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Chapter 1318, Black Coal Mine

In a coal mine in Huairou County, Niu Xiaopeng was struggling to dig coal. Because he had been imprisoned in this coal mine for a long time and was surrounded by foreign media from morning to night, he was completely dark, as dark as coal.

He was originally an honest farmer who wanted to work in a factory in the capital, but he was forced by a group of gangsters to come to this coal mine to mine coal.

Forget about digging coal, you work all day long without any rest. The key is that you don’t get paid, and you don’t even have enough food to eat, and it’s very unpalatable.

Several times some people tried to escape, but they were caught and severely beaten by the local gangsters who were guarding them. One person in the same village was even beaten to death.

It has been several years. Niu Xiaopeng has come up with various ways to escape from here, but they all ended in failure. After several attempts to escape, Niu Xiaopeng was beaten and bruised all over his body, and there was an ugly centipede-like mark on his face.

of scars.


Following several coughs, Niu Xiaopeng spit out a mouthful of blood.

"We can't go on like this~"

"If you stay here any longer, you will die here sooner or later. Either early or late, you will die. It is better to try your best and escape, so that you can go back and see your wife and mother."

While Niu Xiaopeng was digging coal, he quietly approached Wei Dabao from the same village, whom he had played with since childhood.

"I'm planning to escape, do you want to come with me?"

"If we don't go out, I'm afraid we will die of exhaustion here sooner or later."

Niu Xiaopeng said in a low voice.

It is strictly forbidden to chat with each other here. If you are seen, you will be severely beaten by the gangsters. Niu Xiaopeng also calculated the time accurately.

At this time, those gangsters must be making money. There are only a few people patrolling around, so it is also a good opportunity to escape.

"Okay, count me in."

"Sooner or later I will die. Even if I die, I will die outside."

Wei Dabao also had scars on his face from being beaten. He tried to escape several times, but was caught and beaten severely every time.


"We have been imprisoned here for more than two years and have been doing this for more than two years. More than a dozen people have died during this period. If this continues, we will all die here."

Niu Xiaopeng looked around cautiously, and then said: "Now is a good time, pick up the shovel and follow me."

After saying that, he picked up his shovel and walked outside regardless of whether Wei Dabao would follow him or not.

He had already figured out everything here, and he had also planned to escape today. He called Shang Wei Dabao just to take care of each other, and he only said it before he was about to escape.

Wei Dabao picked up his shovel and followed him. The two of them went outside. There were people guarding the coal mine. Especially at the entrance and exit, a group of gangsters were gambling and were very involved in the game.

"Follow me~"

Niu Xiaopeng took the lead cautiously, dodging left and right, and actually let him go past the guard, and was about to escape quietly.

"Someone ran away~"

At this moment, among the people who were also brought in to dig coal, someone saw the two people escaping and immediately shouted out.


"Ma Dan, you are such a bitch."

Hearing this sound, Niu Xiaopeng and Wei Dabao spread their legs and started running away, while they couldn't help but cursed.

These ruffians are very good at it. Anyone who reports on the escape will be rewarded. The reward is a full meal and braised pork. If you see someone running away and don't report, you will be severely beaten.

Therefore, sometimes when escaping, you not only need to be on guard against these guards, but also on guard against these people who are also imprisoned for coal mining. Several times, some people have reported them in order to eat a meal of meat.

"It's that bastard Wang Jingwei~"

Wei Dabao ran away desperately and immediately recognized who the voice was.

"He deserves to die in this coal mine."

"Let's go into the mountains. They have horses. We can't outrun them on the plains."

Niu Xiaopeng also tried his best to escape, because the ruffians had heard the sound and were chasing after him angrily.


"How dare you run away~"

"Don't let me catch you, see how I break your legs."

The leading gangster was furious and lost money in gambling again. He chased her on horseback and shouted.

"Tap tap~ tap tap~"

In the mountains and forests, a group of people were riding horses at high speed, driving deer, deer, rabbits, pheasants, wild boars, etc. around in the mountains and forests.


With the sound of an arrow, a sharp arrow instantly hit a pheasant.

"Your Highness is so awesome~ Your Highness is so awesome!"

Around Zhu Houzhao, several beauties immediately cheered and jumped for joy. When they looked at Zhu Houzhao, their eyes were filled with little stars of admiration.

"Haha, haha~"

"That is, when I was in the army, I won an archery medal. Although I was not the most powerful, I was always on target."

Zhu Houzhao raised his head slightly proudly. He was most interested in and spent the most energy in contacting military-related things. Horse riding and archery were trivial.

"Bring me the musket~"

As Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, Liu Jin quickly picked up a Miyun 20th musket newly manufactured by Miyun Arsenal.

This musket is the latest musket developed by Miyun Iron Works. It has rifling, long range and high accuracy. The key is that it adopts the rear-loading mode of later generations, using uniformly manufactured copper-cased bullets and a firing pin.


This musket is basically not much different from the guns of later generations. It is the result of many years of research by Miyun Arsenal under the guidance of Liu Jin. It is an epoch-making product.

"Tsk, tsk, this gun is much more powerful than before."

Zhu Houzhao held a musket in his hand, aimed at three points and one line and fired a shot, directly hitting the target he aimed at.

"Haha, it's really useful. Let's try it for hunting~"

Zhu Houzhao rode a horse and started hunting in the forest with a musket.


With the sound of a gunshot, a wild boar struggled unwillingly and fell heavily.

"Haha, it's really useful!"

Zhu Houzhao shouted excitedly.

The most difficult part of this hunt is the wild boar.

Wild boars generally have a thick 'armor' made of mud mixed with pine tree oil. Coupled with their rough skin and thick flesh, it is difficult to shoot wild boars with a bow and arrow.

Unless one has incredible arm strength and uses a heavy bow and arrow, it is possible to hunt wild boar.

But it's different when using a musket. With one shot, as long as the shot is accurate, no matter how big the wild boar is, it will fall.

"Your Highness Shenwu~"

"Your Highness is so amazing~"

Liu Jin and the beauties around him immediately started flattering her.


Zhu Houzhao nodded with great enjoyment.

"Don't run~don't run~"

"Stop, stop~"

Just when Zhu Houzhao was getting excited about hunting, Niu Xiaopeng and Wei Dabao ran towards Zhu Houzhao panting while running away.

Behind them, there were more than a dozen people chasing after them. Some were riding horses, while others were running. Some had weapons and swords in their hands, while others held bows and arrows.

Sticks, ropes, fishing nets, etc.

"Protect His Highness~"

Seeing these people, Liu Jin immediately became nervous. With an order, the palace guards in disguise immediately gathered around and surrounded Zhu Houzhao and his beauties. At the same time, they unloaded their bows and arrows, opened their musket safety, and raised their shields.

Now, the sword in his hand is also held in his hand.


Niu Xiaopeng and Wei Dabao couldn't run away and were already in despair. Suddenly they saw Zhu Houzhao and others, so they ran towards Zhu Houzhao and shouted loudly.

"Go and see what's going on?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at the extremely dark Niu Xiaopeng and Wei Dabao and said: "These two people must be Kunlun slaves, but why do these Kunlun slaves speak so well in the Ming Dynasty? Moreover, slaves are not allowed in our native Ming Dynasty, let alone

Male slaves of other races are allowed to exist."

"It doesn't look like a Kunlun slave. He must be from our Ming Dynasty. This hair and clothes are all the clothes of my Ming Dynasty people."

Liu Jin looked at it carefully and said.

While talking, Niu Xiaopeng and Wei Dabao were getting closer and closer to Zhu Houzhao and others. They were very scared when they saw the people around Zhu Houzhao holding swords, bows and arrows, muskets, and riding horses.

But looking at the gangsters who were chasing after him, they gritted their teeth and walked straight towards Zhu Houzhao, shouting as they walked: "My dear, help me, my dear, please help me~"


"what happened?"

"Who are you?"

"Why here?"

The palace captain responsible for protecting Liu Jin stopped the two of them on horseback and asked sternly.

"My name is Niu Xiaopeng, and he is Wei Dabao. We were originally farmers from Baoshan Town, Huairou County. When we went out to work in the capital, we were forcibly taken to their coal mine by the gangsters under Sun Zixiang, the bully in Huairou County. Not only did we not

They paid us wages, imprisoned us, and refused to let us go home. We haven’t been home for two years.”

"Please save us, sir. If they take us back, we will be dead. In the past few years, they have beaten more than a dozen people to death just by taking out the coal mine."

Niu Xiaopeng and Wei Dabao knelt down and said anxiously, looking behind them from time to time. They saw that the ruffians had already chased after them, each of them looking fierce and holding something in their hands, which made them even more frightened.



When Zhu Houzhao heard this, he immediately lost his desire to hunt.

"It's unreasonable. It's so lawless and lawless that it even imprisons people for mining and beats them to death."

Zhu Houzhao was really angry. He was originally planning to find a good way to deal with the Sun family slowly. Who knew that the Sun family had done so many unreasonable things, even imprisoning people to mine like slaves?

I can do everything, and there is really nothing I dare not do.

This chapter has been completed!
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