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Chapter 1085, it's all for everyone's good

"Your Majesty, I admit that I am indeed a bit lazy."

"But what I said is not because I am lazy and don't want to go to court, but for the sake of my country and the country of Ming Dynasty."

"The emperor's dragon body is related to the country of the Ming Dynasty. The health of the princes in the court also affects the operation of the Ming Dynasty. Only when the emperor and the princes in the court have a good body can the Ming Dynasty become more prosperous."

"Sleep is very important to human health."

"Your Majesty, you have always been diligent. You have to stay very late every day reviewing memorials, and you have to get up very early in the morning to go to court. One or two days can be tolerated, but day after day, year after year, even steel cannot bear it.


"I believe that not only should we postpone the morning pilgrimage, but we should also take regular breaks. For example, after every five days of work, everyone can take two days of proper rest."

"In the two days of rest, you can go for a walk, relax, or exercise, exercise, and exercise. Only with a strong and healthy body can you better handle national affairs."

After hearing what Emperor Hongzhi said, Liu Jin said very seriously.

"Regular rest~"

"Five days of work and two days of rest?"

After hearing Liu Jin's words, everyone couldn't help being surprised again.

Postponing the morning court was enough, but Liu Jin actually said that he would also implement a rest system. Five days of work and two days of rest seemed to be quite good.

This is in line with the work style of Liu Jin, a lazy guy. It is estimated that only a lazy person like him can come up with such a system.

"I guess only you, Liu Jin, would make such a suggestion."

Emperor Hongzhi was very happy. This Liu Jin, even if he was lazy, found a bunch of high-sounding excuses to make everyone like him, postpone the morning court and take regular breaks. He was really lazy.

"Your Majesty, I am doing this for the sake of Your Majesty's body, and for the sake of our Ming Dynasty for all generations to come."

"The affairs of the country are busy. The emperor and the ministers in the DPRK are all shouldering the heavy responsibility of the prosperity of the country. Diligence is naturally very important."

"But the health of the emperor and the ministers in the court is also very important. Postponing the morning affairs appropriately and taking regular rest is also for the better management of the country. In itself, it is also for the sake of the country and the country."

Liu Jin said seriously.

"Taking the morning court as an example, all the princes in the court have to get up at the third watch to prepare for the morning court, travel through most of the capital and wait outside the imperial city gate. A young man like me can still bear it, but like Mr. Liu, thank you

When Mr. Li, Mr. Li, and Mr. Zhang get older, they rush to the morning court day after day. Over the years, it becomes very difficult for their bodies to bear it."

"Xie Gong has been in poor health, Liu Gong often coughs, and Li Gong has sore knees. They are all His Majesty's ministers of consolidation and the pillars of the Ming Dynasty. Their health is also very important to our Ming Dynasty."

"If they postpone their morning duties properly and take a proper regular rest, it will be very helpful to their bodies."

"In addition, the emperor and the ministers of the court have always been role models for the world and the people of the world should learn from them."

"In the Beijing-Tianjin area, there are many factories and workshops. In these factories and workshops, workers need to work seven or eight hours a day, and throughout the year, except for a few days off during the Chinese New Year, they work almost all year round.


"In many factories, workers have died from exhaustion, and some workers have become sick due to long-term toil, and have gradually developed various diseases."

"If the imperial court can set an example by postponing the morning court and taking regular breaks, this system will be promoted to the entire Ming Dynasty and require factories and workshops in various places to appropriately set the working hours of the day and provide regular rest times.


After talking about the emperor and the ministers of the court, Liu Jin turned to ordinary people to talk.

The rapid development of capitalism in the Beijing-Tianjin area has also brought about many problems, the most prominent of which is long working hours and high work intensity.

Capital is full of blood, and it eats people without spitting out their bones.

The most profit-seeking capitalists, especially the most primitive ones, are almost all the same in terms of exploiting workers.

Most of the many factories and workshops in the Beijing-Tianjin area require workers to work seven to eight hours a day, with few days of rest throughout the year.

Only the many industries under Liu Jin's command have restrictions on daily working hours and regular rest days. Most of the other factories are bloody factories.

Because the working hours are too long and the work intensity is too high, death from overwork has occurred in many factories. At the same time, many workers have rioted because they cannot stand the long hours of labor.

In some illegal factories, it is easy for workers to get in but difficult to get out. Once they get in, there are cows and horses inside, working all the time. It is extremely difficult to get out, so much so that there have been strikes and riots among workers in some factories in the Beijing-Tianjin area.

These things made Liu Jin very vigilant.

The development of capitalism is not smooth sailing, and is accompanied by many movements and events in the process.

Ming Dynasty needed to develop capitalism and colonialism, but at the same time, it should also try its best to avoid some tragedies.

"Is there such a thing?"

When Emperor Hongzhi heard this, he immediately asked as he loved his people like his own son.

"Your Majesty, this is indeed the case~"

Liu Jian quickly replied: "Many factories in the Beijing-Tianjin area have more restrictions on workers. The working hours are generally longer and almost all year round. Many people stay in the dark factories for almost a year. Only

There are only ten days of rest during the Chinese New Year."

"It's better here in the Beijing-Tianjin area, because due to the influence of large enterprises such as the Beijing Glass Factory, Tianjin Shipyard, and Cement Factory, the working hours are slightly shorter, and we follow the principle of working at sunrise and resting at daily income.

, I also have about three days off a month.”

"But in the Jiangnan area, factories and workshops in these areas generally work all year round, working seven or eight hours a day. Many unscrupulous factories even restrict personal freedom, detain workers' wages, and even fight against local gangsters and the like.

to intimidate and beat workers."


"It's unreasonable, in this clear world, that such a thing can happen."

After hearing this, Emperor Hongzhi became very angry. He loved his people as his own children and could not stand such a thing.

"Liu Jin is right. Relevant systems and laws should be introduced for this matter."

Then, Emperor Hongzhi pondered for a while and then said: "As for the matter of postponing the morning court, we will discuss it in the morning tomorrow morning. The matter of regular rest and daily working hours limit, Liu Jin, please work out a detailed rules and regulations.

Let’s discuss it together in the morning tomorrow morning.”


Upon hearing this, Liu Jin nodded solemnly.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Emperor Hongzhi has really changed a lot compared to a few years ago.

If I had mentioned to Emperor Hongzhi in the past about postponing the morning court and taking regular baths, Emperor Hongzhi would probably have slapped me in the face.

For him, an extremely hard-working emperor, he wished he could hold morning dynasties all day long. You must know that he not only held morning dynasties, but also sometimes held evening dynasties. After every morning dynasty, he would leave important ministers to discuss state affairs.


Letting him rest is impossible, absolutely impossible.

But since the treatment of intestinal carbuncle last year, Daming Medical College set a standardized work and rest time for Emperor Hongzhi, and he rested in the hospital for several months.

With enough rest, no need to worry about state affairs, and careful nursing, Emperor Hongzhi's health improved a lot and he became younger.

This is something he can truly feel, personally feeling the changes in his body and mental state.

It also made him agree with what Liu Jin said. People need to rest, and a reasonable and standardized routine is good for the body.

He now exercises every afternoon according to the advice of the Royal Medical Team, sweating, moving, and moving his muscles. He feels physically and mentally refreshed.

In the past, when the seasons changed, Emperor Hongzhi's weak body would easily fall ill, but now, he has not been sick for a long time, and his health is getting better and better, he is full of energy, and he seems to be dozens of years older.

Such a huge change made Emperor Hongzhi express his support for Liu Jin's suggestion.

Of course, the early dynasty system was set by our ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang. As an emperor, he certainly could not change it just by asking. It still had to be discussed by the ministers. If everyone thinks it can be changed, then change it. In this way, he will also

It doesn't count as violating the ancestral precepts.

This is also an old routine and old trick played by emperors of all dynasties. Obviously there are many things that they want to change, but because of the ancestral precepts, they cannot be changed even if they want to. At this time, let the ministers below bring it up. This is not

If the emperor violated the ancestral precepts, he would not be an unfilial son.

After hearing Emperor Hongzhi's words, all the ministers couldn't help but smile.

If it is really possible to postpone the morning pilgrimage, this would be great news for everyone. No one wants to get up in the middle of the night to go to the morning pilgrimage.

When the weather is good, it's easier to bear, but if it's windy and rainy, the taste will be very sour.

Especially in autumn and winter, when the weather is cold and freezing, having to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the morning court, waiting outside the palace gate for more than an hour, and having to stand again, only ministers like them know the feeling.

To be honest, being an official in the Ming Dynasty was the most uncomfortable life in the history of being an official. Even if the salary was low, the system of the early dynasty was disgusting enough.

"Liu Jin's suggestion is good~"

"You must inform us after we go back. Everyone's opinions must be consistent. Postponing the morning meeting is for everyone's benefit. The weather is getting colder."

This chapter has been completed!
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