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Chapter 892: Joy in mourning, lively and joyful, yet grounded in the underworld

Bailang pushed the door open and heard a burst of noise from outside.

At this time, the moon is in the middle of the sky, and the sky is filled with stars for an unknown period of time. The moonlight is bright and can cast shadows when it shines on the body.

The surroundings were brightly lit, with lanterns hung high in every household. In the sky, Kongming lanterns were released, connected to the ground with strings, lighting up the village. A high platform was set up in the open space in the center of the village, and people were singing and singing.


The adobe house where Bai Lang was located was located on the outskirts of the village. It was dilapidated, small, and crude, and did not have a lantern hanging. Even so, it was illuminated by the surrounding lights and firelight, and did not feel dim at all.

The sound of gongs and drums came from not far away. It was a team walking and trekking at night. The members held torches and lanterns, lined up in a long line, and marched along the dirt road towards the lively village.

Because the distance was not far away, Bailang could clearly see the situation of this team.

There were gongs and drums, the suona and the erhu, and some people picked up bamboo poles and lit firecrackers, as if they were holding a celebration or going to a market. It was lively and lively. The only thing that was inconsistent was that everyone wore hemp and wore mourning.

Yes, the village is indeed very lively, with loud gongs and drums, and every house is decorated with lanterns. The lanterns hanging high are made of white paper, and white silk is hung at the door of every house.

It was obviously very spooky and scary to do this at night, but it was diluted by the lively firecrackers, gongs, drums, and suonas. People's faces were filled with smiles from the bottom of their hearts.

"Could it be that it's a joy or a funeral?"

Bailang was attracted by this lively scene, which was not a funeral? a festival? or a special folk festival. He took Fufu's little hand and walked towards the center of the village.

Along the way, we passed by villagers one after another, nodding to each other, and soon arrived at a crowded place. And the long queue also entered the village entrance, and the sound of gongs, drums, and suonas became more noisy and harsh, making people's scalp numb.

, overshadowed everything.

Bailang was 198cm tall, far taller than the villagers, and had a very wide field of vision. He put Fufu on his shoulders and looked at the team together. At this time, fireworks began to set off in the center of the village, and colorful firelights exploded above their heads and scattered. A group of people came from around

A group of cubs cheered and cheered.

Then, groups of little children were playing and playing, running past him towards the team, chasing a big-headed baby wearing a 'Laughing Maitreya' at the front of the team.

This big-headed Maitreya walked with a bump, and with the smiley face on his helmet, it was very funny. As he walked, he took out handfuls of candies from the basket hanging on his left arm, and threw them towards the crowd around him.

go out.

At the same time, he also let out a sharp and harsh laugh of "hee hee hee".

Behind this 'Big-headed Maitreya', there were one or two rows of 'Mingwang Big-headed Boys' with green faces and fangs, who also swayed and swayed in a very rhythmic manner, like an arrogant dance, and grabbed handfuls from the basket.

The paper money was thrown into the sky, blown by the wind, and scattered everywhere.

The little dolls also let out giggles, shuttled among the paper money falling from the sky, and bent down to pick up the preserved jelly beans on the ground.

The villagers who were watching on the side consciously gave way to a path and cheered one after another. At the same time, they pointed their toes and stretched out their arms to fish for paper money in the air, as if they were trying to make some luck.

Seeing this unconventional and strange scene, Bai Lang was 60% sure that this was a 'funeral'?

Seeing this kind of large-scale funeral, it was a lively and fast-paced "happy funeral" that combined gloom and joy. Bailang felt indescribable joy and excitement in his heart, and felt that he had met a colleague. This kind of chess match was against his opponent.

The feeling of meeting a talented person is something that only people in the industry can understand, resonate with, appreciate and gain a sense of satisfaction.

At this moment, he just wanted to rush forward, seize the C position, take out the microphone, guest-star as the emcee, and let it go.

However, the [Lord of Secret Treasures] was banned and the [Soul Coffin] lost contact. Now he is just a pitiful and helpless ordinary person. He is full of enthusiasm and ideas, but he cannot express them at all. He can only put his hands in his pockets and watch silently.

Stand like a minion.

At this time, the 'money-throwing team' at the front had passed, followed by a group of jugglers on stilts, wearing mourning clothes, and painting their faces white. This group performed a variety of juggling skills.

It made a feeble humming sound that sounded like crying or laughing.

Their water sleeves, belts, and hems are all in longer versions, fluttering in the wind, swinging twice from time to time, like a rhythmic gymnastics winding a ribbon. The result is no sense of beauty at all, like a group of mourning "slender ghosts", and they occasionally chat with passers-by.

Congratulations to each other.

This kind of performance that made the funeral look like a social fire and the social fire looked like an underworld was full of weirdness. As a result, the group of people even said "Congratulations! Congratulations!" to each other. Bai Lang really didn't know what to congratulate.


On the other hand, the silly woman above her head cheered along with "Oh!", shook her arms and grabbed a lot of paper money, and held it firmly in her hand. It seemed that she could overcome "poor luck" in this way and earn her own living with her hard-working hands.

Live like wealth.

Just when he couldn't say anything, the dwarf-shaped guys kept turning somersaults like gophers, landing on their heads and then flipping again. They moved quickly and flexibly, shuttled back and forth between the rise and fall of the stilts, and performed.


Although I couldn't participate in person, watching this performance art that perfectly combined "happiness" and "mourning" was eye-opening for Lang.

After losing his extraordinary strength and becoming a very strong ordinary person, as soon as he opened the door at night, he was surrounded by lanterns and colorful decorations, people wearing linen and mourning, and then he was coerced by the villagers to watch the performance in front of him.

Any normal person will instinctively feel creepy and hairy. However, under the "strong mentality" accumulated over the years, he will not take it seriously. Instead, he will feel interesting and curious, and he will learn and absorb advanced differences with an appreciative attitude.

The world of 'funeral culture'.

I plan to learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses to enrich my own sense of funeral ceremony.

In the cold night wind, Bai Lang lost his strength and had goosebumps all over his body, but his mentality failed to change in time. He still watched the next performance with an attitude of indifference and interest.

At this time, a hoarse and dry voice suddenly came from beside him: "Young man, aren't you scared?"

His train of thought was interrupted, Bai Lang lowered his head and took a look. It was a little old man with a withered face. He was caught in the crowd and couldn't see anything. He was holding a cane in one hand and two iron bladders in the other hand, and he kept turning.

The little old man raised his head and looked at Lang with his cloudy and dull eyes. His skin was shriveled and wrinkled, and his mouth was wide open. He stared at himself like a dead man with a dead look, and he didn't look like he was looking at someone.

And thinking about a lot of meat on the chopping board is very uncomfortable.

"Why should I be afraid?" Bailang asked.

The old man didn't answer. Instead, he raised his cane, pointed through the crowd, and said, "You got away. Did you see the group of people following the band? That's where you should be. Go there quickly."

"???" Bai Lang was confused, and when he took a quick look, he saw that behind the band wearing malays and mourning, there was indeed a group of ordinary people dressed normally. However, when this group of people got together, it was very abnormal.

Scholars, woodcutters, farmers, maids, fat monks, well-dressed businessmen... these unrelated people gathered together, there were about twenty in total, following them in confusion.

Behind the band, the bodies were swaying like a group of walking zombies.

This reminded Bai Lang of the fairy tale "The Piper".

The kind-hearted flute-playing boy used his flute to lure away all the naughty children in the town at night, and then the whole world became pure!

All adults whose spirits have been tortured by naughty children raised a huge sum of money to give to the boy so that he could live a happy life from now on.

A gust of dark wind blew, and Bai Lang's attention and spirit broke away from "appreciating the funeral". He stopped the behavior of obtaining satisfaction and happiness through aesthetic appreciation.

Under the old man's warning, reason came back online. Lang felt more and more something was wrong. His 19.9 [Perception] told him that there was something strange about the old man in front of him, the surrounding villagers, the funeral team, and even the entire village!

But on the other hand, he still hasn't gotten rid of the status of a quasi-level 2.9 contractor.

Before being banned by [Food Paradise], the scene before him would not have posed a threat to him. Now, his [perception] has noticed that something is wrong, but his brain has not gotten rid of the past state, and he subconsciously ignores it.

Another point is that although his [Perception] is 19.9, the [Seeing, Hearing, Sex Demon Type] that matches this basic quality has been sealed. He has no basic quality, has not installed the corresponding software, lacks perception and exploration methods, and is very blind.


He had clearly determined that there was something wrong with everything around him, but his ordinary vision could not see through it. It was like there was a layer of veil between them, and he was clearly aware of the existence of the veil, but he just couldn't see through it! This made him very annoyed.

Damn it, could it be possible that we met a ghost?!

Just when Bai Lang was feeling annoyed, he felt a sudden pain in his lower back. Salv inserted the small arrow into his lumbar spine, quickly completing the nerve connection and sharing the 'Salv Vision'.

After Bailang was banned, he was just an ordinary person. But Xiao Fufu was different. Her body was like a monster from hell, and her eyes were born with "magic eyes", which allowed her to see many things that ordinary people could not see.

From Fufu's perspective, the surroundings were still brightly lit, and every household was decorated with lanterns. However, the white cloth had lost its luster. It was decayed and broken over the years, and the white paper lanterns had many holes, and the green light emitted from them.

The Kongming lantern above the head is hung with human heads floating in the air; the earthen platform in the distance also emits a green light.

Looking at the little old man in front of me, he is a corpse covered with corpse spots on his skin, his limbs are mutilated, his head is sewn on the neck, his eyeballs are shriveled and dehydrated, but the scab on his face is from a dog that bit the skin and drilled it out.

Half of the maggots came out.

He was holding on to a rotten dead wood with one hand, and the 'iron galls' in the other hand were two eyeballs. Hiding in the crowd, it was true that he couldn't see the performance of the outside world, but he relied on the pair of eyeballs in his hand to pass through.

Observe the outside world through the gap.

The stupid fufu turned his head again, and the guy on the other side of Bai Lang, who had sinister features and squinty eyes, and looked like a hawker, turned into a weasel wearing human clothes, but wearing a nondescript monkey-like crown.

This weasel is huge, standing upright, with its two front paws folded together. It watches the show for a while, stares at itself distractedly, and then bows to each other with other weird and hairy monsters and points at itself.

Laughed playfully.

Silly Fufu turned her eyes again, how could the lively procession be a "happy funeral"? It was clearly a group of demons dancing wildly, and a hundred ghosts walking at night.

The team walking on stilts had just left. They were a group of headless corpses wearing paper lanterns with facial features painted on them. They had no lower legs and forearms. The stilts under their feet were not wood, but were pieced together one by one and inserted into the stilts.

Into the thigh, there are extra white bones extending out.

The big-headed kid at the front was throwing out candies. What he was throwing out were severed fingers, minced meat, noses, and ears. They fell all over the floor. He was being laughed at by the little kid with no facial features and fair skin.

Imps of size compete with each other.

They grabbed the scattered facial features on the ground and pressed them onto the face. They arranged the strange noses and mouths in the wrong order and scribbled them on the faceless face. Then, the mouths opened and closed, the ears shook, and the eyes moved around.

The one whose mouth was pressed shouted: "I can speak!" The one without eyes shouted: "I can't see, give me my eyes!" The one without ears cried: "I am deaf, I


What about two noses on the forehead, two crooked mouths in the middle, and an ear below; or three crooked eyes and a pricked mouth.

After competing for the five senses, these faceless goblins felt dissatisfied, so they fought with each other again, fighting for each other's organs. As a result, they fell to the ground and became deaf, blind, and mute again, causing more commotion.

The demons and ghosts burst into laughter as they watched the excitement.

This chapter has been completed!
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