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Chapter 589 Eyes are opened! Eyes are opened!

"Quickly, emergency surgery! Fufu, please cooperate with me..."

Outside the huge steel pirate ship, Bailang spread a blood-stained white cloth on the ground. The Four Heavenly Kings were busy placing a limp and severely deformed 'body' on it again.

Afterwards, the father and daughter stopped talking nonsense and put on the [Physics Demonic Witch Doctor] and [Grand Surgeon] tacitly, and pounced on them like a tiger hunting prey.

Then there was a scene of sword light and blood shadow.

The danger of any project in the amusement park will increase exponentially as the number of participants increases and the number of repeated participations increases.

In other words, although Whitecaps has reduced the danger of the 'pirate ship' by limiting the number of participants, when Little Redskin boarded the ship for the second or third time, the fear and torture he endured in the process were...

Pain and mental pollution are all soaring crazily.

When No. 1 got off the 'pirate ship' for the third time, he had completely fainted. His whole body was twitching uncontrollably, his seven orifices were bleeding and he was foaming at the mouth. His entire spine was continuously broken and dislocated by invisible forces. Lang passed the medical treatment

The see-through function of the device [White-eyed Carp Bioimaging Scanner] revealed that its internal organs were weirdly twisted into a spiral shape, and it looked like it would not survive.

Well, in fact, when No. 1 came off the 'pirate ship' for the second time, if it was placed in any tertiary-level hospital, it would be pronounced in advance as unable to be rescued and left to die. But it was still superb in Bailang (actually Fufu)

Thanks to medical skills, he managed to survive.

At this moment, Bailang once again staged "What is the miracle of life?"

Because No. 1's injury was so serious, he was about to burp, and there was no time to be rescued. So in order to save his life, Bai Lang had to use the latest understanding of the "blood therapy secret" - life extension!

He put his fingertips on the Sinking Demon's belly button and injected a stream of 'blood healing energy' into it. Like evil witchcraft, its flesh and blood began to activate. The flesh and blood under the skin multiplied rapidly, accumulated, and swelled into a ball of constantly squirming flesh.

Bao', as if the alien is about to burst out of his belly.

Then Bai Lang gently raised his finger, and the restless mass of flesh and blood burst open from the inside out with a 'crack!' sound, and an 'umbilical cord' that was rapidly formed from flesh and blood was torn out of the Sinking Demon's body.

And this is the ultimate secret of blood therapy - the continuation of life!

While manipulating the patient's flesh and blood to create an 'umbilical cord', Bai Lang also activated the virtual profession [Animal Tamer] of [Lord of Secret Treasures] and summoned a rabbit with the thickest blood constitution out of thin air. Without saying a word, he stretched the umbilical cord No. 1.

, one finger penetrates the rabbit's navel to connect life, achieving a new 'maternal-fetal balance' and temporarily connecting the 'life concepts' of two independent individuals.

In this way, the Sinking Demon, who was originally on the verge of death, no longer uses his own destroyed organ system to survive. Instead, he uses this umbilical cord to perform a maternal solo, sharing his organs and physiology with the rabbit.

System, obtain vitality supplement, and temporarily hang on to life.

You can even shush through Bunny.

However, if you stop here, a rabbit with limited vitality will not be able to afford the consumption of supporting two bodies. Think of No. 1 as a broken leaky bottle. No matter how much water the rabbit has, sooner or later it will be drained from the water.

The flow is gone at the other end. At that time, the continuation of life cannot save the sinking demon No. 1.

After using the secret of blood healing to successfully hang up No. 1 and bring it back from the gate of hell.

Without saying a word, the miracle doctor Lang flicked his arm and threw out a coldly gleaming monkey wrench from the cuff of the decorator's white coat. With a ferocious smile on his lips, under Fufu's admiring gaze, he raised it high and then

Falling hard.

Boom! Boom!

He worked tirelessly, wrenching one wrench after another, causing blood to spatter and bones to rattle. While being under "deep physical anesthesia", Lang performed "deep bone-setting curse" on different parts of No. 1.

Even injuries that have been crushed into 'powder fractures' by the power of invisible evil spirits can be forcibly restored under the stimulation of the bone-setting curse. The bones are kept in their original state, and a piece of bone can be pieced together.

The broken bones are crumbling, but they never fall apart.

At this time, [The Great Surgeon] saw his father's encouraging eyes, and his strongest spear, the 'Little Arrow', flashed in the air. Hearing a sound of 'Crack', it was like a tearing silk, with blood splattering, and he cut it open.

Dark red blood splashed across Bai Lang's face, and dots of red plum blossoms bloomed on the white decorator's coat.

At this moment, time was racing against time, and the little angel Fufu in white who put patients first didn't care too much. She directly tore up No. 1 with her hands, disembowelled it, and broke two rows of ribs with her small hands, breaking two rows of ribs, exposing a twisted shape.

Visceral illustration of sub-abstract artwork (whirlpool).

The next moment, Fufu kept manually returning to position, pulling out the dislocated internal organs, letting Bailang poke a screwdriver in, injecting 'blood essence' for blood therapy, then rotating in the opposite direction, smoothing out the distortion like a towel, and then put it back.

Straighten up.

After Fufu sorted out Organ No. 1, Lang also took out the medical equipment [electric nail gun], bang bang bang... he kept pulling the trigger, and used sharp steel nails to nail the internal organs to the bones.

, fix it well and don’t scatter it.

Seeing that her father's carpentry work was over, Fufu immediately closed the left and right rib cages and sewed them together flexibly with her little hands.

Bai Lang also took the opportunity to prepare a large bottle of blood therapy essence that was mixed with '502 Glue'. He inserted a screwdriver into the chest cavity, activated the blood therapy and pressed the injection button to bond muscles, blood vessels, fat, and skin layer by layer to help the patient accelerate self-healing.


The father and daughter cooperated tacitly. After the round of "battlefield first aid", Bai Lang picked up the nail gun again, aimed at Xiao Hongpi's heart and left and right temples, and drove in a steel nail each. His angles were tricky and his marksmanship was superb, and

Not a single kill.

Fufu then threaded the needle and wire, passed the wire through the tail hole of the 'needle steel nail', and then connected it to the [defibrillator-storage battery]. Her little hand kept turning the button to adjust the voltage to 10,000 volts and the current to 100 amps.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Bailang snapped his fingers, and after a heart-shaking trembling, the little red-skinned eyes opened angrily, lying on the spot. It shivered and sat upright. At this time

In the eyeballs, there are three black magatama rotating rapidly!

Bailang was overjoyed when he saw this and blurted out: "My eyes are open! My eyes are open! We succeeded!"

It should be noted that this little red-skinned creature was just the magic eye of Ermagatama before boarding the ship. However, after experiencing three rounds of repeated sideways jumps on the verge of death, Lang successfully verified his conjecture.

Uchiha Eye Opening Paradise is established!

Little Fufu also felt the satisfaction of success from the evolution of No. 1, but she felt the inner happiness and joy even more than Bailang's happiness.

So I couldn't help but kissed Bai Lang on the face, praised him in an encouraging tone, and smiled like a doting aunt: "You are awesome!"

This is the expression of mother's love, as well as the desire and attachment for father's love.

The 'nameless god' who watched the whole process with cold eyes and continued to pour the 'power of evil spirits' into the little red skin of Apostle No. 1 through the air, and gave blessings and blessings, was hesitant to speak at this moment, and there was a mouthful of mmp stuck in his throat and he couldn't spit it out.

It witnessed No. 1 being forced into the Mikami pirate ship by Bailang, and from Lang's mutterings and communication with its high priest, Sulf, it deduced that the eyes possessed by these 'monsters' had strange powers.

However, although the potential of these magic eyes is great, it is difficult to tap. It requires the most extreme mental stimulation to awaken and evolve.

So that man chose an 'amusement park' and wanted to use these amusement rides that make humans feel endless despair, endless pain, endless fear, and endless torture to destroy these poor little monsters.

What's even more outrageous is that the man also asked himself to continue to infuse these poor little guys with the "power of evil spirits" to fight against the irreparable mental pollution caused by the "evil spirits" that suppress the game project itself, delaying and

Extend the time for them to go crazy.

This kind of ice and fire behavior of adding fuel to the fire, extinguishing it with liquid nitrogen, and then continuing to add fuel to the fire is the most cruel and terrifying. You can obviously be tortured to death in pain, but you have to force yourself to continue your life and experience something beyond death.

Deeper fears.

The nameless god even felt that the fact that this poor little guy was able to open the so-called 'Three Magatama' was not due to the 'pirate ship' at all, but to the 'treatment package' imposed on it by the father and daughter.

The evil spirit Wuming dares to swear that he has never seen such crude, cruel and crazy treatment methods, and the bicycle repairmen are not as violent as you!

The man was obviously a human being and did not exhibit the 'power of rules' of evil spirits. However, the treatment methods were so bad and the effects so miraculous that they were no less vicious than any evil spirit in Eden, and even more vicious.

He is simply a born bad guy, a pure evil person, good material to be the evil god. That little monster was clearly frightened into the 'Three Magatama' by him! (Bai Lang's [Evil Charm] has taken effect.)

Bailang, who maintains a close spiritual connection with his daughter (with her tail plugged in the back of her head), through Fufu, understood the psychological activities that the 'evil spirit nameless' inadvertently transmitted to her, and then cursed angrily:

"Shut up! Fart! That's nonsense! Don't slander my medical skills and my noble moral spirit of being serious and persistent in saving lives and healing the wounded without asking for anything in return! You know nothing about the great 'physical medical skills'

I know! You don't understand anything at all, and you only rely on the subjective assumptions of a third party to doubt me and slander me. What's more, your useless 'magic' has never worked even once, so what's the point of being the 'god of reversing life and death'? You

It can't even make its broken fingernails grow back, it has no effect at all, and it still has the nerve to accuse me, a hero who really does practical things and can truly reverse life and death? It's really a shame for G2."

The nameless god is not convinced. Is it because he wants to blow it up so much? His own 'magic' is so weak and powerless. Shouldn't you be the one who is really responsible?!

What's more, my magic also acts as a 'placebo', reversing the 'pain and pleasure' of this little monster to a certain extent. I also continue to input the 'power of evil spirits' to help it resist the mental pollution from the 'pirate ship' and provide

Supported by the power of the soul.

If I hadn't allowed him to temporarily paralyze himself, distort pain and happiness, and ignore his own misery, he would have had a mental breakdown long ago, his soul would have been polluted, torn apart, and he wouldn't have been able to survive!

"Go, go, stop trying to gild yourself. You, this rubbish evil spirit, continue to provide magical blessings and irrigate its soul. The evolution of No. 1 has reached a critical juncture."

Having said that, Bai Lang picked up the little red skin who had just regained his consciousness for the fourth time and had a desperate look on his face, strode towards the pirate ship and stuffed him into the seat.

"Calanihu! Kalanihu!"

Little Red Skin cried with tears in his eyes, his eyes full of despair, and he shook his head wildly, looking at Bailang beggingly, struggling hard to escape.

However, the 10-ton dragon elephant can even lift the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, especially a weakling like it that can resist?

All I saw was that Bai Lang's five fingers spread wide, covering its face with a handful, and he clenched his fingers tightly. With a sound of "Boom!", he pulled it closer and then pushed it out, hitting the backrest hard.

At this moment, his blood was full of energy, his secret energy hurt people, and he vibrated at high frequency, causing the Sinking Demon to fall into a deep concussion.

After buckling the seat belt casually, Bailang's arms exploded with strange force, and he tightened his grip on the safety frame used to fix the tourists' bodies to prevent the pirate ship from flying out during operation. His arms exerted force, and there was a "crunching" metal twisting sound.


Bailang tore off the 'safety frame' directly and threw it to his feet. He then looked back behind Fufu. The other four heavenly kings, who were trying hard to hide their bodies from the demon king's gaze and trembling with fear, explained gently:

"A true brave man should dare to face difficult challenges without safety frame protection. A safety belt is enough!"

This chapter has been completed!
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