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Chapter 502 Immortal Technique-Dragon Elephant Ruyi Cannon

This time, Ji Du created a new character. In order to prevent flaws, she did not use the usual 'devil rabbit cleaning tactics' to clear the area. Even the five rabbit cadres used 'fish bone veins' to generate exoskeleton armor and hide them.

True Appearance. One of the two great immortal arts, 'Evil Melting Escape', is also banned from the outside and can only burn the life overdraft potential in the body.

But it was all worth it. More than half of the more than twenty Kirigakure ninjas were shaken. Facing seven high-level corpse bloodline ninjas, they wavered and finally gave up joining this battle of revenge.

, retreated to the outside of the Bone Thorns and expressed his attitude with actions.

The ninja who chose to fight was wiped out by the 13th-generation Ninja World Piercer Fukimaru's "Senfa - Kusanagi Millennium Kill" AOE, which deeply shocked his soul.

Although this move was launched casually, with little killing intent and attack power, it did not cause any damage, but it brought full mental pressure. Because it was too insidious, vicious, cruel, and abrupt.

In the next battle, even if the 13th generation no longer uses this move, as long as he has good food, no one will dare to be on guard. Fighting with such a mental burden, like a debuff, will only become a heavier and heavier shackles.

Serious impact on performance.

At this time, Fukimaru, who had unleashed all his strength, faced off against the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost alone. Yanagi no Mai, Tsubaki no Mai, and Karamatsu no Mai were at his fingertips, and he used a life-for-life brutal suicidal style to temporarily suppress the opponent.

At this time, the five cursed demon rabbits entered the second stage one after another. Under the white bone armor, evil chakra burst out from their bodies. Their momentum instantly equaled that of the Jonin, and became even more sinister, evil and creepy. The Kaguya clan

In order to take revenge, he definitely used forbidden magic with terrible side effects.

The sharp 'fish vein bone blade' pierced out from the palm and turned into a long knife that was clenched. Not only that, dense spikes also grew on the surface of their bone armor, becoming a humanoid murder weapon that had no blind spots and could not be touched.

The five 'Magic Rabbit Sage' soldiers were divided into two groups. Two of them burned their vitality and entered a countdown state. They wore indestructible fish bone armor and brandished their long swords in a rampage. They launched an encirclement and pursuit of the remaining fog ninjas participating in the battle, seeking death with every move.

Trading lives for lives, the Senjutsu Chakra's high judgment quickly tore apart the defenses of one ninja after another, exchanging vital points with them, severely injuring them, and even two jounin had to temporarily avoid the edge.

The other three fish fighters then flashed up to Muuri Jinpachi, and they cooperated tacitly and continuously using the Triple Fang to strike without any blind spots. They were not seeking to kill, just to delay the attack.

At first, this ninja swordsman could dance wildly with violent sword droplets, forming a layer of defense around him. Through continuous 'collision detonation', the continuous spiral collisions of the magic rabbits were interrupted, and even the strong bone blades were destroyed.

Under the explosive knife attack that caused terrible instant damage, it was directly blown into pieces.

However, when the physical defense points of the 'Immortal Fish Bone Vein' are full, most of the damage from the explosive knife is offset by the armor, and the damaged bone armor can repair itself; and the internal injuries that penetrate into the body are also burned by evil energy, and the limit of life span is overdrawn.

The self-healing function covers it quickly, barely affecting these lunatics.

After two rounds of stalemate, Muri Jinpachi, who was using offense instead of defense, could not hold on any longer and had to switch to defense. He used a blade as wide as a giant axe to resist the attacks that were constantly rotating around him, one after another, endless waves.

'Magic spiral bombing'.

The three 'Curse Seal Rabbit Immortals' became more and more crazy as they attacked, and gradually the evil energy went to their brains. They used their 'fish bone veins' to condense a huge bone spiral drill bit, and they combined it with the high-speed rotating 'Yatongya' to bombard them continuously.

The high judgment of the cursed chakra completely suppressed his hope of counterattack with ninjutsu. Muuri Jinpachi was beaten until he was furious and vomited blood, but he could only grit his teeth and persist, resisting with difficulty.

Jidu stood with his hands behind his hands, overlooking the battlefield from a high position. He looked like Madara Uchiha, who stood on the top of the ninja world and looked down at all living beings after making a high-profile appearance during the Fourth Ninja War. He was so arrogant and arrogant.

She didn't seem to make any move, just watching quietly. But it was like the backbone of the sea, invisibly calming the scene, making everyone feel like the real boss hadn't even taken action. The two of them had reached the end of their swordsmanship, and were making the final move.

The illusion of desperate struggle.

The more this happened, the less willing the other Kirigakure ninjas were to fight. Even Xiguashan had a cognitive error and had no intention of provoking Jidu. He only felt that the 'Kaguya Clan Leader' in front of him had a grudge against him for killing his father and seizing his wife.

Are you trading your life for your life? Are you crazy? What grudges do you have against us?

The cowardly girl watching the battle in a low-key manner from a distance kept shouting: "I've learned it, I've learned it. The extreme performance can reach the sky! This is the power of acting, the power of pretending."

On the contrary, Ta was a little regretful. After seeing Jidu's powerful aura, he couldn't see her take action, and he felt extremely empty and disappointed.

After Xiguashan suffered several losses from the 'Immortal Technique - Fish Bone Vein', he was injured in many places on his body. Especially his face was stabbed by a bone blade, leaving a hideous gash along the corner of his mouth.

The viciousness.

He swung his Samehada and smashed it against the rugged armor of the 13th generation, and then used both arms together to drag the sword to his side. The blade covered with sharp barbs sliced ​​through Fukimaru's body from root to top, and let out a

Harsh friction sound.

Bones flew everywhere, and the bandage wrapped around the blade fell into pieces, finally revealing Samehada's true face.

This living ninja sword has a fanged mouth split open at the top. The flat columnar body twists restlessly, and the densely covered barbs crisscross and wriggle, swallowing the chakra absorbed from Fukimaru.

At the same time, Samehada also injected the 'chakra' stored in the body into Xiguashan's body, stimulating his cell regeneration, causing wounds to heal quickly, and bringing greater attack power to fight against the enemy.

After Xiguashan awakened ‘Dachi-Sameki’, the situation of the battle began to shift.

This living ninja sword gives him more than 5 times the chakra storage capacity, and its shape expands and becomes larger. The barbs on the body surface are quickly rubbed together, and the fish bone armor can be thinned layer by layer when it is rubbed, and it is crazy.

Absorb the chakra of Kifuki Maru.

Seeing Xiguashan continuously crushing Fuguimaru like a god, the plan finally came into play.

Layers of white bones grew on her right hand, first covering the five finger joints, then spreading to the entire back of the hand, continuing to cover the forearm, and finally covering the entire right arm, forming a familiar arm-armored hand, with metallic blood.

Madonna's exactly the same.

Click, click, click

She stood on the treetop and turned her right arm, clenching her five fingers into a fist, making crisp joint sounds; then she twisted her neck left and right, making another series of joint sounds, as if she was warming up, which aroused the vigilance of the two ninja swordsmen.

Then Xiguashan was not paying attention for a moment, and was hit in the shoulder by Fukimaru's whip leg kick again. He flew out like a cannonball, and his joints were dislocated. He did not stop the inertia and adjust his body shape until he stabbed the ground with his Samehada muscle.

Fukimaru jumped forward in an instant. He held the knife on the crossbar in front of him and launched the second kick that followed.


The skeletal armor collided with the Samehada blade, and there was a clicking and chewing sound. The bone armor was constantly being chewed to pieces by Samehada's barbs, and the chakra also drained quickly, forcing Fukimaru to retreat again.

"The time has come." Jidu looked at Xiguashan, who was entangled with Fukimaru, and whispered to himself.

As she finished speaking, Samehada, which was originally acting fiercely, suddenly began to twist and twitch painfully like a thorn stuck in its throat when eating fish, directly cutting off the chakra supply relationship with Watermelon Mountain, which shocked the fat man.


The 13th generation appeared behind him like a shadow, swept with an elbow, spun in the air, and hit his head at high speed.

Xiguashan raised his Samehada to block, but the ninja sword lost its previous ferocious power. Instead, the originally strong and sharp Samehada screamed in pain and began to beat violently. Not only did it disturb Xiguashan's balance, but he was also knocked away.

It bounced back and flew around, cutting off half of the owner's face and missing his ears.

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost screamed in pain.

This living ninja sword can swallow chakra of any attribute, but the cursed chakra that is integrated with 'evil energy' is an exception. This thing is not only poisonous, but also extremely corrosive. When swallowed, it is like a slow poison, disintegrating and seeping from the inside.


Fuguiwan didn't trigger it at first. He kept looking for opportunities to actively feed the knife, waiting for the accumulation of 'evil energy chakra'. It wasn't until it reached a certain critical point that it detonated all at once under Jidu's remote control. The 'immortal method-evil chakra' was

The corrosive power of Melting Release' was released from the inside, causing Samemy muscle to be so painful that it could no longer function normally.

At the same time, Jidu's figure also disappeared from the branches. When the others reacted, she had appeared six or seven meters in the air directly above Watermelon Mountain.

At this time, a huge elephant pattern formed by the blood-colored Yang Escape Chakra vapor appeared behind her. The bone armor of her right arm was also wrapped with a blood-colored ribbon, which was connected to the pattern behind her in a wonderful fusion.

as one body.

As he fell, Jidu clenched his fingers, and the giant elephant behind him seemed to come to life, blending harmoniously with the surrounding natural environment. Radiation dominated a space and continuously extracted natural energy.

The giant elephant, when Jidu moved, also raised its head, shook its nose, and raised one leg in synchrony: "Yin...!"

In the air, a "dragon roar" suddenly came from nowhere.

The next moment, Jidu's face showed excitement and fanaticism, a dark green tattoo appeared on her forehead, and light scales appeared on her cheeks. When she was still 5 meters away from the ground, she stretched her right fist back to the limit and grinned to both sides.

, showing his sharp fangs and making a ferocious smile, completely different from his previous calmness.

Then she fell from the sky, punched out, and the wind howled.

Immortal Technique-Dragon Elephant Ruyi Cannon!

Behind him, the giant bloody elephant stamped its hooves vigorously.

The cursed chakra and blood vapor in the air continued to condense, forming a giant pillar that looked like a substance. It blasted straight down and hit Xiguashan hard. It was five meters in diameter, covering all directions, and there was no way to escape.



With a loud noise, the earth shook violently and groaned in pain. With Xigua Mountain as the center of the circle, within a radius of five meters, the terrain instantly sunk two meters. The originally soft soil was squeezed and compacted to a density comparable to rocks, and the person involved was even more

It was flattened and stuck to the bottom of the pit, bleeding from the seven orifices and deeply embedded in it.


Jidu landed lightly, and dense cracks appeared in the bone armor of his right arm, eventually breaking apart bit by bit.

Only then did the others realize it, staring blankly at the little bits of dissipated curse seal chakra. Their mouths were dry, their throats were sore, and they couldn't even swallow their saliva.

What just... happened?

This chapter has been completed!
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