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Chapter 1231, the prototype of the capitalist country

"A court is set up here in Ceylon, which is responsible for judging those who violate the laws established by the shareholders' meeting. The trials of the court are completely independent and cannot be affected by the governor. Only in this way can we ensure judicial justice and fairness, and at the same time be able to further separate

Powers of the Governor.”

Liu Jin was a little thirsty when he talked, and he talked about some of the most important and basic things in later generations of capitalist countries.

It can be regarded as the follow-up to this incident. For the first time, the system concept of capitalism was proposed. The core is democracy, decentralization and mutual checks and balances. At the same time, the monarch was clearly abandoned.

Everyone listened carefully, thinking carefully while listening, and nodding from time to time.

"This system is very good. The ownership of the Western United Trading Company is in the hands of the shareholders' meeting. The shareholders' meeting is the highest authority. It can make laws, appoint and remove the governor and ministers, and the shareholders' meeting can be discussed by everyone.

It can fully guarantee everyone’s interests.”

"In addition, the idea of ​​decentralization is also very good. The power of the governor is indeed too great. He not only controls the military power, but also the power of personnel appointment and economic power. It is no wonder that Hu Xianhui was obsessed with power and wanted to monopolize the West.

United Commercial Bank, became the emperor of the country."

After Li Chunyang listened, everyone also expressed their appreciation.

At this moment, he was completely unaware that this was a political system that was completely different from the monarchy that had been supreme in China for thousands of years. After all, the United Western Trading Company was now in everyone's impression and concept, and it was a company whose purpose was to make money.

A business firm, not a country.

But in fact, the United Western Trading Company is no different from a country.

It has its own territory, army, managers at all levels, and has the power to tax people on its territory. In fact, it is no different from any vassal state, except that it is under the jurisdiction of a trading house, so everyone still thinks it is

It is not a country, but a trading company.

"Well, it's indeed a good idea."

"Decentralization and restriction of power. This shareholders' meeting is the emperor above the governor. It can decide on the appointment and dismissal of the governor at any time. At the same time, it also delegates many important powers to the ministers. Adding the presence of the court can indeed effectively prevent

Governor makes it big.”

Zhang Mao also nodded.

This system is good, and everyone here in Ming Dynasty can sit back and relax in the future, and no longer have to worry about things like today.

All you need to do is send a family member to serve as a member of the shareholders' meeting, participate in the formulation of the internal laws of the Western United Company, vote on the appointment and removal of important people, and then just sit back and wait for the money.

Like Li Chunyang, he did not realize that such a system was actually a country's system itself and could be applied to any country.

The governor-general is equivalent to the emperor of a country, but the emperor's power is strictly limited and restricted, and he himself has a term limit and cannot stay in power forever.

“I think this system is very good~”

“I also support the adoption of this system in the future~”

The others looked at each other and nodded in support.

"Since everyone thinks this system sounds good, I now propose that those of us here form the first general meeting of shareholders of Western United Commercial Bank, and officially begin to assume the highest responsibility and have the highest power for all affairs of Western United Commercial Bank.


Seeing that no one had any objections, Liu Jin immediately suggested.

This system was a very popular system in later generations. Almost all democratic countries have adopted similar systems. The ideas of democracy, decentralization and mutual checks and balances are very suitable for Western joint merchants. There is no reason not to adopt it.

After all, Western Union is no longer a pure commercial firm. It has such a large scale, a very large number of employees, and it also governs a very large area and door.

It is obviously not possible to use the traditional commercial bank system to manage. There will definitely be endless problems, so there is an urgent need for a more advanced and reasonable system to manage.

Obviously, this system that became popular in later generations is very suitable, and there is no reason why everyone should not support it.

Among the people present, although there were several important shareholders who were not present in person, such as the Zhang brothers, Zhu Benduan, Feng Xiang and others, important people from each of their families were invited to attend the meeting. The Zhang brothers were not here, but they

The son is here, so it is completely possible to organize a shareholders' meeting.

"I support~"

"I have no objection~"

"I have no objection either~"

When the others heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they all said they had no objections.

"Since everyone has no opinion, the first thing we need to elect is the chairman of the shareholders' meeting. As an important member of the shareholders' meeting, I think the chairman needs to be a highly respected person. I propose that the chairman should be appointed by the British public Zhang Maolai."

Liu Jin saw that no one had any objections, so he also made suggestions to everyone.

"No, no~"

"I, Lao Zhang, have mediocre qualifications and stupidity. There is no way I can serve as the president of this president. I think Lao Zhu should be the one to serve. Li Chunyang can do it too."

When Zhang Mao heard this, he immediately shook his head.

"I can't do it either. I'm not in good health, so I can still vote. If I were to be the president, I would stutter when I speak."

When Zhu Fu heard this, he quickly shook his head. He was old and in poor health. He brought his son here this time.

"I can't do that either. I'm just a businessman. How do I know this?"

"In my opinion, it is most suitable for a British citizen to serve as the president, don't you think so?"

Li Chunyang also waved his hands repeatedly and shook his head.

"Yes, yes, Britain has high public moral standards, and it is most suitable to serve as the president."

"I fully support a British citizen as president."


Others also nodded their heads.

"Mr. Zhang, you see, it's hard to go against the public opinion."

Liu Jin looked at Zhang Mao and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay~"

"Let me be the president of this association."

Zhang Mao saw that everyone recommended him, and at the same time felt that this president was quite new and related to the huge interests of the Western United Trading Company, so he thought about it and agreed.

"Let's move on to the second agenda of the meeting, which is to draft the basic charter of the Western United Commercial Bank, clarify the powers of the shareholders' meeting, and stipulate the governor's powers, appointments and removals, elections and other specific details."

After selecting the candidate for the president, Liu Jin proposed to start drafting the basic charter.

The Basic Charter is a very important thing. It is equivalent to the framework of the Western Joint Commercial Bank in the future. It is also the most important thing for a country and determines the core of the democratic system and capital system.

After hearing Liu Jin's words, everyone suddenly became energetic again.

Soon someone brought pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and everyone began to discuss the various systems in the basic charter enthusiastically. Those systems were good, and everyone supported them, and they continued to improve them.

If those systems are not working, they will naturally need to be changed. There are some things that Liu Jin did not think of, and everyone will also provide supplements.

Just drafting the basic charter took nearly two hours, so that everyone was hungry and had to have a meal here.

Fortunately, Wangyue Tower is owned by Li Chunyang, so you can eat whatever you want. Boss Li is here to treat you.

"...The Governor is elected once every five years. He is nominated by the members of the General Meeting of Shareholders and can be elected with the support of more than half of the members of the General Meeting of Shareholders. He can serve up to two terms."

"Everyone, take a look at this basic charter. If there are no problems, each of us will sign and pledge on it. This charter will officially have legal effect. From now on, it will be the most important thing for our Western United Trading Company. From now on, all Western United Trading Banks, large and small, will

All affairs must be carried out in accordance with this charter system."

Liu Jin carefully read out a total of seventy-two articles written on the basic charter system from beginning to end. After reading, he looked at everyone and said very seriously.

"No objection~"

"Full support~"


Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

This is a system formulated by everyone participating in the drafting and voting. It is also in everyone's interest and fully guarantees the interests of every shareholder.

Everyone has no reason not to support or agree with it.

"Mr. Zhang, you are the president, please invite me first~"

Liu Jin walked aside, smiled and motioned for Zhang Mao to come first to sign and sign.

"Haha, then I'll come first?"

Zhang Mao laughed happily, picked up the pen and quickly wrote down his name, and then pressed the red seal.

Others followed suit by writing their names and fingerprints one by one, and soon a basic charter with the signatures and fingerprints of all shareholders was signed.

"Everyone, this is a great historical moment!"

"Today we are here to create a new era, a democratic way to jointly defend our common interests, and a brand new system. History will write this moment!"

Liu Jin held the basic charter signed by everyone in his hand, and he also felt this.

Once such a system comes out, Liu Jin can see that in the future, all the large and small business houses in the Ming Dynasty will definitely follow suit.

In the past, when doing business, it was basically a family with the same surname. The scale was limited and the management was not complicated. However, with the development of colonization and capitalism, the scale of Ming Dynasty's commercial banks is getting larger and larger, and many of them are run by

We all invest and work together to do business together.

There are many large trading houses similar to Western United Trading House, such as South Africa United Trading House, Tianjin Ocean Trading House, Nanyang United Trading House, etc.

In the continuous development of these commercial banks, everyone has actually seen many problems, and there is an urgent need for a new system and method to manage these commercial banks.

Now that the Western United Trading Company is taking the lead, Liu Jin estimates that other trading houses will soon learn and follow suit, and these overseas trading colonies will soon transform into the same existence as the Western United Trading Company.

And this is just the beginning. With the emergence of democracy and the electoral system, the ideological trends it brings will inevitably sweep the entire world.

This chapter has been completed!
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