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Chapter 107, Er Niu Going Home

"And this is the pork and flour I just bought from the town. Let's make dumplings for the Chinese New Year~"

Silly Bear took out the contents of his large and small bags and talked while taking them.

The eyes of the people in the surrounding villages were all red. This was cloth that could be used to make new clothes, it was a local product from the capital, and there was also the white fat meat that made people drool. I heard Silly Bear say

When I was eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year, I heard very clearly the sound of people swallowing their saliva.

"This meat weighs at least four or five kilograms, and it's still good fat meat~"

Someone looked at the piece of fat in Silly Bear's hand and couldn't help but lick his tongue and said.

"It should weigh five kilograms, and the bag of flour in his hand must weigh dozens of kilograms."

“Eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year, I have forgotten what dumplings taste like~”

The surrounding villagers all had red eyes. They were really poor. It was already the Chinese New Year, and logically they should have a good meal. However, as the poorest military household, this Chinese New Year would not be much different from usual times.

, at most I would add more noodles when cooking that day.

As for eating meat, it is an extremely luxurious thing. In the past, you could cut some meat and eat it with meat during the New Year. However, as the fields of the guards were gradually occupied by nobles, thousands of households, hundreds of households, etc., these soldiers

Household life is getting worse year by year, and eating meat has become more and more luxurious.

"What are you showing off to? Go back quickly~"

When Xiong Heishan saw the appearance of the people in his village, he quickly picked up some things that Silly Bear had brought back and hurried towards his home.

Everyone is poor. If you show off like this, everyone will be jealous. Don't even think about spending the Chinese New Year quietly. If you have any good things, you should go home and close the door to discuss them slowly.


Silly Bear looked at his father's face, and then looked at the red eyes of the surrounding villagers, and the bad breath in his heart disappeared all at once.

What he wants is results. Let’s see who among you will laugh at me in the future. I can eat, but I also have the strength, I can do it, and I can make more money than others.

Silly Xiong followed Xiong Heishan back with large and small bags, and Tian Erniu's wife Xiu Niang had also come over.

"Embroidery lady~"

Tian Erniu looked at his wife and said with a smile.

"Er Niu, you~"

Xiu Niang looked at Tian Erniu. She looked right and her voice had not changed. But the other changes were too great. She was also afraid to recognize him. Could this be her husband Tian Erniu?

"Let's go home. I'll tell you slowly~"

Tian Erniu smiled and took the lead to walk towards his home. Xiu Niu looked at Tian Erniu, then at Dahu and Zhao Houhou, and hurriedly followed Tian Erniu's footsteps.

After returning to her home, Xiu Niang quickly closed the door and asked hurriedly: "Er Niu, what's going on?"

"Dabao, Xiaobao~ Let's see what delicious food Dad brings you~"

Tian Erniu didn't reply. He put down the large and small bags in his hands, took out a bag of snacks and walked into the bedroom. He looked at his son and daughter with a smile on his face.


Children are not like adults. When they hear the sound, they immediately rush forward. Then they quickly take the snack from Tian Erniu's hand, open it in a hurry, and immediately stuff it into their mouths.

"Is it tasty?"

Tian Erniu touched his child's head, feeling very guilty in his heart.

I used to be too poor and rarely bought snacks for my two children. Now looking at the two children, I feel even more guilty.

Here in the capital, he had seen the children of wealthy families, all of whom were fat and well-fed. Then he looked at his own children, who were very thin, dark, and dressed in rags. As a father, he was really

It is a failure, not even being able to feed his children.


The two brothers Dabao and Xiaobao ate delicious snacks and muttered in reply.

"Eat slowly~ don't choke~"

Tian Erniu touched their heads and walked towards the room outside.

At this time, Tian Erniu's wife, Xiu Niang, was carefully opening the things Tian Erniu had brought back. There was also cloth, but it was not as luxurious as Silly Bear. She only tore off a few feet of cloth.

There is also meat, but only 2 pounds of meat. There is also flour, but the amount of white flour is not too much, and the rest are just ordinary noodles.

"Let's make dumplings with this meat and white flour tomorrow. We'll eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year."

"You can use this cloth to make new clothes for yourself and your children~"

"There is also a new pair of shoes, bought for you~"

"There are 621 coins left here. Take it and buy whatever is needed at home, especially food. The children are growing and they must eat enough to grow stronger~"

Tian Erniu came to the embroiderer's side, took the things he brought back, and gave instructions one by one.


The embroiderer's eyes were filled with tears as she looked at one thing.

She has been married to Tian Erniu for many years, and she has never felt as happy as she does today. At the same time, Tian Erniu now makes her feel very uncomfortable, especially because she is wearing tattered clothes, while Tian Erniu is wearing dry clothes.

It's clean and creates a huge contrast.

In addition, Tian Erniu had eaten well in Xishan, and his face was rosy. However, he was dark and dirty, and no matter how he looked at it, he didn't seem to be a good match.

"What's going on? Why have you all changed?"

"You shaved your head, did you become a monk?"

The embroiderer looked at her husband and asked questions one after another.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you slowly~"

"Zhao Houhou and I went all the way north along the official road to the capital. As soon as we arrived in the capital, we were immediately recruited to work by Xishan Coal Industry. Dahu and Shaxiong happened to be there, so the four of us

Just together."

"This Xishan Coal Industry is the property of Mr. Liu Jin and Mr. Liu. He is very kind to us people. He not only gives us three full meals a day, but also gives us new clothes and new shoes. I

These clothes are the work clothes from Xishan Coal Industry."

"Did you see that there are four words Xishan Coal Industry on this clothes?"

"The four of us have been working here at Xishan Coal Mining. We work during the day, and at night we have to take night classes to learn Chinese and Chinese characters. Now I can recognize hundreds of words, and I can also settle accounts."

"Because we are part-time workers, we need to eat and live in Xishan, so our wages are relatively low, but the more we work, the more money we get. Silly Xiong is very strong, and one person can support several people, so he gets it.

I came back with more than 4,000 yuan, and the shopping was very grand~"

"If you can become a regular worker, you will earn a lot of money in one day. You can earn hundreds of silver in a day. Calculating, you can earn 2 taels of silver in a month~"

Tian Erniu also began to vividly tell his wife Xiu Niang about his affairs in Xishan. His words also made Xiu Niang dumbfounded. She was obviously going out for the winter, but she still encountered such a situation.

good thing.

"We have made an agreement that we will return to Xishan again after the second day of the New Year. Then I will take you and our children with me."

"There are a lot of opportunities to do things here in Xishan. You women also have something to do. The various canteens also require a lot of manpower to cook, as well as do sanitation and so on. You can always find something to do. When the time comes, you can not only eat.

Even if you are full, you can still get paid."

After briefly speaking, Tian Erniu finally revealed his plans for the New Year.

"Is this... okay?"

When the embroiderer heard this, she was also moved. She had food and wages. Such good things were rare in the winter. Very few.

"Don't worry, it will definitely work. Manager Sun and I both know each other. It will be no problem to talk to him when the time comes~"

Tian Erniu patted his chest and said, obviously very confident, then touched his belly and said: "I'm hungry, go and cook quickly. Remember to cook more, don't skimp. Only when you are full can you have the strength to work."

This chapter has been completed!
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