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Chapter 1240, my surname is Ma, no longer a pariah


Alexei and Andrei roared, clenched the spears in their hands, and rushed to the front bravely.

Behind them, the slave army did the same thing. They all rushed forward with all their strength, fearing that others would take away their credit.

The reward conference held by King Ning in Arag City was obviously very effective.

King Ning not only granted freedom to these slaves who had made great contributions, but also gave them a large number of rewards. This made all the slaves see hope, and the blood in everyone's body was needed.

It's like boiling.

Slaves have been very difficult to turn over since ancient times.

But now, they have the opportunity. As long as they kill one enemy, they can get free. It's so simple and easy. If you kill a few more, you will have the land, slaves, and money you want. In the future, you will not only be slaves, but also live as landlords.

The life of a master.

Malik also rushed to the front.

He himself is the Dalit with the lowest origins in the Tianzhu continent. Even if he works as a slave for the Ming Dynasty, he will be despised. Other high-caste slaves are not willing to work or eat with him. He is extremely humble.

However, in the last battle of Arag, Malik made great contributions. His Royal Highness Prince Ning personally rewarded him and gave him the noble Ming surname. From then on, his surname was no longer Malik, but Ma.

For this reason, he also took out ten taels of silver from the silver reward he received and asked a learned Ming Dynasty man to give himself a Ming Dynasty name - Ma Zixin.

He didn't know a single Chinese character, but after he got his new name, he actually wrote his new name thousands of times that day, one stroke at a time, so that he could remember it firmly.

And on the same day, he asked someone to take the reward he received back to his home, and told his wife, son and daughter that they would no longer be humble Dalits, but a family with a distinguished Ming surname.

It was just a surname, but it gave Ma Zixin and his descendants a whole life.

In order to repay King Ning's gift, he always rushed to the front without fear of death. He even felt that it was a supreme honor that he could die for His Highness King Ning.

It's very contradictory, but it actually appears on the battlefield.

Not only him, but behind Ma Zixin, there are also many Dalit, Barbarian, Sudra and other low-caste slaves. Each of them is braver than the other and rushes faster than the other.

Everyone wants to be like Ma Zixin, make great contributions, and be rewarded by King Ning, so that King Ning can give them a new Ming Dynasty surname. This is the biggest motivation for these low-caste slaves at the moment.

Like tigers descending from the mountain, like hungry wolves snatching food, the slave army, Korean army, and Japanese army under King Ning rushed forward fiercely.


I saw a Japanese warrior. The Japanese sword in his hand made beautiful arcs. The cold light flashed and his figure drifted away, leaving bloody paths wherever he passed.

A Korean warrior holds a long sword, and the shadow of the sword is flying, like the scythe of death, constantly harvesting the lives of the enemy.


Alexei stabbed an enemy with his spear, shouted loudly, and lifted the opponent up. Then he swung it hard and hit several enemies who were rushing towards him.

Then he swiped the spear, the tip of the spear was extremely sharp, killing several people in an instant.

Next to him, Andre was also very brave. With a heavy sweep of the spear in his hand, several enemies were swept to the point of spitting blood.

"Haha, the tenth one!"

Andre laughed happily and kept counting the number of enemies he killed.

When he thought of the rewarded land, slaves and money, and the good life he would live in the future, new strength emerged from his tired body, supporting him to continue killing.

Ma Zixin held a spear and stabbed someone with all his strength. Unexpectedly, the other person blocked him. When he took a closer look, he saw that the other person was wearing luxurious clothes and holding a sword inlaid with gems. He had fair skin, deep eyes, and was also wearing a

Wearing gold ornaments symbolizing religious sacrifices.

There is no doubt that this is a person of high caste Brahmin!

When Ma Zixin looked at the other party, the other party also looked at Ma Zixin carefully and was stunned.

Ma Zixin's dark skin and slightly curly hair clearly indicate that he belongs to a lower caste, and he may also be the lowest Dalit.

"You untouchable, how dare you attack me, a noble Brahmin, aren't you afraid of death?"

The other party shouted angrily.

Dalits are untouchables and untouchables. Let alone fighting against noble Brahmins, even if their shadow falls on the shadow of a Brahmin, the Brahmin will feel polluted. Normally, he would definitely treat this lowly person

Dalits were beaten to death.

However, at this moment, the other party was not only not afraid of himself as a Brahmin, but also held a knife to kill him, which made him extremely angry.

"My surname is Ma, a noble Ming surname. I am no longer a pariah!"

Ma Zixin was slightly stunned when he was scolded by the other party. Then after he came to his senses, he shouted loudly.

Then the spear in his hand stabbed the opponent fiercely with endless fury.

"Surnamed Ma?"

"Da Ming's surname?"

The Brahmin was slightly startled, but he didn't pay attention to block or dodge, and was instantly stabbed by the spear to his heart's content.

When he died, he stared at the lowly Dalit in front of him. He never thought that one day he would die at the hands of a lowly Dalit.

"He is no longer a lowly Dalit~"

He could only comfort himself in this way, giving himself a sense of security that he would not die at the hands of a lowly Dalit and would not dishonor his noble status as a Brahmin.

Rana~Sangha's central army itself became extremely chaotic due to the artillery attack. At this moment, it was completely collapsed by the slave army, Japanese army and Korean army.

Countless people abandoned their helmets and fled back as hard as they could. The people behind squeezed the people in front. I don't know how many people died under the trampling of their own people.

"how so?"

Rana~Sangha looked at the scene in front of him with an expression of disbelief.

The army in front of him, which had given him high hopes, turned out to be so vulnerable.

Just the artillery attack caused the army to become extremely chaotic. The powerful war elephants not only failed to deter the enemy, but became a burden to our own side. They constantly trampled our own soldiers and impacted our own formations, causing huge commotion and chaos.


The weapons used by the opponent are really terrifying.

Those kinds of exploding cannonballs would directly kill one piece every time they fell. Each cannonball would tear the entire army into pieces.

When their army rushed up, the army under his command showed no resistance at all and could not organize a decent response. It was like loose sand hit by a flood and completely collapsed in the blink of an eye.

"Let's retreat quickly~"

"If we don't withdraw, it will be too late."

Luo Jia hurriedly came to Rana~Sangha's side and said anxiously.

The people of Ming Dynasty are more terrifying than the legend says.

Their terrifying artillery not only frightened their war elephants, but also left an indelible shadow and fear on these Luo Cha.

At this moment, their artillery fire was continuously extending with the attack of the army, shooting towards them.

The whistling sound in the sky, one after another, tore the resistance that was finally organized into pieces. Like a failed dam, the enemy swept over like a flood, swallowing up everything.


Rana~Sangha was extremely unwilling.

He has fought dozens of wars with the Delhi Sultanate and has rich combat experience. However, in today's battle, he was completely confused. He didn't even know how he lost.

To preserve the green hills and not worry about running out of firewood, it would be better to evacuate them first.

However, Qin Yuan will not let people like Rana~Sangha go.

They are all the leaders of the Aryan tribe, the main military force, and the most unstable existence in ruling this land after King Ning. They must be eliminated as much as possible.

"Tap tap~ tap tap~"

The five thousand cavalrymen who had been meandering finally came to the back. With the sound of horse hooves, countless sharp arrows flew. After the sharp arrows, a bright saber was raised high, flashing with cold light under the sunlight.


"It's over~"

Rana~Sangha shouted out in despair when he saw this scene in front of him.

The cavalry guarding Rana~Sangha and many Rachas did their duty and did not run away directly, but rushed forward bravely.

It's just that they were like the arms of a mantis blocking a car, so ridiculous and vulnerable. After a wave of arrows, large pieces fell from the horse's back.

Then the cold light from both sides intertwined, and they fell like dumplings one after another, and they were all killed in the blink of an eye.

"Surrender~surrender, we surrender~"

Luo Cha, who was timid and afraid of death, immediately threw away the gorgeous sword in his hand, shouted loudly, and spoke awkward Ming dialect, as if he had learned it in advance.


"I finally know the reason why we are repeatedly invaded by foreign tribes."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rana~Sanga said sadly and indignantly, then picked up the sword in his hand and wiped it on his neck. With ambition, unwillingness, helplessness and many other emotions, he ended his life honorably.

Five thousand iron cavalry crashed into the army like a torrent of steel, tearing open a hole very easily. The hole opened continuously, and the enemy was quickly separated.

Then there were continuous detours, back and forth sprints, wave after wave, like a harvester. It was just a few back and forth kills, and no more groups of enemy troops could be seen on the entire land.


“Delhi is next!”

This chapter has been completed!
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