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Chapter 1194 The Great Compassionate Perpetual Motion Machine!

"Tch! A bunch of visionless trash actually refused this miracle doctor to participate in the consultation? Do you know what you missed? Garbage! A blind scumbag!"

In the office, Bai Lang smashed the empty yogurt box on the desk and muttered angrily to himself.

The little Fufu on the side also quickly sucked up the yogurt, threw it to the ground angrily, and nodded with the same hatred: "That's right!"

Seeing his daughter supporting him so much, Bai Lang's heart was warmed by the invisible support he received. He was moved and said: "It's just that they misunderstood me, but they even missed you, Fu Fu. You are really blind!"

When Xiao Fufu heard that she was being looked down upon, she quickly became angry. Xiao Jiojio stamped the ground: "That's it!"

The accident that occurred in the tournament was not just a matter of disrupting the order of the competition. It also involved the involvement of ‘Voldemort’, who was booked by many lords, and Dumbledore, who was booked by Hogwarts. There was also the intervention of a new [source of pollution].

Obviously, there are other lords who are not willing to be left alone, and want to force the porcelain to gain benefits from it.

Take Journey to the West as an explanation: Feng Shui is turning, and now it is the turn of Hogwarts' Dragonborn Lord to lead the "world line direction" in the current period, which means that destiny is mine.

So the Dragonborn lord united with two other European lords, and used [Triwizard Battle - Dumbledore - Others?] to artificially start a mainstream plot, just like Lingshan director Journey to the West. Rely on the general trend to seek benefits, expand influence, and complete many tasks.

Small goals.

After this wave of 'main plot' is over, it will be the next lord's turn to take over, direct a new wave of plot, and create a big event.

However, the changes in the 'second round' mean that there are new lords who do not abide by the rules and do not follow martial ethics, sabotage it, and introduce new conspiracies. If not handled well, the fruits may even be harvested by others.

Since obvious traces of conspiracy can be seen, then just like solving a case, there must be a way to crack it. The most obvious clue at present, or the key person, is naturally Harry Potter who is lying in the hospital receiving treatment.

In the original book, Harry was spotted by Principal Deng because of his ability to connect with Voldemort's heart. Not only did Harry have Snape teach him Occlumency, but he also often peeked into Voldemort's private life to obtain incomplete information.

Today's contractors in this world have long been familiar with the plot, and naturally they will not miss Harry as a tool man.

So the school gathered experts who are proficient in medical skills, top wizards, potion masters, and psychiatrists to form a medical team. In addition to treating Porter, they also had to dig out the enemy's information and crack the conspiracy.

Bailang has no interests or industry in this world, so he is not interested in the feuding conspiracy among the contractor bosses. He is simply interested in [Intractable Diseases: Harry Potter] and wants to get involved in it and show himself as a saint in front of others.

With unparalleled medical skills (relying on his daughter), he blinded the eyes of famous doctors from other worlds.

Although Bailang is versatile and has many "virtual professions," his enthusiasm for the medical profession has never been extinguished, and he has passed on the burden of improving medical skills to his daughter. Every step forward in Fufu makes him extremely proud and satisfied.

After all, his strongest medical skill right now is called [Salph]!

(Lang: "My medical skills have matured to the point where I can automatically learn, grow, and quickly upgrade without any active effort!")

Such a powerful medical skill is like the skill of slaying a dragon, and it has been lonely for too long. When I suddenly learned that medical experts have gathered at Hogwarts, I naturally couldn't bear it, and wanted to show off my skills, and at the same time make more friends with my colleagues.

Expert consultation is like a martial arts competition. The core purpose is to brag about each other in business, show off your skills in front of others, and increase your social status. Patient? Who care?

What's more, compared to other senior doctors invited by the school, he is the undisputed expert in cutting chickens! Do you have the "Evil Sword Book"? I am Harry's great savior!

Unfortunately, when recruiting Bai Lang, the school conducted a detailed investigation into his experience, including his medical practice during the [Destruction of the Ninja World].

There were many participants in that vacation mission, and it was tied with the ‘Grand Waterway’ as the mission with the most witnesses and the most leaked intelligence.

When he was in the ninja world, Bailang showed amazing medical skills, but after the investigation and analysis, it was determined that it was not his personal skills, but the "blood healing magic" obtained by the "blasphemous priest" with the help of an evil god (Mother of Mercy), and he was labeled as a deceitful person.

'Old Witch Doctor' tag.

What is the background and strength of Hogwarts? If you can't hire a professional medical contractor, why should you, a swashbuckling old witch doctor, lower the average? So Lang was politely declined.

After a brief period of depression, Bai Lang calmed down and no longer paid attention to Harry on the hospital bed. Instead, he looked at the silly girl and asked, "What have you done this week? Do you have any new research results to show dad?"

Hearing this, Silly Fuzi nodded repeatedly, raised his little head, and said proudly and proudly: "Yes!"

Before he finished speaking, Silly Fuzi put his head in his hands and squatted down on the spot.

In an instant, [Baotou Township] spread out with Fufu as the center, and Bailang was immediately pulled in. The air around him was distorted, and the scene suddenly switched to the inside of [Baotou Township].

When he came back to his senses, Bailang had already left the private office at Hogwarts and was taken into her paradise by Fufu. Moreover, he did not appear in the 'Baotou Township', but instead entered the 'inner layer' of a higher dimension (

Hedao mode).

Understand [Baotou Township] as a small world. Bailang and Fufu appear inside the 'Tiandao or Control Platform'. Here, you can observe every move of [Baotou Township] and call up detailed data.

What Fufu wanted to show him now was the official research results of this week.

After obtaining the [Law of Hard Study] and loading it into the school network to run automatically, Bailang went to work in the other world, and Xiao Fufu and [Evil Spirit Baichuan] became the administrators of this private law.

With the new toy, Fufu naturally prioritized. She knew very well that this rule was the core of her father's personal plan for [Column 7], and it was also the 'foundation of becoming a god' in her future; it was as important as [Debt Angel]


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! If nothing else, she must at least experience it thoroughly, become thoroughly familiar with this rule and have a preliminary grasp of it. So she paused the less important chapter.

[Interstellar. Twelve Zodiac Project], turned around to study the 'power of hard study', and achieved remarkable results.

At this moment, in [Baotou Township], in addition to various large and small colorful 'Buddha Mushroom Tropical Rainforest Environment'; scattered [Ten Disasters. Nuclear Reactor] mutated nuclear fresh mushrooms; and a huge tree covered with '

Outside the secondary life tree of the monster organ (fruit), a new 'building' appeared.

Inside the Mushroom Forest, in the habitats of the various 'little mushroom tribes', crystal-made 'Rabbit Servo Skulls' shining with mysterious light appeared one after another. They were either enshrined in altars or hung on

On the treetops, they may be made into totem poles and erected.

Near these 'Crystal Servo Skulls', there are also wooden plaques like signboards, engraved with Chinese characters: [Little Fungus No. 1 Elementary School], [Second Elementary School], [Best Elephant Tribe Private Elementary School], etc.


Because of the 'Fujiang Characteristic Buddha's Spore Proliferation Method', the mushroom man will die, but the stumps will absorb nutrients and grow back again after being planted.

As a result, the population of [Baotou Township] expanded rapidly for a time, and the little mushroom people united with each other according to the region, formed tribes, and attacked each other internally; after Jack provoked his sister to expand the inherent barrier, they would unite to attack [Blood Moon Fog City]

Launch a suicidal invasion war.

Now, in order to better manage [Baotou Township] and to educate these little rubbish, Fufu is very happy to load the 'private rules' into [Baotou Township].

These 'Servo Skulls' are all made from Hundred and Eight Rabbits. Each of them is a second-level creature with considerable strength. After the rabbit head is refined, its computing power is powerful enough to take on the important task of [Virtual Primary School].

So each small tribe of myconids was assigned to an 'online primary school'. As Fufu's dependents, they could not resist the orders of the 'Mother Goddess'. They had to share a cup of 'bitter water' for baptism, and were forced to passively encourage students to learn.

Screaming, holding his head and wailing, his spirit was connected to the servo skulls, appearing in the same virtual classroom, starting from the first grade of elementary school.

Sulf trains her little myconids, and there is no need to develop followers like Hogwarts. A glass of diluted 'bitter water' will have a stronger effect than the orcs who drink the blood of demons.

At this moment, Lang saw the scene of countless little mushrooms hugging each other, crying loudly, screaming and wailing. Those who saw it were sad, and those who heard it shed tears, just like the last day of summer vacation, looking at all the summer homework,

All bad students recall the fear of being dominated by school.

In [Baotou Township], the bodies of the little mushroom people are wailing, fighting for the ground with their heads, and rolling around... showing all kinds of living things; in the virtual teacher, their mental bodies are also sick, and they are fixed in their seats listlessly.

On the screen, she cried and read Pinyin aloud, or recited the rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

It can be seen that the effect of [Baotou Township's Hard Learning Law Serving Skull] is very powerful. At every moment, the little mushroom people can provide Fufu with a small but stable amount of 'hard learning energy', which will eventually be transformed by the 'Evil Spirit Law'

, turned into a small pool of [Bitter Water], which is the most primitive [Divine Power of Hard Learning].

In addition to the 'bitter water' belonging to the evil spirit (Fufu), each little mushroom man's soul has accumulated a small amount of [coolie].

The 'coolie' obtained by Fufu has been transformed by [evil spirits], and is of divine quality. The little mushroom people absorb and accumulate the 'power of hard study' that they have dissipated through 'forced hard study', which is a kind of inferior mana.

Just like monks accumulate "dharma power" through hard practice, and Bodhisattva Buddha condenses "Buddha (divine) power" from them.

"This is the way of enlightenment! It's a pity that [Baotou Township] is not prehistoric, otherwise this would be a great merit. By the way, it would create the 'hard teaching'." Seeing the virtual scene of the little mushroom people abandoning evil and doing good, and studying seriously,

Lang was very pleased.

A sense of accomplishment arose spontaneously, that I was actually the old principal?

When he was in elementary school, he was very resistant and afraid of going to school, and he was full of natural fear of teachers and principals.

But now, I see a number of 'virtual online primary schools' rising from the ground, and little mushrooms are forced to enroll in the school. They are screamed and imprisoned in the virtual classroom, and read aloud with tears in their eyes: "Awaji must be hungry."

When he sang...", he finally understood the principal's happiness.

The happiness has never diminished, it has just been transferred from the students to the principal!

In Baotou Township, a total of 23 virtual online primary schools are officially open for business. Each primary school has a different number of little mushrooms, ranging from fifty to sixty to as few as ten or twenty. Virtual teachers teach all the time, and humanized intelligent teaching (torture)

, all the basic knowledge taught in [Little Genius Question Sea] (knowledge verified by Mother Goddess Fufu herself).

Twenty-three primary schools are independent of each other, compete with each other, and implement a final elimination system.

The little mushroom people used to like to fight, but now let's compete with each other based on their overall scores: the loser will suffer the consequences!

Under this kind of stimulation, they had to endure the mental pain and force themselves to study hard. Because happiness is conserved, and the king of rolls can be obtained from the loser.

Seeing that [Baotou Township] is prosperous and the aborigines have begun to receive compulsory education. Not only have they become smarter and more civilized, but they can also continue to create [coolies]. Bailang sincerely praised: "The development is really good! Keep working hard."

Little Fufu happily shook the little arrow, and then said: "There's more!", "There's more!"

"what else?"

Sulf was speechless at this moment, so the small arrow pierced her father's lumbar spine and uploaded a piece of information.

While building a virtual hope primary school in Baotou Township, Salf kept her original intention in mind and kept the angel mission in mind, and wanted to try to integrate the "Principles of Hard Learning" with her medical path.

Because the first six columns of her now have developed 'medical' related functions, saving lives and healing the wounded is her fundamental path. [Column Seven] naturally does not want to be an exception.

Fortunately, when [Shirakawa Genius] regained her old skill of [Memory Sacrifice], she immediately found a way to incorporate [Column Seven] into her [Debt Angel System].

That is to open up a new ‘spiritual healing field’!

Exercise the functions of [evil spirits] to treat patients’ ‘mental illness’.

Except for pathological congenital mental illness, most psychological problems are related to childhood. An unfortunate childhood will take a lifetime to treat.

So, do you have childhood shadows? Do you have unbearable memories? Do you have unspeakable privacy, which ultimately leads to unsatisfactory life, distorted personality, and tragedy in life?

Don’t be afraid! Angel Fu will eradicate the ‘root cause’ of your disease.

With precise sacrifices, these 'negative memories' can be cleared and blasted at targeted points, and more brand-new 'professional knowledge' can be purchased to distort your memory, life, experience, and personality from the root... From then on, you will be reborn and stand tall as a human being.

Master new skills and live a second life!

[Evil Spirit Shirakawa] may not be able to directly treat mental illness, but it can delete the memory of sacrifice and achieve curative effects in a curve.

After pioneering the 'amnestic erasure therapy', Fufu continued her efforts, trying to combine [hard study] and [Debt Angel] more.

For example, the believers went crazy and immersed themselves in studying questions, overdrawing their vitality, constantly accumulating [coolie], and died suddenly of cerebral thrombosis after staying up late for three days.

Use the accumulated hard work to exchange for some 'healing skills' belonging to [Angel Fu] from [Xue Shen Fu] to repair cerebral thrombosis, and then stay up for three days and three nights, doing the questions until you go crazy.

Even if there is no increase in grades, I can still accumulate more [coolies] to buy magical skills, and my efforts are rewarded. But when the memory of this kind of painful learning is too tortured, to the point where my soul collapses, my personality is distorted, and my soul is scattered.

Then continue to seek spiritual healing from the ‘Buddha of Compassion’, sell these painful memories of doing the questions, wash them away, and start writing the questions again!

For this wave of treatment, [Angel Bill] will be free of charge for you. The 'Fu of Compassion' accumulates merit, and the believer will rush into the Hell of Xuehai for two weeks to experience endless pain and torture. [Coolie Fu] will then harvest more from the believer's head.

A lot of 'hard work'.

The infinite double cycle goes on... This is the [poor] [suffering] believer's great mercy and perpetual motion machine!

This chapter has been completed!
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