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Chapter 354 Forced Killing

After activating the 'disintegration mode', his strongest trump card, Bailang exploded with astonishing speed, killing six members of the Sunflower Team within ten seconds. To be precise, it was not a complete kill, but with the increased power, he was so fast that even the opponent could not

The speed of reaction makes it impossible to describe intuitively.

For example, after the whole body is fractured, a big tree is broken by a heavy impact, and the lumbar spine is shattered and bent in a C-shape, and is pressed by the broken and collapsed tree trunk, unable to struggle. Or the upper half is twisted, or it is punched straight down.

Make a ball.

Because he has been practicing medicine for four months and is proficient in human body structure, he can calmly observe the changes in the enemy's movements under the 'evil energy disintegration', and have enough time to make changes and respond, seize the flaws, and attack the vital points in the simplest way.

In the eyes of a good doctor, human beings are full of loopholes and flaws from head to toe. Just like visiting a supermarket, he calmly selects the most favorite and most cost-effective vitals on the shelves, bypassing the action defense and attacking.

In the end, due to the excessive power and uncontrollable violence of the 'disintegration mode', six members of the Sunflower Squad were accidentally beaten into an indescribable state. However, there were two mature insect Gu in the bodies of these people at the same time, which had already mixed with their flesh and blood organs.

Deeply fused, even if he penetrates the body and detonates and kills him inside the body, those modified organs still contain huge vitality and maintain their final life.

Feeling that the six team members were obviously 'dead', but their vitality could not be extinguished (it was difficult to cool down), Bai Lang couldn't help but sigh at the power of the Gu insects.

At about the 12th second of the disintegration mode, wind blew under his feet. He moved one meter sideways out of thin air, dodged the flying needle attack in advance, and his momentum increased again. He volleyed and kicked a stone towards the old eunuch.

Stone shells were blasted out, and he kicked his feet, turning on the ground at high speed, moving in a zigzag shape according to the opponent's changes.

The mixed burst of 'Horizontal Refining, Ripple, and Blood Therapy' corresponds to the 'body load limit, instantaneous energy output, and life fuel reserve'. The multiplication of the three allows him to release a powerful strength comparable to the 'second stage', which is very different.

The second stage of power in the current martial arts world.

Although the price is only a mere life and it can only last about 100 seconds, in Bailang's heart, it is worth it!

In the blink of an eye, he was ten meters away. His right fist shot straight out, using pure physical strength to blast the air and hit the old eunuch's head with incredible speed.

However, the other party was also forced by a strong crisis, and his face was gloomy, awakening the sleeping Gu worms in his body in advance. A sinister and powerful aura burst out instantly, and ignited four evil vitality forces in his arms, chest, and lower abdomen at the same time.

Just like four Dantians and four hearts suddenly appeared in the body, the demon's true energy increased several times, reaching a point where it was not inferior to his own.

Split palms!

Faced with Bai Lang's extremely fast attack, the opponent actually reacted and slashed Zai Lang's wrist with a palm strike. The different 'demon energy' used an extremely subtle operation method to disperse Bai Lang's strength, and then with one move, he skillfully deflected him away.

s attack.

Two different fighting systems collided with each other. Bailang used the violent Zhenqi as the driving force to propel his horizontally refining body, while the old eunuch used the 'sublimated Gu Martial Arts and Zhenqi Martial Arts'.

At the moment when the two sides were fighting, the old eunuch's arms were rapidly expanding and thickening, and the other one began to deform, lengthen, and its nails became sharper, and it shot out from the side, but was blocked by Bai Lang's left arm.

Heavy force mixed with true energy poured into his arms, causing him to lose his balance. Bailang lowered his body, exerted force quickly with his feet, suddenly disappeared from the front, appeared at the side of the old eunuch, and hooked his kidney again.

This time, the opponent tried his best to twist and dodge, but was delayed by half a beat and was hit hard in the end. Bailang felt that the punch seemed to hit the tire, and the concussive force was woven into the opponent's body by countless strands of Qi intertwining back and forth.

A meridian Qi network intercepts, weakens, and offsets.

Body-protecting Qi? This word flashed through his mind, and then he kept wandering around, looking for the life gate, and violently bombarded it.

Boom boom boom boom…

In the ultra-high-speed attack, Bailang was faster, seizing the initiative, waving his arms continuously to create an explosion of afterimages, each blow was like a cannonball, releasing the endless power in his body.

The old eunuch also completely let go, and his body shape changed greatly during the beating. The Gu worms in his body were like four furnaces, providing powerful 'demon energy' to flow throughout the body. Deeply combined with the dense demonic meridians, it corroded the flesh and blood all over the body.

The two Gu on his shoulders wrapped around the meridians of his arms and spread all over his upper body, deeply integrating with his flesh and blood. This caused his arms to swell and thicken, like human legs, and their length suddenly increased. His five fingers turned into claws, and even Bailang couldn't stop the force he unleashed during his swings.

Live, even surpassing Silly Fufu's strange power. When the claws are swung, the true energy turns into blades, which are extremely sharp and the most troublesome.

The Gu worm in the center of the chest spread all over his chest and back, intersecting with the Gu worms on his shoulders, and crawled all the way to his neck, covering part of his face and skull, greatly increasing his defense. The next one was near the lower abdomen Dantian

, covering both thighs downwards, it is no longer humanoid, but a complete monster, but it maintains human thinking.

Bai Lang's simple and sharp attacks hit the opponent again and again, severely injuring the opponent. However, after the monster was liberated, his physical fitness increased dramatically, terrifying strength, tenacious vitality, and amazing reactions... This is the true face of Gu.

A person is instantly transformed into a monster.

Four mature 'insects' brought all-round amplification and successfully blocked Bailang's attack. Only consecutive heavy attacks at the same position can severely damage the opponent.

"Nine Yin Divine Claws!"

The monster began to fight back, using the specious "Sunflower Qi" to increase the speed of his arms, and then used the Qi to condense his hands, using exquisite claw techniques to counterattack. The serious threat interfered with his attack rhythm, and he could only keep dodging and moving.

Look for opportunities.

However, the demonized old monster missed one point. It was just trying its best, but Bailang was truly 'giving up his life'. Within the next ten seconds, Bailang changed his tactics and no longer deliberately dodge.

Face the thorns and injure them head-on, take the initiative to exchange injuries for injuries.

His life is coming to an end, with less than half a minute left. There is no fear in his heart. He only wants to attack as much as possible in the last moment, and then attack again. Therefore, he does not shy away from pursuing maximum damage, so as to live up to his years.

Boom boom boom boom...

Although he does not have exquisite martial arts or powerful demon energy, Bai Lang also explodes with physical strength that is not inferior to his opponent, using horizontal refining to lock the evil energy energy that has gone crazy, like a closed steam boiler, absorbing the energy generated inside.

The power was blasted out from the four limbs, hitting his own flesh and blood until the white bones of his fingers were exposed. It also broke the monster's bones and collapsed its body, a super efficient exchange of damage.

It was also during this battle that he realized that the 'disintegration model' was not perfect and still had huge flaws.

At this moment, he has great power in his body, but he lacks the skills to effectively utilize the 'Rampage Qi'. He has a weak foundation in the field of energy application skills, so he can only fill his body and release it with the most primitive brute force. Moreover, he is obsessed with it.

Although true energy is powerful, it is like a flood and cannot be used wisely.

The monster in front of him was different. Not only did his parasitic qualities increase dramatically, but he also used his true energy to interweave the body's protective veins, and used his true energy to promote his claw skills, tearing his flesh and blood apart.

Techniques! I still need a martial arts skill, preferably top-level martial arts, so that I can fully unleash my power!

Whipping the opponent away again, Bai Lang dodged and appeared behind him. He continued to hit his elbows and knees, and continued to break its bones one by one with brute force, making the monster more and more sluggish.

If this is just an ordinary world of low martial arts, then "Evil Sword Manual" does not require martial skill matching at all, because as long as it is fast enough and the sword is sharp, it is an invincible swordsmanship. There is no doubt about this.

However, the world has changed 30 years ago. The spread of Gu martial arts has allowed ordinary warriors to jump a step higher in the level of life. The monster in front of him has become a saint, and the quality of the demon's true energy has also been greatly improved.

In this case, a high-level internal skill, a set of high-level Gu insects, and a top-level martial skill are the perfect configuration. Times have changed, and simply being fast is not enough. Simply infusing Zhenqi can not even the gap.

As the life force burned to the last 10 seconds, Bai Lang's attack speed became faster and faster, and he found that his level 6 horizontal training gradually could not bear the overdraft of life in exchange for 'evil energy'.

Bai Lang's face turned black, he was burning too much, and his white power level was too low. This tempered body could not withstand the power of self-destruction, and instead collapsed first. The punch just now broke his fist first.

He suspected that before he could burn out his life, he might explode and die first.

The monster was blown away again, and there were two more rows of scratches on the body that were deep enough to show the bones. Bailang thought in his heart: No, we can't just lead the monster so easily!

His mind raced, looking for a solution. Then his eyes lit up, and he rushed forward again, using his shoulder as a weapon to hit the opponent's chest. There was a cracking sound, both bones were broken, and then he knocked away his arms and grabbed him!

The monster raised its knees crazily and hit him. Bailang's body was completely exhausted and began to slide down, and he was even more seriously injured. But the good news is that under the counter-injury, both parties will happily vomit blood together.

At this time, Black Thorn appeared behind him in the form of a werewolf. His combat power declined, his energy increased sharply, and he needed a helper to take over.

There is a mysterious connection between Bai Lang and the black ghost, and he can inject 'IBM particles' out of thin air to sustain his life, inject energy, and complete repairs... At this moment, he tried to inject all the unbearable 'violent energy' to bear the pressure on his behalf.

.(Once infused ripples into ghosts)

He locked his arms and stepped forward, pushing the monster backwards, while the black thorns further increased in size on the original basis, and his claws waved wildly, tearing at the monster that was gradually losing control.


The monster's arms shook violently, and it broke away from the increasingly weak Bailang. It waved with its backhand and hit the black thorns heavily, destroying it. This damage rebounded by 20% again, causing it to continue to vomit blood and its body was shaken.


Bai Lang took advantage of the last four seconds to multiply the blood demon's afterbirth in his body, quickly wrapped around the broken bones, corrected himself, and renewed his old life. A knight's heavy sword suddenly appeared in his hand, standing at his side, and the wind stabbed three times.


Hard strength is no longer enough, so I can only choose weapons and sword skills. The three swords are unstoppable in an instant, and they penetrate three vital points at the same time, corresponding to the Gu insects on the shoulders and chest. At the same time, the endless evil spirits are pierced.

The energy energy is poured in through the blade in a ripple manner, detonating and burning.

According to the medical scriptures he has studied, top masters in the world often transplant multiple worms into the body and integrate them with the flesh, blood, and meridians. A single worm will seize the body and accelerate the onset of evil. And raising two at the same time

The above can check and balance each other and delay this situation.

With the deep integration of Zhenqi and Gu insects, practitioners can control the parasitized flesh and blood and meridians to walk on a tightrope on the edge of the cliff. However, once the Gu insects are destroyed and the balance is broken, they will suffer backlash.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The flesh and blood exploded, the Gu worms retaliated, and the monster screamed and kicked Bai Lang in the chest. Lang's chest collapsed instantly and he flew several meters upside down. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead. The monster, which was covered in wounds, could not bear the pain and fell to its knees, screaming.

stand up.

This chapter has been completed!
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