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Chapter 87 New main line ‘Hero Mode’! Choice of title...

 At noon the next day, the warm sunshine shone on Bai Lang's face through the glass window. He was re-bandaged by the doctor, his upper body was covered with bandages, and he was wearing precious silk, lying in a luxurious bedroom of Qiao's house to recuperate.

Now, Bai Lang has used his life to make plays and gained the trust and gratitude of the 'Qiao family'. He has become the lifesaver of the father and son, solidifying his character as a 'righteous partner' and winning the respect of everyone! Become a member of the Joestar family

of distinguished guests.

The 'golden spirit' passed down from generation to generation by the Outlander family, as well as the extremely mysterious 'Bloody Cross', also became new legends and began to spread in the surrounding areas.

The "bloodthirsty" has even been exaggerated into the "holy nail" lost in the Vatican in the 13th century. It has the incredible effect of bringing the dead back to life.

At this time, Bailang was quietly checking himself.

The effects brought about by the 'extraordinary physique' are by no means as simple as the surface data. It improves and strengthens the physique from a deeper level. Penetrating injuries in the back are actually contained and even tend to recover.

This made him give up the idea of ​​wasting a bottle of 'potion' or 'recasting'.

"Did you not expect that I would be so strong now?"

Bailang was somewhat complacent, and set a small goal for himself: to pass the level in one life without dying once!

After finding out about the Asian ancestry, he realized that every recasting is a new life. But life should not be thrown away! (The price/performance ratio is too low) Human beings are destined to die, but if this life is long enough, brilliant enough, and full of meaning

, that is a high-quality death! It can transform a large number of IBM particles.

For Lan Tiao, he must live strong!

Then, he browsed the tips given by the park. The most important one, roughly translated is:

Brother Lang is extremely talented. The first time he officially joined the job, he failed the "main task"! At this moment, he has his fate in his throat and has two choices in different directions:

[The choice of destiny: Having briefly mastered destiny, do you respect the trajectory of destiny, cultivate a strong firewood, continue to guide this tragic story, fight side by side with Jonathan, and become a partner of justice? Or pick up the stone?

Ghost Face', replace the evil boy and become a more terrifying devil, making the world crawl under your power?】


The more Bailang tasted, the more he felt something was wrong. He questioned: "Respecting fate and re-cultivating a boss to bring harm to the world is also a just act?" The three views of the paradise were really refreshing to him.

This time, the paradise actually responded positively:

[Remember, you are an employee of the park first, and a passerby in the mission world secondly. Cultivating and harvesting firewood is your first duty. Please make a choice as soon as possible, to become a hero or a devil? Your actions will lead to

Your 'camp offset' and 'character camp' are hidden content and cannot be seen.]

He had already learned about the ‘Character Camp’ from Lily’s mouth.

Every mission in the park will more or less encounter similar options, which may not be as exaggerated and conspicuous as this one. For example, the ‘Cross Evolution Mission’ in the previous world and the final ‘Frost’s Choice’ are all related to the faction.

These choices may be large or small. Different answers may not lead to "increased task difficulty and decreased income", but they will leave different marks on you. A new contractor is a blank piece of paper, but there are many messy labels, which will be reflected from the side.

Show your essence and ultimately influence the future 'mission world type' and 'mainline mission release'.

Should the 'benefits' of the two options be equivalent? Bailang has received quality education since he was a child and has a complete outlook on life. He does not want to be assigned to the villain camp of BT by the park in the future and perform some crazy tasks.

He wants to be a good person!

"I choose to be a hero!"

[The main task is being changed, and the ‘Salt King Cultivation System’ is temporarily loaded to teach you step by step how to cultivate firewood. The main task 1 is frozen, and a new task is started: cultivating seedlings. 】

Bailang seriously doubted that if he chose to be the Demon King, the original main plot 1 would become to conquer 'Jack the Ripper' and then embark on the road of 'little boss development'.

In fact, the tasks for newcomers are not difficult. Lily once said that the trial tasks are designed to eliminate garbage, while the first official task is more about going through the task process to allow the contractor to have a correct understanding of their job.

If Brother Lang doesn't seize his destiny, he will burn a prepared 'firewood' for the paradise in a participating manner and return home; but at this moment, he who has chosen the 'hero mode' will be guided by the paradise

Next, step by step, make a qualified 'firewood' for the paradise to burn.

The level of participation and experience are completely different! There is a sense of pride and pride in being the ‘owner’.

In fact, after becoming JOJO's most trusted 'benefactor + life mentor', he eventually accompanies him to grow and prosper, and then becomes the boss behind the scenes to reverse the plot, stabbing him with a black knife from the back, and witnessing his blackening and turning into a stick. Think about it.

It’s quite touching too!

But Bailang was an upright man, so he just thought about it in his head and didn't bother to do it!

As for the several ‘titles’, they are quite interesting, but they are not easy to obtain.

Among them, there is an "old drama star" who needs to use his life to improve his acting skills many times, completely deceive the person involved, gain the heartfelt gratitude of "sons of luck" like Jonathan, and deceive more than ten times in a row before he can be officially activated and worn.

The 'Destiny Strangler' is even more exaggerated. It requires ten consecutive kills of 'Dio', a protagonist who is destined to become a big boss, and crazily strangles the throat of fate before it can be activated. Because it is too difficult, it allows accumulation in different mission worlds.


In contrast, 'saving lives and healing the wounded' is more in line with Bailang's appetite. It shows the medical skills of bringing the dead back to life in front of more than 5 outsiders. It can be activated after a single mission exceeds ten times.

He thinks he can earn this ‘title’!

Moreover, the park also reminds you that a "medical title" such as "saving lives and healing the wounded" is one of the prerequisites for activating the "Necromancer Career". This information is only obtained after triggering the relevant "title".

Regarding the 'title', its importance was far beyond Bailang's expectation. If Lily, a little fritter, hadn't reminded him of it, he might have been wasted for a while.

The 'ability column, lineage column, and career column' of ordinary contractors are all powers given by Paradise; but the 'title' is different. It comes from the special powers provided by different mission worlds and is successfully realized through 'Paradise'.

When a contractor comes to a certain world, it is like a drop of ink falling into clear water. Any of his actions will have an unknown impact on this world. And when this 'influence' exceeds a certain limit, it will be

Paradise is captured in the form of a 'title'.

This kind of 'influence' on the world is 'legendary' in other words. If Bailang chooses the title of 'Despicable Demon Hunter', then all his influence in Camp Rogge will be injected into 'despicable' and become the leader of the camp.

He is known as the 'Domestic Zombie Slayer' and is famous in the camp for his despicable and despicable behavior.

As the quality of the title continues to improve, it means that his "notoriety" spreads far and wide, and reversely interferes in the mission world, becoming a despicable legend known to the entire planet!

Therefore, each mission world can only obtain one ‘title’.

The paradise uses the 'title' as a carrier, injecting 'all your presence, influence, and planetary information' in this world. The raw material of the 'title' is the world's 'recognition' of you, and it is also the world's 'recognition'

A message from the Kasha Records'.

The invasion of the 'higher world' by ordinary contractors is equivalent to the arrival of an extraterrestrial demon, which will trigger a counterattack by the firewall.

However, as the "titles" of the contractors increase, each title is a "legend" from a different world, equivalent to a genuine passport and a personal file.

This power is very wonderful. It can be used as a disguise to protect the "contractor" from coming, weaken the rejection reaction, quickly invade, and create a "personal file" in the "Akasha Record" of the target world. Change your "title"

Enter it and pretend to be a native aborigine.

And your own legendary story (title) will also spread in the 'Akasha Records', reversely affecting the historical records of this world, and gain a strong sense of existence!

And this... is also a manifestation of 'dimensional erosion'.

The quality of Bailang's current 'title' is too low and the effect cannot be seen yet.

But if he brushes the 'Undead' to a high level, then from the moment he comes to the 'Jojo World', the 'Legends of the Undead' that have been circulating for hundreds of years will appear in London to build momentum for him. If he brushes

He can "save lives and heal the wounded" and train him to a high level. In the future, he will enter a certain martial arts world and become a famous "mysterious hidden mobile miracle doctor" in the world.

According to the hotel owner, the more ‘titles’ there are, the easier it will be to perform tasks in the future, and it is related to ‘lord advancement’, so Bailang is very concerned about it.

"'Heal the wounded and rescue the dying', I'm determined!"

As night fell, and after saying a happy farewell to Jonathan who came to visit the doctor, Bai Lang quietly took out a remote control and pressed the switch. It started every thirty seconds and lasted for five minutes, and then continued to compete with others to relax.

A quarter of an hour later, the window of the room was opened from the outside, and Wen Fugui jumped in sneakily, walked quickly to Bai Lang's bedside, and respectfully presented the 'stone ghost face'.

"Master, fortunately you have fulfilled your mission!"

"You did a good job!" Bailang reached out and took the 'Stone Ghost Noodle'. Bailang was reminded by the paradise again and felt happy. He already had immature ideas about the new main mission.


This chapter has been completed!
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