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Chapter 1280, should be treated equally

"Old Liu, let me tell you, I will have a hundred sons in the future, and then each of my sons will have a hundred sons, so that I will have ten thousand grandchildren."

Having just arrived in the capital, they left the train station and sat on the four-wheeled carriage. Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao were chatting, and while they were chatting, they talked about their children.

As a result, this guy boasted without any drafts and actually wanted to have a hundred sons and ten thousand grandsons.

I'm afraid you don't know that in history, you didn't even give birth to a baby, but there were a lot of women, which was a waste of resources.

Of course, Liu Jin could only keep it in his stomach.

Speaking of this, Liu Jin also became worried.

This Zhu Houzhao is already eighteen years old and an adult, but I don't know if he will be unable to give birth to a child like in history.

If Zhu Houzhao had no descendants, would the Ming Dynasty be the same as in history? In the end, the Taoist priest Zhu Houcong would be advantaged.

If this is really the case, will it cause fluctuations in the current development of Ming Dynasty?

To be honest, Liu Jin liked Emperor Hongzhi and Zhu Houzhao. He knew their characters, their tempers and character. Emperor Hongzhi and Zhu Houzhao were actually very easy to get along with. They were both kind-hearted and nostalgic.

They also have a good relationship.

But Zhu Houcong is suspicious by nature, has no great wisdom, is very clever, and is the best at maneuvering the emperor. Working under him is definitely not as comfortable as working under Emperor Hongzhi and Zhu Houzhao.

"It would actually be good if Queen Zhang could give birth to a son."

Thinking of this, Liu Jin also showed a hint of worry about the future, but soon he couldn't help laughing when he saw the heartless Zhu Houzhao next to him.

This guy is already 18 years old after the Chinese New Year, and he is still a child. It is estimated that he will not be infertile due to premature contact with men and women, as happened in history.

Seeing how lively and energetic he is, I guess it would be no problem to give birth to ten or eight children.

"Your Highness, Mr. Liu~"

"Your Majesty and the Queen announce your entry into the palace~"

Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao had just returned to Liu Jin's house and were preparing to visit the vegetable greenhouses in the suburbs. Xiao Huangmen, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried over to convey Emperor Hongzhi's will.

There was no other way. The emperor just said a word, and his leg was broken while running down, and he had to rush into the palace to meet the saint.

In the Shangshu Room, Emperor Hongzhi, Empress Zhang, Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, Xie Qian, Zhang Mao and others discussed the selection of the crown princess for a long time, and the relevant systems and principles have basically been finalized.

"See my father and my mother~"

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty, the Queen~"

Zhu Houzhao and Liu Jin came to the study room and saw everyone chatting happily around the fireplace. Liu Jin was already guessing what they were talking about.

"You came just in time~"

"We are discussing the matter of choosing the crown princess."

"The prince will be eighteen years old next year. He has grown up and it is time to marry and have children. The prince's affairs are matters of the country and are related to the country and the country of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, the queen and I are discussing and discussing with everyone."

Emperor Hongzhi also said with a smile when he saw the two of them.


"Choose the Crown Princess?"

When Zhu Houzhao heard this, he was slightly dumbfounded.

Even though he was clamoring to have a hundred sons just now, when it came time to choose a princess for himself, he was a little unhappy.

"Women are all tigers, what's the point~"

Zhu Houzhao pouted and said that he had contact with many people when he was in the research institute. In addition to research, he sometimes also talked about some things in this area.

Many people in the institute are strictly controlled by their wives at home and are very afraid of their wives. Therefore, Zhu Houzhao, who hangs out with them every day, has also seen the tigress going crazy several times.

Now when I heard that I was going to choose a princess for myself, I remembered that scene and suddenly felt boring.

"Silly boy, it's time for boys to get married and girls to get married soon. You will be eighteen years old soon. If you were among the people, many people's children would already be able to make soy sauce."

When Queen Zhang heard this, she immediately said with a straight face.

"Okay, okay~"

"Just choose, remember to choose more. When the time comes, I will choose what I like. I don't want what you choose."

Zhu Houzhao curled his lips and said.

"Okay, it's up to you."

When Queen Zhang heard this, she immediately agreed happily.


Liu Jin on the side was immediately speechless. This guy is a famous and extravagant master in history, and his reputation is indeed well-deserved.

Fortunately, I have always stayed in a military academy for a period of time, and then immersed myself in research in a research institute. If it is like history.

He is surrounded by the palace every day, and the eunuchs around him do anything bad to please him. It is estimated that this guy has become lawless now.

He was studying in the military academy and doing research in the research institute. The only eunuch around him was Liu Jin. The others were all normal people, so Zhu Houzhao would not be a bad example.

"Liu Aiqing, the selection of the crown prince is related to the country and the country of the Ming Dynasty. It is related to the future of the Ming Dynasty. It is of great importance. We have also discussed it for a long time. Do you have any good opinions?"

Emperor Hongzhi looked at Zhu Houzhao and said nothing.

Even if he only has one woman, Queen Zhang, he can't ask his son to learn from him. If he wants to choose a few more, he can just choose a few. It's normal for the emperor to have three palaces and six courtyards.

He turned to look at Liu Jin, wanting to hear some of Liu Jin's views and opinions.

"Your Majesty, after consulting with the Queen and the princes in the court, will definitely come up with a perfect plan. I have nothing to add."

When Liu Jin heard this, he quickly replied.

The leader asks you to express your opinion, but don't express it stupidly. Moreover, Emperor Hongzhi just said it. They have been discussing it for a long time, and it is obvious that it has basically been decided.

"Liu Aiqing doesn't have to be modest~"

"The queen specially appointed you. She said that you are a disciple of an expert. You must have some good suggestions."

Emperor Hongzhi smiled and said.

"Yes, Liu Aiqing is resourceful and far-sighted. This matter of choosing a concubine for the prince is of great importance. I still want to hear your opinion."

Empress Zhang also followed suit and said that the harem of the Ming Dynasty was not allowed to interfere in politics. This policy was implemented very well from the beginning of the Ming Dynasty until the demise of the Ming Dynasty. Empress Zhang also came to the study room this time for the matter of the crown princess. Normally, she was very

Rarely enter the study room.

"The selection of the Crown Princess is a major matter that affects the country and the country of the Ming Dynasty. It is also a matter that affects the eternity of the Ming Dynasty. We must attach great importance to it."

"It's not just as simple as choosing a princess, it's related to every aspect of my Ming Dynasty."

After hearing what Emperor Hongzhi and Empress Zhang said, Liu Jin also pondered for a moment, thought for a while and spoke.

Liu Jin only knew that the prince's selection of concubines was very strict. At the same time, he also knew that in order to maintain the Ming Dynasty's tradition of not being involved in politics in the harem, all queens, concubines, etc. in the harem were selected from ordinary families.

This system has been continued. In the Ming Dynasty, there has never been a harem interfering in politics or relatives taking power. There have been arrogant and domineering relatives like the Zhang brothers, but they have no power themselves and do not pose a threat to the stability of the country.


"Today's Ming Dynasty is different from the Ming Dynasty of the past, and it is also different from the previous dynasties."

"Today's Ming Dynasty has a vast territory and a vast territory. It is not only our Han people who live in this vast territory, but also a large number of tribes."

"I believe that choosing the Crown Princess is a good opportunity. We can use this opportunity to consolidate our Ming Dynasty's rule over various territories, and we can also use this opportunity to consolidate the relationship between our Ming Dynasty Han people and other tribes."

"In the past, the crown prince was selected from among the people of the Han family in various parts of the Ming Dynasty. This time, I thought that we could also choose some outstanding women from various tribes in various parts of the Ming Dynasty."

"We can even select some from the vassal states of our Ming Dynasty, Korea, Japan, etc., in order to consolidate and strengthen our Ming Dynasty's connections and feelings with various places, tribes, and vassal states."

Liu Jin's words fell on everyone like a bombshell.

"No, absolutely no~"

"Anyone who is not of my race must have a different heart. How can I, the Crown Prince of the Ming Dynasty, choose a foreigner as my concubine?"

Liu Jian quickly stood up and expressed his opposition.

"Yes, if these foreign women are allowed to enter the palace, wouldn't it mean that the bloodline will be messed up in the future?"

Li Dongyang also shook his head and said.

"Liu Gong, Li Gong~"

"Today's Ming Dynasty is no longer the original Ming Dynasty with only two capitals and thirteen provinces. It is a Ming Dynasty with Liaodong, Grassland, Western Regions, Hezhong, Nanyun, Nanyang, Australia, Huangjinzhou and a large number of vassal states and colonies!"

"The emperor of the Ming Dynasty is not just the emperor of our Han people. He is the emperor of the steppe Mongols, the Uighurs of the Western Regions, the Wusun people, the Kazakhs, the Uszang people, the Caucasians of Nanyun Province, and the Georgians.

, he is also the emperor of Japan and Korea."

"Emperor Taizu opened the imperial examination for the first time. As a result, most of the candidates who participated in the imperial examination were candidates from the Jiangnan area. Emperor Taizu was furious and said, is there only half of the Ming Dynasty?"

"It's the same thing now. Is it true that the Ming Dynasty only has these two capitals and thirteen provinces? Are the people of the Ming Dynasty limited to Han people?"

"Selecting foreign women into the palace is a means to show that our Ming Dynasty treats all subjects equally. It can also consolidate the relationship between our Ming Dynasty and vassal countries such as Korea and Japan."

"At the same time, the prince selects concubines from all over the country and from various tribes to set an example for the people of the world, so as to promote exchanges and exchanges between each other and promote integration."

"Of course, the crown prince and important concubines must be chosen from among us Han people. We still have to distinguish between concubines and concubines."

After hearing Liu Jin's explanation, everyone nodded slightly, especially Emperor Hongzhi. His biological mother was not Han, but the daughter of a local official in Guangxi. After all, he was only half Han.

This chapter has been completed!
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