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Chapter 1303, for the world's women, for thousands of children

"As for giving birth, the first birth is actually the most difficult and dangerous. Generally speaking, the second birth is much smoother than the first. If it is a third or fourth birth, it will be easier."

"It is the most dangerous and difficult to give birth to a first child. Sometimes the mother has been giving birth for a day and a night without giving birth. Of course, one day and one night is not the longest. I once encountered a woman who gave birth for three days and two nights.

They haven’t even been born yet.”

While Wang Wenpo was eating raisins, she was also imparting her experience in delivering babies to the students in front of her.

As she was talking, the students next to her took pens and took notes very carefully. At the same time, beside her, Li Wenpo and Zhang Wenpo also interjected while eating raisins from the Western Regions: "My longest time,

I met a baby who was not born even after five days, but when he was born later, the baby was already dead."

"I must have been holding it in for too long. I was suffocated to death."

"I also met a woman who couldn't give birth even after several days of giving birth. As a result, the adult and the child were not saved in the end. Oh, what a sin."

"So, this woman must have a big butt. A big butt is good for fertility. This is not a lie."

"Yes, yes, I deliver babies. It is easier for women from ordinary families to have children. They are brave enough to do menial work and have better physical strength. It is easier for women to have children."

"On the contrary, those ladies and daughters of rich families are spoiled and pampered. They will suffer when they give birth to children."

"But the rich family gave a lot of money, and the most they gave was this amount~"

"Oh, that's really a wealthy family. The most I can give is this number."

"Although rich families give a lot of money, it is not easy to take care of a baby. There are many places to take care of, and many methods are not easy to use."

"Yes, yes, this is true. If it's normal, sometimes the mother is really tired after giving birth and when she's almost done, I'll prick her with a needle, and the baby will come out in no time."

"But do you dare to stab the daughter of a wealthy family?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of. Sometimes in order to give birth to a baby, you still have to prick what should be stabbed. If it doesn't work, you have to beat it out with a whip or a bamboo stick."

"As long as both the adults and the children are safe, that's all. As for the hardships and hardships, that woman is different. It doesn't matter whether she is a wealthy lady or a country girl. It's the same."


The three women chatted while eating, and the more they chatted, the more excited they became. They did not notice that the female students were all pale with fear. Thinking of the methods of delivering babies that the three of them mentioned, the female students were probably frightened.

I don’t dare to get married anymore.

As for outside the classroom, Liu Jin, Li Anyuan, and Zhang Zhigang were also dumbfounded. This saving was really too barbaric and rude.

The key is that each of these stable women is more arrogant than the other. No matter if you are a rich lady or something, when it comes time for them to deliver the baby, they will really hit and prick when they need to. The key is to finish the beating and after the pricking, whether it is

Neither the mother nor her family members dared to say anything to them, and even gave them big red envelopes.


Zhang Zhigang coughed softly, and several stable women and students noticed the people outside the classroom and stopped immediately.


When several female students saw Zhang Zhigang and Li Anyuan, they quickly stood up and saluted.

"No need to be polite~"

"This is Mr. Liu Jin Liu, the Minister of Civil Affairs of the current dynasty, and the founder and owner of our Daming Medical College. He came here specifically to inspect your obstetrics and gynecology department today."

Zhang Zhigang also waved his hand and introduced Liu Jin.

Upon hearing Zhang Zhigang's introduction, several stable women and students immediately widened their eyes, and their attitudes became extremely respectful.

"I've met Mr. Liu~"

"No need to be polite, just be casual~"

Liu Jin waved his hands with a smile, and then said: "I have benefited a lot from listening to you talk about the knowledge and experience of midwifery outside the door just now. If you continue to talk, we will also come to listen and learn."

"Master Liu, do you also want to listen to this kind of thing?"

When Wang Wenpo heard this, she immediately asked in surprise.

"Yes, Mr. Liu, these are all things that cannot be put on the stage. You are a literary star who has come down to earth, how can you listen to these things."

Li Wenpo also followed suit.


"How can I be a literary star? I am just an ordinary person who knows very little. No, in this regard, you are my teachers and you know more than me."

"As the saying goes, if three people walk together, there must be a teacher. Everyone can be someone else's teacher."

"Furthermore, reproduction is a matter of nature and human relations. It is not only related to the incense of each family and the inheritance of the family line, but is also related to national affairs and the common people of the world."

When Liu Jin heard this, he immediately smiled and said.

"Sir, this delivery can also be related to national affairs and the common people, isn't it?"

When the three women heard this, they felt a little unbelievable. This was the first time they heard that midwifery could affect national affairs.

For a long time, although Wenpo has some status, she has not been able to get on the stage. After all, there are many taboo things.

"Of course it is related to national affairs and the common people."

"You are all stable mothers, and you all have rich experience in delivering babies. You must also know that giving birth is very risky. I don't know how many women have died giving birth. These newborns are also very fragile.

Every year, I don’t know how many people die before they reach the age of one.”

"The reason why Daming Medical College established this major to study the subject of fertility is to improve technology in this area, benefit women, benefit mankind, reduce the risk of childbirth, and reduce the mortality rate of children."

Liu Jin said seriously.

"Master Liu is truly a star of literature and music. He is worthy of being a minister. He truly cares about the people."

"I have been delivering babies for more than ten years. I have indeed seen many people die while giving birth. When giving birth, it is easy to die due to heavy bleeding. There are also cases where the child has no energy and faints all of a sudden.

Some have died, and some have died of illness after giving birth. Basically, we know a lot every year."

"Yes, I have encountered many. Some of them have been born for a long time, and both adults and children are no longer good. Many children have to be thrown away within a few days after they are born."

"There are too many things like this and we encounter them all the time, so we all have to burn incense and worship Buddha first."

When the three Wen Po heard this, they immediately seemed to have been greatly encouraged. Until now, they had only been able to talk to some women about these things, but they did not expect that Liu Jin, a dignified official and minister, would also be willing to listen to them.

These things even describe their work as very important, related to national affairs and the common people.


Just hearing it made them feel that there was nothing wrong with being a stable woman, and that it was no less important than a court minister above the court.

At this time, several female students also became extremely serious and serious, as if they were shouldering sacred responsibilities and missions.

"The emperor loves his people as his sons~"

"Knowing that giving birth to a child is extremely dangerous, and knowing that the infant mortality rate is very high, I became even more worried. If the risk of childbirth and infant mortality rate could be reduced by half, I would be able to make dozens more babies every year.

Millions of people came."

"If a safe and reliable method can be developed, it will be a great event that will benefit the present generation and benefit the future!"

“However, now, due to the strong defense between men and women, coupled with people’s traditional thoughts and various prejudices and opinions, we have never been able to study and summarize. Therefore, our reproductive technology and medical technology have not been improved.


"In this regard, it is the most disadvantageous for women, because women have to bear huge risks when giving birth to children. Every year, too many women die giving birth to children."

Liu Jin brought out Emperor Hongzhi again, and when everyone present heard this, they all immediately stood in awe, with extremely respectful attitudes.

Everyone knows that Emperor Hongzhi loved his people as his own children. Coupled with newspaper propaganda, the rapid development of the Ming Dynasty in recent years, and people's living standards getting higher and higher, all these gave Emperor Hongzhi a very high prestige.

"I didn't expect that the emperor would also attach great importance to this matter."

Li Wenpo sighed.

"So I would also like to ask the three of you not to be too self-conscious and share more of your experiences and methods. We at Daming Medical College are in desperate need of talents and are in urgent need of people who understand this knowledge and have experience in this field to educate these students."

"In the future, we will increase investment and research in this area, recruit more students and teachers, constantly summarize experience and methods, try to reduce the risk of childbirth, and also find ways to improve the survival rate of babies.


Liu Jin smiled and nodded.

"Listening to Mr. Liu's words, how dare we hide anything or hide our secrets?"

"We are all women, and we all know the cries and pain of women. We have all given birth to children, and we know the difficulty and pain of giving birth. Basically, every family of ours has a child who died in infancy, and we also like every child.

Can grow up healthy and healthy.”

"Hearing Mr. Liu's words also made us ashamed. We will never hide anything for ourselves. We will pass on all our experiences and methods one by one to benefit more people."

After listening to Liu Jin's words, the three stable women were also in awe. Although they were all illiterate women, they were not ignorant or ignorant of morality.

Faced with Liu Jin's words, he was thinking about the women of the world and the children of thousands of families in the world, so he had to express his deep admiration, and naturally he was willing to share some of his own things.

"Yes, yes~"

"Actually, I have a lot of very useful methods here. For example, when giving birth, you need to prepare brown sugar. When the mother is weak and weak during childbirth, give her a bowl of brown sugar water to replenish her strength."

"Yes, yes, this method is good. I use it often. I will also prepare some pastries, food and other things. Giving birth is a physical job for a mother, especially sometimes, a lifetime lasts only a few days. It is impossible not to replenish energy in time.


"When I give birth, I usually push the mother's belly slowly. I have to push slowly in the direction to squeeze the belly properly."


As if they had opened up a chat box, several stable women started to share some of their own insights one by one, leaving the students on the side with no time to write them down.

This chapter has been completed!
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