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Chapter 1261, this is a great dragon

On the train from Taiyuan, Shanxi to Beijing.


As the whistle sounded, Ali Pasha came back to his senses.

Although he had been on the train for several hours, Ali Pasha was still deeply impressed by the power of the train. He picked up his pen and began to write slowly.

"When you see the train for the first time, you will be deeply shocked by its huge body. It is as huge as a giant dragon. This is the largest and longest machine I have ever seen, just like

It’s like a city wall.”

"The craftsmen of the Ming Empire were so amazing that they were able to invent such advanced and powerful machines."

"Imagine a tall city wall with more than two thousand people inside, running at the speed of horses, and they can set off towards their destination day and night."

"The most important thing is that when you are sitting on the train, you will not feel any bumps. You can drink tea, read a book, write, leisurely look at the scenery outside or chat with the people around you."

"If you feel tired, you can lie down, close your eyes, and have a good sleep. When you wake up, you will find that you are hundreds of miles away."

"This is an extremely great invention that will surely benefit the whole world and all mankind. Of course the people of Ming Dynasty also knew this. It is said that the team that developed the train was personally received by the Ming Emperor and rewarded them with noble titles and a large number of


"The Ming Dynasty people were very crazy and developed such a powerful and terrifying train, but what is really scary is that the Ming Dynasty people also had huge financial resources to develop railways."

"The road the train travels on is called a railway. It is a specially built road. It is paved with gravel. Sleepers are laid on top of the gravel. Rails are set on the sleepers. The train runs on the rails, so even if you cannot see it at night

, it can also drive.”

"According to the information I've heard from people here, building trains costs a lot of money. It uses high-quality steel to build railways. The steel required for one railway is probably far greater than all the steel in the Ottoman Empire put together."

not enough."

"The construction cost of one kilometer of railway is 50,000 taels of silver. The construction cost of a railway from the capital of Ming Dynasty to Nanyun Province in the far west is more than 500 million taels of silver."

"This is an unimaginably huge number, and all of this is based on the Ming Dynasty's own huge factories, workshops, and construction teams."

"If we in the Ottoman Empire want to build such a railway, its cost may be more than ten times higher. The Ottoman Empire simply cannot smelt the required steel, and there is not enough steel to build the railway."

"The train runs very fast. It can cover 40 miles in an hour. If it runs non-stop, it can cover thousands of miles in a day."

"Its powerful carrying capacity and terrifying speed are really important for a huge empire like the Ming Empire."

"In order to strengthen connections between various places and control various parts of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming court formulated a five-year railway plan and prepared to build several north-south and east-west main railway lines in various parts of the Ming Dynasty. Currently, the east-west main line Beijing-West Railway, the north-south railway line, and the north-south railway line have been started.

Main line Beijing-Hangzhou Railway.”

"At the same time, the people of Ming Dynasty raised funds through the stock exchange and have now raised funds to build several railways, connecting Liaodong, the grassland area, and the Beijing-Liaoning railway. It is said that it will be built all the way to the Vladivostok port in the north. In order to facilitate the transportation from

Golden Continent returns goods and personnel to Ming Dynasty."

"In order to strengthen control over the northern grassland area and prevent the expansion of the grassland nomadic tribes, the Ming Dynasty also planned to build a railway from the capital to Beihai. Once this railway is completed, it will be like a sharp sword hanging over the grassland, and

Just like a straw, it can continuously transport cattle, sheep and horses from the grassland to the Central Plains."

"The people of Ming Dynasty still have a lot of railway plans, and the progress is very fast. From project establishment to raising funds and starting construction, it is extremely efficient."

"The people of the Ming Dynasty are very supportive of road construction. They believe that repairing bridges, repairing roads, building schools, etc. are things that have great merit and great blessings. Many wealthy people are willing to do these things and gain a good reputation.


"The strong support from the public not only made it very easy to raise funds, but also made the resistance encountered at the local level very small, which made the railway construction very fast."

"I can fully imagine that in another ten years, the railway will cover most of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the entire huge empire will be tightly tied together by the railway and inseparable."

"Sitting on the fast-moving train, at this moment, I deeply feel the difference between our Ottoman Empire and the Ming Empire. This gap is like a chasm, which makes people feel desperate."

"While the Ming Empire was frantically building railways and planning to build a railway network covering the entire Ming Dynasty, our Ottoman Empire couldn't even build qualified rails. We didn't even have the resources to build a shorter railway.

There is a way to smelt enough steel."

"When I was in the cities of the Ming Empire, what I saw was the prosperous life of the Ming people and the confidence that citizens of a powerful empire should have, clean streets, and tall buildings. As for our Ottoman Empire, in addition to the capital Istanbul, there are also

Outside of taking a look, any other city is far from comparable to the cities of the Ming Dynasty."

"As for the dirty and smelly European cities, they are far from comparable. At this moment, I finally understand why some Ming people are not willing to go to European cities, because to be honest, they will really be put off by the stench of European cities.


"This is just the place I have been to. Now I am taking a train to the Beijing-Tianjin area, the core of the Ming Empire. It is said to be the richest and most prosperous area in the entire Ming Empire."

Ali Pasha put down the pen in his hand and slowly closed his notebook.

At this moment, his mood was extremely heavy.

As the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire, he was different from ordinary people.

When ordinary people come to Daming, they may be full of curiosity and freshness. They may feel that Daming’s food is delicious, Daming’s clothes are beautiful, Daming’s houses are beautiful, etc.

As for Grand Vizier Ali Pasha, the prime minister of the Ottoman Empire, what he saw was different from ordinary people.

He now feels extremely depressed, inferior, helpless, envious, etc.

Because he saw the power of the Ming Empire, and also knew how big the gap was between his Ottoman Empire and the Ming Empire.

In Ali Pasha's view, the gap between the Ottoman Empire and the Ming Empire was as if they were not in the same era. The gap between them was really too great.

It's so big that it makes people despair.

But in the Ottoman Empire, from the great Sultan to the ordinary people, almost everyone still ignorantly believed that as long as the Ottoman Empire regained its strength, the Ottoman Empire could avenge its previous humiliation and revenge on the Ming Empire.

This is a terrible idea.

Perhaps the Ming Empire did not take the Ottoman Empire to heart at all.

"Sir, please have something to eat. This is mutton. I heard people from the Ming Dynasty say it comes from sheep on the northern grasslands."

Moses and Rustu came to Ali Pasha's box and saw that Ali Pasha had finished writing, so they brought mutton and a bowl of rice.

The tickets they bought were for first-class seats, and each seat had its own small box. Of course, the ticket price was not cheap, and it was specially provided for wealthy people.

"Sit down~"

Ali Pasha had no appetite and motioned to Moses and Rustu to sit down and chat.

"Moses, Rustu, what do you think?"

"I feel a lot. Compared with the Ming Empire, other places in the world seem to be in primitive societies, so backward and ignorant."

"Although our Ottoman Empire is powerful, compared with the Ming Empire, the gap is really huge."

Ali Pasha looked out the window and said.

"Sir, we don't have to be so inferior. As far as I know, the Ming Empire has also developed rapidly in the past ten years. In the past, the Ming Empire was actually similar to us. They even had problems eating enough. They

It has been developed for ten years, so we have what we have now.”

"As long as our Ottoman Empire catches up, we can become as powerful as the Ming Empire."

When Rustu heard this, he quickly said.

He could see that the Grand Vizier in front of him had been hit hard this time. He had always been proud of the great Ottoman Empire, but when he came to the Ming Dynasty, this pride was completely shattered, no matter in every aspect.

Not as good as Ming Dynasty.

The gap is so big that it makes people feel hopeless.

"Rustu, you are right. As long as we catch up, we still have hope. Not to mention that compared with the Ming Empire, we should have no problem wiping out Europe."

"It's just that these things will all belong to you young people from now on. I am already old. After I go back, I will definitely recommend you solemnly to the great Sultan. I hope you can be put into great use by His Majesty the Sultan and contribute to the strength of our Ottoman Empire.


Ali Pasha smiled, young people should have such confidence.

As for Moses on the side, from the moment he set foot on the land of the Ming Dynasty, he was thinking about how to make money. As for the country, the Jews did not have their own country at all. If the country was strong, they would go to that country and become the leader of that country.

Just people.

The key is to have money and be able to control the economic lifeline of this country.

"After you go back, you must write to the Jews in Sephardi and ask them about their situation in Ning. The Ming people are really too xenophobic. Such a huge empire is unwilling to accept us Jews. This is really a pity.


"This place is so rich. It is a unified and powerful empire with unified currency, units, etc., and such a powerful railway. It is simply a paradise for businessmen!"

What Moses was always thinking about was how to make money. Seeing the prosperity and power of the Ming Empire, he really wanted to immigrate a large number of Jews to the Ming Empire. Unfortunately, the Ming people only wanted slaves.

"Rustu, you must remember this train. It is such a simple train. It is a great dragon, a dragon of the times, a rolling dragon. We in the Ottoman Empire must build our own railway!


This chapter has been completed!
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