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Chapter 33 Metamorphosis, seeking death, constantly changing _ Wave

On the ninth day after his arrival, Bailang walked alone on the road, traveling through the dangerous depths of the city.

Without the support of Garbage Man and Voldemort, his survival pressure has increased sharply. Originally, a group of seven people, regardless of their specific strength, can frighten many beasts just by their numbers. Now that he is alone, the concealment technology is not in place, and even more

Like a walking group of takeaways, it has been included in the alternative menu of many monsters.

On the other hand, Bai Lang, who has a lot of "burning blood", has accumulated the first pot of gold and completed his small goal ahead of schedule. But he knows that he will be investigated and tracked by the buyer, the seller, and the third party who are scheming at the same time.

In order to avoid the demonized hunter's revenge and the sneak attacker who might appear at any time, he chose a different route than when he came.

In the past, experienced drivers led the way, without hesitation or delay, avoiding dangers, taking shortcuts, and taking two days to reach the depths of the city; now Bailang takes a long way around, unfamiliar with the land, constantly provoking monsters, hiding, fighting and killing, and the speed is natural.

slow down.

According to the map, it is estimated that it will take another two or three days to return to the camp. If it had been left before the invasion of hell, it would only be two hours + four yuan, and two trips on the air-conditioned bus. If you have a bus card, you can save another 80 cents.


In the past two days, under the pressure of survival, he learned and applied various knowledge and skills to quickly adapt to the environment.

And the 'subhuman bloodline' brought about a spiritual transformation, which caused his behavior to change unconsciously, and he gradually became more confident, exposing his true nature (as his name suggests).

No longer a low-key and conservative way, but a brave and diligent one, fighting provocative monsters along the way.

At first, he could only run away, and then run away again... Slowly he learned to fight back, divert trouble to the east, parkour in buildings, and shoot black guns... Then, he took the initiative to ambush isolated monsters, sneak attacks, and sap... Finally, he gradually lost his mind and began to

When provoking and escaping from being chased by monsters, he used his body as a bait. After throwing away most of the monsters, he boldly led the lone monsters into the prepared traps and defeated them one by one. Then he switched offensive and defensive positions, fought back with all his might, and finally succeeded in killing them.

Get rid of it.

Bailang, who was getting more and more experienced, even after killing the monster, he was not seriously injured.

And this kind of being on the territory of monsters, enduring unprecedented psychological pressure, spinning them around, and then leading them into traps, putting aside all scruples and fighting with all their strength... no matter the blood is raging, the heart is beating wildly, and the soul is trembling on the line of life and death.

?Or the inexplicable sense of satisfaction he got after killing the monster made him fascinated and couldn't stop.

If an ordinary person lives day after day, in a state of unconscious numbness, gradually losing color and hope; then when he experiences life and death again and again, the diaphragm is torn by external forces, and the picture of life instantly becomes colorful.


Once you experience it once, you will never forget it again.

Therefore, Bai Lang, who had "Asian blood", lost all the shackles in his heart, began to enjoy and even deliberately pursue the thrill of life and death, and feel the sublimation of his soul.

And seeking death is really addictive!

After he became the "Hunter Leader", he did not give up on himself and take the initiative to die. Instead, he tasted the benefits after succeeding again and again, and became more and more unable to restrain his restless heart.

When the blood moon came, Bai Lang skillfully selected a residential building, eliminated threats, and built a 'safe house'. He lay on the big bed and slept with his clothes on, tossing and turning, and finally fell asleep!

The fulfilling and exciting daytime experience made his eyes bloodshot and he couldn't calm down. With nothing to do, he suddenly took out a pack of 'Burning Blood' and stared at it curiously.

In the dead of night, isolated and helpless, and in the dangerous depths of the city, during the day, he witnessed the "truth" in the crazy fighting and understood the true meaning of life.

Bai Lang was extremely energetic at the moment. When he saw the burning blood, he suddenly became ready to move. Finally, driven by the desire to die, he picked up a little 'green crystal' and took a lick. The taste was sweet but a little bitter?

Soon, the astringent feeling quickly spread to the base of the tongue and flowed down the throat into the stomach. Within a few minutes, Bai Lang felt that his heartbeat was getting faster and faster, his blood seemed to be starting to get hot, and then a surge of strength surged through his body.

Looking down at the slightly protruding blood vessels and the involuntarily bulging and tense muscles, Bai Lang was sure that this was not an 'hallucination'!


His breathing became rapid, his body became hot, and he felt stronger and more powerful than when he was fighting during the day. If he encountered that monster again, it seemed that he could blast it with his fist!

He opened the properties panel, and sure enough, something changed:

[Inferior burning blood temporarily strengthens: strength 5.3 (+0.2), agility 5.2 (+0.1), physical fitness 5.4 (+0.2)]

has an effect!

Bailang's reason was not affected. He clearly felt the changes in his body and had a deeper understanding of the potion. At the same time, he also had new ideas about the 'Burning Blood' at hand. These were all primitive excitements.


The strengthening time lasted for a short time, and then I felt that my body was hollowed out and I became tired. However, the pressure and negative emotions in my heart were also squeezed out. Can a small amount of 'burning blood' relieve stress?

But none of these could stop Bailang's research interest. He poured out a little more 'burning blood', wanting to challenge the limits of his own sanity?

After struggling like this for most of the night, his body couldn't bear it anymore and he fell asleep from exhaustion.

When he woke up again, his watch had reached 12 noon, he was even more hungry, and he didn't carry much food.

On the road again, it was already the third day of walking alone. Bailang walked along a street indicated on the map and looked at the shop signs from left to right.

He was eating his last piece of solid food and thinking about his plan in his mind.

There are many shops on this street. It is best to pick up some garbage with a long shelf life to satisfy your hunger, such as cans and cans. If you can't find them, you can only try the taste of the 'mutated beast'.

Monsters are usually poisonous, and the undead have expired and rotted, and skeletons can only be stewed in soup. On the other hand, some mutant beasts can theoretically be used, and he has seen people eat them when he was in the camp. However, he lacks experience and can't tell which ones are edible?

"No matter what happens..."

Bailang's expression revealed a trace of determination. He also had a trump card that he was unwilling to use, which was 'I eat myself'!

This is a unique talent of demi-humans, but Bailang is very resistant to it, because he is not Hannibal.


When he heard the noise, he stopped and sat on the front of a disabled car to rest. He took out a bottle of water from the side of his backpack. He started drinking and looked behind him with the corner of his eye.

In a pile of ruins not far away, several sneaky figures were moving uneasily. They were hiding and secretly observing themselves.

Bailang stared at them for a while, but didn't take it to heart. Instead, he felt relaxed and continued to drink water and rest. He thought to himself: Here we come! Little brother.

Ever since he was on his way early the morning before yesterday, he had discovered that he was being targeted by four hellish monsters. They were the same monsters that he had just passed by that evening.

By flipping through the "Safety Manual" provided by the camp, Bailang determined that their appearance was highly similar to that of the 'Blade Demon', with blade-like spikes growing on their backs. However, they were shorter and weaker, with a rickety body that looked like that of an elementary school student. There were a lot of skin lesions.

Red magic pattern, and has some characteristics of the 'sinking demon'.

He boldly guessed that this was a group of 'mixed bloods' who had been abandoned and driven away by their ethnic group. In the central area of ​​​​the city, they were at the bottom of the food chain. Poor, thin, wary, malnourished...

At the beginning, Bailang's mentality had not changed. When he found these monsters hanging behind him, he was startled. He thought they were repaying kindness with vengeance and regarded him as their new prey, so he was very panicked.

He shot several times, trying to intimidate and drive away these monsters. However, they were cunning and alert. They stayed far away and were good at hiding. They quickly dodged bullets. After that, they became more sneaky and cautious, hiding deeper, but they still refused to give up.


Lang Ge climbed over walls many times, took detours, and even parkoured on roofs, using the structure of residential buildings to escape, just to get rid of them.

This city is a big maze. He used human wisdom to become more and more proficient in various operations and became more courageous. He got rid of many predators and even completed a counterattack. But he could never get rid of these four hybrids.


Every time you get rid of them, within a few hours, they will appear behind you again, lingering and sneaky. But they always keep a distance and never take the initiative to attack.

Later, Brother Lang became invincible and finally understood that they were following him relentlessly, just like scavenging hyenas following the lions on the grassland, or vultures that picked up and ate the various monsters they hunted.

In the past, they would have to pay a high price to hunt a powerful monster. Once they were seriously injured, they would become a drag on their companions or even be abandoned. However, at the bottom of the food chain, they were all aliens rejected by the group and had no choice but to fight.

They don't stick together to survive, so life is difficult.

It is difficult for monsters to survive in this city. There is no job to exchange for a stable income, and there is no refrigerator to store food. If you want to survive, you have to fight every day. Once you get sick, seriously injured, etc., you can only be eliminated naturally.

But things are different now. Bailang is like a ray of sunshine in the darkness, bringing them infinite hope. Brother Lang takes the initiative to kill monsters without eating the corpses or accepting any reward. He can be called the savior of the ‘hybrid sharp-edged demon’!

After figuring out this problem, Bailang continued to become stronger and no longer took these low-level weak chickens seriously.

He once pretended to be unprepared and took a rest, leaving the door wide open to fish for law enforcement, leaving an opportunity for these monsters to make a sneak attack, using his body as a bait to wait for counterattack.

However, these monsters were very restrained. Not only did they not make a sneak attack, they actually took the initiative to guard around him, drive away those brainless animals, and stand guard for him. They almost left Bai Lang waiting for death.

When he looked back impatiently, these monsters seemed to be frightened and fled away, and then continued to hang around behind him, waiting to take advantage of them.

By now, Bailang has become accustomed to this group of little trash. There is no communication between the two parties, but they maintain a tacit relationship. Bailang provides food, and they stand guard for him. They even take the initiative to explore the way, avoid monster groups, and provide early warning.

Although these monsters have low combat effectiveness, they are very good at pathfinding and early warning. (Actually, they are just sorting out the food, which ones are too large to be defeated and should be avoided, and which ones are just right, and then guide the white wave beast to kill.)

This chapter has been completed!
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