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Chapter 1160, year-end dividends

As the New Year approaches, Tianjin becomes more lively and prosperous.

When young and old men in Tianjin have nothing to do, their favorite places to go are Tianjin Port, football stadium, racetrack and the recently emerging stock exchange.

Tianjin Port, the most prosperous and lively place in Tianjin, especially when the New Year is approaching, a ship loaded with gold, silver, rare treasures, etc. returns to the Ming Dynasty from all over the world.

At the end of the year, large and small commercial firms in Ming Dynasty have to conduct year-end summaries, and the money they earn has to be shipped back to Ming Dynasty, whether it is to distribute dividends to shareholders or make investments, basically there is no way around it being shipped back to Tianjin.

So at the end of the year, treasure ships were basically returning to Tianjin Port, loaded with gold and silver. The favorite thing for young and old people in Tianjin was to watch these treasure ships.

Looking at the boxes of gold bricks, silver bricks, gold and silver jewelry, etc. shipped from the ship, even though they are not your own, it is definitely a great enjoyment in life.

Not to mention the football field, football has become very popular in Ming Dynasty in recent years, and young and old men in Beijing and Tianjin are even more obsessed with football. By the end of the year, various football matches are very intensive, and there are football matches every day.

Watching and betting on football has almost become a part of everyone's life.

Compared with football stadiums, horse racing is more gambling-oriented. Watching horses is secondary, and the main purpose is to bet on horse races.

The Ming Dynasty had a vast territory, almost an empire on which the sun never set, and had close contacts with all over the world. Therefore, it was able to obtain the world's top horses. There were many high-quality horses, and there were countless famous horses of all kinds in the racecourse.

As for the last stock exchange, this is also a recent one.

The topic of stocks is also the most talked about topic among young and old men in Beijing and Tianjin recently.

How many shares of such and such a certain relative’s cousin’s cousin’s neighbor’s brother bought, and how many times they multiplied in just a few months, how much money they made, and so on.

There are too many topics like this, and stocks have gradually become something that everyone often hears.

Since ancient times, things related to wealth have been the most attractive, and the same is true for the stock market.

As usual, as soon as the stock exchange opened, the investors who had been waiting for it swarmed in. In a blink of an eye, the stock exchange was packed with people. Many investors were discussing excitedly and looking forward to the continued success of their stocks.



With the ringing of bells, the market opened soon.

"Changlu Saltworks has made an announcement. This year's operating income will exceed 15 million taels of silver, and the net profit will exceed 3 million taels of silver. At the end of the year, a dividend of 1.5 million taels of silver will be distributed, with a dividend of one tael for every thirty shares."

"All shareholders who hold shares in Changlu Saltworks should go to the dividend window of the stock exchange to receive their dividends in three days with their share certificates and identity certificates."

The stock market had just opened. Along with the sound of gongs and drums, at the public notice wall of Changlu Saltworks, a staff member of the stock exchange read out the latest dividend announcement very loudly.

"Haha, dividends!"

Hearing this voice, I immediately laughed happily after purchasing the shares of Changlu Salt Farm, and then quickly gathered at the public notice wall, watching and discussing excitedly.

"Tsk tsk, the performance is really good."

"Net profit exceeds 3 million taels of silver, and dividends are 1.5 million taels of silver~"

"Haha, one tael of silver is distributed for every thirty shares, which means that the 300 shares of Changlu Saltworks stock in my hand can be distributed to 10 taels of silver."

Someone silently calculated the amount of dividends he could receive, and immediately couldn't help but laugh happily.

"Actually, it should be double after calculation. However, this commercial bank cannot divide all the money. It still needs to keep part of the money for development and growth. Build more salt farms and produce more salt, so that it can earn more in the future.


"Yes, yes, that's the truth."

"Actually, it's almost the same as depositing money in a bank, but the money from dividends is nothing compared to the current stock price."

"It's better than nothing, and the stock price is bound to rise."

The stockholders happily discussed that the stock exchange was indeed not deceptive and paid out dividends at the end of the year as scheduled. The money invested at the time was not only due to dividends but also due to the increase in stock prices. This is the big head, Changlu Saltworks.

The stocks have increased more than ten times since they were listed.


"Tianjin Cement Dividend Announcement. In the 17th year of Hongzhi, Tianjin Cement achieved a turnover of more than 10 million taels of silver and a net profit of two million taels. At the end of the year, it plans to distribute a dividend of one million taels of silver, with a dividend of one tael for every thirty shares."

"All shareholders holding shares of Tianjin Cement should go to the dividend window of the stock exchange to receive dividends in three days with their share certificates and identity certificates."

Soon, Tianjin Cement also made a new announcement, and the investors who bought Tianjin Cement immediately crowded together excitedly, watching the announcement, and silently calculating how much money they could get.

In the stock exchange, listed commercial banks one after another issued year-end dividend announcements. For stocks with good dividends, stockholders were naturally happy and celebrated. At the same time, the stock prices continued to rise.

The news also spread quickly in the Beijing-Tianjin area.

At the same time, the Tianjin Stock Exchange also mailed letters announcing dividends to the streets in the Beijing and Tianjin areas. Many investors did not read the stocks every day after buying them, but were waiting for the dividends at the end of the year. Naturally, now

To inform them.

In a cement factory in Tianjin, Jiang Dalang was working hard. He held a fifty-pound bucket of cement in each hand, and he was moving as fast as flying.

He is a porter in a cement factory. Because he is strong and works hard, he can earn nearly sixty taels of silver a month. At the end of the year, there will be some rewards and so on, so he can earn nearly eighty taels a year.

Two silver coins.

Earning nearly eighty taels of silver a year was something that was unimaginable before.

He is from Shandong and has been a farmer for generations. For generations, his ancestors have been farmers digging in the ground with their backs to the sky and their faces facing the loess.

In the past, I worked hard all year long in the fields and was almost exhausted, but I couldn't even get enough to eat. Especially since Jiang Dalang was a tall man and had a particularly good appetite.

Can be eaten.

So a few years ago, he was kicked out by his father and came to Tianjin to work in a cement factory and became a cement porter.

Being a cement porter, not only could he have enough to eat every day, but he could also earn money. This kind of life made Jiang Dalang very satisfied, and he even brought his relatives and friends from his village and fellow villagers.

Here in Tianjin, I work in factories.

"Dalang, how much money have you saved in the past few years?"

After lunch, while taking a rest, Bald Jiang from Jiang Dalang's same village came over and asked in a low voice.

"More than three hundred taels of silver."

Jiang Dalang was an honest man and said without thinking.

"More than three hundred taels of silver!"

When Bald Jiang heard this, he couldn't help but opened his mouth slightly, and then said with a smile: "Dalang, please lend me some money. I want to buy a European woman to take home as a concubine. I have some money in my hands."

, only thirty taels short."

"I don't have the money, so I can't lend it to you."

When Jiang Dalang heard this, he immediately curled his lips slightly and said.

Since I had some money in my hand, more and more people came to borrow money from me. One tael today, two taels tomorrow, and several taels the day after tomorrow. I have lent out a lot of money in the past few years.

A lot of money was lent but not repaid, which made Jiang Dalang, an honest man, very depressed. He was an honest man, but he didn't know how to refuse people.

Later, he told this matter to his supervisor Wei Yong, who suggested that Jiang Dalang invest his own money in stocks and wait for dividends at the end of the year, so that others would not be able to borrow it.

Jiang Dalang didn't understand what stocks were, but his supervisor Wei Yong had always been kind to him. He trusted Wei Yong, so a few months ago he also used all his three hundred taels of silver to buy stocks in Changlu Salt Farm, planning to

From now on, I will wait until the end of the year for dividends, so no one can borrow them.

"Not in your hands?"

"Whose hands is it?"

When Bald Jiang heard this, he immediately seemed unhappy and asked quickly.

"I used all of it to buy stocks, so now I have no money at all and I can't lend it to you."

Jiang Dalang said truthfully.

"Are you crazy?"

"Three hundred taels of silver, you use all of it to buy that stock?"

"If you have more money, you can give it to me. There is no need to throw it away like this. With three hundred taels of silver, you can buy several European women, and you can also marry several Korean and Japanese concubines. Just throw it away like this.


Bald Jiang looked very angry, as if the money belonged to him.

"My own money, I can use it however I want."

When Jiang Dalang heard this, he also said directly.

"I, that's not what I meant."

"I heard that this stock can be sold. How about you sell some stocks and lend me the money?"

Bald Jiang smiled, then rolled his eyes and said.

"Don't sell, don't sell. I'm just afraid that you'll borrow money, so I'm going to buy stocks. You guys always don't repay the borrowed money. The last time Marizi lent me 2 taels of silver, I still haven't paid it back. I still have diarrhea.

You lent me one tael of silver and you didn't repay me, so you asked me to borrow thirty taels of silver."

"You really think I'm stupid. You can only buy a woman for a few dozen taels of silver. If you want to buy a woman, save some money and then ask me to borrow money. I'm not a bank."

When Jiang Dalang heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head and said.

"It doesn't make sense if you say that. It's not like I won't pay you back. Thirty taels of silver is not much."

Bald Jiang immediately curled his lips.

"Jiang Dalang, I have your letter~"

At this moment, someone came over to inform the factory guard.


"Who sent it?"

Jiang Dalang touched his head, he couldn't read a single Chinese character, so who could write to him?

"It seems to be from the stock exchange~"

This chapter has been completed!
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