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Chapter 1088, go to the factory for a while

"Your Majesty~"

Liu Jin stood up. Some people opposed the policies he proposed, so he naturally had to clearly express his attitude.

Seeing Liu Jin standing up, everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Liu Jin, waiting for his next words.


Emperor Hongzhi nodded slightly and motioned for Liu Jin to continue speaking.

"The reason why I propose this policy is, on the one hand, for the sake of the health of our great emperor and the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty."

"The emperor's dragon body is the foundation of our Ming Dynasty. The bodies of the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty are also related to our national affairs of the Ming Dynasty."

"Although the early dynasty system was an ancestral system, Emperor Taizu also encouraged the kings and courtiers to always remember the responsibilities on their shoulders and always care about national affairs."

"But times have changed, and times are constantly changing and developing. Today, our Ming Dynasty has a vast territory, a large population, and a prosperous economy. It is more powerful than any other dynasty in history."

"Naturally, various policies have to be constantly adjusted and changed with the development of our Ming Dynasty. The previous military household system led to the low military strength of our Ming Dynasty and raging in other places. However, after the reform of the military system and the implementation of the compulsory military service system, our country

The Ming Dynasty had a strong military and swept across all directions, which is why it has the vast territory it has today."

"In the past, our Ming Dynasty's treasury was empty, and our annual tax revenue was less than 3 million taels. But now, after tax reform, our Ming Dynasty's annual tax revenue exceeds 100 million taels. With a full treasury, we have money to do business."

Some projects that can benefit people's livelihood, such as building bridges and roads, building schools, and increasing the salaries of officials."

Liu Jin thought for a while and then spoke slowly.

The first thing to talk about is naturally the issue of ancestral system.

Chen Jin put a big hat on Emperor Hongzhi's head, and naturally he had to find a way to get rid of this hat. Otherwise, implementing the new policy would be unfilial, and Emperor Hongzhi would have no way to implement it.

"I believe that the various policies and systems formulated by the emperors of the past dynasties were for the prosperity and long-term stability of the Ming Dynasty. However, when a system no longer adapts to the times, it should be restructured to adapt to the new situation of the Ming Dynasty.

era, in order to realize the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty and realize the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty for thousands of generations."

"Essentially speaking, this is not against the ancestral system. On the contrary, it is following the ancestral system, because the emperors of all generations hope that the Ming Dynasty will last for generations and prosper for a long time."

"If we just rigidly and strictly abide by the rules and regulations set by our ancestors, it will instead make the Ming Dynasty turbulent and weakened. This is a violation of the ancestral precepts and the original intention of the previous emperors."

"When we formulate the major policies of the imperial court, our starting point should be based on the eternal history of the Ming Dynasty and the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, rather than being restricted by rules and regulations."

"This is truly following the instructions of our ancestors, following the will of the previous emperors, and truly being filial and obedient."

"Only when the Ming Dynasty becomes more prosperous and powerful can the emperor and his courtiers be able to live up to the high hopes given by the previous emperors."

"If you just blindly follow the rules and regulations set by your ancestors, because you cannot adapt to the new era, but instead make the Ming Dynasty become turbulent and make the people miserable, then this is true unfilial piety!"

Liu Jin's words were sonorous and powerful, and they essentially dialectically demonstrated the ancestral issues raised by the other party.

When Emperor Hongzhi and his ministers heard this, they couldn't help but nod their heads.

The emperors of the past generations naturally hoped that the Ming Dynasty would last forever and prosper, and they formulated many policies for this reason.

If the policies they formulated gradually did not adapt to the Ming Dynasty and caused various problems in the Ming Dynasty, this is certainly not what the previous emperors wanted.

On this point, Liu Jin's views have also been recognized by everyone.

"well said!"

Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but praise it greatly.

What he wants is these words from Liu Jin.

To be honest, he wanted to change some of the policies of the Ming Dynasty in the past, but he was often pushed back by people using the ancestral system. However, Emperor Hongzhi couldn't find any good reason to persuade the other party.

Now I have it all at once, and I have sufficient reasons for my own restructuring. Changing the system of my ancestors is not unfilial, but it is great filial piety, because it is for the sake of the Ming Dynasty for thousands of generations and for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

"Is laziness still justified?"

Chen Jin looked at Liu Jin and said very angry.

Although Liu Jin was the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel and Chen Jin was only a fifth-rank official, he was not afraid of Liu Jin at all and responded confidently.

"This is not because of laziness, but because I care about the health of the Ming Dynasty, from the king to the common people."

"Your Majesty is diligent in government affairs. He has to review memorials until midnight every day. He hasn't slept for long, and he will have to go to court soon. Two days a day is better. How can your Majesty's dragon body bear it for so many years?"

"Properly postponing the morning court time is also to allow His Majesty to have more time to rest. His Majesty's dragon body is related to the country and the country of the Ming Dynasty, so it is naturally the most important."

"Every day, all the princes in the court have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the morning court. No matter it is windy, rainy, or cold, day after day, year after year, many ministers suffer from diseases.

"My health is worrying, won't this affect the handling of national affairs?"

"Although His Majesty and the princes in the court have worked hard in the morning, they still have time to rest for a while, but for the tens of thousands of ordinary people in the Ming Dynasty, they may not have time to rest."

"Like many factories in the Beijing-Tianjin area, as soon as workers enter the factory, they may have to work seven or eight hours a day. Apart from sleeping and eating, they are almost at work every day."

"And it will last for a whole year. From the end of the year, except for a few days off during the Chinese New Year, I will be working in the factory the rest of the time."

"This system I established is not only for the health of the emperor and ministers, but also for the millions of people in the Ming Dynasty. Regular rest is also to promote it to the entire Ming Dynasty, so that people who work in factories all day long can

people can get some rest.”

"All of this is actually for the future generations of our Ming Dynasty, for the prosperity of our Ming Dynasty, and for everyone in our Ming Dynasty!"

"Diligence is a virtue, but excessive work will seriously affect physical and mental health, which is not conducive to the Ming Dynasty."

Liu Jin also retorted righteously.

These censors and officials who are full of food and have nothing to do are just too full and do not understand the hard work of the people of the Ming Dynasty. They keep saying that hard work is a virtue.

However, since ancient times, getting rich has not depended on hard work. Hard work cannot make you rich, it can only mean that you have enough to eat. If you want to be rich, you cannot rely on hard work.


"What Mr. Liu said makes sense~"

"That's good~"

When the other ministers heard this, they immediately nodded along.

As Liu Jin carried out administrative reforms, everyone's work pressure and burden became heavier and heavier. It was far less relaxed and simple than before, not to mention that they had to go to court in the morning and had no rest days.

Everyone hopes to change this system, postpone the morning morning service, and occasionally have a day to rest. What's wrong with this system?

You, Chen Jin, have to stand up and be a troublemaker?


"Obviously it's just for my own sake of laziness, but I still want to make it sound high-sounding."

"The emperor and his courtiers set an example for the world, and they use it to set an example for the people of the world. If the emperor and his courtiers become lazy, the people of the world will naturally follow their example, and by then they will all become lazy."

Chen Jin pointed at Liu Jin and said angrily.

"Your Majesty, gentlemen~"

"Master Chen keeps saying that he wants to set an example for the world, but I think he may not have experienced the sufferings of the people and does not know the hardships of ordinary people's lives."

"I suggest that Mr. Chen should first work in a factory for a period of time to experience the environment inside the factory and experience the suffering of the people. I think by that time, he should understand the hardships of the common people."

Liu Jin didn't even look at him. He thought about it and said to Emperor Hongzhi.

Didn't you say you are very diligent?

Well, why don't you go to the factory and do some work, feel the environment inside the factory, and experience what it's like for workers to work in the factory for seven or eight hours a day, all year round.

Then let’s see if you can talk about diligence like you do now.

"This is a good suggestion. I think Master Chen should be allowed to experience the sufferings of the people!"

Liu Jian stood up and expressed his support.

This Chen Jin is really ignorant. In this case, don't blame everyone for being rude.

It's obviously for everyone's good, but if you insist on causing trouble, you will suffer.

"I also think this suggestion is good."

"I agree!"

"Master Chen should be allowed to experience the suffering of the people, otherwise he will only talk empty talk in the court and harm the country."

Other ministers also stood up and expressed their opinions.

This Chen Jin has offended too many people because of this matter. This is almost against the entire court. No one will stand up to support him. On the contrary, everyone hates him very much.


"Since everyone thinks that Mr. Chen has never experienced the suffering of the people, they think that Mr. Chen should go to the factory and stay for a while."

"Let's do this. Mr. Chen will first go to the factory in the capital and stay for a year or two to experience the life of ordinary people and taste the suffering of the people."

When Emperor Hongzhi heard this, he couldn't help laughing and immediately issued the order.

"Your Majesty~"

"I am a high-ranking minister of the imperial court, how can I work in a factory?"

When Chen Jin heard this, he immediately became anxious. His own family owned a factory and he knew the environment inside the factory very well, so he quickly stood up and said.

"If there is anything you can't do, you have to say it yourself, and you have to set an example for the rest of the world."

"Come here, arrange for Mr. Chen to enter the factory and set a good example for the world. During this period, you are not allowed to return home. Everything must be strictly the same as other workers."


Emperor Hongzhi glanced at him and said coldly.

This chapter has been completed!
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