of the Lu State cannot avoid Sanhuan after all."

When the Marquis of Lu first took over the throne, everything still needed to be stable, especially among the Three Huans. Now, in the face of the Ji family's deliberate revenge, any small-scale friction may cause large-scale unrest. This is what the Ji family likes to see most at the moment.

, but it is what Li Ran least wants to see.

After all, he has left Qufu, and everything here will be beyond his control. So he naturally has to use the safest way to ensure that Lu Hou can continue to maintain the balance in front of him.

"Mr. always thinks of others, but does not consider his own safety. It is really admirable."

"Sir, you only have a few horses and one chariot. You have added two followers and are traveling alone. If something unexpected happens along the way, who will think about you?"

Sun Wu looked at Owl Wings who was sitting with him, and asked Li Ran who was sitting in the chariot in confusion.

"Hey, our young master, we have always been like this since we came out of Luoyi. I guess I won't be able to change this in my lifetime."

Owl Yi spoke very calmly, as if he had been used to it for a long time. He did not complain about God or others. After speaking, he just closed his eyes and rested his mind. While Sun Wu listened, he fell into deep thought again.
After all, this is an era where "everyone is self-interested". Everyone is vying for their own future and destiny. Why isn't Li Ran the same?

They don't understand that it's because they have never had Li Ran's experience, or they have no memory of Li Ran in later generations.

If he had Li Ran's memory, he would understand Li Ran's thoughts, or Li Ran's perspective, which can be called God's perspective.

And Li Ran happens to have such a perspective. With thousands of years of accumulated cultural knowledge, he knows very well what kind of people are needed most in this era, and he knows very well that the impact his life and death can have on such an era is actually minimal.
Therefore, instead of cherishing your life, it is better to be more magnanimous. After all, everyone is destined to die, and being able to leave a name in history is considered worthwhile.

But even Li Ran himself never realized that this was actually a huge change that had quietly occurred compared to his thoughts when he first escaped.

When he escaped from Luoyi, he only thought about how to save his life and how to continue living.

However, after experiencing the events of the Lu State, in more than a year, this kind of thought of his has disappeared. Instead, there is another fearless state, one that drives him to constantly dig out historical secrets and

The spirit that drives the wheel of history.

He wants to live, and at the same time, he also wants to live a meaningful life.


Leave Lu and enter Wei.

This journey only took Li Ran half a month, but just after he left the border of Lu State, Ji's pursuit suddenly became more intense.

First of all, in a wilderness, Li Ran had just left Guanyi on the border of Lu and Wei. When he had nowhere to go to the village and no store behind him, Ji's black warriors appeared again, and more than a hundred people appeared at the same time.

, the shouts of killing suddenly became endless.


When Sun Wu saw this, he couldn't help but stab the horse's buttocks, and the carriage suddenly flew at high speed, and a "car chase drama" was staged.

It is very difficult for these warriors without bows and arrows to hunt down targets while moving quickly.

Therefore, facing the carriage that was running wildly, the only way the black warrior could think of was to hold on tight all the way and wait for an opportunity to slash the carriage with his long sword.

This gave Sun Wu a chance.

After all, Sun Wu was born in martial arts, and his ability to drive a horse was obviously better than theirs. Sun Wu was seen calmly responding to the battle while riding his horse. After a chase, half of the black warriors fell down.

The remaining other half was about to catch up with Li Ran's carriage, but unexpectedly, Li Ran took out a pile of white powder from the carriage and sprinkled it towards the group of black warriors.

But when a large amount of white powder was suddenly sprinkled on the carriage, the black-clad warrior who was following him was blinded by the white powder, and he fell down and screamed again and again.

But all Li Ran could do was to stop the pursuit on one side of the carriage. Seeing this, the black-clad warrior on the other side hurriedly jumped onto the carriage and slashed at Li Ran's arm with his sword.

Owl Wing took over the carriage, while Sun Wu was killing other black warriors beside the carriage. When he caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of his eye, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He hurriedly threw out the bronze sword in his hand and stabbed the man, but the man, with quick eyes and quick hands, turned over and dodged. His body rolled on the hood of the car, and he saw the bronze sword in his hand slashing straight towards Li Ran's head.

At this moment, a sharp sound pierced the air suddenly sounded.


A sudden arrow just hit the heart of the black-clad warrior, and the warrior fell from the roof of the car and lost his breath in an instant.

Seeing this, other warriors in black immediately followed one after another, trying to jump on the roof of the car.

Then, another sharp arrow shot through the air, disrupting the pace of the three people.

The black-clothed warrior looked deep into the woods and saw clearly that someone was secretly helping Li Ran here. Knowing that the pursuit would definitely be unsuccessful, he only pursued him for two miles before finally giving up.

When Sun Wu saw the criminals retreating, he reined in the reins. At this time, Li Ran poked his head out of the carriage and saw that the bushes on the wilderness were dead silent, and it did not look like there was anyone at all.

But the three arrows just now were obviously man-made, but it seemed that the man didn't want him to know his existence at the moment.

"It seems that our three lives are quite valuable."

Sun Wu was optimistic by nature, so when he saw someone helping him, he immediately started joking with Li Ran and Owl Yi.

Li Ran also smiled and said:

"Those who want us to die feel that our lives are valuable, and those who don't want us to die also feel that our lives are valuable. In this case, we have to keep this life well, and maybe we can exchange it for something in the future.

Drink money."

"Drink money?"

Drinking is a rare thing these days. Not to mention Sun Wu, even Li Ran only drank twice after staying in Qufu for a year.

One time was invited by Ji Sun Yiru, and the other time was at the palace banquet after Lu Hou ascended the throne.

It's just that the wine these days is called Li, and the production of Li requires a large amount of grain. In this era of war and continuous wars, the people are hungry and full. Where can the grain be produced to brew Li?

What? So drinking sweet wine is a treatment that only a few nobles have.

When Sun Wu attacked Ji's city in Juhu, in order to reward the three armies, he drank it once in the military camp, and never again since then. Therefore, he was a little unfamiliar with drinking wine, but he was still full of expectations.<


"Wine is wine. When we get to Zheng in the future, we will have a good drink. This escape from death will not be in vain, right?"

Li Ran was talking and laughing, seemingly not caring about the chase just now.

Seeing such optimistic and heroic Li Ran, Sun Wu was also infected by him, and he immediately said with great pride:

"Please rest assured, sir, that for this sweet wine, Wu Ye will definitely escort you to the state of Zheng safely!"

After saying this, both of them raised their heads and laughed.

Facts have proved that Li Ran is still very aware of his situation. His journey of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" has just begun when he entered the Wei Kingdom. He used the word "escaping from death" very appropriately.

Just two days later, there was another sudden attack and killing, again in a wilderness. This group of black warriors seemed to be tireless and their ghosts were always lingering.

Dozens of people who died in the previous two days were replaced in just two days. All of this also puzzled Li Ran. How capable is the Ji family that he can mobilize so many warriors? And this

Still in Weiguo! This obviously does not match the strength of the Ji family in his impression.

Even if the Ji family can cover the sky with one hand in the Lu State, why can they arrange so many people in the Wei State? All this seems very strange, but I can't figure it out for the moment.

The attack was even more violent, and Li Ran almost died under the sword of one of the warriors. But as Li Ran himself said, those who didn't want him to die seemed to think his head was very valuable.<


And at the critical moment, a large group of people dressed in ordinary warrior costumes would always appear on the scene. They would chase the black warriors and beat them up, and Li Ran could always "escape from death" with his life.
And when he wanted to ask who the masters of the samurai who rescued him were, these people left in a hurry after rescuing Li, ignoring him at all.

Even Li Ran couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this, and thought to himself: There are still people who do good deeds without leaving their name these days?

Doubts are doubts, but his life was saved anyway. This is a good thing for Li Ran after all.

This chapter has been completed!
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