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Chapter 1309, everyone's support

Liu Jin's words were sonorous and powerful, reaching every corner of the Jinluan Palace with clarity, making everyone present deafen their ears.

"A lot of things are very simple things and knowledge, but the women who delivered babies in Ming Dynasty didn't understand them, and the common people didn't understand them either, so there were many tragedies."

"Daming Medical College hopes to cultivate more doctors and doctors through its own efforts, cultivate qualified stable mothers, and at the same time develop new fertility methods."

"For example, in the case of caesarean section, many people who die in childbirth can actually save both adults and children through caesarean section."

"Everything you do is like the heart of a saint, selfless, for the women of the world, for the incense of thousands of families. I don't understand why you are still attacked by some people?"

"Could it be that if you keep shouting about being loyal to the emperor and serving the country and caring about the country and the people in this court, you will be able to reduce the risk of childbirth, or will you be able to reduce the mortality rate of children?"

"You don't care about these at all. You keep shouting for the women of the Ming Dynasty, but you don't even see the hundreds of thousands of women who die every year because of childbirth."

"They keep talking about the country and the country of the Ming Dynasty, but they don't see the millions of children who die early every year. Is this the pillar of the country of the Ming Dynasty? The humeral minister of the emperor?"

Liu Jin almost pointed at Fu Han's nose and spoke, making Fu Han's face turn red and he had nothing to say.

For these traditional civil servants, their favorite thing is to stare at the emperor and give advice. It is best if the emperor is bold enough to spit on his face, so as to leave a reputation for being upright and daring to give direct advice.

But for the shortcomings of the country's government and many things related to the national economy and people's livelihood, they basically selectively cannot see or hear.

Of course, this is also the limitation of the times and the limitation of understanding.

But they shouldn't have jumped out to object when Liu Jin was doing this. This made Liu Jin extremely annoyed and he launched an unceremonious counterattack.

"Well said!"

Emperor Hongzhi, who was sitting on the dragon throne, praised excitedly.

Liu Jin is still the same Liu Jin. Even though he is very lazy, he has never given any advice to him for many years. He is too lazy to write memorials. Even at the end of the year, he does not receive many memorials from Liu Jin.

Although he will not be like other ministers, shouting about loyalty to the emperor and serving the country every day, and shouting about the common people.

But Liu Jin took practical actions one by one to share his worries and solve the many shortcomings and problems that existed in the Ming Dynasty.

This is Liu Jin, who is always able to see the places that everyone cannot see, pay attention to the areas that no one pays attention to, and solve some problems that really trouble Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, what Liu Jin said makes sense!"

"Our Ming Dynasty loses hundreds of thousands of people every year due to childbirth, and millions of children die every year. If the Ming Medical College can develop a safe method of childbirth and reduce the mortality rate of children, it will be great.


"We really shouldn't look at and constrain them from a secular perspective. We should let them do it freely. We should also encourage the entire Ming Dynasty to study and research, sum up experience and lessons, so that the women of our Ming Dynasty can be safe and sound.

The children of Ming Dynasty will be able to grow up healthily."

Li Dongyang stood up and expressed his stance.

He thought of his several children who had died young. Although he was a very human minister, he did not even leave a son. This had to be said to be an extremely sad thing.

If there had been the Daming Medical College at that time, perhaps I could have left a seed behind, so that I would not have no descendants and would have to find my own brother to succeed him.

"I second the proposal~"

"The doctors at Daming Medical College are kind-hearted and dedicated to the public. They have been studying various medical skills and cultivating medical talents who can help the world."

"The new drugs and treatments developed by Daming Medical College and the doctors trained by it have now begun to benefit people all over the world and contribute to our Ming Dynasty."

"Looking at them from a secular perspective and restraining them will only hinder the progress of Ming medicine and allow tragedies to continue to repeat themselves scene after scene."

Liu Jian also expressed his stance.

He also thought of the children who had died in infancy and his grandchildren, and of his daughter who died in childbirth. Even though he was a highly respected minister, he was helpless to do anything about it.

"Your Majesty, I also agree with what Liu Gong and Li Gong said."

"If Ming Dynasty wants to prosper for a long time, it must continue to make progress in the medical field, reduce fertility risks, improve fertility levels, and reduce premature death rates."

"The Ming Medical College has superb medical skills, especially in the field of surgery. Over the years, our Ming Dynasty has used foreign troops, and too many soldiers have been cured by the doctors trained by the Ming Medical College."

"Many injuries that could not be saved or treated in the past can be cured and recovered under the treatment of doctors from Daming Medical College. They have powerful medical technology, which is also the guarantee of the strong combat effectiveness of the army!"

Zhang Mao also spoke on behalf of the military.

There is no doubt that Zhang Mao and the people on the military side must be Liu Jin's die-hard supporters. What's more, in this matter, Liu Jin is dedicated to the public, for the Ming Dynasty, and for the sake of thousands of families, so he should support him even more?

Who doesn’t have a daughter? A daughter-in-law?

Who has no children?

If you don’t support Daming Medical College, are you going to watch tragedies continue to happen?

Three heavyweights spoke for Liu Jin one after another. When other ministers saw this, they also expressed their support for Daming Medical College.

There is no reason not to support it.

Again, who hasn’t had a disaster yet?

Who has a family without daughters, wives, and children?

If Daming Medical College can produce some research results, it will naturally be beneficial to itself and cannot oppose this kind of thing.

Not to mention anything else, once you get sick or someone in your family is going to have a baby, you will still be indispensable at Daming Medical College.

The golden signboard of Daming Medical College is so resounding that everyone in the Beijing-Tianjin area knows it.

Fu Han looked at the scene in front of him and lowered his head silently.

A pair of old faces don’t know where to put them.

Those who originally jumped out to object were all silent at this time, lowering their heads in the crowd and stopped talking.

No one thought of the seriousness of this problem.

When it comes to the entire Ming Dynasty, this is a major event that affects the life and death of hundreds of thousands of Ming Dynasty women every year, and the death of millions of children.

On such a major matter, it would be really stupid if you still stubbornly point out ethics and order and women's chastity to oppose it.

"I didn't expect that women's childbirth is so important. I didn't expect that hundreds of thousands of women die every year due to childbirth, and millions of children die prematurely. This is the misfortune and sorrow of our Ming Dynasty."

"But thankfully, now we have noticed the seriousness of this problem, and Daming Medical College is a pioneer and is constantly conducting relevant research. This is my luck in Daming!"

"In order to show support for Daming Medical College, and in order to be related to the women and children of Daming, I have decided that the Queen's birth will be carried out here at Daming Medical College."

"The Queen and I will set an example for hundreds of millions of people in the world. Let us, Ming Dynasty, work together to overcome difficulties, work together to reduce reproductive risks, reduce the rate of child mortality, and improve the medical level of our Ming Dynasty!"

Emperor Hongzhi stood up and told everyone his attitude on this matter in the most direct action.

He himself had suffered from intestinal carbuncle. In the past, there was no cure for this disease, and he could only wait for death. With the Ming Medical College, Emperor Hongzhi was reborn, and the Ming Dynasty continued to be stable.

He is very aware of the horror of quackery, and he also understands what Liu Jin said about those steady women who harm people. Wen Po, who does not understand anything, has killed many people.

Therefore, we must support Daming Medical College to continuously improve the medical level of Daming and benefit the hundreds of millions of people in Daming.

Hearing Emperor Hongzhi's words, all the ministers were shocked, but soon, everyone shouted in unison: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Soon after the morning meeting adjourned, Emperor Hongzhi summoned important ministers to discuss matters in the study room of Qianqing Palace.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the top priority is not only to expand the obstetrics and gynecology department of Daming Medical College, but also to recruit women from all over the Ming Dynasty to carry out relevant knowledge education and skills training."

"For example, maternity mats, many supplies for childbirth, etc., boiled at high temperatures and then exposed to the sun, can greatly reduce the probability of maternal infection and reduce the risk."

"In addition, there is knowledge about newborn care, such as amniotic fluid discharge, oral respiration, disinfection, etc. These are all basic common sense and knowledge."

"There is also a need to popularize the drinking of boiled water. Every year in Ming Dynasty, too many people get sick and die due to cold water infection. As long as this water is boiled before drinking, it can greatly reduce bacteria and viruses and reduce the risk of illness.


"But most of our stable women in various parts of the Ming Dynasty don't understand these, or they know relatively little, so they are prone to death."

"In the name of the government, we force these stable women to learn these things, which will definitely greatly reduce the mortality rate and reduce risks."

"Of course, in the long run, we still need to establish a complete and formal system, and first establish provincial hospitals in each province of Daming, similar to hospitals like Daming Medical College."

"After we have enough medical talents, we will gradually push the hospital to every state capital and county in our country to establish a complete medical system and improve the medical level of our country."

In the Shangshu room, Liu Jin also reported to Emperor Hongzhi again.

It is obviously unrealistic to improve the medical level of Ming Dynasty all at once. This requires step by step, the establishment of a large number of hospitals, schools, and a large number of talents.

But there are some things that can be done now, and the results are very obvious. Liu Jin also suggested starting to implement them now.

This chapter has been completed!
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