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Chapter 560 I really envy those believers who can believe in gods!

The evil energy totem originally had nothing to do with the Garden of Eden, but after eating the system upgrade compressed package of 'Xinjidu', it was successfully patched and integrated into the evil spirit system of Eden. It can be regarded as half an offering + half a sleeping person.

evil spirits.

A single evil energy totem does have the function of swallowing and absorbing the negative emotions of believers and transforming them into the "power of evil spirits". However, the sleeping "Jidu" is like a machine that cannot be turned on.

There is nothing wrong with the machine, but it cannot be turned on, as if it is broken.

To this end, Bailang decided to first cultivate a 'Fugui Pill' to test the waters, and then use Eden's inherent system formation model to let evil totems dominate other spirits, establish a system, truly heal the church, and indirectly control the first

An 'evil spirit'.

Once this 'Fuki Pill Project' is successful, there can be a series of god-building projects such as 'Mao Mao Rabbit, Carp King...' and eventually the talents for the construction of the Healing Church will be pooled to benchmark the 'Three Holy Alliance'.

Forms are stronger than people, and after confirming that Bailang had no ill intentions and was just forcing himself to join an 'emerging pantheon' that had not yet been established, Tanaka Fuki nodded decisively without any hesitation.

Although Bai Lang was suspected of being 'forced', he had already mentioned the matter of forming a divine system to create glory together. At this time, he was forcing himself to fight, and he was also worried that after he became an 'apostle', he would turn his back on his job and pursue a solo career.

As his ambitions were satisfied little by little, Fuguimaru, who had gradually gained the upper hand in traditional arts, had a small idea of ​​"running away once he became a god and getting an offering for nothing". But now that he was being forced into the palace by Bai Lang, he naturally followed the trend and got along with him.

Don't hesitate and choose to compromise.

I saw Tanaka Fugui adjust his mentality in an instant, showing a humble smile to cooperate. He did not show any dissatisfaction throughout the whole process, but nodded in agreement:

"It should, it should! Even this precious offering was given to me by Boss. It is my duty to join the divine system and offer my loyalty to my lord, and it should be so!"

This is the wisdom of New Fukimaru:

First, never act out of emotion!

Secondly, never miss any kneeling and licking position!

Third, definitely speak beautifully!

"Then why are you still standing there? Let's start!" Bai Lang urged.

After saying that, a book-like object suddenly appeared in his hand. Bailang pressed the object to his chest, faced the evil totem, and chanted piously: "Praise you, my goddess!"

The special spy equipment "Ode Collection" was activated, and invisible power spread within his body.

This time, of course, Bailang would not dress up as a woman in front of Fukimaru and hundreds of believers, but would instead apply this power to the 'ghost clone' and create a black ghost version of Keto on the spot.

The 'ghost' that suddenly appeared was not a real person like Kage Bunshin, but a jet-black humanoid werewolf girl covered with bandages. She had a hot figure and long shawl hair. The outline of 'Miss Jidu' could be vaguely seen.

, highly consistent with the werewolf girl on the cross.

"This is my Lord, the goddess of blood and life. Why don't you take the time to offer your knees and faith!"

Bai Lang suddenly shouted loudly, his eyes were confused and he woke up with a strange urge to lick the dog.

After Bailang created this 'Thorn Wolf Woman' and designated her as the 'Goddess of Blood and Life' in the 'Evil Totem', Tanaka Fuki felt like he was possessed by an evil spirit and fell into an unspeakable state.

Burning the soul of a licking dog.

But he didn’t know that this was the [Licking Dog and Farewell God] in the ‘Must Die’ inheritance menu, also known as: Don’t I still have this dog’s life?

As a master who must die, Bailang can designate "Jidu" to become the unattainable goddess in Fukimaru's heart, and is willing to dedicate his life and soul to it. Now, this quota has been expanded to "Jidu, silly fufu", but

Unless Bai Lang deliberately designates Sulf, the "Licking Dog Other God" will still default to kneeling and licking the target.

Therefore, when Bailang created the 'Thorn Lady' and defined her, it instantly awakened the 'dog-licking impulse' in the collective unconscious of 'Fukimaru'. This state was unstoppable to 'Tanaka Fuki', unless he was gay.

There are only rubbish Fuki Pills, but no rubbish innate magical powers. The hole has been dug long ago, just waiting to jump in. In other words, this has nothing to do with 'Tanaka Fuki' himself. It is about this evil figure who is about to be born.

The "God of Dance and Comics", before he was born, burned his kneeling and licking without asking for anything in return into the depths of his soul. He was destined to be the number one loyal + licking dog of the "Goddess of Blood and Life".

(Fukimaru's collective unconscious: I, Fukimaru, burn my life and kneel down to lick the goddess, what does it have to do with that scumbag Bailang stabbed in the back?)

Bailang did this temporarily just to strengthen the connection between the gods.

He was worried that the evil spirit in "Must Die" would gain self-awareness and rebel. Because "backstab and lord slaying" were its traditional skills, Lang prepared multiple methods, not missing any mistakes and playing all his cards.


The black thorn sacrifice that was put into the "Fukimaru collective unconsciousness" in advance was also a guarantee method to strengthen the connection with the "Evil Totem", just like a soul data line.

Under the threat of Bai Lang, under the subjective surrender of Tanaka Fugui, under the strengthening of the connection of the black thorns, under the control of the [Lord of Secret Treasures] on the death of the treasure phantom, under the crazy wishful thinking of the 'Licking Dog, Farewell God'

The newly born evil spirit "God of Dance and Comics" has established a close connection with the quasi-offering "Evil Energy Totem", and the spirit-creating ceremony is also in progress simultaneously.

At this time, the ceremony had lasted for 20 hours. Under the hints and distortions of the 'Carp Network', the believers began to read a new story crazily with their thoughts: the evil spirit 'God of Dance and Comics' is a great 'Healing God System'

One of the members, the most loyal servant of the main god 'Goddess of Blood and Life'.

Bailang is trying to get rid of the fire under the cauldron, and wants to distort the foundation of the existence of the "Evil Spirit-Wishen Pill" into a trick, so as to strengthen the control of the new evil spirits.

As the connection between spirits is established, an additional hard disk partition appears on the operation interface of Faith Arms. Langyuan calls it: [E drive: Fuguiwan (Wishenwan)]

When Bai Lang obtained the 'Evil Energy Totem', it did not have an instruction manual. He only knew that it was a 'belief weapon' with an evil spirit inside.

With a little bit of development and excavation, the originally chaotic and fuzzy faith weapon will change with the user's thinking and cognition. Therefore, the totem pole is expressed according to the computer system operating interface in Bailang's memory.

Today, the C drive is the core part of the totem, including: Healing Church-Jidu, Evil Energy, IBM Particles... and other important learning materials.

Disk D contains the magical formulas of all believers so far (fallen demons, humans, fish vein warlocks), the Carp King folder (racial inheritance, carp network), Fukimaru (missionary) and other folders.

Now, Bailang reset the E drive as the exclusive partition of the evil spirit "The God of Dance and Comics-Fukimaru", and also cut the "Fukimaru folder" in the D drive.

In addition, the "Noble Phantasm - Must Die", which gradually acquires the concept of "offering", is also connected with the "Evil Totem" and becomes its external plug-in.

'Evil Totem' is like a server in the belief system; 'Must Die', as the dwelling place of 'Evil Spirit-Wealth', has also acquired the attribute of 'faith', and in Bailang's perception, it has become the appearance of the totem.

Install plug-in or removable hard disk.

In the last few hours of the ceremony, Bai Lang devoted himself to editing his 'Evil Totem'.

If the totem in the past was the exclusive mansion of the 'Evil Spirit Jidu', then Bailang built a doghouse inside the totem this time as the future living space of the 'Evil Spirit-Wealthy'.

After acquiring an 'external plug-in', this weapon of faith continued to receive tributes from 'offerings - must die', just to create an extra small source, become more powerful, and be able to accommodate two evil spirits.

The new spirit - Wushenwan will follow Bailang's instructions and regularly visit the 'Totem Pole' to pay homage, clock in and sign in, accept restraint and exploitation, hand in tribute and then return to 'Must Die' to continue working hard to create the 'Healing God System'


Bailang clearly felt that through the totem pole, he had directly or indirectly mastered the two evil spirits and created a simple 'god system' with his own hands.

To him, evil spirits are no longer untouchable and a 'source of danger' that endangers his soul. On the contrary, under the control of the 'evil totem', the new spirit Wushenwan becomes tamed and becomes his helper.

Finally, I have the confidence to be on an equal footing with other contractors.

I, Bailang, am a weak, pitiful, and helpless ordinary person in the Paradise of Chuanhuo. I am congenitally deficient in spiritual defense. And because of my eighth mother-in-law's bloodline, I am destined to have no connection with the 'gods' and face attacks on my spiritual soul.

If you are too weak to resist, you will lose before the starting line.

What's even more sad is that I can't get some protection in the soul realm by believing in any god, and I am hundreds of blocks behind the contractors of the same level.

I used to feel terrified and uneasy about this, confused and desperate about the future. Fortunately, there is no end to the road, and I tried my best in this task, but I could only settle for the second best, reluctantly creating one, two, or even more

Many gods to protect my soul!

Because of the pollution of my soul, I will never be able to believe in gods. I can only create gods to protect myself.

Hey, I really envy those contractors who can freely choose whom to believe in and dedicate their souls to receive blessings!

After building the E disk in the evil energy totem, binding it with the 'offering - Fuguiwan must die', and completing the recognition of the 'new creature - Wushenwan' in the totem, Bailang gave up without feeling satisfied and lamented:

"Hey, it's really hard for me!"

Silly Fufu touched his head and encouraged: "Don't cry!"

Then he took out a pocky snack and shook it against the waves.

The implication [Biquge www.sbiquge.xyz] is that since the ‘totem pole’ can successfully control the first evil spirit ‘Wishenwan’, then it can capture the second prey ‘pocky’.

Master, you will have two evil spirits to protect your soul from now on! You no longer have to be afraid of spiritual attacks.

Bailang could only nod regretfully at this, and had no other choice. Creating gods to protect his soul was probably the most effective method he could find at the moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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