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Chapter 1179, a blow from a high latitude


At the newly built city wall outside Djibouti Port, accompanied by roars, the army of the Adal Sultanate surged towards the city wall like a tide.


The Ming army on the city wall looked at the Kunlun slaves with poor equipment and lack of training in front of them, and didn't take them seriously at all.

Along with the waving of the command flag, the new Miyun cannons roared from the fort above the city wall.

"Dong dong~dong dong~"

The dull sound of artillery resounded through the sky, and the shells roared in the sky, and then hit hard into the dense enemy camp.


The artillery shells used this time were no longer solid projectiles, but were replaced by exploding shells. The exploding shells were the most astonishing and most lethal against dense charge formations. They were perfect for dealing with the enemies in front of them.

One after another, the explosive bombs landed heavily in the crowd, and then smashed open instantly, and countless steel balls and fragments were shot out in all directions.

In an instant, like a wave, a terrifying killing radius was formed.


Countless miserable screams rang out, and around a cannonball, a large group of enemies screamed in pain. Their flesh and blood flew everywhere, and they screamed again and again, and a large number of them fell down in an instant.

The attacks of the artillery shells were very dense and extremely accurate. They were like rain, exploding continuously in the open space. In the blink of an eye, the mighty army was blown to pieces by this fierce artillery attack.


Mahfouz was dumbfounded and looked at the battlefield in front of him in disbelief.

I have never seen such terrifying artillery. The Ming Dynasty's artillery is very powerful. They knew it when they attacked Chu State, but this kind of bomb will explode again and bloom.

It was their first time seeing and tasting it.

After just a few rounds of shelling, his 20,000-strong army was smashed to pieces. The originally menacing charge turned into a rout and retreat in an instant. Even before they reached the foot of the city wall, his army was already lost.

The courage to charge.


"It's like hell!"

Everyone who was defeated was frightened by the artillery attack just now.

He watched helplessly as the shells fell one after another in his own camp, overturning a large area in an instant. Under the dense artillery fire, in the blink of an eye, it was like a piece of rag riddled with holes.

Where are the few lucky ones left in a daze?

"What kind of weapon is this?"

Mahfouz's eyes widened as he looked at the messy battlefield. Countless soldiers were wailing and rolling, as if their legs had been blown off, and they were struggling to run back. Some of them were riddled with holes.

They were beaten into sieves by steel balls and iron sheets, and some people were smashed to pieces, and even their whole bodies could not be found.

"My army!"

Soon, Mahfouz screamed miserably.

The 20,000 troops that were finally gathered can be said to be almost all the troops and troops of the Adal Sultanate, and they are also Mahfouz's strongest support for controlling the entire country.

However, after just a few rounds of shelling, the 20,000-strong army under his command had already suffered heavy losses. At least several thousand people were directly killed, and thousands more were injured. Most of them were lost in one fell swoop.

How can we continue to control the power of this country from now on?

How to face the powerful Ethiopians?

Thinking of this, Mahfouz's face turned extremely ugly, and he was about to give the order to retreat.

At the city wall guarded by the Ming army, the huge city gate slowly opened, and then cavalry quickly rushed out.

Seeing the shining sabers of these cavalrymen raised high, Mahfouz immediately shouted: "Retreat, retreat~"

Then he turned his horse's head, without looking back, and started running away with his tail between his legs.

These Ming people are really cruel.

After a burst of artillery fire, the cavalry immediately mounted. Look at these Ming cavalry. Everyone is wearing armor and helmets, carrying bows, arrows and rockets. The bright sabers in their hands are white as snow.

He did not doubt the combat effectiveness of the Ming Dynasty cavalry at all, and escaped very decisively.

If he doesn't run away, he may even lose his life here.

Mahfouz fled very decisively. He rode an Arabian horse and fled very fast. In the blink of an eye, he left his army behind and could not care about his troops at all.


Yang Zhen took the lead and rushed to the front, raising the saber high in his hand, and then waved it lightly, and a head flew high.


Behind Yang Zhen, the Ming cavalry moved neatly and uniformly. All of them had gone through rigorous training for a long time. With a flash of sword, one man would surely fall.

The soldiers of the Adal Sultanate completely collapsed and showed no intention of resisting at all. They threw away their legs and started running as hard as they could.

Even Mahfouz has escaped, so what reason do they have not to escape?

The people of Ming Dynasty are really cruel.

The fierce artillery attack is completely unmatchable.

At this moment, the Ming Dynasty's cavalry attacked like a torrent of steel. Everything in its path was crushed, and any resistance was in vain.

Killings were taking place on the earth. The blood stained the hot land red and watered the jujube trees in the hot desert. In the sky, vultures were constantly circling, making bursts of clear calls in excitement, attracting people.

More and more vultures were coming, and in a blink of an eye the sky was full of vultures flying lower and lower.

Mahfouz had been running away from the sun high in the sky until the sun set in the west. He looked at his beloved horse foaming at the mouth and saw that there was no movement behind him, then he slowly stopped and prepared to take a rest.

He looked around him carefully and saw no other figures except for hundreds of soldiers and cavalry closely following him.

When they came, they were mighty and menacing, and in just one day, they were like a lost dog, throwing away their helmets and armor, and completely defeated an army of more than 20,000 people.

"This Ming Dynasty man is too cruel!"

"They are even more ferocious than the Ming people of Chu. Why is there such a big difference?"

Mahfouz regained his composure, and his whole person became sluggish.

With only these few troops left, I'm doomed.

Even if there are no external Ming people, Ethiopians, and various forces within the Adal Sultanate, they will tear themselves to pieces.

The Sultan, the emirs of various tribes, and imams, etc., without strong force, he is simply not enough to make these people obey and obey him.

Once the news spreads, he will definitely not escape death.

"It's over, it's over!"

Mahfouz shook his head and was in a daze, looking at the sunset in the west, as if he saw that his life was about to fall into darkness.

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have provoked the Ming people."

Mahfouz was extremely regretful at this moment. He could roughly guess why the Ming Dynasty attacked the Adal Sultanate.

It must be because they were not friendly enough to the Ming people in the past. The Adal Sultanate, both officially and privately, is trying to find ways to target these Ming people.

The official side deliberately extorted Ming merchants from passing by, while the private bandits focused on robbing, extorting, and extorting Ming people's ships.

That's why we were attacked by the Ming Dynasty people. This must be the case, otherwise the Ming Dynasty people would not attack us for no reason, and they would be so vicious and irrational.

Mahfouz is regretting and thinking about his future life.

On the other side, here in Djibouti, Yang Zhen and his thousands of cavalry also pursued and killed them for a whole day, killing almost all the Adal people they could see.

They fought all the way, with rivers of blood flowing and corpses strewn across the fields, until dusk, when they finally stopped with satisfaction.

"I would like to see if you dare to target us Ming people in the future!"

Yang Zhen looked at the corpses in the wilderness. A large number of vultures fell from the sky, pecking at them and making bursts of ghostly howls in excitement.

In this regard, Yang Zhen had no mercy at all.

According to information from Jinyiwei and the Ming Dynasty Business Travel, the Adal Sultanate is the most unfriendly to the Ming people in the northeastern corner of Africa, the Red Sea, and the Gulf of Aden.

There are more than a dozen large and small sultanates here, all of them weak. The Adal Sultanate is the most powerful and has always been the leader here.

Not only did they take the lead to deal with the Ethiopians, but they also took the lead to deal with the Chu State in the south, looting and extorting passing Ming merchants, so that Ming merchant ships in this area would definitely hire escorts to escort them. Without escorts, they would

It's very dangerous.

These pitch-black Kunlun slaves are not only black in appearance, but their hearts are also black, and their actions are more vicious than the Arabs north of the Red Sea.

The Arabs in the north also knew how terrible the Ming Dynasty was. Because of the affairs of the Ottoman Empire, they all knew about the Ming Dynasty's power and ferocious revenge.

Therefore, most of the time we just charge some tolls from the people of Ming Dynasty, and it is not said that they are killing people of Ming Dynasty, or deliberately extorting, extorting, and embarrassing people of Ming Dynasty.

But these Kunlun slaves in the south of the Red Sea are different. They lack awe of the Ming Dynasty and do not know how powerful and terrifying the Ming people are. In addition, many tribes are still in the very primitive tribal stage and do not know what fear is.

, what is awe.

When encountering these people, the passing merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty become even more of a threat. Spending money may not be able to eliminate the disaster. These people have extremely huge appetites and would like to eat them all in one bite.

Therefore, we must kill fiercely and wantonly so that people in these countries and regions of the Red Sea will know how powerful and terrifying the Ming people are. Only in this way will they not dare to attack the Ming people in the future, even if they are looking for trouble.

Nor dare to kill Ming people.

Kill to stop killing, this is the behavior of Ming soldiers.

This chapter has been completed!
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