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Chapter 177 The Blood Snail Cult will never be a slave! What does her scapegoat in Jidu have to do with me, Brother Lang?

 As the countdown was about to end, Jidu ran at full speed with the 'crystal' in hand, rushing towards the inside of the camp.

Ignoring the danger of being hit by bullets, he specially selected crowded places to rush in. He braved the hail of bullets along the way to launch attacks and actively stir up trouble, creating an arrogance of "I am leading the charge". After arousing hostility and vigilance, he immediately


After she poked one hornet's nest after another, she was already riddled with holes; and the hunters who followed her at speeds that were also faster than humans and could be identified as 'inhuman monsters' at a glance immediately attacked them fiercely.

The pot was opened fire and besieged by soldiers who had reacted and were fully armed.

Countdown 12 seconds...10 seconds...8 seconds...4 seconds...3...2...1!

Kedu sensed the moving position of "Fukimaru must die" and stayed at the agreed position. When the distance between the two parties was not far away, he decisively smashed the nearest door with his shoulder, and then there was a violent explosion in the house, with fire and smoke.

It erupted outwards, and the signal of the 'crystal embryo' also stopped abruptly.

"In that room!"

Several vampires who chased them nearby rushed towards the room with thick smoke at all costs. At the same time, more soldiers surrounded them with guns drawn, and a firefight broke out.


The window on the other side of the second floor suddenly shattered, and a strong and slender figure leaped out, exuding a unique cold aura, which was similar to that of a vampire. It was the 'Shipnew Stone Ghost Faced Vampire Version' that had never been seen in this world!

After seizing the time to go back to gear, I put on the Stone Ghost Face's full-blood Jidu, quickly charged it again, and then burst out with the Lv5 Grandmaster level horizontal training, and added 2 attributes to 'strength and agility' to further strengthen the running.

road speed.

Her well-proportioned and tight long legs stepped quickly, smashing the roof and walls. At this moment, her parkour soul was burning, flying over the walls in the camp, Alex Mercer, Arno Dorian, Kakulu

Chia possessed him at the same time, running, climbing, jumping, and leaping into the distance in an anti-gravity style.

"Chase! It's this woman!"

Information about Jidu has long been spread within the vampire clan. Female, beautiful, pirated vampire, straight black, long legs, 180cm, unites people's hearts!

As for humans, they directly blocked the wooden house that was emitting black smoke, and did not allow other people to get close to it.

But the chaotic crowd did not notice that a certain inconspicuous small package was dragged by invisible forces, and quickly floated away against the corner with the help of thick smoke, shadows, and darkness.

He was dragged away in the middle of the night, beaten severely and then put back. There was an extra collar around his neck, and his mind was filled with a certain beautiful image. Fukimaru, who was convinced and full of piety, was now carrying a gun and was nervous and anxious in a corner.

In the middle, wandering and pacing.

He didn't understand why he came here. What on earth were he waiting for now?

"Why am I here?"

He lit a cigarette, suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and did not dare to leave, as if this was his mission.

Listening to the sporadic gunshots coming from nearby, I was panicking again. I knew very well that something was wrong with me and that I should not leave my post without permission. I had to rush back quickly.

Starting from midnight, he felt like he was having a nightmare, experiencing a strange experience that he could not describe or even recall the details. A large number of strange messages were fed into his mind. After the chaos in the camp, he came here by accident.

Just as he was smoking like crazy and forcing himself to calm down, a harsh noise sounded beside him.

With a sudden start, he turned his head and looked around. There was nothing around him except for a package dripping with blood, which was quietly suspended in the air, waiting for him to claim it.

At this moment, 'Paul Fukimaru''s hair stood on end as he discovered that a long claw mark suddenly appeared on the wall beside him, which was deep and sharp.

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was extremely depressing. 'Paul Fukimaru' was stiff, as if there was an invisible ghost standing in front of him, watching him quietly, reaching out his hand and handing the package to himself.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock... blood is dripping, and cold sweat is dripping.


Another scratch appeared on the wall. 'Paul Fuguimaru' was excited, and new information emerged in his mind. It was a very ordinary address. His mission was to deliver the package to that address.

without alarming anyone.

Everything else has nothing to do with you! Don't be curious, don't hesitate, don't search around, don't investigate... finish all this, and then forget it all!

He trembled and took the bloody package from the air. His hair stood on end for a moment. Inside was a heavy cube and a... human hand?!

Not daring to think too much, Fukimaru hid the small package and, relying on his status as a patrol team, rushed towards the address in his memory with all his strength and speed.

On the other side, Miss Jidu, who has completely let herself go, is caught in a mindless run that burns her energy at all costs. The mission has been completed, all she needs to do is delay time + escape!

The faster she ran, the better, the further she escaped, the better, and the farther away from Bailang's residence, the better... At this time, the sky had already broken, and new alchemists appeared one after another, chasing her too.

When the black thorns completed their mission and were automatically released, she felt reassured and felt the lightness of being unbound and flying freely. With the sound of strong wind in her ears, she sprinted on the roof of the camp with lightning speed...


Because she was too high-profile and flamboyant, the young lady's knees were shot out by a sniper rifle. She fell directly from the roof of the building.

But even if I get shot in the knee, it can't stop my joy. I still want to run!

While limping, the wound healed quickly. The young lady moved from bumping and bumping, leaving bloodstains on the ground... to twisting and turning, then running with jumping jumps, and returned to her peak again.

Speed, I started running blindly through the streets, my mood was still free and easy, urgent and exciting, as if I was running away from the temple, it felt like running around in a panic and without thinking.

"No matter the purpose or not, as long as it's quick!"

Finally, as the sun rose, the alchemists in the camp suppressed the vampires and took action quickly. Miss Jidu, who took the initiative to expose herself, was also desperate and was surrounded and stopped in a blind corner.

"Just go ahead and capture me, you have no way to escape!"

At this time, the young lady felt fearless and even wanted to laugh a little. She took a deep breath, stepped on the wall, and wanted to climb up.


In the continuous shooting, countless blood holes burst out of her body, back, and arms, and the blood was flying. She climbed to the roof, opened her arms to face the sun, and destroyed herself from the outside to the inside; at the same time, she endured the severe pain.

Use the 'Ripple Breathing Technique' to destroy yourself from the inside out.

He shouted loudly: "The Blood Snail Cult will never be a slave!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Miss Jidu was bathed in the sun, hit by countless bullets, trembling and turned into ashes, and passed away in the wind...


A pistol fell to the ground, next to a female military uniform covered in bloodstains and bullet holes.

"These damn cultists!" a senior officer of the military camp cursed with a fierce expression. The vampire who was chasing the little sister looked like "mmp", how can I clean this pot?

At the same time, outside Dr. Bailang's dormitory, Fuguimaru, who was patrolling in detail, hurried downstairs, hid the key in the grass behind the third bench on the roadside, and then hurriedly left pretending to look around at the scenery, forcing himself

Forget all this.

"I don't know anything! I can't remember anything!"

In the room, the small package swelled automatically without wind, and a large amount of black smoke continued to spurt outwards, pushing up the package and stretching it. Then the IBM particle flow continued to entangle and roll, turning into a human-shaped black mist outline, which became more and more

Dense and thick, recasting continues...

The cross-section of a woman's severed hand continues to extend outwards, and the white and tender forearm, upper arm, shoulder collarbone are then divided into three paths, and the head, chest, and right shoulder are cast like 3D printing...

Finally, a clean and tidy little girl from Jidu appeared, lying on the floor, her long black hair spread behind her, covering her white back.


Bang bang bang bang!

The heartbeat and the knocking on the door rang at the same time. Miss Jidu opened her eyes suddenly, feeling chilly from the neck down.

"Mr. Outland, open the door quickly!" The little nurse's urgent call came from the door.

Before she woke up, the other party had been banging on the door for a long time, but no one responded.

At the moment when the 'spy mode' was released, Bai Lang only had time to reach out and pull up a sheet before the anxious little nurse led the sisters to break in the door. Then he saw Brother Lang, who was covering his waist with a sheet, and his charming chest muscles.

, abdominal muscles, deltoid muscles, one, two, and triceps, vest line... holy shit, so beautiful!


The blond nurse took a deep breath and said with bright eyes, "I didn't expect you to be such a Mr. Outlander!"

"Ahem...I was too tired last night. I was woken up by you and I didn't have time to change clothes..." Brother Lang explained with an embarrassed look on his face. He found that the blood stains and the square lead box under his feet were covered by the sheets hanging to the ground.

"Understood, understood! Very good, very good! Super awesome! Ahem... Someone from the patrol team came over just now. There was an attack on the camp. Many people gathered together. We were worried about you, so we just passed by and took a look... Guji

." The little nurse swallowed again and resisted the urge to step forward and touch it.

"Ah, I'll report it right away!"

"Okay, okay!" The little nurse looked at her reluctantly for a few more times before taking the sisters away. The corridor was still echoing with "What a good habit!", "He is mine!", "I miss you so much".

Sleep together...', 'Xiao Bichi!', 'It's so exciting!', 'Don't compete with me!', 'Each one depends on his ability!'... echoes.

"Huh..." Brother Lang breathed a sigh of relief and bent down to pick up the square lead box and put it away.

At the same time, you will receive new task prompts.

[The second round of the exclusive mission has started: investigating the truth about the ‘crystal embryo’, which will be calculated separately from the third round of escape. 】

This chapter has been completed!
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