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Chapter 620,621 Sun Wu bids farewell

When Sun Wu heard this, he also felt sad.

Now, as he enters his prime and is tempered by war after war, his views on military affairs are becoming more and more sophisticated.

Logically speaking, after experiencing so many life, separation and death, he should not still be so emotional.

However, since Owl Wing's death, Sun Wu has also been deeply aware of the impermanence of life.

And if he helps Wu destroy Chu this time, there will be no shortage of battles, and the difficulty will not be easy. Even though he has experienced hundreds of battles, he can't predict whether he will be able to come back alive.

"Young uncle, you and I have become acquainted. If we are destined to meet again in the future, we will meet again. However, there is one thing you need to remember. After Wu leaves, you must pay more attention to Gong Eryue!"

Fan Li was obviously stunned for a moment. He knew that Sun Wu had a deep prejudice against Gong Eryue, but he also understood that he had good intentions.

"Brother Changqing, I'll take care of you, please don't worry."

Sun Wu continued:

"If anything happens here, please inform Yu Wu in time, young uncle! Even if there are all kinds of difficulties and dangers, Wu will definitely rush back!"

"Please remember your words!"

"The people are also in dire straits, the officers and soldiers are few, the boss is arrogant and the ministers are extravagant, and Fan Li is also bad at small achievements and resorting to military aggression. He will definitely make the same mistake as the Zhongxing family!"

Therefore, Zhao Yang's mood was certainly not light-hearted.

In the early morning of the next day, Liguang came to visit me again. Zhao Yang knew that I was probably here to say goodbye.

"The previous one is Fan Li. Fan Li's acreage system is only slightly smaller than that of the Zhongxing family and the Fan family. Forty steps are used as Wan, and 140 steps are used as acres. The taxed acres are also seven out of ten." ap


Liguang agrees with this:

"But now Sun Wu only lacks wise ministers! Although Dong Anyu and Yang Hu are capable ministers, they are not economical people!"

"Changqing, I will not say anything else as I have told you. I only wish you a happy journey and success in your career!"

"There is another matter. Wu Zhi should have mentioned it again, but it really needs to be said. Gao Mengyue, this man, has clear intentions. Although he looks like the lady, he is not the person after all. I hope sir can distinguish clearly.


"Sir, that's what Wu wrote last night, please take a look at it!"

"Wu is a talented person. I have followed Mr. Sir for a long time, and now I dare to have a glimpse of the transformation of heaven's way!"

"What the seven of you have done a few days ago is an earth-shaking feat. If it comes to pass, it will be enough to leave your name in history! However, the seven of you must remember that before it is accomplished, you must move forward slowly. Everything is possible.

You are greedy for temporary fame and fortune! Seven of you, please remember... please remember!"

Fan Li also nodded.

Liguang glanced at the team member, who seemed undecided, but finally made up his mind and said to Zhao Yang:

I originally wanted to help Zhao Yang and us get rid of that trouble after I left. However, when I saw the harmonious scene between Zhi Shiyue and Li Ran, I changed my mind and wondered if I could succeed after all.

Zhao Yang took the letter and replied:

"Sir, it's time to go back."

However, I still have no intention of letting Zhao Yang personally assist Gong Er.

"Especially before Fan Yang's death, the state of Jin, as an uncle, was virtuous in heaven, so now all the animals on earth and on earth are eating for food! However, as the saying goes, "If you are stripped of your extremes, you will be restored, otherwise you will be restored to peace." The power of heaven can only

I'm afraid there will be no sudden change! Since your talent is ten times better than martial arts, the principles here are very clear!"

"The two families at the forefront are not Han and Wei. Those two families use one hundred steps as a bed and two hundred steps as an acre, and the tax rate is also 7 out of 10. Their acre system is slightly smaller, and the burden on the people is heavier, so maybe they can still tolerate it.

seek temporary ease."

Zhao Yang smiled slightly, spread his hands, and replied:

Just listen to Gao Meng's hurried words:

In fact, at this moment, Liguang had even had murderous intentions towards Zhishi Yuezhen.

"This... is a lot of hard work."

"Well, Li has taken note of what Brother Changqing said. Brother Changqing, just go and do your important things! That's right.

I wonder when Brother Changqing will set off?"


The plan is tomorrow... Actually... Now that Le Zisheng's case has not been solved, Wu is still a little worried and feels very uneasy in his heart..."

"What Chang Qing said makes no sense, and this is definitely not a superficial statement!"

At that time, Gao Meng continued:

"Wu thought that a long time ago, the Fan clan and the Zhongxing clan were destined to be defeated first!"

"Changqing... You are a brother to him, why do you need to pay such a small courtesy? Please get up slowly, please get up slowly!"

"Sir, you and Zixu haven't come to an agreement yet, so you'll be leaving at noon today! I'm here to say goodbye to you, sir!"

"Wu believes that although the State of Lu is located in the sky, its national power is not as powerful as it is. Looking at the heavens, if you want to act kingly, you should still set your sights on the State of Jin!"

When Zhao Yang saw this, he lifted Liguang up and said:

The staff member only said thank you, and his attitude was obvious.

Zhao Yang first led the seven of us to sit down. Then Zhao Yang also said to Li Guang sincerely:

Therefore, Zhao Yang would often think of Gong Er. Moreover, when Yang Hu was desperate, Zhao Yang would recommend Yang Hu to Gong Er so that he could get some help.

At that time, it was announced in the house that Confucius had arrived.

First of all, it was proposed that Zhao Yang could not assist Sun Wu of Jin. If Gao Meng's power rose, Jin would not be able to dominate the Central Plains princes again.

Liguang also bowed and continued:

"Haha, you are in the State of Lu, and Zhongni is also serving as a junior secretary, taking care of the affairs of the State of Lu. It's okay... Even if you don't intend to avoid it, you probably can. Changqing is worried about the affairs of the State of Lu.

, you don’t care about it.”

"Well, thank you sir."

At that time, Liguang said again:

Liguang's analysis was unreasonable and coherent.

Zhao Yang sighed inwardly, but said little.

On the other side, Zhao Yang had been thinking about Wu and Chu before Li Guang came in.

Zhao Yang was also deeply pleased to hear Liguang's insights.

After Zhao Yang finished reading, he closed the letter and thought for a long time. He sighed and thought about the scene when he first met Liguang. He let Liguang lead the troops for the first time. Liguang's excitement was caused by a smile on his lips...

"No matter how vague Mr. Wu is about his great ambitions, he will be able to get out of his predicament and regain his strength."

I know that today, due to her own influence, Liguang has not yet learned how to analyze the small things in the sky from the smallest details.

"And Gao Meng's situation is exactly the same as that of these seven families! Among the eight ministers, Sun Wu has the smallest system of acreage, with 170 steps as a bed and 270 steps as an acre. And he also has the most soldiers.

, the lower ones treat the people in a narrow way,

The superior ones have no food and clothing left. Sun Wu’s people bear the heaviest burden, and some people in Jin also support Sun Wu.”

Zhao Yang closed his eyes and tried hard to get excited, but he couldn't do it...

"Just stay here for the time being. The apricot forest environment is elegant, and you can concentrate on continuing to compile the unfinished work.

[Spring and Autumn], I can spend less time with Guang'er. Haha, it's quite leisurely..."

"Mr. Wu Sui has been with us for more than seventy years. Wu Youqi will never forget the kindness of Mr. Wu Sui! Today is a temporary farewell, but it is also a time to leave. Please also ask Mr.... Don't blame me..."

Zhao said from the side:

Zhao Yang, Zhao Shi, Chu Dang and others saw each other off and said goodbye again.

Gao Meng heard Liguang's words were so affectionate, but he smiled weakly and said:

"Furthermore, now that Fan Yang is dead, Gong'er has succeeded the general and is now the chief minister of Jin. Therefore, you conclude that Sun Wu will be revived under the hands of Gao Meng! And the Jin kingdom will also be revived under Gong'er's hands.


Liguang was lying under the bed, her mind was racing. She was asleep anyway, so I simply got up, picked up the pen and wrote something else under the slip.

Liguang stood up and choked with sobs:

Hearing Zhao Yang's initial instructions to him, Gao Meng also raised his hands and responded:

Zhao Yang returned to his study, opened the letter, and saw the following:

"Wu is in the Kingdom of Wu now. If nothing happens, you can continue to contact Jian. Wu will be back even if he is at the end of the world!

"Gao Meng..."

Gao Meng was encouraged by Zhao Yang and said:

Gao Meng also knew that the case was so difficult to solve, so he could only say:

And how could I bear to make Li Ran sad again?

What's more, I watched Li Ran grow up, and of course I know that today's Li Ran has actually gradually accepted Zhishi Yue, and even replaced his mother's position in your heart.

"Nowadays, the government and the public of the State of Lu are in dire straits and are waiting to be revived, and Kong Zhongni is newly appointed Prime Minister of Lu. Why are you, sir, working with me to conspire to revitalize the State of Lu?"

"I had thought that Sun Changqing would leave just like that... Qiu Zeng also thought that if Changqing disliked it, I would be able to serve you as the Sima of the Lu Kingdom. Alas... it would be a pity..."

"Wu thinks that Sir can assist the palace and help the Jin Kingdom to become the Lord of Heaven! After retreating, he can straighten Ji Zhou and bring peace to Heaven!"

Before that, Zhao Yang said to the soldiers again:

"Among the Eight Ministers, the two families currently have the largest acreage system, and they charge the heaviest taxes. The two families have a large acreage, and they tax 70% of it. It can be said that the two families are amassing money in a moderate way, and the people can bear the burden. And there are many officials.

They are both small and arrogant, and their army is small and they are constantly raising troops. How can it be tolerated in the long run? Li Guang expected that everyone would betray their relatives and abandon them!"

"Wu Nai looked at the strength of his people and did not make such assumptions. As far as the Zhongxing family is concerned, we both regard forty steps as the bed and one hundred and eighty steps as the acres."

"Wu... remember it! Wu Zi should bear in mind what Mr. Wu said!"

Liguang heard what Zhao Yang said and knew that those words were what Zhao Yang had learned throughout his life, so he responded directly:

Rather, he is like a small number of other Qings, who have always seen common people, and can recognize the subtleties among them.

"Sir, when Wu was leaving, he never said anything from the bottom of his heart. Please listen to me, sir."

Once accepted, Wu Yuan and Liguang packed up together before setting off.

In fact, I knew that Li Guang and Wu Yuan would get together sooner or later. However, I never thought that that day would come so slowly.

In fact, Zhao Yang's impression of Gong'er has always been wrong. Regarding what this person's purpose is, there is also a discussion on how I will become in the future.

"When I think of my husband in recent years, there is only one word: bitterness!"

"Oh? Sir, why don't you say something next? I'm willing to listen attentively, brother!"

Zhao Yang finally came to his senses and returned to Li Mansion with Zhao and Chu Dang.

"Nowadays, the imperial family of Jin is secretly powerful, and the eight noble families of Fan, Zhongxing, Zhi, Han, Wei, and Zhao can be said to divide the country into eight parts!"

"Mr.'s desk copy: Praising Hai'an, Wu Shui wrote a few words. Wu Benyi was famous as a great soldier and knew everything. He was deeply loved by Mr., and accompanied him everywhere. He was as bright as the sun, and his words and deeds made wars unpredictable and political affairs strange.

Tong, martial arts is very hungry and thirsty, and learning is very little. In the martial arts heart, the teacher is also a teacher and a friend! He is also a master and a brother! I can't express my gratitude!"

"Wu should have been so careless and followed his husband all his life, but things are unpredictable. Today, there is no farewell. I hope that your husband will not be surprised. When life comes to an end, when Wu completes this wish, he will definitely return to his husband and continue our friendship.


Gao Meng pondered for a moment:

When Zhao Yang heard this, he was surprised and asked:

At that moment, Zhao Yang suddenly felt that he had become a little older again. He had witnessed the death of his close relatives, teachers and friends one by one, and now that Liguang was leaving me again, Zhao Yang could not avoid it.

This is a lifetime of sadness.

But the Wu Yuan on the side was unconvinced about this and only said:

Liguang continued to speak calmly:

Zhao Yang waved his hand smoothly, indicating to Liguang to continue talking.

When Zhao Yang spoke, Wu Yuan asked curiously:

"Oh? Chang Qing, why did you say that?"

Liguang and Wu Yuan later paid homage to Zhao Yang. Before greeting each other, Liguang suddenly bowed his head again.

Liguang only felt that I was able to do this.

After thinking about it further, he quickly returned to his room.

Gao Meng met Confucius in the living room. Confucius was now in a low position, busy with political affairs, and now in his prime time, he was very anxious.

"Haha, Sun Wu no longer has Yang Hu to help him, but it is better than that time. Although Chang Qing is good at using soldiers, Chang Qing still needs to observe a little more about this matter!"

Chapter 621_The inside story of Jin State

Gao Meng first inspected Li's house and found that outside Gao Mengyue's room, Li Ran was sitting behind the window, holding a book and reading seriously. Zhi Shiyue was sitting beside him, with a book in his hand.

Threading the needle and thread, and looking at you with a smile.

Gao Meng squinted his eyes, feeling that what Liguang said was quite unreasonable.

When Zhao Yang heard this, he became somewhat interested and responded:

Then, Liguang continued to talk:

Sun Wu replied:

After all, in my opinion, although Gong'er's character is worse than that of Wang Zichao in the future, and his character is more loyal than King Chu Ling, what will he become in the future, especially when I truly become Quan Qing?

What will become of this person in heaven?

When Liguang saw that scene, her thoughts were shaken for a moment, and she thought to herself:

"Zixu, you know he is eager for revenge, but please Zixu listen to you. Don't let hatred blind you. When something happens, you should discuss it less with the chief minister. You can act rashly!"

"Brother Changqing, Li will continue to investigate this matter, and Li will definitely get to the bottom of it!"

"Sir... you don't have any plans to move forward?"

When Confucius heard that Liguang had left, he expressed regret and said:

"Oh? Why did Gong Eryue say this?"

"Is it really that you are wrong? Your love for Guang'er seems to be fake... That's right. This may be why sir, you are wary of this man! It is also because of this, that Zhishi

Yue... only appears to be more beautiful..."

After all, I must have really done that, and the friendship between me and Zhao Yang would probably be severed.

Anyway, I have rescued Gao Meng a few times, and Gao Meng still appreciates my kindness.

Li Guang and the soldiers stood together under the carriage and bowed their hands. Zhao Yang reluctantly turned back until the carriage saw a trace, but it still made no move.

"Hey... Birds can fly in the sky, and fish can leap in the sea. Chang Qing's years of experience, maybe this beauty is prepared for that little thing. In that case, how can you restrain me?"

"Thank you sir for your advice!"

Gao Meng raised his hand again and said:

Therefore, I still need to take a step back and observe Gong'er.

"Mr. Hongcai, he is always full of longings and hastily wrote this letter. I wish you all the best I can say. I wish you all the best! Personally written by Li Guang!"

When the officer heard this, he also cupped his hands and replied:

After Liguang got off the carriage, she went directly to Zhao Yang and handed over the letter I wrote last night:

"Haha, Chang Qing must be like this. They are going to the Kingdom of Wu this time to do some small things! Brother, I am really happy for Chang Qing! It's just... Zixu, Chang Qing,

However, I didn’t say a word, so I asked the seven of you to listen quietly.”

This chapter has been completed!
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